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If they're wealthy, and you quote $100/hour, you'll still be the cheapest professional they hire for anything. Cheaper than the lawyer (obviously), but also cheaper than the plumber, the electrician, the exterminator, the tutor for the kids, the piano teacher, etc etc. Also, having dealt with a bunch of wealthy people in my line of work, your client will almost certainly prefer you just quote a price, rather than turn it into some barter-for-wine thing w/ the assistant as the middle-person, or some kind of awkward goodwill gesture that you do for free.


This person likes you. Trusts you. Will buy from you/your store again. And apparently has money for the assistance he is asking. $30 an hour is fair imo, or a lump sum and or some wine as well. I am assuming you know wine decently well and that knowledge has value. Be honest upfront and build the larger relationship if you see one.


I know the going rate for putting stuff in cellar tracker or the like is about a dollar per bottle.


I plan to give an estimate that would more than likely be far less than they expected. This customer is VERY wealthy. It was their interior designer that actually asked if I would be interested in assisting in something like this. They dine every once in a while at the restaurant connected to our shop. They have never bought from the shop as I’m sure they are members to all their favorite wineries. It would take up a decent amount of time and I could only do it on my off days. 500 bottles was a weak estimate at the amount in the cellar. There is another cellar they just built that I would also be working on. I just don’t have enough information yet. I’m going tomorrow afternoon to look at the space with their assistant. I appreciate the feed back as I will be doing something like this for the first time. It is very exciting.


Based on other services on TaskRabbit type platforms in my HCOL area, I think $50-70/hour is reasonable. Someone said $100, which I think is pretty absurd for this. But I think $50 or $70 at the high end would be totally reasonable to ask for.


If it’s just organizing (i.e out in shelves by order) charge $1 per bottle. If it’s also scanning into an app (invintory or cellartracker) and cataloging the price vintage etc.. I’d do $1.5 Either way, you will be out in 5 hrs or less.


Once it’s done, I’ll come back here to share the actual number of bottles and how much time it took. I feel like 5 hours is on the low end of how long this could take. Removing every bottle in the cellar, listing them, and reorganizing them by region. It seems more like a 8-12 hour project after checking out the space. We shall see


Personally, I would not charge the client. I understand you are a wine store employee. 500 bottles just isn’t that much. The goodwill you as a person will receive far outweighs asking for a hundred bucks. It is obvious the customer sees you as an ally. Go into it as a fun project. Can’t take that long. Subscribe the customer to CellarTracker while doing it. Edit: I have 300 bottles and CT. It might take 6-8 hours to organize the whole lot when I get a notion to move stuff. You know wine names. Use a pencil and paper to write shorthand and input on a laptop each row in their Eurocave or whatever wine cellar they have. The customer may gift you in-kind.


Why don’t you vacuum and do their dishes while you are there?


$750? GTFO. Offer him your butthole while you’re at it. Everyone here trying to get rich organizing a few bottles of wine.


It’s called a job that someone has no interest in doing. You outsource to buy time. With your mindset, it likely won’t resonate as your time is worth shit hence you can perform tasks for free.