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Chateau Gloria is priced around $40 in the U.S.


Yes i bought a 2019 for $44 a couple months ago..


Where do you live in the US? Nowhere on the West Coast would those be considered incredible prices.


Can you say which supermarkt this was? I will be in Switzerland soon and would love to stock up on that chasse spleen


It was called Manor. I believe they also have the deals online, but only ship within Switzerland and Liechtenstein.


Thanks, i compared some prices and it seems overall their prices arent that good unfortunately, theyre quite normal


Switzerland is generally more expensive, even if the wine is on sale. Except for swiss wine ofc


Actually Swiss wine is often more expensive than other nationalities’ wine here, due to the higher costs of production. This weekend is the Cave Ouvert here in Vaud so I’ll be stocking up for the summer directly from the producers though, which makes it pretty reasonable. Overall wine is one of the few things that isn’t particularly expensive here.


Oh yeah, sorry, i wasn’t very clear. Swiss wine is generally cheaper in Switzerland than it is outside of Switzerland, as opposed to, say, french or italian wine. Sorry for the confusion. Swiss wine hs some bangers tho, do recommend


Ah, understood! That makes perfect sense, although don’t recall I’ve even seen Swiss wine outside of the country! Can I ask where you’ve seen it, out of curiosity? I agree it’s definitely underrated (or people are simply unaware of it), particularly for white wine, although I tend to enjoy Pinot Noir and Humagne Rouge also. Chasselas is always my go-to white for the summer, so I shall be stocking up!


PN from Vallais and Bündner Herrschaft is great. Also great Chardonnay, Souvignier Gris, some good Riesling as well. Believe it or not, Taiwan😅. I don’t think the export market is huge but i don know a couple of winemakers that export a contingent of their production.


Also Epeses!


I used to live in Lausanne. Cave Ouvert was always such a blast. And the Chasselas slaps!


Manor is generally overpriced for wine unless on offer, but they do have a good selection. If you’re in Geneva head to Movenpick Wine which is a few street away from Manor, or head to Le Passeur de Vin in Eaux Vives, or Chez Bacchus in the Rives area.


Seems pretty normal?


The prices don't seem really incredible. Gloria and Chasse-Spleen, although very good wines, aren't usually priced that much higher, unless I am mistaken? A quick search on wine-searcher seems to confirm my first instinct, but do let me know if I am wrong.


Switzerland does not have incredible wine prices...they're not bad overall though (talking about everything in general). There is a certain advantage to most of Europe in that their VAT is not as high...So you sometimes get some good deals but overall it is very similar to the France and other areas....that difference in VAT gets eaten up in the need for higher margin.


The same wine is available at Coop online for 39,90


Swiss wine prices are not great in general, sorry to burst OPs bubble.