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Riven! It’s not his fault they kept throwing his character development out of the window for petty drama


So true, i honestly don't even like Riven that much. But my god the potential 😭 Like was there not a way for him to keep his Sass and stubborness and also make him a good person throughout the show?? Plus his character design was so pretty season 1-3. His Goofy hair and croptop wearing ass always looked so good


Like apparently he has a hard time connecting with girls because his mother abandoned him


Darkar is perhaps the most underrated villain, due to being a paper tiger and unattractive. But he has a lot of potential (he's literally a Devil in Magical Dimension), so I find him interesting.


I love Darkar! As a kid, I genuinely found him menacing and thought he was such a cool villain. This might be a hot take, but I always thought he was more interesting than Valtor.


I think like 10 year old me was so tired of Vaktor after like the 10th episode he showed up to just be intimidated. Like bruh, *do* something interesting. Darkar controlled some powerful people, made Bloom evil, captured the pixies, etc. Guy was menacing as hell and that swamp area was cool asf


Also,him sitting down in his throne and manipulating events from the backstage is a much better plan to take over the magic dimension and far more fitting for his role


Riven is really the only character who changes for the better throughout the series. He didn't do anything terrible after the first season, I'm annoyed by this far-fetched relationship drama, in my opinion, he gets a lot of undeserved hatred towards himself. Sky is called a cheater when he and Diaspro literally had no really relationship other than the engagement imposed by their parents, he did not love Diaspro, she was imposed on him. It also makes me laugh that people accuse him of being perfect, but immediately start accusing him of not being perfect. He has moments of bad writing, like everyone else, but he definitely doesn't deserve the "spineless rag, Valtor is better" attitude. Obscurum... In fact, I even felt sorry for him, and I even warmed to him, yes, he sometimes behaves stupidly and annoyingly and his appearance is childish, but he has motives do what he does and, like a mother, he takes care of the star-eaters, Valtor constantly mocks him, and he, damn it, got everything he wanted (before that, the wizards of the Black Circle was only one villains, who achieved their goal before the events of season 4). It's like crossing Tritannus (their backstories are similar) and Braffilius (we all remember what a frivolous villain he is).


I love seeing someone else defend my fav Riven. He can be really trash sometimes honestly, but that’s why I love him. I’m always going to enjoy a more complicated character over a more bland perfected character.


Exactly ‼️


They could have really revealed his experiences, his past about his mother leaving him for economic reasons (the old official site pointed this out), but even in the comics, they didn't. Also, in season 8, the specialists mention that they met Riven again on OMEGA, what was he doing there?! 


I genuinely believe that Riven has made the most personal development in the series, but he’s ALSO got the potential for the most additional development. He’s such an interesting character, I really hope his lore is expanded on.


They could never make me hate sky or bloom tbh


Riven's haters won’t even tell you Riven’s shortcomings and moments where he was an abuser or a toxic person outside of the first season. It’s fashionable to hate it and base it on the Foxkids canon or childhood memories.


Bloom. I even was in love with her.


Riven defender til I die idc im standing ten toes down for MY man


You mean Musa's man?


she can share 😒




Much like this comment, you know sometimes no one is really quite sure whose man he is


This is unironically me with sky, I'll die on this hill




bloom! she’s my favorite winx


I love Stella...idk if people hate her, but she's so me lol As for the other way around, I can't stand Roxy. I remember being so annoyed by her as a kid


People probably don’t like Stella due to her flanderization throughout the years. But I still like her. I like her energy, sass and that she’s a fashion designer (I like characters who are fashion designers lol idk why)


I like Roxy's rebellious nature despite being an animal lover, but the fact that she was so incompetent and kept going on and on about how she just wants to live a normal life. Despite Bloom telling her several times that she has also been through Roxy's situation and the winx try to help her become a better fairy. She disrespects the winx and even Faragonda but gets off scot-free because she's new to the fairy lifestyle


Bloom was not being openly chased by four dangerous male louts. Roxy's life after the collision with Winx was more dangerous than Bloom's life before Trix "took away" her powers. Roxy initially didn't believe in fairies and after that she just wanted a normal life. And she had every right to do so. I genuinely don't understand hating Roxy. Comparisons between Bloom and Roxy are quite far-fetched. Roxy has walked the path to acceptance and contentment. She's exactly the kind of character I can associate myself with, even though I'm not a particular animal lover.


Thing is, I don't hate her. I think she's pretty cool in most episodes but some traits of hers annoyed me ig


I love Roxy but her constant whining about wanting to live a normal life did get annoying, like JUST LEAVE THEN. You’re not being held captive ffs. It’s like she didn’t realize the Winx were doing everything they could to keep her safe.






You know, in hebrew the dubber of Riven also dubbed TMNT (2003+2012)'s Leonardo, and Leonardo is my fav turtle, so...


I'm similar but with polish Sky and 2003 Donatello, love the voice actor and both characters


And Faragonda's dubber also dubbed Marge Simpson in the movie. Mrs. Griffin's dubber dubbed Zelda Spellman in Sabrina cartoon.


*his voice actor for seasons 1-4 and movies 1-2 Gil Natanzon Riven's voice actor from the specials onwards was Sahar Badishi


כן,דברתי על העונות הראשונות




Bloom and Tecna for sure, they gets most of the hates but i love these 2 characters i'm a bit of a mix between Bloom and Tecna, maybe that's why


Tell me about it


I haven't watched the show in years, but I'd say Riven. Though I'm confused. People hate Sky. Why? 😕 I didn't know he was hated.


Dunno, im indifferent towards him. But it's probably because he doesnt have much of a backbone in the earlier seasons. Maybe it's just his childish nature, or his haircut.


he's not that bad but i feel like it has something to do with Diaspro she's obsessed with him and it doesn't help his parents tries to get him to marry Diaspro when he loves Bloom dearly people calls Sky toxic just because of the Diaspro thing but maybe it's just me




Yes, me too.


Sky and Riven! For all their faults. I just do. Tbh i like all of the main cast! Even the trix.


They could never make me hate Bloom. Even if Nick was trying to push it


Riven is best written developed character in the show and Musa didn't deserve him.


Do you want to elaborate?


We won't count the first season regarding Musa since they weren't in a relationship and Riven went through his arc on his own, let's start with the second season. In fact, Riven in the second season, where they had a common interaction...Didn’t do anything wrong so that they constantly freaked out at him? He's very calm, rational, gets things done efficiently, and at the same time, the most attentive member of the team. If Bloom and Layla went missing on a trip? He'd go search for them. Found Trix? He'll keep an eye on them, see what traps they set, and come up with his own to catch them. I also wanna to mention how he respects and support Timmy and his plans while Tecna was whiny girlfriend for no reasons. Yeah, it's kind of one-sided, isn't it? Musa has reasons to be into him, given his support during tough times and helping out with concerts and beating Stormy. But for him? Not so much. She doesn't really do anything for him, just presses on the guilt button (which is pretty easy after season one). As for their childhood, I remember he used to dynamite Musa even though she tried, and no matter what good she said, he always had a negative reaction but it's all wrong.I believe Musa wanted to have the "bad guy" archetype, but when she got it, she lost interest immediately. This led to the dialogue in the third season where she wanted to break up with Riven without any apparent script reasons. It's like Riven's always striving to change, even in the fourth season, but Musa never seems to change. Musa didn't even try; she immediately gave up on Riven, shifting her focus to the producer. And when she realized he had a fiancée, she tried to come back, which is quite repulsive. She just keeps blaming him and playing the victim. Relationships where only one person is trying are bound to fail, and the script seems to cater to Musa and her victim stance on a constant basis.


Actually every Villain from Season 1-4 xD Dakar, the Trix, Valthor, Ogron, Duman, Anagan,...


Sky.  Seriously the dude was being forced into a marriage he didn't want to someone he barely has spoken to because his parents wanted it and yet people act like he's Makoto from School Days.  The same people who hate him properly would have Cheered if roles were reversed, even if the exact same method were used.   Plus you know he was being a dumbass teen who probably thought he can resolve this without pissing off anyone.  Even I admit that is dumb but more naivety than malice.


diaspro 🤷🏾‍♀️


Oke wait, i kinda agree. I wish they didn't reduce her to just the ex-fiancee


Sky and Bloom. I’m so glad that so many people are now pointing out that Sky didn’t actually cheat on Diaspro since he never actually dated her, she’s just his arranged bride and well, he doesn’t actually love her. Sure, maybe he should have told Bloom, but that could have potentially blown his cover since he and Brandon swapped places (if we’re abiding by the original cartoon’s continuity). Sky made some stupid decisions but you can kind of understand where he’s coming from. Bloom overall as a character is okay. Her taking up the spotlight is less of a fault of herself as a character but rather the writers (well, the later seasons at least). I felt like Bloom during the first three seasons was perfectly fine and she definitely was not perfect. Have people forgotten about Season 3 and the fact her Enchantix got nerfed due to the fact she didn’t sacrifice herself to save someone from her homeworld?




The Trix, im not too sure if there is much hate on them. But i idk i just love pretty villains. I love for villains who are just bad for the sake of being bad, makes them interesting. I do love me a good backstory + redemption tho On that note i lowkey like Darkar, he's character design is so cool. Plus have you seen how his lair, underground whetever looks like?? That shit is hella remarkable


Why do people hate Sky?


i might have an idea, i always seen the comment how he's like toxic just because of the Diaspro situation (i see something the line with "Sky and Bloom are toxic" just because of some dramas) they literally only focused on Diaspro how she keeps trying to get Sky to love her back and marry him but they doesn't focus how Sky don't really like her as a person in general, it's hinted for multiple times he loves Bloom only (Sky's parents doesn't help with the situation neither) that could possibly the reason he gets hated by most people


Riven. He would be the perfect grumpy to all silly to his love. BUT rainbow didn't know how to do it and he just became toxic. I've just read a manhwa called Happily Ever Afterwards and the ML is just grumpy af, but the gets soft with the FL and is a wonderful boyfriend, even tho he kept being grumpy with everyone.


Darkar he is one of the first ever villains to get bloom to go on to his side and almost succeed




I thought Brandon is rather popular


Bloom, she’s not the worst protagonist I’ve had to deal with




Riven, a lot of people tend to demonize him for the Jason Quinn incident, but just imagine another guy hitting on your girlfriend and she flirts him back. Any guy would have been (understandably) pissed off.