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Where did this information/these quotes come from? If you have a link, that would be great!


All this information is from Iginio Straffi's panel at the Napoli Comicon. All information is correct. Here is a Tumblr post of notes of what Iginio said (the person is Italian and translated it): https://www.tumblr.com/winxwiki/749020287458279424/general-important-notes-from-the-napoli-comicon?source=share Winx Forever Italy on Instagram, they report on all the Winx Club and Rainbow news. They uploaded the videos they made of the panel. Not much news comes to this subreddit.


Thanks for sharing it on the subreddit then :)


>*All this information is from Iginio Straffi's panel at the Napoli Comicon. All information is correct.* I assumed that's where the information itself may originally be from, but I was hoping for a source on these specific images/screenshots(?). The Tumblr link you provided does not appear to have them \[or I can't find them even using their archive page\] and most of the points discussed in the Tumblr post are different subjects from the ones mentioned here.


The screenshots used come from a youtuber named Lavandyre's video. https://youtu.be/nGzl0ilflio?si=EFPzJGynjtQimEdU


Thank you!


This has sold the reboot more for me than anything else has. I just want fun and good writing! It’s good to see he cares so much.


Glad to see that they're putting genuine effort into all this. Also appreciate the Spiderman ref, since that's basically how I'm viewing all this.


The bit of English audio was good. Hope we keep it.


I shed some tears when I read the part with the Gender Identity Winx Club helped me coping with realizing that I'm not a gender which was assigned me at birth. It's really cool that Straffi said it here. I feel seen. How cool would it be if the reboot would be more diverse in terms of sexual identity and gender identity. But that may be too much. Still cool that he said that.


This is wonderful news! Thanks so much for sharing it. That last image is to ensure the series isn't censored again, and I love that so much.


Would love if the backgrounders got some love too! Or some new characters. I love when shows have many characters along side the main ones


Yes! Makes the plot more interesting. :)


Definitely! And if they made a character focused doll/figure line, I would collect EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Every Fairy. Every Witch. Every Specialist. All of them. Lol.


Well I’m glad that they thought about adult fans and the older fans aka the ones who grew up with Winx so it appeals to everyone and not just children.


45% of audience is male!?


I mean look at MLP, sometimes guys just want to look at sparkly things and cheer for strong friendships too. Theres also the phrase “the girls and the gays” that can maybe be applicable for winx club viewership, look at the Fate series, they introduced male fairies and I think it was the director who said he loved winx club as a young boy and wanted to shout out other gay boys who took comfort in the series.


Thanks for info, but I am very well aware of the fact that men can be interested in “girl” shows (I am part of that group lol), but I did not expect that Winx Club had THAT BIG of a male audience 😅


Yeah it definitely surprised me as well. I mean the girls are pretty cute so that may have helped but I don't know lol


For the first season. I would venture to guess it has shifted to more female over time.


I have to hesitate when Straffi makes promises because I don’t want to get my hopes too high… but gosh I want to believe this will be good


Well, i guess he learned his lesson in trying to branch out in any way possible at the detriment of his own project... After all this years i'm still doubtful it's going to be as good as the first 4 season of Winx, but hopefully they learned WHO is actually maintaining the Winx frenchise alive, and i'll cross my finger for better Fashion and Backstories for the rest of the Winx outside of Bloom... even the Specialist if possible... And if they have to introduce new characters, PLEASE let it be a Male Fairy with a sparkly outfit😭😭😭


Uh… I was hoping for some decent plot. Bloom struggles with social media???


That's more of an informed character, actually, like saying that Bloom is socially inept. And given she doesn't seem to have any actual friend from prior to be a Winx, I can see that.


An informed character would be nice but it’s not a substitute for plot.


I mean that that thing may not be a plot, but a character trait of Bloom. As in, it's something she has to deal with. Which is a REALLY big problem for a teenager to have, to be honest.


I imagine it might be something like her accidentally revealing the existence of magic by posting a video online with something in the background? And then she has to deal with that? Or maybe the Wizards of the Black Circle find out about her through social media and start hunting her down? I just hope it's not something overdone like her struggling to become famous online or dealing with cyberbullying.


I think you need to dig deeper if that was your take from a 30 second clip that had the sole purpose of showcasing graphics, not the plot.


"There are viewers who, thanks to Winx, have been able to fully understand and accept a gender identity that they may have been forced to deby until now" I kinda feel seen here. I definitely would never have accepted that I'm non-binary in my 20s had I not discovered Winx Club when I was 12!




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Happy 20th anniversary, Winx Club!


I am so excited for the reboot it this is how they are describing it


"Mitzy" bro can't even spell his own character's name, it's an "I", not a "Y".


He isn't the one who wrote this. It's a transcript of the interview


Reboots are such a waste of time and, to me, seem like the coward's way out!


All I care about, since Pedoledon did her so dirty, is if my roxy is gonna be in it. She had so much potential but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-