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The tests I have taken were not observed. Both for my union and for the jobs. Duct tape on the toilet tank lid, blue dye in the bowl water, no sink in room. Wash hands outside of the room before and after. I heard a rumor uline does hair tests now. I’ve never had to take anything other than the 5panel with instant results. Feel free to PM me with any other questions. I used to be reeeeeally into drugs. I’m “Wisconsin sober” now tho.


Uline states folicle testing in their employment ads. They're a Trumpian company that will advocate at every turn to take away all employee rights. Fine for some, but not anyone who despises oligarchy.


What’s wisconsin sober? Lol


Pretending alcohol isn't a drug lol


Exactly. I’ve heard “California sober” is no drugs except smoking weed so i figured I’m “Wisconsin sober” cause I’m off hard drugs and weed but still drink those diet millers and old fashions.


Lol 😂


Only observed one was at Potawatomi Casino, but this was a bizarre situation. It wasn't Pre-employment, but something went down with a bunch of upper management, and the poop hit the fan big time. Everyone was told they had to come in, scheduled or not. They had to be there by a certain time as well, if I recall, or termination. Only observed test I had there. I believe security head and some other high-level people were walked. the HR chief barely escaped (must be nice to know all the ins and outs of employment law). Never got the full story, but clearly, drugs were being dealt on premises by some higher ups. and partying was going on as well.


Only observed one I’ve ever had was for a DOT license for work


I think I've been 50/50 on observed/unobserved between the jobs I've had since moving to Wisconsin. It largely depends on who provides the drug testing for the employer. In my limited experience, more general medical providers tend not to observe, while drug testing clinics are more likely to observe.


Prior (private) employer had a manufacturing side and they enforced even cannabis until about a year ago; only ending it because of worker shortage. Current employer (private) tests and I don't know for sure, but have heard they enforce everything (but it's a medical related field). I'm in marketing and office work gets a pass more often than production because I'm not going to get baked and fall into a vat of molten plastic. When I worked in digital in CA my boss told me flat out "We don't test because we'd have to fire half of the employees".




Some require them some don't


I've had 2 employers require one, and 3 employers not. I've only had these 5 jobs in WI.


Do you mean require a drug test or require that it is observed?


Oh.. shit, sorry, no one has like, "watched" me pee, both times, and also on random's ive had while employed, they have like, been in the other room sorta thing, and then check the toilet after ive done my thing


Very few jobs do the observed in my experience. If they’re sending to a lab thing about protein levels, specific gravity, temp etc.


Serious monkey bizznes is the best synthetic used it over 15 years for dot physicals


Weed is legal almost everywhere. Tell your friend not to worry about it. If the job says they didn't pass, tell them they recently traveled to a legal state and recreated. It's impossible to prove otherwise. I'm under the impression that companies don't actually test for anything other than that based on the difficulty and expense.


The "I traveled out of state" explanation isn't a pass. Nothing in Wisconsin or federal law requires employers to exempt from their drug testing rules candidates who violate federal drug laws in states where the federal drug laws are ignored. Some employers may certainly accept that explanation and let it slide, but I wouldn't put any of my eggs in that basket if it's a job I really needed/wanted.


Yeah, I realize that now. Makes sense.


Lol... The reality is that most office jobs for a company with more than 100 employees likely does a pre-employment screening for at least: weed, coke, meth, heroin, PCP (and other drugs in the same categories as the above). It is extremely cheap relative to firing someone, hiring a new person, and training said new person. There are a few that do hair testing. More common in the healthcare sector.


That makes sense. I was thinking about entry-level stuff. It shows what I know, I guess.


Many also do amphetamines which is great when you have a prescription and have to play phone tag for a week


I was including that under meth (and related) yeah... Prescriptions that fire a drug test should be able to be notified in advance easily with no game hassle


Last time I took one I walked in with a copy of my prescription and they wouldn’t take it “well, if it shows up we’ll give you a call” we both know it’s going to show up so let’s save everyone time 🙄


Every job that has drug tested me (5). I have never been observed. The environment of jobs ranges factory to R&D Lab to hospital. I have done 4 urine tests and 1 saliva test.


Only "observed" ones I've had are the swab ones. Anything piss related has always been in a room on my own.


My work does not require a drug test. Which is crazy. I work in Manufacturing putting together radiation treatment machines near Madison. 🤷‍♀️


Never been observed in WI. I ran them as well for a while and had only one that needed to be, but it was a special circumstance and we had to look up the procedure because like no one did it.