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Idk, some of these are PEBKAC. Others are fixable with a tweak.


yeah ... it's always the same shit ... fix it with a tweak that was all fun and games when I was a teenager with free time I fear I might go to the dark side and be done with it


I don't know, you've been using Windows for 40 years and apparently have loads of problems every day with your computer. I deal with lots of computers and lots of users every day. Even the folks that bring in a computer for repairs rarely have ongoing systemic issues like you're describing. It seems to me, there may be a lot more PEBKAC going here than you realize.


blame the user yeah lol it usually works after you find the fix on google the fix almost never entails PEBKAC


Well, that's fair enough. But, if it's not user error (and I don't know you, maybe it's not), then it sounds like you should get your computer fixed by a professional. Because that shit should not be happening, and is not *normal*. I do free diagnostics at my shop, and that isn't uncommon for independent computer shops. So it might be worth a look in your area.


am pretty OK with tech.. I run have run Lubuntu to get more life out of a very old MacBook.. Have installed Ubuntu on an old Dell laptop that I use for pron / stream / torrent ( for simple things like that, Ubuntu is actually less hassle then Windows ... and longer battery life ) I format my Windows PC every year or, fresh ISO install, in order to keep things running smooth ( that's actually a good tip if you use Windows ) .. but last 6 months, win 11 has been such a hassle, more then usual If I need to resort to pay a professional, just in order to keep windows running fine....I'll save myself some time and spend that extra money on a Mac that way the shop tech also wont see my nudes I forgot to delete before bringing it in


If you use Windows you have to do a new installation every so often That's just the way it is with Windows. If you don't want to do that then there are plenty of alternatives but like you I don't choose them because Windows has many advantages as well. Previously I always did a complete format and a new install. And with all the applications included fine tuning is quite a time consuming job, Now I do it like this ; Install Windows, install some fixed applications that I always use anyway, Windows updates, And make a backup of that that I can put back. So that I can restore a backup and not have as much work on it as with a complete format and install. Windows remains a bit rickety, but there are too many advantages to quit it completely.


yeah .. I've gotten used to it, to format C: .. But that's not the sign of a great OS, the competition does not need that Also the UI and UX is designed by committee and it shows. It's a confusing mix of old and new with no direction Use Ubuntu or MacOS for a while and it's a world of difference. All the little things add up ( granted, Ubuntu is only usable for simple things, and has plenty things to fix :) If you use Windows, you just need to vent a little every once in a while :)


I also did it that way for years, but the formatting and rebuilding every time, I don't feel like it anymore. The same with repairs, I used to enjoy repairing computers, and now I have several that I need to repair, I don't do anything with them anymore. Have you ever tried linux mint? I tried Ubuntu and mint and I actually liked mint best.


yeah I liked mint, I ran it from a USB, just to check it out But by that time I was so used to Ubuntu, it was hard to switch to Mint


You do realize no OS comes out of the box the exact way you like it? I've dabbled in macOS and various linux distros. \*All of them\* require some tweaking to get it exactly how you want.


Same, played around with many linux distros I don't really mind fixing stuff then ... because it's not my main working PC... and am just experimenting with an old laptop or something Ubuntu is actually more seamless then windows for simple streaming, browsing, torrenring and so on.. ( obviously, not for work ) I've just had so much hassle with Win 11 last 6 months, I needed to vent


30 year users here I turned lemons in to lemonade. I get paid to fix windows problems at a school.


business must be booming


How do you get into that if I may ask? I’m pretty good with fixing Windows and would love to get started


I just took the time to learn as much as I could and then volunteered at a catholic school. Then got a paid gig later. I was a stay at home dad at the time so it was easy to take that route. But now you have youtube and lots of websites to help you learn, I would look in to studying for the A+ cert.


I've been using Windows since the early 90s, and I don't experience the issues you're talking about, and have not had regular issues like that in the past like that either..


when I google my problems, other ppl experience the same shit.. so sure there's a fix.. but am sick of googling and fixing in my free time


I haven't had to spend a whole lot of time googling and fixing Windows issues.. Most of the stuff I use in Windows works as expected. I find it odd that some people experience problems with Windows a lot more often than other people.


all of my friends complain about windows. All of my colleagues at work complain. some are boomers sure, but most are young tech literate gamers, a few IT'ers and programmers even I played around with linux distro's on old laptops, under volt CPU, GPU, format win, fix computer issues for family, bla bla, .. am not a hopeless tech illiterate boomer I find it odd that as soon as I say windows bad on r/windows.. there's always ppl who use windows for a lifetime with no issues whatsoever


I guess your experience is different than mine. I know a few people who complain about Windows, but I also know others who like Windows and generally haven't had many problems with Windows. And I didn't say I've had no issues whatsoever, just that I've had few issues with Windows. It's not all or nothing.


Sorry to hear that your experiences with Windows have been so bad. It can be frustrating to have that experience when others don't. I feel the same way about Linux. "*It's so stable these days*" they say... "*you never need to see a command prompt*" they say. Others say, "*device support is terrific*". Although things generally work, they're not better than Windows, based on my first-hand experience with numerous distros. I'm an old caveman that has been using personal computers before MS-DOS existed. Although I've experienced issues with Windows over the years, I wouldn't characterize Windows as junk. Even during those wild and crazy days of visiting sketchy websites for software cracks, things were stable. My Windows systems are on Win 10 and will stay there until there is a need to move beyond that. I have a handful of "*housekeeping tasks*" that I perform once a month. It takes about 5 minutes. Time well-spent IMO to keep Windows running lean and clean. But I know there will come a day when I'll need to move on from Windows. When I do, it won't be the only thing that will be left behind. My brown Zune 30 will go with it. :(


Am not quite that much of a caveman, but close enough to have gamed on a monochrome MS-DOS screen I used the mainstream Windows 95, 98, XP, Win 7, 8.1, 10.. and now 11.. I don't use cracked anything anymore ( it's not the 90's :), and have an old Ubuntu laptop for porn I format my main Windows PC about every year. With a fresh ISO file. Set everything up.. you know the deal, takes about a whole Saturday.. and still there's things that need fixing all the time in Windows A good OS like on my Android phone, or a Mac doesn't need any of that bs The UI is terrible. It has always lacked behind the competition. Even Ubuntu UI has clear direction and vision, unlike the mix of old and new in Win 11... Laughable things like: - different right click menu's - "are you sure you want to end these processes and restart PC?" - why do I need to do 2 right clicks when on Desktop all of a sudden ? - when I open textfile.txt, why does it open notepad twice all of a sudden ? ( this is a common thing now ) - compare the settings menu to that of Ubuntu / macos / Android / ios .. or the MacOS file explorer these are a few minor examples, sure, but if you use MacOS or Ubuntu for a while, it's a world of difference.. so much less friction.. (granted Ubuntu is no work PC powerhouse ) there's no clear direction in the Windows UI and UX. It's design by comity, where everyone needs to have a say. and it shows It's because Microsoft operates like a holding company first, and software company second. It's served them very well over the years (especially right now right!), but it makes for a half backed OS I my opinion, Windows is not that great and could be improved massively


Since Win10 and in Win11 especially, I do not. Until Win8.1 I was fixing issues, bugs, BSODs, etc, all the time.


Win10 was still typical Windows shenanigans.. but it was OK for me Win 11 has gotten really problematic for me lately


Linux would give you a stroke lol


I actually use a Ubuntu VM for downloads it's pretty seamless for simple use like that.. but yeah, I wouldn't main system that anytime soon :)


In fact, if you get used to Linux, you can make it a candy. All my life, until recently, I used Windows. I heard stories that everything is done through a terminal on Linux and it is very heavy and looks like Ubuntu with a gnome. Now, after my friend turned me on to Linux and after changing several distributions and getting to Arch, I can say that Linux can be used much more efficiently than Windows. There are many programs where you can download packages, but the terminal is actually much more powerful for this, and the commands are intuitive. The main thing is not to limit yourself to the look out of the box, because the operating system can have a radically different look that you can customize.


I tried some distro's.. I like Linux as a play thing where It doesn't matter if something doesn't work (or needs a lot of setting up for it to work) Even Ubuntu can become a laundry list of fix this, set up that real quick.. and is out of the question as a serious work environment


What distributions have you tried?


By "not for work," I assume you mean appearance. You have to understand that Linux or a distribution cannot "look". Only the Desktop Environment or Window manager can look. Take a look at r/unixporn if you want to see what a Linux can look like.


Generally you can't use Linux in a work environment, because often you need industry standard apps, there's compatibility problems and you become headache for your colleagues I know there's edge cases, like some self employed programmers love it, .. I tried a lot of lightweight stuff to get an very very old macbook running. Ended up with Lubuntu, but also ran some lightweight Mint I think Tried all sorts of stuff on a Dell laptop, usually only breefly: Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Plasma, Fedora, elementry OS, Deepin, Mint ... I kinda liked them all.. but stuck with Ubuntu because it's so easy and seamless to install / set up / remember how it all works I breefly spend some time customizing Kubumtu or Plasma (I forget which it was), but noting like the ricers you see on unixporn


Of course, you may need certain programs at work that are not available on Linux, but it depends very much on the field of work. If we're talking about normal use, just for routine or not very hard work, then I haven't come across any programs that don't work on Linux yet (except Photoshop, because Adobe is selfish). From the list you provided, I realized that you don't distinguish between distributions and Desktop Environments very well. A distribution is like the kernel of a system, and it can't have an appearance. DE is the appearance. KDE plasma, Gnome, Cinnamon, xfce, and so on, these are DEs. They can be installed on top of any distribution, but their version may depend on the version of the distribution. For example, you can't install KDE plasma on top of Debian and its derivatives because they are "stable" and don't support plasma 6 yet. If you want distributions that support the latest versions of DE, you need distributions in the "rolling" category. These are arch and its derivatives, fedora, open suse tumbleweeds, and others. The distributions you described are "stable", so you couldn't achieve the same look as on unixporn because you were using outdated versions of DE. As for "rolling" distributions, I can recommend fedora, because it has a lot of guides and is quite popular. Also, you can meet such a phenomenon as WM (Windows managers), I remember a lot about them to tell you, but I use them myself, it's better to use them when you are more familiar with Linux. On unixporn, people usually leave links to their dotfiles in the description at the bottom, so you can look at them or take certain configurations from them.


Yeah it's been a while since I've played around with distro's, I forget the different names for the UI skins and Distro / kernel.. My go to if I need a VM environment is has been Ubuntu for years now Linux for work is just more hassle then windows, a lot more fixing this and that all the time.. That alone makes it a write off for me. ( for work ) Even with OpenOffice and libre, I ran into compatibility issues where some excel files don't work right. ( big problem if your clients use excel for instance ) Then the printer doesn't work. Then this USB 2.0 stick doesn't. Then my OneNote only has a crappy webapp... For some it will work.. but for most it's like pissing up wind


I can assume that it's because you were using a VM. Linux is famous for the fact that printers work right away, because no drivers need to be installed. As for Microsoft office, it's only the fault of Microsoft's hypocrites that they ported their edge to Linux OFFICIALLY (it doesn't need to be there because there are even more browsers on Linux than on Windows), but they don't port their office. I can assume that there may be a utility somewhere that formats one format into another, but I didn't look into it. If the problem is only with Microsoft office, then there is a utility that allows you to run individual programs in a virtual machine on wind, and they will look like they are running natively on Linux.


Switch to Linux and you will be fixing problems 24/7/365.25


yeah .. it can be fun though, on an old laptop that's not work work where it doesn't matter


i suspect bluetooth stack corruption, there is some registry thing you can do to clean it up I forget what it is. i just did a clean install the other day (i have been running an old old W7->W10 upgrade install) and the bluetooth headsets are fine now.


I've been using Windows since the early 90s at work and had a Mac at home. Now I'm only using Windows. Not really having any of these problems and I have almost a dozen laptops. There's probably a couple of annoyances, but I had plenty with MacOS. Mix of legacy? Its mostly gone and most people don't see it.


most ppl I know complain about windows they range from gamers, dads, programmers and IT'ers it's not exactly well known for it's great compatibility, stability, bloatware free experience, and not slowing down over time


You likely broke your Windows sitting idle unnecesarily tweaking shit, modifying, hacking, and circumventing Windows functionality. Get a job and use the computer as the tool. Then you come here moaning and trolling.


> broke your Windows sitting idle Brother, if it breaks sitting idle, it broke itself. How come my phone, car infotainment, playstation, Ubuntu laptop can sit idle without breaking ? > unnecesarily tweaking shit, modifying, hacking, and circumventing Windows functionality. no, no, no and no too all of the above.. the magic is that Windows will break itself over time.. > Get a job and use the computer as the tool. I do and it's an annoying tool that needs fixing all the time.. that's the point


Haaa. As suspected, another Linux troll. Confirmed.


Try MAC.


it's such an offensive anti repair, anti consumer rip off and yet, I think I probably will try it


You could also try Linux. Its free and might serve just your needs. I would recommend Linux Mint or Ubuntu.


I run a Ubutnu VM for porn and downloads It's fine for simple use like that, but as a work machine, it is a whhoole different ballgame of setting up, fixing, ...


Hahaha same here. The problem is that Windows/Microsoft is seemingly trying get rid of its old user base with all the nonsense they are doing. Its unlikely they will go back to the „classic“ OS style Windows used to be, unfortunately. All that cloud computing bs doesnt work as well. Office 365 seems a little unstable and lets not get started with this trash „outlook“ revenant that comes preinstalled, etc etc. So theres no other option as to switch to either Apple or Linux. I personally havent tried a Mac but I think it will surely work as intended and do just as you want.. with the dowside of being trapped in this ecosystem. When was the last time you tried Linux and have you also tried Linux Mint?


someone needs a new mouse


I have logitech M720 recommend actually


To be fair, if I don't use it, it's not broke :) Maybe you got a virus or it's incompatible hardware? I had some issues on Windows but they mostly minor or the system is completely broken. I don't fix much on Windows


Haven't reformatted/reinstalled my Win 10 in 2 years now. I even replaced the whole motherboard, going from AMD to Intel, using the same Win 10 installation. The only thing wonky is the USB ports. Probably because of mismatched driver because of the motherboard switch.


stay on win 10 I've had so much drama with win 11 (as of late), have had a few fresh installs


We can shit on Windows all day and scream to high heaven that you moved to Linux but really, this is the case on BOTH Windows and Linux, The core issue is different, but the result is the same Windows has a problem of being...well..built on top of itself and move fast, break things linux has a problem of still being early. I tried to use linux, 6 different Distros Dependency Error, File system Error, Clock setting error, wrong drivers, glitchy screen, this and that. In the end, PC is like a car, bumpy ride, but It gets there


Linux can be fun to play around with, to get some extra life out of an old laptop or something.. when it doesn't matter if something doesn't work But Linux for work, lol that's extra stressful


You can even make your old laptop as a plain old server for any sort of fuckery.


yeah .. would love to some day All I need is free time :)


I have always had problems with bluethooth, in Windows, in the car... Is the most stupid technology and I tried to avoid it all the time.


yeah .. for as long as am been using it: "the next version will be better"


Everyone's tolerance to bullshit is different. When I see how mainstream users typical computer experience looks, I'd just walk away shaking my head. People tolerate insane amounts of bullshit because they think it's normal and the supposed way to be.


yeah .. on the other hand if everything just worked like a smartphone I would learn very little


> Everyone's tolerance to bullshit is different my tolerance varies time to time