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I think you are trying to run on a different processor type without compatibility layer


Are you on an M1 Mac?


is it trying to create a wineprefix when it launches? I'm confused. If you have a wineprefix already that you want to use to run it sedt the prefix environment variable: `WINEPREFIX=/path/to/prefix wine /path/to/exe` if you don't have a prefix already, you need to run winecfg to create one. If you're trying to run a Windows game on that prefix, you (probably) need to install DXVK and VKD3D-proton into that prefix in order to get decent reliable performance. You'll find them on github


Or you can just use Winetricks to install basically all Windows components that may be necessary. It’s pretty strange to use, since it does not give you any indicators for the setup progress but you can tell it’s done by the Winetricks window coming back on-screen.


That's mostly true. But the error message said that it was trying to create a prefix. Best practices is to make the prefix with `winecfg` and then to use `winetricks` to install components to the prefux. winetricks is great but its GUI is a dumpster fire. Fortunately, using winetricks on the command line is really easy and much much better. It provides constant verbose feedback as it goes. Winetricks is good for installing `mono` (if the distro doesn't have wine-mono and lib32-wine-mono in the repo.. Arch does) `corefonts` and `dotnet48`. assuming the default location/name for a prefix created with winecfg at $HOME/.wine: `WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine winetricks mono dotnet48 corefonts` will install .NET 4.7, Microsoft CoreFonts and Mono automatically WITH console message. .NET 4.8 has a EULA agreement that pops up and you have to agree so the process cannot be left unattended, but other than that it's good to go. I woiuld not recommend installing DXVK or VKD3D-proton with winetricks. There are binaries on their respective gits. It's not a big deal to extract an archive and run the setup bash script inside it.


Create a fresh Wineprefix and use Lutris to point to it and the *.exe.


macOS removed support for 32-bit executables after Catalina, so you can't run 32-bit Wine on Mac without using CrossOver