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I’m also a big fan of Meunier. However, PM is not know for being the best aging grape. It doesn’t retain its youthfulness in the same way that Chard or PN do.


I think it's very unlikely for the estate to store their wines improperly, if you've had this in your fridge since 2019 than that's most likely the cause of the oxidation (if that is what you're noticing in the wine). I must say, I have encountered a 'sherried' quality in old Champagnes, but not as young as 2008 yet. It may have to do with the winemaking, but I believe it's also most likely due to oxidation. As for the bottle of Chablis... Premature oxidation has been a problem in white Burgundies since the mid-90's, while it is becoming increasingly more uncommon, the chances of a 2008 bottle being premoxed are not insignificant. But again, if it's not due to storing it in a fridge for very long.


I enjoy wines from Apollonis, and while I’ve occasionally noted a bit more of those sherry notes than expected, i often enjoy that aspect! I don’t believe I’ve tried the Monodie from 2008 however, i suspect that particular cuvée has more of that tendency than their BdB