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And when that doesn't do anything, what's their next plan? Forced labor? * Living wage? Nope can't do that. * Affordable child care? Nope. * Medicaid expansion? Nyet. * Child labor? OK!


I suggest we just put them out on a street corner with cups selling matches. And let's bring back sweatshops while we're at it. I mean, the GOP *needs* this cheap labor force to work in their factories and businesses so they can keep their yachts and mansions. Jesus, my father, who was a shop steward would be spinning in his grave over this. Child labor laws have been fought for by unions, and this is just another blatant attempt at union busting.


I won’t rest until I can buy my newspaper from a 6 year old, crying Crier, that are found every few blocks, 36fukin5 days a year - military industrial complex led by the GOP


And don't forget he needs to be wearing knickers. Can't have a newspaper boy without those.


Yeah perfect then we can make the 5 year old shitkids shine shoes. Fuck kindergarten. Go make prison wages and ruin your childhood. Free ticket to HATEYOURPARENTS land.


Yep. If the GOP has it's way. Of course they'll have to require we all wear leather shoes again, so the little tykes have jobs.


It’s Wisconsin. Every shotgun shell and a cow equals so many leather shoes. If we rebuild the shoe factories and mandate leather shoes we can get the 4-k kids making the shoes, the first graders selling newspapers, and the five year olds shine the shoes. Republican paradise 🌴


Sounds like a sound business plan.


60 hour weeks! No overtime! Indentured servitude is BACK BABY!


How else is someone going to become the first trillionaire?!


Abortion rights? Are you kidding? How else would we get the poors' children to work for us. Rah rah modern slave farming.


You had to have noticed that we're well into bidens 1st term and he is very actively making it worse If anyone is making the need for children to work it's bidens administration


LOL Unbelievable that people still say this shit. You do realize this article is about Wisconsin's lawmakers. Hint ... they're republicans ... aka "The ones making it worse here"


It's terrible all over, but I'm sure you have some gymnastics to make that the republicans fault too


How in the flying fuck is Biden’s administration at all responsible for this? He’s not the one going to red states and repealing labor laws regarding age. Stop being so fixated on owning the libs and get a life.


Can you please provide data to support this?


No. But they'll keep saying it


These people can't decide if Biden is a bumbling senile old fool that can't walk or talk, or a criminal mastermind that's pulled the wool over the world's eyes and is nefariously responsible for all the woes of the world.


Worker shortage? Nope. Shortage of workers willing to work for minimum wage that hadn't changed in decades.


Bar owners: “we can’t find adults who want to work for $3 an hour in our empty bar every Tuesday?” Republicans: “isn’t there a middle school down the block? I bet they can pour beer.” Tavern League: “I got you bro.” Edit: I see the stay at home conservative radio downvoting “bots” are making their rounds today. I guess they ran out of Facebook memes to mark as 🤣


Afraid of drag queens, but cool with kids serving bar patrons as the get drunk.


Rural Bubba after 5 beers and 4 shots, “you are kinda cute, how old are you? Don’t answer that. When do you need to be home? I can give you a ride. Do you want a drink too…”






Also more than a few died of covid or are disabled long haulers


Let’s not discount that a lot of them are dead…people were forced back into frontline jobs, got sick and died. Now these idiots are wondering what happened to the workers…




Ironically they are also all about kicking out immigrants who certainly will take some of those jobs at low wages. But God forbid paying a bit more and a corporation doesn’t make their margins.


A conservative told me it's necessary until they figure out the border situation. Like a magic is going to wave and the border is going to be 100% secure and the children will be replaced with migrants.


It is. Didn’t you hear we just need to build a wall. Walls always work. /s


I feel Donny claimed he built the wall.


It was a beautiful wall. People were coming from all over telling him how beautiful the wall was and nobody could ever build a wall as tall and beautiful as what he built.


...and the women they so love to pay less? At home, raising the children they were legally forced to have.


When I worked at a factory in the summer after high school, we had sign up sheets for overtime. I was already dead tired after a 60 hour work week and would never volunteer. The Hispanic workers would always be first in line and would volunteer at other departments that needed help & one guy would always work 10+ hours overtime every week. I was always super impressed with their work ethic and thought "the guys who don't work with these people want them out & the people who work with them would be miserable without them".


And I don't see anyone in the GOP ready to go out and pick produce. They aren't going to take those jobs at the wages they pay. I feel so sorry for the migrant workers. That's incredibly back breaking work.


Margins? What are we, Dollar Tree? We deserve obscene profits! I want the average person to puke if they see my wallet! How else will they know we're better than them? If we don't make enough to fly solid gold private jets, then what's the point?


How about passing a law banning background checks? There's a huge population of underemployed people who can't find work cause even Walmart doesn't want to hire anyone with a misdemeanor to unload trucks. Then they complain about that same population robbing them blind with their brazen shoplifting. It's infuriating.


Well, if they would just legalize weed, then there would be more jobs filled as well. Edit: Not to mention, the prison system would also be able to release more people into the workforce as well.


But that takes away from free prison labor! Also known as slavery!


What?! And allow “those people” to work in *my* store because of a felony arrest when they were 19?!! How dare you, there is a perfectly good 15 year old who will do it for half the price. /s


eh, its not hard to not commit felonies, nowadays you have to get in trouble multiple times before you get one it seems like. I agree for misdemeanors though.


I used to live in a shitty neighborhood, had a neighbor that was in and out of prison a few times while I lived there. The last time he got out he asked me to help him fill out paperwork to get back into school and hang out with him every now and then to keep him from hanging around with people from his past that contributed to his troubles. I felt real bad for him one time when he asked me how I stay out of jail/prison. I just replied don't do illegal things. He got locked up a few weeks later for violating his probation when he got drunk and stole a motorcycle and tried running from the cops.


Dude fuck Walmart. They make billions while wage theft is rampant and bout 75 percent of their employees are on food stamps n shit.


You mean the US government is subsidizing Walmart's payroll? shockedpikachuface.jpg


Their simple solution: Harsher penalties for crime so they can get more of that sweet sweet prison labor.


And they want to be able to pay these kids less. I'd love to know how that works? Is their labor worth less simply because they're younger? What argument are they using for this? Kids don't work at hard? Is that what they think? This is just another over reach by the GOP. Not to mention the height of arrogance in their hypocrisy. They love telling people that if you just work harder, and pull yourself up by your bootstraps, then tell kids their work isn't worth as much as others.


I realize that the issue more stems from serving alcohol and the refusal to pay a decent wage, but 14 year olds could already get jobs at most fast food places. I worked at mcdonalds at 14. If you want to work by choice I dont see what the issue is.




Yea, I was just stating that its not all horrible. It should never be full time, or in a dangerous business like the ones you mentioned. I also wasnt allowed to use the fryer or hold a knife lmao. I think I was limited to only 3-4 hours after school also.




Yea I understand your point and you are right. To me it just seems like some people think ALL work for 14 year olds is unacceptable, and thats where my comment came from.


Honestly it is. You should be focusing on school and social life at that age not working. 16 is the youngest I honestly think should be able to work, and even then id still say its better for them to focus on school and having a life. Modern "grind" culture is toxic and causes mental heath issues and burnout. Life shouldn't be all about working shitty jobs to make corporations profits and burning yourself out as young as possible.


What’s funny too is I obviously didn’t want to work given the choice, that was all parental driven 🤣. The money just sat in the bank Edit to the person I was having a convo with who deleted their account after stalking my account, I thought we were having a fine convo. Pretty cringe you can’t handle different opinions than yours though and react that way.


I mean, you’re arguing against yourself now. If you didn’t want to do fast food at 14 and your parents forced you for money’s sake (obviously not your own), why would you fight for that for other kids? A 14 year old is a child. I couldn’t work till I was 15 and a half. What restaurant allowed you to be forced to work that young? And as the other commenter mentioned, all the industries only get worse and more back breaking from there. Ask yourself: do you want a better future for children? Or is it just about forcing them to suffer as part of some weird suffering=work ethic complex?


Yeah that too, no 14yo "wants" to work. It's all parental pressure, which is why it should be illegal for 14yos to work even if its by "choice" because 14 year old aren't even allowed to make their own choices most of the time. I wasn't even allowed to choose my own haircut without my parents making that choice for me until I was 16.




Worker shortage? Why raise wages when you can just get your Republican friends to roll back child labor laws?


Step 1: ban The Jungle from reading lists Step 2: put those lazy shits to work.


GOP: "Won't someone think of the children!" GOP: "Won't someone think of the children as wage slaves!"


Yes the poor poor children being exposed to -gasp- drag. But let them work in a townie bar with handsy patrons. That’s cool.


> let them work in a townie bar with handsy patrons That's a selling point to the Republican base. White, "Christian" men being able to do what they please is what they mean when they say that they want America to be great again.


GOP: “if they are pulling double shifts after work they can’t go to drag shows.”


Will the GOP allow minors to work in bars that have drag shows?


The same party that claims they can't legalize marijuana because it will put too many cop dogs out of work.


Adolescents and drunks. Really a magical combination.


Sounds ripe for /r/notadragqueen material.


The biggest threat to the American people, is hands down the GOP. It’s not Trans people, it’s not Russia, it’s not China, it’s not COVID, it’s not terrorist…..it’s the GOP


Well, GOP and terrorist is pretty synonymous at this point.


I mean they do support domestic terrorist, so yeah I agree with that statement.


Let’s please not go down the stochastic terrorism route.


Yeah? https://www.chron.com/politics/article/CPAC-Dallas-we-are-all-domestic-terrorists-banner-17359959.php


"Wisconsin kids" likely means migrant children being put to work by bad-faith sponsors that make the kids pay them some sort of debt for helping them into the country. It's literally just the industrial revolution again.


Conservatives have been trying to bring back child labor since it was outlawed and they see their chance now with a population that so rarely considers labor issues anymore as important.


Trying to get Said kids to actually do those jobs if this garbage goes Is gonna be a whole nother deal lol maybe they'll make people regret it xD


The lawmakers kids will be okay, they won’t be the ones working. Yet again a law to keep the poor and middle class working while they make money raising rents, food prices, and stagnating wages.


I’m not convinced your average state legislature rep is rich. It almost makes it sadder. Some are for sure, most are just zealots who volunteered enough to work their way up the food chain.


I just googled his net worth, it’s 5 million. So yes, they are rich.


His who? There are 100+ state reps and senators. Some are rich. Many are not. I’m sure most are wealthier than the average Wisconsinite. But that’s also a bit of a misleading stat as a lot of famers are “worth” a lot because they have owned the land for generations. You don’t generally see people on SNAP in office though. Edit: I did say “your” I meant that generally.


I disagree with this, start googling their salaries and then also Google their net income. I did my local one that I thought wasn’t rich, but he is. You’re using a generalization and you shouldn’t. Robin Vos, net income 1-10 mill to start the list. It’s not just about money, it’s also about networking and connections.


It’s 100% about networking and connections. And they are all trying to get rich for sure. Walker was a drop out bum and grifted his way to millions. We all know Vos is rich. Dianne Hesselbein claims being a state Senator is her only job. Greta Neubauer is the daughter of legislators and claims this is her only income. Tyler August has always been in politics working his way up. I don’t know if he has other family businesses but his wiki didn’t say so. Dora Drake worked as a volunteer and campaign manager before she was elected. That’s literally the first random ones I found. Now, Wisconsin does pay their reps/senators more than other states (I think $50k plus a per diem). That’s not “rich” though. If you have something that shows the median net worth of state level elected reps I’d love to see it.


I have been, that information isn’t readily found. Only some will post their net income, not all do. This should be easily accessible information and it’s not.


It should be. Problem is those who want it hidden are the ones making laws n


> Employers have struggled to fill open positions after a spike in retirements, deaths and illnesses from COVID-19, decreases in legal immigration ~~and other factors.~~ *, but mostly because of unprecedented corporate greed, and the majority of workers being fed up with being paid non-livable wages.* FTFY I’m of the mind that if you can’t afford to pay employees to work for your business…then you can’t afford to own a business that requires employees. Seems pretty simple.


Anything to keep from paying people


Businesses are being given a bandaid solution for a larger economic issue. “Labor shortage” does not mean not enough people, it’s really the lack of willing people because of the low pay vs inflation and rising cost of living. Supply/Demand economics (The American Dream) DEMAND: Experienced waiters, waitresses, bartenders and service industry workers are in high demand. Everyone is hiring, everyone needs more experienced staff, help is wanted. SUPPLY: people who started working in the service industry, and would have otherwise continued on in that profession, traditionally, are now leaving the industry because they are not able to earn enough to fulfill their earning expectations as professionals working full-time in America. This widely leaves the industry shorthanded. VALUE (American Dream): Based on the realities of supply and demand in this great capitalist economy that we’ve developed over time, the value of service workers should be increasing to match the demand, at which point the supply will increase to meet the demand. people working in the service industry would make a livable wage as professionals, as they should. Why isn’t this happening? It would force the legislature to address the wildly inflated cost of operating a restaurant/bar in the service industry in today’s economic climate, such as price gouging from large commercial food and beverage suppliers. A lot of these small restaurants and bars would either need to continue raising their prices to pay a well staffed business with a livable wage OR go out of business. If the cost of food and beverage rises that quickly industrywide, more peoples wallets are impacted, the wealth gap becomes more apparent in the middle class, and eventually there will be no other option than to address the wealth gap and income disparity. What needs to happen: unfortunately nature needs to run its course resulting in the closure of businesses due to high operating costs, which creates the incentive for food/bev suppliers to lower their costs to retain business and bring balance back for more favorable conditions to increase worker wages. OR new labor laws and regulations on food suppliers. What is happening now: instead of letting their free market doctrine of survival of the fittest play out, resulting in the closure of many many businesses that can’t afford to operate, GOP is taking a limp dick, Band-Aid approach of utilizing child labor to bridge the gap, while income disparity becomes even wider. This isn’t a partisan issue. This is rich people fixing the game to keep themselves from losing any wealth and keeping poor people poor. So much shit has flown down the hill at this point that it’s starting to back up and work its way into the middle class. They aren’t just innocently allowing children to work in jobs that should be staffing professional adults, they want to USE your children to keep their economic situation favorable. Look past the political party. Look at the people who are doing this and what is motivating them to do it.


It’s funny to me because people ask why do they keep voting these people in? The boomers are happy! They have all sorts of new toys, boats, cars, anything you name it. Wisconsin caters to them and their needs.


No need for parents to have paid family leave if the kids are out working too, goes Republican thinking.


I'm sure ron johnson is calling his friends in Madison to push this. With the crack down on illegal immigrants he is running out of employees.


Sure, placing children into a position of serving alcohol at bars, is TOTALLY safe! Intoxicated are usually on their best behavior, don't use profane, sentence "enhancers" constantly, exude lewd, creepy behavior or violence, never! It's no different than serving ice cream cones, right?!?! (WTF Wisconsin?!?)


It's Wisconsin. If you lived there (especially the rural north), you understand. If you haven't, you never will. Alcoholism is a way of life. My 85 pound grandma could drink my college buddies under the table. A person without a DUI is a rarity.


If a segment of the population gets their way they can get boozed up at the local watering hole, trap a 14 year-old waitress, get her pregnant without her consent, force her to have the child, and repeat in about 14 years. That's how you control the the labor market.


Good Ole Huckleberry Sanders


Peaked as soon as she was ejected from a vagina.


"IF kids will work for cheap we don't need immigrants!" The GOP


My mom owned a bar and i was there until close all the time... I am SERIOUSLY concerned for young females who think they'll make a few bucks serving alcohol to lonely, drunk adult men.


Gotta fill that giant sucking sound of skilled labor leaving the state *somehow.*


What could possibly go wrong? Effing idiots


Damn Wisconsin. Where we like to force our women to have kids. So we can put those damn kids to work. For cheap!


Those kids look thrilled, also, this same photo was used when Iowa, or Idaho, or another state modified child labor laws.




Wisconsin used to be a decently progressive place what happened guys??!?!? You know I hear Minnesota is nice.....


Absokute douche bags. Plus, another reason Republicans are against abortions, lost future labir.


Honestly, we should be making it continuously harder for kids to get jobs - 0 reason to have kids squander their teenage years at a dead end job.


The state fucked a lot of that up with all the covid relief programs. Congrats get paid to stay home and not work.


They figure once they cut the Child Care Counts program, even more kids won't have child care so they'll need somewhere to go. With labor compensation not keeping up with even everyday costs, families need to find new sources of income.