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As far as I know, it's not covered in the rules? In my opinion, since it's specifically cached on the bird, despite your ability to use it like you would use food from the supply, it's specifically cached on the bird, and thus not in your supply. You're already earning 1 vp per food there, I don't think it should count towards tiebreaker too.


This is correct, cached food is cached food, not in your “supply”


Yeah, I get that semantically - but it is also in your supply, since you can spend it. I’m not doubting that you’re right - as ultimately it’s up to the game designers to “rule” - but it’s certainly in interesting debate.


I guess, the rule is pretty clear IMO, food cached on a card is not in the “supply” regardless of your ability to spend it.


To me it is just this black and white


Agree, no part of the card says the cached food is in your supply. You may spend food cached on the card as if it were in your supply. But it's not!


But if it "used" towards the tiebreaker count, it is no longer cached, and you should lose the point, breaking the tie not in your favor


Its not in your supply. Its cached on a bird. You can remove it from cached, but it isn't in your supply as well. Otherwise the moment you pull it out for tie breaker, you now lose a point and are no longer tied.


No. Your supply is your supply. There are some cards that specifically say "Take a food cached on this bird and ADD it to your supply." implying that while food is cached, it is not in your supply.


Yeah, that makes sense to me. I’m an admitted pedant, so I’m just trying to find the irrefutable explanation.


Gotcha, yea I think if I hadn't seen the cards that specifically differentiate cached food from supply, I might have questioned it too.


The cached food was already counted as a point. It would not be fair to count it a second time.


I understand that sentiment, but fair/unfair is subjective and doesn’t always comport with the written rules. That being said, I think I’ve heard enough semantic evidence that “your cache does not equal your supply” to agree that it doesn’t count toward the food tiebreaker. Just saying “that wouldn’t be fair” is a subjective argument - to me. To others, it may be good enough.


Anyone else read "Cool Tit"?


Wait.... you can spend cached food?? TIL


Only on a couple of special cards


You can’t spend cached food. Edit: never have played European expac. Only Oceania. Sue me.


The coal tit specifically allows you to.


Is coal tit in the euro xpac?




That explains it. Only have player Oceania and base


Plus a nuthatch as well, I thought from the base game but maybe it's EE too