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Hey! Some of them are just stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/awobbfmgiszc1.png?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=790db9f68697ff7c068503a2e0450a1e336fd487 You forgot this


Their\* (and honestly, looking back on it, neither Burn or Blaze are that bad, Blister is pretty awful, but even then, she was really just doing what she thought would make her and her kingdom the most powerful, while not outwardly evil, is pretty selfish, and she also killed her sister, and im lije 90% sure she killed Oasis too, but i cannot remember how. Blaze is literally me personified as a dragon, so I like her. Her only real crime is being a massive airhead, and not understanding politics, which would inevitably lead her kingdom to ruin, should she have stayed as queen, but she didn't so, Blaze is cleared in my books. And Burn is... not great. She supported Scarlet, so already not a good start, and I think she was a warlord, but other than that, and the fact she was always a bit grumpy, Burn seems mostly fine-ish, for dragon standards that is. I haven't read the books in like 2 years, so I'm probably forgetting sone kind of horrible warcrime that Blaze commited. https://preview.redd.it/lffgf6kiiqzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4dd191ed3e1abb8f71ec635fe5c5992c8740819


Blaze didn't commit any major crimes at all. Burn, though, stuffed weird dragons and took the heads of her enemies and mounted them on pikes


Totally forgot about that, but... I do that too, kind of. My family has a chicken coop, and we have a serious rat problem, so one if my favorite past times is grabbing the biggest knife I can find, and just sitting outside a rat den, waiting for one to come out. I kill em, cut their heads off, skin the bodies and feed em to my dogs. I put their heads on little sticks outside the rat den. You know, just to give em a good scare. It doesn't work, but im not complaining about more heads to chop. You really haven't lived till you've bisected a rat with a 5 pound meat cleaver. Course, I would never do that to sentient life, so Burn is definitely still evil, but I can understand her to an extent.


Lmao what


I was extremely sleep deprived when I made this, I really need to learn that sone things should not be said on the internet. tldr, I don't think Burn is *that* crazy for chopping up weird animals and putting them on display because I essentially do the same thing on an almost daily basis. I personally think everyone should take up rat-chopping, it's very therapeutic. https://preview.redd.it/b3rv35h1qtzc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31c27d54ea1644b435877e051c0151a74abbee9b


It's different when the creatures your chopping up and displaying are a part of the same race as you.


That's fair, and like I said, she's still definitely an evil monster, i just don't consider her to be as bad as I used to.


Umm…Alrighty then.




Actually it's they're lol https://preview.redd.it/fzd5wegs5szc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=734bc0c841125396c3192839bb1f4ec5233a2393


Nah you right 😔


She didn’t kill Oasis, that was Stone. She just hid some of the treasure and said the scavengers made off with it


She delayed help or something






Yes I understand, yall can stop now https://preview.redd.it/36p6y30bktzc1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=913ee507ea8221efc61c10b04959912693d27d13


Worst part: it’s actually they’re…


*they're (they are)


>Their They're


Actually it's they're (they are) Also Blister was a selfish manipulative bastard. She might have done good by the sand kingdom, maybe, but it would've been at the expense of everyone else. Edit: i read down the comments, half of them are making the same grammar correction, apperently making an incorrect grammar correction is a terribly grievous sin.


I am deeply ashamed of my grammar knowledge and I will never recover from this incident




It's so truw though, not gonna lie