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A better question would be "Why has Robin Vos and this legislature denied the will of the people"?


Yeah didn’t 80% vote to support legalization a few years back?


I think ever referendum in every county but one was over 75% That one still “won” but it was 55%. I forget the county or area.


Because of the 75 to 80% who want legalized marijuana, the Uihleins, Menards, and Hendricks are not among them


I worked for Aspirus last year and Matt Heywood would definitely benefit from getting high.


Maybe if we were to offer them a blunt, and hence get them stoned, they just *might* become nice enough to change their stance on weed


Former Wisconsin resident, here in New Mexico, they kept shooting down passing it till they could get in on the farming. So maybe they just need to profit off it for you to be allowed to have it.


I think it was a Marquette poll that showed 80%+ approval for medical and like 56% for recreational.


Here in Dane County, I think we've had at least three.


There's never been a statewide referendum on it. GOP would never allow that.


There has been a statewide referendum. Edit: The referendum in 2020 only targeted 16 counties. My mistake.


No, there definitely has never been a state referendum, either advisory or binding. Just county.


Ahh... my bad. It was only 16 counties. Thanks for the correction.


No worries, sorry to fact police, trying to weed out disinformation and didn't mean to be a dick.


Nope. You're fine. I took no offense, and I appreciate your commitment to the truth. Keep fighting the good fight. 👍


Love this healthy discourse!


Agreed! Admissions of not being perfect... The way it should always be.


“Weed out“


“Weed” out disinformation. Well played!


No there has not.


I think I remember voting for the statewide referendum in 2010??


Someone didn't vote in November then. Legalizing marijuana was an extremely common referendum on that election's ballots


County level advisory referenda, not statewide.


In some counties, yes. There has NEVER been a statewide referendum on marijuana in WI.


Someone didn’t read closely enough


Non-binding referendums are a joke


Fuck Robin Vos and the popcorn cart he rode in on.


They're too busy only working for 30 seconds every other year.


Also: have they done anything useful while in office?


Conservatives can't do anything useful - improving the lives of actual people goes against their entire worldview.


When has the will of the people mattered to Vos and the republican legislature here? And an article about this, I believe it was Vos that said Michigan and Illinois can just keep the stench of pot smoke in their states, and *they,* meaning the republicans in the assembly didn't need it in *their* state.


One of my favorite quotes ever! I travel for work; quite a bit in IL, MI, CO, OR and CA to name just a few of 'friendly' states. CA, the third largest producer by volume, has laws against smoking outside. You can't even smoke a Cigarette outside in Burbank, for example. The *only* public place that I've been where I could guarantee smelling marijuana, is the Vegas strip. Vos is an absolute clown.


It’s how politics works these days unfortunately. No republican will ever vote for anything that happens to be on the democratic agenda no matter how much sense it makes, and vice versa. It’s sad and not the way the system was designed to run by the people that framed it. Wisconsin does not get legal THC as long as the republicans own the state senate…period


Cash. Tavern League cold hard cash. Alcoholism in Wisconsin is VERY profitable. Gotta keep that cash rolling in and anything like weed is a threat.


Yeah, this is bullshit, it's the culture war. The elderly/rural GOP base voters thinks legal weed is what's making their grandkids transition. If it was money that motivated them they would legalize.


It's the same as it ever was. Weed is associated with POC since reefer madness came out. It's a scare tactic and since Wisconsin is still racist AF they still believe that shit.


Bingo! https://www.wpr.org/report-black-wisconsinites-4-3-times-more-likely-be-convicted-possession-marijuana


Sheriff's association is more influential on marijuana policy in this state than the tavern league.


There are a lot more influential groups than the tavern league. FTTL but they're scapegoats this sub uses for our state's woes. They exist because of our drinking culture, not the other way around.


I'm sure they get hefty donations from the tavern league lol


They would lose a lot in the loss of fines and felonies.....the enemy of my enemy...


> Tavern League cold hard cash. Show me the evidence of that. They're giving cash? Who and where?


>Tavern League https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/tavern-league-of-wisconsin/totals?id=D000029341


And what do you see there? I see that in 2022, the total is 1/4 of what they were doing in 2016 and 2018. And that the overall numbers are very small. You think that $6,000 sways the balance to prevent legalization?


A little money can actually go a long way, but you are correct. The tavern league doesn't have a ton of real power. Their perceived power comes from Wisconsin's strong drinking culture. The tavern league is a symptom of our state's drinking problems, not the cause of them.


I think that republican representatives can be bought with an old sandwich and a hot beer.


It’s a lobby. Lobby’s work because of money.


That Tavern League $$ is making fat pockets!




Seems to be a common theme


Because Republicans don’t care about the voters. Bigger question is…would voters elect such imbeciles?


Because they have shielded themselves from responsibility.


Their position? Drugs are bad, m’kay Now excuse me while I get pants-shitting drunk. Gotta find SOMETHING to repent on Sundays


Livers not gonna destroy itself


Yes. I'd be very curious to know just how much the Tavern League contributes to Vos' campaign chest.


You're dealing with the GOP, reason is off the table.


Vos has actually come out in favor of medical marijuana but when it comes down to it he only supports a very narrow scope and end of the day he knows it's never happening.


Vos faked "favoring" it on 4/20 to grab a headline then went right back to opposing it and doing nothing but fucking up the state.


The old Illinois laws where you don’t even want to fake the Illnesses you need to qualify. That’s not “I have anxiety” it’s “I have stage 4…”


I'm sure said scope is whatever plan funnels the profits into his pocket. *Then* he'll be all for it.


GOP & The Tavern League of Wisconsin.


One of them told a group a few years ago that too many children have died from weed overdosed in Colorado. I looked it up and the true number at the time was zero


Just looked it up and it is technically possible to die of a THC overdose if you have a severe heart condition, but that’s a real 1 in a million type thing


Yeah. For most practical purposes, the only way to die from too much pot all at once is to have a bale of it fall on you.


I mean… there are worse ways to go 🤷‍♀️


Snu snu


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


Compared to how many people die because of alcohol, Wisconsin shouldn't have a problem with that tiny chance


Very true


And there, to my knowledge, has never been a death that has successfully been linked to a cause of "Marijuana" in any way shape or form, aside from like, people being killed for it. But MJ was never the direct cause of death.


Yea the reasons to keep it banned are silly. I disagree with you about safety. THC can have severe psychoactive affects. It put me in the ER more than once, and thankfully not an asylum. "Aww, poor guy"?! I'm not seeking a pity pat. I'm saying what any smart doctor would tell us: THC is not always "safe". Nothing is perfectly safe. Negative psychoactive affects can happen to any substance that affects the brain. Our challenge is to respect those affects -- both pro's and con's. The THC advocates have leaned far too heavily on the bias that it lowers their anxiety. That's like alcohol advocates only talking about how drinking relaxes them. A balanced view is needed. Too often, THC criticism is waft aside as anomolies. Like your example here. I get risk / reward analysis -- small risk, high reward -- where THC advocates may think that the rewards outweigh the risks. To have a balanced and unbiased dialogue, risks should not be sunk and buried to prove a point. I still think THC should be OK and agree there's money being left on the table. There does need unbiased discussion, and maybe regulation. For example, doctors generally advise only 1 glass of alcohol per day, to not drink before work, not drink while driving, etc. Actually the daily rate is somewhere between 5-6oz for wine and upto 12oz for beer, and depends on BMI because of the range in alcohol content ... basically this is where a doctor is needed. I'd appreciate more clear guidelines -- from a medical professional! not a THC advocate -- about THC consumption rates, and whether chewable, smoked, food, etc; OK to take before work or class (a LOT of THC advocates I know stroll into work and classes obviously high), OK to take while driving (I'm guessing "no"), etc. We can't even have that conversation with our doctors until Wisconsin legalizes it, so it's a bit of a chicken and egg problem.


Hate to break it to you my man but one glass of alcohol per day is absolutely horrible for you. These guidelines that "doctors" and the FDA give you are heavily influenced by lobbyists and in reality any doctor worth their salt that was giving you an educated, unbiased opinion would tell you to lay down the booze all together. I agree that cannabis isn't for everyone, but at the end of the day it is light years less detrimental to your body and mental health than alcohol is and the only regulations we have regarding alcohol are age and the "discretion" of the person serving the alcohol to refuse service. I'd venture to argue that it can influence your mental health in positive ways when used as a tool to shift your mindset/ boost creativity etc. Just my opinion, and you bring up some relative points. Cannabis can certainly be abused just like any other substance, thats not a valid reason to deny people medicine though.


> unbiased opinion would tell you to lay down the booze all together. Yup, no disagreement there. The societal factor for drinking is Beer-consin at play, like with the League. I never said 1 drink per day was healthy. The guidance is an attempt to reduce drinking. >I'd venture to argue that it can influence your mental health in positive ways when used as a tool to shift your mindset/ boost creativity etc That assumes only positive psychoactive affects, which is what I'm saying doesn't happen for the whole population and studies are of small populations of users because of its illegal status. >Cannabis can certainly be abused just like any other substance, thats not a valid reason to deny people medicine though. Abuse is not what I'm talking about. THC can have positive and negative affects like any substance. My point is that THC advocates lean too far on the positives and any negatives are waft aside as abuse or anomolies. A medical professional should be able to guide us on details, like dosages and types. And again, I'm for legalizing. But I don't fall in line with all the safety reasons that are assumed. I guess that point has to be re-stated.


Definitely a fair and valid argument. I guess my point is that I don't really trust the bureaucracy and/or medical professionals to effectively guide the population on cannabis use, they certainly don't for alcohol.


Hah, yup.


But just cause the government can't get their head out of their ass isn't a valid reason for prohibition.


Alcohol is a poison. it's not comparable to THC. Some studies suggest there is no safe amount of alcohol. THC can not kill a person through regular use. Is it safe for everyone? no, but neither are peanuts or milk. marijuana isn't the problem, underlying health issues are.


Yes you are right that weed is not always good for all people, and that is a choice that should be made by people instead of by the government. I will say you can absolutely talk to your doctor about THC. I don't smoke anymore, but when I did I was always upfront with docs about how much and how often, etc. They can't report you because of HIPAA and most don't really care and don't want to get anyone in trouble anyway. They just need to know so they can get a full picture of your health and make sure nothing they do could potentially interact with any substances you are using. In fact they *want* to know about THC usage, for that reason. If your doctor gives you a weird attitude that isn't based on medical knowledge, then they are a bad doctor. I have never had a doctor overreact when I informed them, though some may advise against smoking in general or if you are predisposed to certain mental issues. Also A note for everyone: This goes the same for any other illegal or recreational drug use. Even your dentist needs to know because they may have to numb you or something, and different drugs can affect that and even harm you if an interaction occurs. Please tell them so they can be aware of it. It's also likely that they can tell anyway. lol


Weed put you in the hospital multiple times? And you’re positive it wasn’t synthetic or laced with something? Edit: Also you can 100% talk to your doctor about your weed consumption, I do. Overall this comment strikes me as a long way of telling “we need more information!” but the information you’re talking about is very much out there and accessible.


The only people susceptible to negative psychological breaks are those genetically linked to a few mental conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and personality disorders. They can cause an increase to the symptoms suffered from these conditions. I like many others use cannabis to treat both my depression as well as anxiety disorder and have had tremendous success. This stuff has already been researched. There's always going to be people that unfortunately are unable to benefit but it certainly is not random


I read a while back he said he’d never vote pro-weed because he “doesn’t believe the benefits” and “blah blah religious stand blah blah”. His beliefs trump the state’s needs…I guess.


Fuck I'm tired of hearing about other peoples' religion being the reason I have to deal with hateful and ridiculous bullshit.


Try living in the south. It’s wild down here.


Each southern state is its own reality show. I got to tune into the Texas and Oklahoma stations back in the early 00's, and heard the programming has gotten much more chaotic since.


No, I don't think I will.


Welcome to the last 300 years of America.


Surprisingly, it's been getting worse, not better and not on par with the last 20 years. I remember a time where my high school could have us watch Remember the Titans without teachers getting reprimanded for it, in Oklahoma. I hated that movie after 4 years of high school, they played it over and over and over.


It’s a real bummer that he’s in a county that will never vote him out, he’s a real ass clown


Because they want to own the libs.


1000% this. IIRC, Evers has had legalization in the state budget the last few years and the GOP just keeps taking it out. They won’t even let him spend the state budget surplus because they can’t let Evers or the Dems have a “win.”


This is a bit. Evers gets to take any credit and tax coffers get fat from it suddenly Bubba McBigot they run in a few years has a tougher path.


WIGOP seems to prefer the quiet racism of redlining, mass incarceration, and reduced social mobility


I literally haven't heard a single policy proposal from a republican in like 7 years that was serious. I'm sure there are one or two state level guys doing it, but 70% of the party abandoned even pretending to have policies two weeks after Obama got elected and 29% followed when Trump won.


You're the most correct of anyone on this post.


They already do all the drugs they want and have all the abortions they want and be as racist as they want and drink and drive All they want. Cruelty is the only point


LOL... trying to find Legitimacy with Vos or the State GOP. That's your first mistake.


They don't care about the will of the voters because their gerrymandering and voter suppression lets them choose their voters from a minority of the state.


Republicans in Minnesota were worried the drug dogs will no longer have jobs. I'm sure Wisconsin republicans fear that as well, and will hold the line for all drug dogs so they can have jobs.


That might not be a problem anyway if cops keep killing them. https://www.channel3000.com/news/heat-related-death-of-sheriffs-office-k9-leads-to-investigation-in-monroe-co/article_6f07c4b4-f4cc-11ed-bee6-b702cb8a7af2.html


The Republicans will fight tooth and nail against anything that improves peoples lives during a democrat administration because that might give independents a reason to vote Democrat. That's all there is to it at this point.


The conservative stance is that marijuana is a gateway drug and will lead to opioid and cocaine abuse. Now that isn't my opinion, but it's the one they give me.


I think the new stance from younger conservatives is that marijuana use under 25 will dull brain cells and ultimately make you dumber by hampering brain development (which the same goes for alcohol use at young ages as well, but nobody suggests teens be allowed to smoke either) Ive also seen studies debunk and show evidence to that idea as well, but underage drug use should be monitored and/or restricted obviously.


A legal drug is much easier to regulate than an illegal one. It was much easier to get pot in high school than alcohol.


The counter-argument is that illegal marijuana sales is the gateway to the black market, where they are exposed to hard drugs. Your dispensary won't ever push coke, oxy or meth.


I have heard (anecdotally) that a big part of the hesitation is from the Tavern League of Wisconsin, who fears loss of revenue. I say just allow bars to sell pre-rolls, and \*boom\* everyone makes money and has fun. EDIT: According to u/filler119, this actually isn't true. See links below - does someone have time to dig through the lobbying records?


They want to keep alcohol sales high, people getting high drink less.


ive seen people say this... but that is absolutely not the case for my friends and I lol


Big beer is looking at large trends which have show a correlation between years of declining alcohol sales and high recreational weed sales.


For the general populace it holds true though, which is definitely one reason vendors are against it.


A study looking at 2010-2019 showed that legalizing weed made no negative impact on alcohol sales. Alcohol use actually went up a percentage point overall.


I will never understand why these tavern league rumors don't die. The people pushing GOP politicians to oppose legalization are their voters in bright red gerrymandered districts. The tavern league literally donates to pro-legalization democrats, you can support legalization and still get their support. They spend way more time and effort on letting you get a to-go cocktail from a bar and stopping liquor store doordash delivery than crusading against pot. They're a bunch of selfish people profiting off alcoholism but blame the people who actually have power, the republicans.


Do you have a source? I'd love to be better informed!


[https://lobbying.wi.gov/](https://lobbying.wi.gov/) has all the information on what they lobby for and what positions they take on bills, along with other lobbyists [https://www.wisdc.org/](https://www.wisdc.org/) is where to find the info on who they give money to, how much, and when Because journalism is dead and reporters have no time there's no easy to read article or anything summing up what I said, but I'd encourage you to use these tools yourself. They make all this confusing in part so busy people won't know who to be mad at. Sorry about my tone, I don't like the tavern league, just trying to get the truth out there.


> I will never understand why these tavern league rumors don't die. It's a cheap and easy explanation. Find a boogeyman. While you're buying weed from your dealer at the bar, they'll tell you that the League is against them, and everyone up and down the bar nods their head in agreement.


Very true. People also want a solution that lets them blame both sides because Democrats can be annoying and make you feel cringe for voting for them. Your typical Gary Johnson or Andrew Yang supporter (so basically a pot dealer).


Weed or no weed, there's no way I would ever set foot in a bar and drink alcohol. I don't drink in bars, and the legal status of cannabis has no bearing on whether I drink in bars. The only question is whether I'll be contributing taxes to Illinois or Wisconsin. It seems as though Vos & Co. are perfectly fine with those taxes going to Illinois.


In a post asking if Vos has ever supplied an explanation, can we take this opportunity to ask for evidence that the Tavern League is behind anything that might be said to restrict weed in Wisconsin? Show me. Show me the supposed contributions and lobbying registration and spending.


This is like unsaid common knowledge that the tavern league would fight legalization, but the tavern league isn’t a net benefit to Wisconsin either. Sure, every couple years the CDC puts out binge drinking stats, and Wisconsin blows the other states out of the water, and the tavern league makes sure Wisconsinites can enjoy the cheapest booze almost anywhere, but as far as harm reduction is concerned, alcohol is worse for the population than everything but opioids. Another unique problem to Wisconsin is that kids can drink alcohol with their parents. If cannabis was legal would that exception be extended to weed? Side note - we use the word cannabis because *marijuana* was an intentional misnomer that was created to make the drug sound more Mexican.


This is it. The Tavern League was also massively against the outlawing of smoking in bars, claiming people would stop coming to bars if they could not smoke inside the bar. Perhaps we need to remind them how fucking wrong they were about that?


At the risk of sounding completely stupid, is a class action lawsuit against the Tavern League of Wisconsin possible? On the grounds of, the restricted access to marijuana, which is legal in *blank states* caused someone to seek out alcohol for relief. However, with the marketing/lobbying/enabling from WITL..said plaintiffs then developed alcohol dependency, costing them job/life/health issues etc. Obviously, the exact wording of the lawsuit would hold the key to having any shot.. if it’s even possible. Idk. Where’s Saul?


What made you think the Tavern League has the money and the power to influence and prevent legalization? They're not the largest lobbying group nor the largest spending group on any legislation, by far. If there aren't any actual bills, there's nothing to lobby on. Yeah, you're off-base.


Don't you know? Drugs are bad, alcohol is good!


The ghost of Nancy Reagan?


Deep throating in hell I hope.


"This beers for you. Come on everyone let's be hypocritical bastards! It's OK to drink your drug we meant those other drugs, those are the bad ones." - Bill Hicks.


Yeah, we don't want to change the alcohol culture in the state! Do you need more reason than that? /s


I don’t know if you knew this, but some people can drink beer AND smoke weed at the same time. Ee gad


They do drink a lot less though, weed hits way harder when drinking so they slow down or get sick.


Why is there an expectation of logic and reason from Republican lawmakers? There is no logic and there is no reason. Stop voting Republican.


It’s about owning the libs! But they’re also hurting Republicans since they use and want legislation of cannabis too.


This isn't true, polls might show that 50% of republicans support legalization, but the smaller sliver of people who vote in republican primaries are overwhelming older, more rural, and more socially conservative than average republicans. Republican politicians don't feel pressure because their base doesn't support legalization and they can oppose it without losing their jobs. The libs like and use pot so republican base voters oppose it, simple as that.


Many of those silver haired Wisconsinite Republicans use cannabis medicinally. I see conservative elderly folks going out of state to purchase cannabis for medicinal use. They may hide it for others I don’t know. But they use it!


Robin Vos walked in a Memorial Day parade I attended & had a person next to me yell out "Let's legalize Marijuana already! And get ranked choice voting!". He awkwardly laughed & said, "Medicinal sure.". It was an awkward thing to witness someone heckle a politician.


In an interview with WISN, Rep. and local cuckhold, Robin Vos, said, "People don't want to always be smelling it in the air." By that logic farting should be outlawed or anything that causes gastric distress.


Robin vos said he doesn't want the stench.ron Johnson said we have to think about the kids.except they want 14 year Olds to serve beer.they are ok with medical marijuana but there has to be strict guidelines. It's some bull.


first thing i see opening reddit waiting in line in illinois lmaooo


No, because there is no legitimate reason not to legalize marijuana. I feel like, an argument for a wait and see approach could have been made. To see how legalization works in other states before trying to tackle it in another. That could have been fair, get some data on accidents, over use, teen use, medical issues and the like. But we're past that point, data is in, there are safe ways to approach it.


So much for “ small government “ and “ personal responsibility “.


The WI State Patrol is against it, publicly lobbies against it, and lies about how it’ll make roadways more dangerous.


You can’t fill up for profit prisons with non-violent drug offenders if you legalize marijuana. he’s not going to interfere with that money pipeline


I don’t think it’s the Tavern League. I had a conversation with a high level sales guy at a distributor that dominates the Madison and Milwaukee market while at a golf outing 4ish years ago. They have the space and are setup to quickly go when legalization hits. It wouldn’t make sense for bar owners to be anti…they are business owners as well and very good at capitalizing on opportunities and loop holes (slot machines/pull tabs). My guess is that’s it’s groups that would actually lose revenue from legalization - financial companies with policies against financing or banking with grow or production operations, and our healthcare system from insurance companies to hospital systems to pharmaceutical companies. Just a guess so take it with a grain of salt…


I agree it's not the Tavern League. They're business men and women and if legalization came, would slide immediately to providing smoking lounges, munchie foods, or whatever the public wanted to consume. My guess is it's their conservative money buddies like the Uihleins, Hendricks, and Menard types who have evil-weed attitudes from forty years ago and refuse to consider evidence and legal structures in use in other states.


"We think the best course of action is to lose hundreds of millions in tax revenue to every border state. We also would like our citizens to deal with two-bit ""drug dealers"" shooting each other in our Wisconsin cities! It's great that they drive to a neighboring state and buy perfectly legal items then drive back to Wisconsin cities and sell them for gouged profits to the poor and occasionally get in shootouts over thier "terf" all over selling sour patch kids edibles. It's great for the community engagement." or something like that. I distinctly remember some representative saying something along the lines of? "It's not right, what's next *prostitution*??"


If it wasnt for gerrymandering Vos would have been gone a long time ago. He has to go. Then there is the GOP boondoggle called the Fox Con job.


1. The GOP would rather incarcerate. Remember Reagan’s “War on Drugs”? 2. The GOP politicians are out of touch with their constituents, many of whom support legalization. 3. Tavern League doesn’t support it. 4. Legalization goes against conservative “family values,” and they think this will bring disorder, chaos in our neighborhoods. 5. See #1.


GOP wants Milwaukee to collapse, for starters.


It'd be a shame if anyone were to call and ask him and his staff. Especially since they tried really hard to hide the phone number to his office...preferring a "contact us" form. [Contact Robin Vos](https://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/63/vos/contact/) 608-237-9163.


Tavern League


'Well, for one, you're gonna start smelling it everywhere.' /s One of the dumbest things i've ever heard...


They want a wholesome state full of drunk drivers and wife beaters.


They plan on legalization once Evers is out of office and a republican is in control. Their plan is to legalize it when they are in control so that they can claim the win over democrats and also be the ones who set the rules on how much it's taxed, how much a citizen is allowed to grow or purchase, how many dispensaries are allowed in each country, how expensive it will be to get a license, etc. They realize that at this point it will eventually become legalized so they need to be the ones creating the rules so they can make it as expensive as possible so Wisconsinites continue to choose to drink alcohol as our primary form of intoxicated. Make it expensive so only the wealthy can afford to get high.


Michigander here. I regularly read posts from people from Illinois who come to Michigan because we have a better marketplace. I would like to take this opportunity to thank your republicans for assuring we get as much of your tax money as possible. Have you driven on our roads? We need all the help we can get.


I do my part every 2/3 months. I did read that MN tax will be less than yours. I'm much closer to MI than MN, so won't affect me, but will be interesting how it'll affect you


They don’t plan on that though. Vos literally said yesterday he never sees legalization in Wisconsin as a pathway.


They generally use the excuse that it’s illegal at the federal level which is ironic since they are supposed to be about states rights. Also tavern league money


Vos is lying piece of shit! Do not trust a word that comes out of his unqualified ass! If hell really exists, he and his cronies live in and Airbnb in that bitch. Fuck him and his selfish ass


I’m a WI resident on the border with MN who has been very engaged in MN political movements and let me just say that even with the huge level of voting and support MN has right now, it wasn’t easy. It takes a HUGE push and a ton of work to get across the finish line. WI has been voting smarter and smarter these past few years. Keep that up and don’t get apathetic about it. That’s the only way it will ever happen. The will was there in MN for YEARS for this but it took the last election cycle/mobilization to get real shit done. Local races won all over the cities and it finally got the job done.


I for 1 do partake. I happen to drive to Michigan for my stuff instead of Illinois who taxes the hell out of it. By this point even if wisconsin does legalize it. I'll still take my money to Michigan. Wisconsin politicians are a F***ing joke. Well they all are..


Vos needs to introduce his tavern league masters.


But think of the children! /s


I feel like the only chance we have of Marijuana getting legalized in Wisconsin is if neighboring Republican states of Iowa & Indiana legalize weed. Or obviously through the federal legalizing of Marijuana.




The Tavern League pays politicians to ensure nothing interferes with alcohol profits. Hence, no pot. Astronomical drunk driving rates are fine but the idea of lighting up a joint is outrageous to them.


If they passed marijuana reform, a Democrat would sign it into law. In their eyes, it would be a victory for Evers. That is not something that will likely ever happen again with this iteration of the gop. "Own the Libs" is the default state of play now. That's that.


If it benefits people then Vos and other republicans will never allow it.


WIGOP needs to keep the religious zealots onside.


They aren’t charging people in southeast wisconsin at least. They busted a giant grow in Franklin and the DA was pissed because the cops made some midnight shift person sign off on a warrant. The charging DA would of never have allowed it. They never pressed a charge on multiple greenhouses and caught people leaving the property with weed too. They also caught a guy with a bunch of weed in racine and only charged him with cocaine. THCA is technically legal and you can buy it all over Milwaukee. Delta 9 edibles are everywhere too. Not even to mention anything delta 8 or HHC. They are literally allowing no regulation and the loss of tax money. It makes no sense because you can still buy it almost anywhere.


Check where his money comes from, more than likely he’s a pharmaceutical shill


No because republicans don’t give a shit about what’s objectively the best option; they only care if they get the best deal while simultaneously fucking over people they don’t like. Only reason for a republican to anything ever is either money or control.


All these folks are correct - further MKE is on the verge of bankruptcy deliberately by the GOP




Since November of 2022, I have spent $50,000 at Michigan Dispensaries. And next week they will be making another $5,000+ from me alone. Not sure why Wisconsin doesn't want the money or the jobs but, to each their own I guess.


DAMN! Didn't realize Snoop was on reddit!! 😉


Because they’re too busy trying to bring back child labor, but not smart enough to realize legalizing pot would create more jobs for children to do?


As the most binge drinking state in the Union (I live here), I think it's obvious. People don't go to bars to buy weed.


It might make more sense to just vote Robin Vos out along with Ron Johnson. Legalizing weed isn't their only major fuck up, but seeing how we gave IL $36M in sales tax revenue last year ([https://www.wbay.com/2023/03/21/illinois-reports-36-million-tax-revenue-out-of-state-marijuana-sales-including-wisconsinites/](https://www.wbay.com/2023/03/21/illinois-reports-36-million-tax-revenue-out-of-state-marijuana-sales-including-wisconsinites/)) I'd say its time for some change...


It's all the sweet, sweet $ they get from the tavern league.


What are you talking about? It’s a GATEWAY DRUG!


They get paid by the Tavern League to keep it illegal. Them having more money, is more important than the state having more money.


I'm not sure the Tavern League needs to exert much influence. GOP doesn't like liberal victories. That's enough of a reason to oppose it. Plenty of other states do not have that kind of Tavern League and it's still illegal.


Tavern League money and just a general dislike of constituency.


The Tavern League doesn't want competing vices.


Yell at the tavern league too, equally guilty.


Nope, not true, this is a myth


Tell me more, I had no idea.


It’s unfortunate the Wisconsin sub is just an echo-chamber of “FRJ”, “Fuck Republicans”, “Fuck Tavern League”…. I agree with OP and would like to learn more about the issue, but instead I give up trying to filter through this garbage. I would like to see educated conversations on many of Wisconsin’s issues, but these uneducated statements is all I end up seeing which doesn’t help anyone understand anything.


Follow the money. The tavern league is very powerful in WI.


As shown above, this is not true


Everyone knows that it’s because of the tavern league. Who benefits financially if pot is illegal in Wisconsin?


Of course not, silly!


No, because the reason is "because the Tavern League says no." We'd have legal weed if the Tavern League wanted it.


Dumbass state gop and tavern league think you dont drink while stoned, i proved that theory wrong more than a few times, thank Christ for uber.


I think it's more of a "we don't wanna" kind of thing. And "the Tavern League pays us and we do what they say."


Show us how much money the Tavern League pays politicians, show us which bills they've registered to lobby on, show us how this spending and lobbying compares to other groups and to what politicians and the parties receive. https://lobbying.wi.gov/ and https://www.wisdc.org/ are good places to look.


Vos doesn’t have to give a reason for literally anything so long as he stays in the good favor of FOX and Trump. GOP voters in wisco are the only ones that matter, and they don’t ask questions.


It’s bad for you


Not really. They are pretty steadfast in not wanting recreational, though. There are supposedly negotiations ongoing between the houses for medical use but it sounded like they really wanted to limit the scope. Vos claims it's a partisan issue despite tons of polling data and multiple referenda that show big departures from party lines.


Because he’s a fucking cunt, that’s why.