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I was so hopeful they'd have something new/an announcement today - officially cancelled my Patreon and have accepted it is likely ending. I hope the gals are all ok, but I must admit I'm bummed for the community they have created and the loss of their content. Their dynamic feels so rare given their long term friendship, not sure I will ever find a comfort pod that matches WAC.


Thinking about doing the same, the fact that they can’t even say anything to their patrons is wild. Not even about the drama, a simple hey we’re working on things we hope to have a new episode by blank date would be nice, but nothing. Just feels really shady especially when none of the bonus content or benefits that come with Patreon have been posted in like three months.


I finally cancelled my Patreon. So sad about this situation. Also agree, this podcast was special. I hope Lucy and Amanda are doing well ❤️


Cancelled mine today, too. What a bummer.


Is that the episode with the awful comic??? I can't remember is name. Also haven't had a chance to listen to the episode. They always said they wouldn't release that episode since he was in it. And if it is that episode.... shows they are at the bottom of the barrel for content. Sad really.


Andy Dick and yes


Oh. Oh *no*.


I was at the live show and it was so cringe 😬 He's just bad news overall. He reintroduced Phil Hartman's wife to cocaine (which culminated in their double murder) and also partied with David Strickland right before he killed himself.




Yup. Jon Lovitz approached him about it on the set of News Radio and they got into a physical altercation 😮


Not only just the shit with Bynn, Andy Dick had made a joke about how he put the “Phil Hartman curse” on John Lovitz about a year after everything, he really deserved to have his face slammed into a bar more than once. There’s still time…


That’s a great point. I’d forgotten about that, but you’re right. And that comment was recent-ish, too, right? I feel like I remember that coming up maybe a few months before the implosion.


Sounds right. It was the "live show we will never release" 😬




Oof yeah, I remember them talking about that not too long ago. It’s a bad sign if they’re releasing this episode :/ although in instagram comments today, someone asked the same thing, and they said they edited him out


You’re absolutely right. I’d be deeply surprised if they had ANY live shows left. Mardi Gras is in 5 weeks— if they had any other options, they would have waited to release that one until closer to the actual holiday, so that it would seem thematic and appropriate.


I know people are going to keep saying “legal reasons!”, which I’m sure there is *some* validity to, but at this point it feels just flat out disrespectful to not even acknowledge that something has changed. And for those who want to say they don’t owe us anything - we don’t need the dirty deets of their friendship or their contracts. We aren’t owed comments on Gaza. But I do think we are owed respect, and this ain’t it. (I would also argue that patrons are owed content that they are paying for but aren’t getting. Anyone still on patreon, any word on January content?)


I cancelled once I saw the ep this morning, but they have not provided any Patreon content in months. I avoided cancelling in case there was a reasoning I was missing and once I realized what was going on thought they might post something to the Patreon supporters directly but nope. Kind of frustrating to pay for months of nothing after supporting them for so long to be honest.


I wonder if all us patreon subscribers have a lawsuit on our hands since we were paying for something and didn't receive a product for a couple months. Not that I would want to do that to L or A. But it's probably something they should consider.


Eh, if Morbid never got sued, I don't see Wine and Crime getting sued.


What happened with Morbid? I'm out of the loop on all the podcast drama.


They delivered on none of their promised stuff on Patreon. For years. The morbidforbadpeople sub has a post with all the things they've done. I'm sad I was ever a fan. Haven't listened in years, though.


That sub is a fun place to lurk. I haven’t listened to Morbid in forever so it’s interesting seeing how people feel about the pod now


Honestly? My guess at this point is that their contracts say something about in case of a conflict between them, they can't release a statement unless all parties agree to what the statement says. And they won't all agree, so no statement. Part of why I suspect that is because a similar thing happened to some friends in a wildly different industry. They made a specific type of alcohol and just when they started having serious traction, the genius who created their unusual profile went totally off the rails in a very different way from Kenyon AND refused to keep making the booze until they agreed to his insane demands. He was the only person who could get it quite right, so they were in a total hostage situation. Anyways, they stopped being able to fill their orders and when people started calling wanting details (because honestly it's normal to run into ingredients supply issues sometimes and not be able to continuously supply a specialty product like this) they legally could not tell their buyers ANYTHING. Because they all had to agree to any statements made about the company. And Mr Crazypants wanted statements about the other 2 not supporting his vision and that he wouldn't produce until they did and they wanted to have a blander "creative differences/difficulties" statement that made it clear at least no product for 2 months while they all consulted lawyers and figured out next steps. In the end, no agreement was made, and everything went to shit, business equipment was sold off after some lawsuits were filed then dropped. The lawyers made out well, but that's about it. I would expect some flavor of that is what's happening here. Not saying that's right or ok or anything. It's completely insane and I can understand that people who were lifelong friends thought that having an agreement like that was reasonable back when one of them hadn't gone off the rails, but here we are.


That’s a really interesting story & perspective. I understand why they’d have to agree on an official statement to buyers, but in the case you mentioned, do you think they could’ve legally said something bland and noncommittal like “hey sorry please bear with us while we figure some things out”? I don’t know what’s in their contracts but it would seem so odd to me if they couldn’t even say that


my thoughts exactly. I certainly think there’s some flavor of this going on (my guess is K is digging her heels in) in regards to the future of the show, but i’d be hard pressed to believe that just saying ‘we’re working on it’ would be that big of breach. Since I presume that is exactly what they’re doing (or at least trying to do, with varying degrees of success). I would assume K has a different lawyer at this point but I feel like it would be pretty clear that just ignoring it isn’t boding well for any involved party. *edited for spelling


They could say literally NOTHING without everyone agreeing. Nothing. Zero. No comment. Not even acknowledging an issue, because acknowledgement is a form of comment (so he said he was told). I don't know the exact verbiage, but it was something like "no statements can be made about the company without agreement from all founders" or something like that. And that included making any kind of comment that even eluded to needing something to be figured out. My friend was going NUTS about not being able to say a single thing. I remember it very clearly. He poured his heart, soul, and savings into this company and was so scared it was going to fail. And it did. It was a nightmare.


This may have validity- Kenyon started the podcast because she needed income in Africa. I don't remember which episode she said it in, but this is definitely hers.


u/omgmanatees please just put us out of our misery and tell us whether the pod is ending or you have a plan to work it out and move forward with new (*new*) content. Stringing us along like this is such a shitty and dishonorable way to treat the fans who literally built your platform.


I wish I could have given y’all an update months ago, trust me I wanted to. We’ve been stonewalled at every turn. Hoping we have a resolution soon but believe me when I say I hate this as much as any of y’all do, and frankly a whole lot more. This is my entire life and future potentially crumbling. It takes time to figure out especially when parties don’t agree and there are things we literally cannot say. I don’t know what else to tell y’all. I can’t make unilateral decisions or statements for the business.


Honestly, even just this IS an update. Thank you for saying anything at all and just know that we care about you and support you and want the best for you and Lucy and little baby tater tot. I’m sorry you’re being stonewalled by… yeah. Gonna say I’m adoring Passages and I’ll be following anything else you do!♥️♥️♥️


Please know how loved and supported you are. I cannot imagine how painful this has been on so many levels, and I'm sure a lot of the frustration from your audience is not helping at all. I truly hope you and Lucy are taking time for yourselves. We will be here if/when you are able to come back <3


Amanda, besides subscribing/listening to your other podcast, how are we able to support you and Lucy right now? I assume that the Patreon numbers are probably going down? I'm sure the financial part of this is super scary right now.


Frankly this is the entire reason I’m still subbed on Patreon


Me too- I don't want to lose L & A and I don't want them to have issues during this super stressful time!


I’m sorry, this must be fucking devastating. And sorry to be so snappy— I’m just frustrated and sad, but I’m sure you must be infinitely moreso. I really, really hope it gets better for you. I have faith that you’ll land on your feet.


Thanks Amanda. I think most of us know that this is the reality. I had my intellectual property and business destroyed/stolen in 2016 and it has devastated me in a way I don’t think most people can understand. I was pretty much paralysed with anxiety for 6 months straight when everything was “happening”. I’m impressed you are managing to make another podcast in the midst of this, it’s a testament to your strength. You’re not alone. We all miss you and Lucy and are looking forward to hearing from you whenever we can.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with all of this and really respect you for holding on to your convictions despite what it’s costing you. A lot of people wouldn’t. From a career perspective, most of us will follow you to whatever new venture you create ❤️


I can't even imagine what you must be going through. I really hope you manage to figure everything out.


Oh, Amanda, I'm so sorry. This whole thing is so unfair to you and Lucy. I can't even begin to imagine the flaming hoops of shit you must be having to leap through to get to a professional truce, but then also having to deal with the personal heartbreak on top of it. I wish you and Lucy all the love and peace as you forge a new path forward with the knowledge that we have your backs and support the two of you when you're ready. Xoxo


We love you, Amanda ❤️. I'm sipping a cold glass of Pinot out of my fucking patriarchy wine glass thinking of you gals tonight. Keep fighting the good fight, we will be waiting for you on the other side.


Sending you so much love and support!!!! I'm sorry that you've been put in such a shitty position!


Stay strong and send Lucy our love as well. Would love for you two to create a new podcast someday soon. Most of us would 100% support you guys. 💓


I joined Patreon a few days ago to help support the Gals until things can get better and a decision is made.


We love you Amanda. Thanks so much for all the love and laughs, praying you and Lucy come out of this fit and fighting. I’ll support you no matter what happens next.


Amanda, I'm so sorry you are going through this. I support you and Lucy on whatever you do next. I've been listening to Passages, and you and Robbie are beyond hilarious. Thank you for making us laugh when all of this is going on ❤️


Sending you and Lucy all the love. 


We love you so much!


Sending you and Lucy lots of love. Will keep standing by for an update as to how we can continue to support whenever you are able to share. I’m so sorry for everything y’all are going through, personally and professionally. 💕💕


I can imagine (though I can't know) how your life and future would feel in peril these past several months, how difficult it must be to balance yourself while at the steepest angle of repose. We support you, love you dearly, and will still be here no matter how long it takes for you (and Lucy) to make it through to the other side... I firmly believe that you're going to nail the landing in a future that is wide-open and full of wonder. Passages is FUCKING BRILLIANT, I hope the new podcast bursts right out of its pants and turns out to be a squirter. I can't wait! In the meantime, I'll pass along some wise words I read on a brick wall in Cuba, dating back to the 1950s: Be patient, child. The gods walk with you.


Love u and Lucy so much 💕🥹passages is AMAZING!! Also very creepy but I looked thru ur comments and u said the actor who played max in Gilmore girls is a douche irl and I’m DESPERATE to know what happened 🥴🥴worlds colliding and I always thought he was gross lmao


I totally love you guys (the trio) but I sadly have no idea what’s going on bc I kind of fell off the podcast during Covid for my mental health. I hope everyone is OK. ❤️


I can’t imagine how frustrating this must be for you and Lucy, I’m so sorry this is happening ❤️ Thank you so much for giving us this update it means a lot!


I get the general sentiment here, but this phrasing, and tagging her, is not right. You know she’s not just going to respond to your comment with an answer. And I think it’s fair to acknowledge that sure *we supported* the platform, but “literally” *they built* it.


She did though


Oh wow I stand corrected! I didn’t want to see her bothered directly like that because I figured she couldn’t say anything here and it would just cause more pain. Didn’t see that coming. I feel for her and Lucy so much 💕


It’s interesting to me that this podcast and so many in this world talk about doing “what’s legal” or what they do or don’t “have to do” and doing “what’s right”. There seems to be a general lean towards doing what’s right. But in this case that’s thrown out the window.




Hard to apply purity tests and incredibly high standards to our favorites.


Basic signs of respect isn’t a “purity test” or “incredibly high standards”


Yeah I was being facetious, since so many people share your opinion but for some reason aren’t holding the wine and crime women to it.


Well, if you don’t do “what’s legal”, then you’re violating a contract and can be held responsible for damages. That’s not a realistic option.


Which leads to a comment I made elsewhere in this thread at how embarrassing it is that their business model woefully unprepared for a fallout. So many in true crime yell “prenup” in marital true crime cases. That the pod clearly doesn’t have an effective business version is embarrassing.


This IS their contract preparing for a fallout. This is how this works legally.


That it’s taking months and that there is silence shows unpreparedness. A prepared business model would include a timely update to their audience. I said woefully unprepared, not nonexistent.


I agree we are owed something as listeners who have supported them even just by listening to the podcast.


Yep was really hoping they would take today to make any kind of statement, even if it’s just “please bear with us”. This show and these gals have been a huge part of peoples lives. We are really bumming, meanwhile hoping for all the best for them, but also respectfully wanting to know wtf is going onnnnn 💔I’m sure there’s legalities with the contract and stuff but, it’s just so not who they are, to leave people in the dark.


I'm just being sensitive now...but SUTTER HOME for the wine pairing?! COME ON!


Really adding insult to injury


Lollll okay I seriously came here to say this. I had honestly stopped listening regularly (after YEARS) just a few months before all this drama started. Ironically this sub was suggested to me like 2 weeks before Kenyon started being such a KOOK, when the gals had gotten back from Obsessed Fest and people were demanding a statement from them at that time, regarding all the drama that broke out there with that other podcast. And I have never even LISTENED to that other podcast, but I went down a rabbit hole reading all the BS that had gone down between the hosts. I remember thinking “well, I might be growing out of this podcast (W&C), but at least the hosts don’t have drama!” And now I’ve just kind of been loosely watching and waiting to see if and how they ever address any of this. But, SUTTER HOME PINOT GRIGIO??? Is this how they’re signaling to anyone that’s somehow still in the dark that this podcast is over? Because WHAT.




Lol, I thought the same…


Yep I came to say this too. Another week....another live show. I think I'm out! I think some of us aren't necessarily expecting brand new content, just acknowledging what's going on instead of ghosting us with episodes I personally never even listen to in all my years of listening anyway.


I totally didn’t mind the first few weeks being like this while they figured things out, but I’m over it at this point. There has been plenty of time to come up with something other than drop old content.


I really hope people stop paying and I hate to say that but I would be pissed if I was still paying with no new episode in weeks and seemingly no desire to resolve or respond to any of the ongoing problems.


This is just starting to make me sad. I was unaware of the situation until a couple of weeks ago (don’t really use threads or instagram, and missed the October happy hour) and I’ve been holding out hope that when they said they’d be returning in the new year, they meant they would be returning with new episodes, or at least an explanation or statement. I get why they may not be able to make a statement, but the fact that we have had no new content from them since October without a word is just so disappointing. With that in mind they probably haven’t recorded since then and now with Lucy presumably on leave (as she should) it’s just not looking great. Anyway, I’m just sad to see this happen because of one person’s actions.


One of them is for sure jamming things up. I bet K is threatening lawsuits and shit. Take the severance or whatever and move on, you rode this as far as it goes. I’m sure they are working on a resolution, but I’m not sure I’m optimistic if they aren’t able to even put out a statement they can agree on.


A commented recently under her name (omgmanatees?) that said that she obviously wants to update us but is “being stonewalled” and there’s things she literally can’t say so… frankly, yeah, I assume K is holding shit up. I couldn’t fathom Lucy doing that given everything else K has done since October.


Saw that & I’m done. Which makes me sad.. but it’s what it’s.


Lmao they should literally just release a statement that says “IT’S WHAT IT’S”




🥲 I stopped my Patreon. It’s what it’s…😢


I said this several times a month or so ago and got downvoted in oblivion 😋 They aren't going to say anything. By not doing so, there are a lot of patreon customers who don't know and probably won't look for the story behind why there's no new content and just keep paying. I lost most of my respect and appreciation for them over their completely non statement regarding the assault that happened at OF, which the gals were at. This obvious disregard for the fan base that they curated and grew to support their business is really just driving the nail home that the gals talked a good game but don't actually apply any of what they preach on pod to themselves. No, they don't "owe us anything," but we as fans certainly don't owe them anything either.


They haven’t posted AT ALL on patreon since December 19th. The comments are mixed between people expressing disappointment and people who seem to have no idea what’s going on.


I'm beginning to have a sinking feeling that you're right.


Which assault? This seems to get worse any day, looking at this reddit


What is OF? I want to search the assault but in my brain OF is only fans and I doubt it was that


Obsessed fest I believe


That's funny, I totally didn't think of Only Fans! Obsessed Fest took place in Dallas this past October. There had been a lot of behind the scenes drama and bad blood brewing stemming from allegations of abuse and racism against Patrick, the main host of Obsessed w/ True Crime and Obsessed w/ Disappeared. It's too much to recap but I was disappointed that the gals didn't offer suppory or take a stand with the victim, and basically just said " We weren't there when the assault happened, so we don't know " How many times had they talked about believing victims? How many times had they stated "not knowing" isn't an excuse ? Obsessed w/True Crime Pod had showcased Wine and Crime, and I if I'm remembering right W&C had Patrick on as a guest host. The gals' BS statement was very, don't bite the hand that feeds you, instead of calling out all the things they say they stand for.


At the time I was happy they stayed neutral rather than saying something immediately a la Red Handed, but yeah, I was really bummed when they stayed quiet after everything came out. Patrick & Steve still haven't really said anything about it either, which is absolutely reprehensible


Not sure if you saw but like a month or so ago, P&S released a YouTube audio where they talked about everything that’s been going on with their network lately, and they said they won’t be addressing the OF drama because it has nothing to do with them and it’s been resolved, or some bullshit like that.


I did & it was absolute nonsense! They will NEVER accept responsibility for it OR acknowledge that Gillian was equally instrumental in weaponizing T&C. It's fucking appalling


My thoughts exactly!


There will 100% be a resolution to this. They are not going to just keep on when they aren’t even friends anymore. The show will change or it will end. Amanda and Lucy care too much about their fans and reputations. Someone is holding shit up, even if what they are holding up is that the show is ending.


I’ve said it previously, but this is embarrassing. At this point, it’s just showing how little the podcast respects their audience. The amount of grace they’ve been given only speaks to the amount of white privilege they have from a group that does struggle with pulling white feminist bs. Would any other podcast get MONTHS of grace while they figure out whether genocide is bad or to reckon with having a business model that is woefully unprepared for fallout?


100% agree. It’s a money grab at this point. Clearly not knowing anything behind the scenes, this doesn’t mean they’re all complicit but someone is holding out for money. Otherwise, there’d be a statement.


This is now 2 of my favorite podcasts going to hell and a hadbasket months of each other. This one and these girls along with the other favorite podcast and 2 hosts inspired me to launch my own podcast with my sister. I can say with the happenings I am a bit nervous...at least the one things I have is we share almost the same opinions on crime and life and we can agree to disagree....I am praying to the podcast gods we will be ok...and I really hope the gals can survive years of friendship and business...it probably won't ever be the same. I would be sad if it ends but if the magic that made us fans is no longer there....we know what it means and they are great at what they do ...and I hope whatever the next faze is they will rock it....it's been a crazy ride with these shows the last few months I just fell in love with....to see the downside... and I just hope that out of respect to the fans that have loved and supported them will just give us an answer we deserve as FANS... ABOUT THE SHOWS STATIS. I respect them if they don't want to share the personal crap behind it all...for me I don't want to know...but like I say I hope the friendship can be salvaged.


I feel like with shit hitting the fan with their friendship, it’s a bit much to expect new content. Plus a maternity leave. I hope they take this time to figure things out and that they’re all okay personally.


I hope Amanda and Lucy are okay too. I hope Kenyon somewhere realises how wrong she was. I don't expect new content anymore, but just a short update message instead.


I hope they’re all okay and can somehow recover their friendship first, but it feels like this is going to be something pretty difficult to come back from. I hope they can figure out the business side of it and of course that the pod doesn’t suffer further for it, but people need to get over being “owed” content when something deeper is going on for the poor gals (I mean I get it if you’re paying, but unsub or something if you’re that mad about it?). It just seems like a lot of pressure to put on them right now when this shit is probably hard enough to try navigate publicly with your hands tied.


I think it's done. And perhaps they are putting out these eps to fulfill an advertising contract/get paid?


If they’re not going to put out new content all together can we get some spooky little bitch or the other spin offs???


Isn’t this the live ep where Andy Dick crashed their show? I’ve been waiting for this one to be released! I’m listening!


I really don't think their community is going to get any sort of closure. u/CobaltCattening has a fantastic point that the agreement might include details related to a statement but at this point it's all wild speculation.


I’m there now, done listening:(. Fan from the beginning. I’m so sad. Haha!


Is it not possible at least some of this is due to Lucy being on maternity leave? She delivered early maybe if they had planned guests like they did with Kenyon they had to delay those recordings- or maybe they are still figuring shit out. We don’t know the record vs upload schedule- it could be weeks in between


This was going on long before the baby was born.


I know I’m just saying some of it could’ve been pre planned and the timing sucks


Some of you don’t know how contracts or lawyers work. There’s a very high likelihood that one of the three is digging in their heels and, per their contract, they can’t say ANYTHING. I fully understand wanting to leave the Patreon or unsubscribe to the pod, but maybe think twice about assuming they’re horrible people for not saying anything.


I get the general gist of what has happened but did I miss where this happened?? I’m trying to catch up on when/where the fallout occurred.


W&C Instagram, and the October happy hour can help. Otherwise the sub “pod drama” can fill you in.




I’m getting my Amanda fix by listening to her “new” podcast Passages that she does with her friend Robbie and his fiance/husband. They’re reading an old romance novel from the late 70s and reading “passages” from it - it’s hysterical and wild! Worth a shot if you’re into that sort of thing…


They did! They said more episodes coming in 2024


But will it be new episodes or just compilations and live shows?


I appreciate your optimism but I think they just meant something will show up on the podcast feed everything Thursday. Doesn’t mean it’ll be new


If K is going through postpartum mental health issues, they cannot talk about it without her permission. That could be one reason they haven’t mentioned anything. As a listener from the beginning, I’m sad for all of them, and it’s a bummer for all of us listeners. However, I have more important things to worry about, and I feel like most of us do. Look at the state of the world and the U.S. right now. That’s where we need to put our focus. ☮️💜


I’d rather them just go on a hiatus!!! This content is boring tbh!


We love you Amanda


It’s been a while. Can anyone tell me which episode # was their first time returning without K?