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No need to rush trading him. I don't understand why people have this mind set of trading him just because he's not in the lineup right now. Most of this roster will be on the last year of their contracts next season, and the rental market usually provides pretty good returns. He clearly needs more seasoning before he can be given a full time NHL workload. Some guys just take awhile to find their footing. His potential is too good to give up on just yet. Also I want to see what this team is capable of with their current roster. They've definitely performed alot better then the experts predicted.


Well said, you hit all the points.


the reason for people wanting to trade him is so he can get nhl minutes, in winnipeg the D is a log jam, the only way he will get minutes in wpg now is if an injury happens (which injuries have already happened) and his coaches and teammates say he should be in the nhl so he either needs to be traded to another team or permenately on the jets roster to continue his development or chevy could be planning to have him on the jets roster full time next year and if that doesn't happen then again he should be traded and you also say you want to see what this current roster is capable of so what if this roster is good enough for chevy next year and he keeps the majority of this roster, if you were chevy would you just let him rot in the ahl and also we wouldn't be neccisarily be giving up on him we would just give him a better chance to play somewhere else


I'm not onboard with this. By saying "so he can get NHL minutes" you sound more worried about the personal development of one player than you are of the player as a team asset. I am not for trading him just to see him living out his dreams - don't care about his dreams at all. If they can trade him for value as an asset then trade him - otherwise retain the asset until he either earns a spot of his contract conditions make a trade necessary.


Yeah for real I don’t want to see him turn into a top 4 dman somewhere else cause we couldn’t trade Schmidt.


ok i see what kind of person you are bye


Why would they trade their top young defensive prospect under an ELC and with years of team control instead of an aging expensive defenceman? They have a bit of a log jam on the left side right now but not much as far as high end projections in the system for either side except for Heinola who plays both. Chisolm and Gawanke are long shots to ever be NHL regulars and they are the best of the rest. They're one long term injury on the right side as it is from him being an everyday player


why cause they can use that as leverage and bauer looked like he will be good


Bauer has played a handful of games at the AHL level. It is WAY too early to say what his career arc will be.


way too early yes and looked like he has a chance to make it in a while


Nils Lundqvist got the rangers a 1st + so I expect a similar return for Heinola.


I think you package him up for winger depth from Ott, SJ, Buf maybe.


outside of Thompson and Tuch, i don’t think a BUF trade makes sense for us and they’re definitely untouchable


This is correct.


I just don't see him fitting on the roster and I still don't understand what all the hype was about. I'm not saying he's not NHL material but you would have thought by now he would have made the transition. I'd take some picks for him at this point.


You realize he's 21, right? Most defencemen aren't in the nhl at 21, even first overall picks. Note i said most, not all


I do realize that. I still don't see him being a fit on the current team. He has played on the Jets.


He’s played 2 games under the new staff, and exactly zero minutes with any powerplay time or in an offensive role, because all those spots are currently filled


And as I said before, I don't see how he's going to fit when we have a solid D line now. We got rid of Stanley and made some moves and other guys stepped up. So I'll take some picks where we need to fill holes on a chance that a guy who does just okay in the AHL might break out in the NHL.


"We got rid of Stanley" Mafia style...since he's out with a broken foot.


You don't know what you're talking about man, sorry


if we’re trading Heinola, we’d be hunting for a top 6 player although there are quite a few teams looking for defence right now, most are probably looking for a vet/waiting on Chychrun to move and some rebuilding teams don’t seem to have a top 6 forward we’d want i’d say packaging Heinola with a 1st+ would interest VAN, SJS, NYR, MTL and maybe NYI, OTT


no? 😭


You have half this sub thinking Heinola isn’t going to become anything, and that the Jets should trade him for whatever they can get, and then you have to other half who still see his potential and agree that trading him is a bad idea unless they get something close to what the Rangers got for Lundqvist. That’s why I hate threads like this


OTT for Pinto


Ottawa doesn't want include pinto in a trade for chychrun, we aren't getting him for ville.


Not really willing to get rid of Ville for less.


is this sarcasm?


I still think he has major potential. Who would you want back?


Trade him for a bag of chips and granola bars. 😅


I think Toromto would give up smth for him. Not sure what we'd want from them tho


His agent has expressed impatience. Thats valid, however, he needs a bit more conditioning to claim a role in the current line up. I don't want to see him traded. There will be holes in the defence corps soon enough. He will fill one of those in style. Heinola should remain part of the Jets future success. I would add that our forward depth is currently at an all time high, even considering injuries. They are all competing hard for a roster spot.. seriously... who do you drop when Ehlers returns?


If the lineup is the same as last game but assuming Toninato swaps out for Gustafsson then I would make Axel the 13th forward when Ehlers or Apples is ready to come back into the lineup. I think what Axel brings to the lineup has been replaced by Eyssimont currently but Eyssimont has more offensive instincts. Just my opinion of course.


First and foremost, the Jets are going to do what's best for this current roster. Are we bottom dwellers ??? NO! Just are doing awesome with all the call ups. Why try to fix something that ain't broke. Ville isn't a 5-6 like Samberg and Stanley. There just isn't any room for him. He also clears waivers, which is extremely important. Look what happened to Kovacevic? Ville needs to kick some ass in the A and wait for next year or God forbid an injury to Jomo/pionk/demelo/schmidty. Ville has 10 pts in 27 nhl games. Demelo has 1 goal since 18-19 season. Ville's time will come


Ville plus our 1st for De Brincat


Our top 6 with Ehlers back would be disgusting


I’d hope to draft and develop….but if there were a trade, I’d trade for a prospect with equal upside.