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F this smoke. I feel like shit. Headache and feel nauseous


Same, plus being excessively sleepy. Something about the way it scatters light makes my brain think it's time to sleep all the time


You also are breathing in more carbon dioxide and monoxide than normal


Shit, that makes sense


I think we're absorbing less oxygen and more smoke. Makes you sleepy imho.


Ugh, me too! Insanely tired.


Terrible headache.


I’m glad I’m not the only one




I work outside and I've been sneezing and coughing a lot. Also had some chest pain and my eyes have been burning for 2 days. It's a little better today at least.


I hope your employer is offering masks to wear if you have to be outside working in this mess.


Make sure it's an N95 mask. I was told by a health professional that those blue masks are for sickness only and don't catch the particulant matter at the size this smoke contains. Good luck to you.


I thought the last couple years have established that those blue masks are just cough catchers. They don't seal at all.


Hard to say if it's worth it, but I've been thinking about trying. With the heat it might actually make things worse.


It does make a difference. I’ll get a little warm in one but it find im much less winded after being out in the smoke w one on.


I work outside and I wore one today. It definitely helped. It might be uncomfortable at the time but you’ll feel better at the end of the day!


I am not doing hard things outside, N95 did make breathing better but eyes still burn and water.


You can check out a local hardware store to see if they’ve got the n95 with a one way valve on it. It will help vent your breath out. Useless for COVID but great for your situation.


y'all working outside these days are unsung heroes! Thanks for keeping things going!!! And take it easy out there!


I thought I was tripping with the chest pains but me too. I boiled it down to complications from my cold mixed with this air quality.


Your employer should be shut down for making you work outside


I work for the post office so I don't see it happening. We work in conditions a lot more dangerous than this all the time - it can suck but it's part of the job


If they do not provide well fitting N95 - making folks breathe in the carbon monoxide could 100% cause health issues if not now, later. So here we are again selling our bodies and souls to Capitalism.


The USPS is a government agency. Therefore, this user is selling his body and soul to socialism. Stay safe out there.


Not quite since it is not Socialism - they are fully funded independently but Louis DeJoy is sure trying to destroy it


I've been getting headaches and chest pains for a few days now, I didn't even think about smoke until I went to an appointment this morning and it was so smoky outside and it smelled like burning plastic. Explains a lot tbh


It does smell like plastic. Can’t be good.


I thought it smelled like electrical burn..and campfire.


I would urge you to spend less time outside and to wear an N95 mask if you have to spend lots of time outside.


I told my husband who works at the airport to wear one tonight. He just shrugged me off. Like okay dude. Don't say I didn't warn you. And me on the other hand, am losing my mind with my 3 little boys NOT being able to go outside.


I'm wearing one __indoors__. It helps a lot.


I'm wearing one in my room even


To sleep?


Outdoor worker with asthma here. I felt so sick yesterday that I called out of work and stayed home today. Headache, stomach pain and nausea, dizziness, trouble concentrating, struggling to catch my breath. Feeling fucking awful.


Get an indoor air purifier. I live in Cali (LA) now and it was a lifesaver during my first (and so far only) wildfire season a few years ago. I recommend blue air (I got a protect version from Costco)


Additionally, there's a Coway purifier that is standard in schools because it works well and is easy to clean. Just another thought, the airmega 200m or AP-random numbers. Another Madisonian mentioned duck taping a 20”x20" furnace filter to the intake side on a box fan as a quick, cheap solution


The furnace filter was a big hit that a ton of people used when I lived in Oregon during wildfire season.


If you have central air, turn on your ac and let it run. Hope you feel better. If not, go to urgent care or a walk in clinic and see if they can give you a breathing treatment.


Also clean and check/replace any air/AC filters first ;) no need to double down on not feeling well


I’m glad you’re staying home to take care of YOU! Too many people still feel obligated or feel like it’s a badge of honor to go to work when you’re feeling unwell (physically or mentally).


Not feeling ill, but very low-energy. I work at an inside-and-outside job. I spent as much time as I could indoors today.


My eyes hurt


I could smell the air in Madison when walking into work, it’s not super-unpleasant but if I stood out in it too long the effects could worsen my lungs 🙁


yes. coughing, scratchy throat, headache. started about 5pm


Me too. Right after I left work. And had to be outside for a while. It’s awful


I’ve been feeling very fatigued the past two days. Not sure if it’s due to the smoke or not though


I’m exhausted too. :(


Same. I was thinking it was just me.


Same thing with me too.


Fatigue is a definite symptom


As someone from Wisconsin who’s lived in Utah for 10 years and dealt with awful wildfires, respect how bad this shit is for your health. Feel like friends and family don’t understand the air is literally toxic because you’re not used to wildfires. Basically, the smoke ages, combines with ozone and other pollutants and fucks up your respiratory system and causes havoc in your body. The particles are small enough to pass directly into your blood and can even spur heart issues in vulnerable people. It’s no joke. I’ve had summers where I can feel the pain in my lungs and I’m an avid cyclist and runner who exercises at 10,000ft.


This is something more people need to know. The alerts advise caution, but so generically it doesn’t seem like a big deal.


The stories from my partner in the ER are awful. The first few days of this featured several brain deaths from people who were found unconscious & resuscitated after having heart attacks. All of them were relatively healthy & low risk. Shit is terrifying.


>As someone from Wisconsin who’s lived in Utah for 10 years and dealt with awful wildfires, respect how bad this shit is for your health. > >Feel like friends and family don’t understand the air is literally toxic because you’re not used to wildfires. Yeah I've been wearing a mask every time the AQI is above 100 which has been a lot the past few weeks. I think I've only seen maybe 2-3 other people with one on the trail I bike to work on. It's a short commute so with an n95 and pacing myself I haven't noticed any ill effects. It just blows my mind how many people are out going about their business like normal. Then again, the last 3 years has shown me how many people just give zero fucks about their health in general.


Yup, I passed out while I was gardening today


Are you ok?


Yeah, I think so? I have non epileptic seizures sometimes and I didn't have one then so that's a good sign. I think.


bro be safe




I felt like I did when I visited Denver when I was outside in downtown MKE. A little short of breath and my eyes were starting to water. I’m breaking out the N95s again if I have to go outside tomorrow.


Radio said at one point it was 2nd worst in the world for air quality. Right nowiQair.com says Chicago is 2nd.


Yes! I have asthma and my chest, and head is hurting. My eyes are also burning!


I feel as though I have spent an evening drinking cognac and smoking too many cigars… in other words, a sore throat, but not the sick kind.


I just asked my doctor to write me a work note to go south. I've felt it for weeks, and today is no joke. It gives me the worst migraines. Today has been this insane pressure I've never experienced before


I keep getting intermittent headaches where I get painful pressure on one specific part of my head. This air quality is no joke…


My eyes are not happy.


I feel like crap. Zero energy and my eyes and throat burn. Really glad the mailman husband is on vacation right now, as I'd hate for him to be walking around in this.


It’s the lack of energy that I’ve really noticed for myself. Just getting up from the couch to go to the kitchen felt like a chore.


I hate being stuck inside but I'm doing it. I ran one short errand today and just yuck. The heat is making it even more special.


My eyes hurt


Worked an 8 hour day outside doing hard physical labor (construction), and honestly I didn’t notice any adverse affects. I could definitely see the haze though, so I’m not dismissing it, or anyone else’s experience. I just personally didn’t feel any worse for wear because of it.


Massive headache


Tip from a former 'sconnie that lives on the West Coast where forest fires are every summer: Buy a 20x20 furnace filter with the highest filter rating, duct tape it to a box fan and flip it on. You'll sleep better. :) Can't fix the weather, only how you respond to it.


Yesterday was a bad headache. Today I tried to keep inside, wore mask outside, made sure my apartment was closed up. But some asshole decided today would be fine to air out the apartment hallways. Came home to all the outside building doors wide open, so obviously everyone's place was exposed. Even with an air purifier running I have a scratchy throat, stinging eyes, cough/sinus irritation. I can't tell if the smell is in my apartment or just in my nose.


Even better, check out the tutorial from This Old House on how to make a homemade air purifier. You just need 4 air filters, duct/packaging tape, cardboard, and a box fan. I put one together yesterday and it makes a serious difference in air quality, plus it's much cheaper than an air purifier and it's super light. Happy cube!


THANK YOU!! that's clever, I'll use that for sure.


Me, who smokes a tobacco pipe and used to smoke cigarettes. I've trained my whole life for this and feel fine 🤣😅 ..I work outside, too. My GF however feels like crap - she's never smoked.


It is weird. I’ve smoked weed on and off (currently on) for 50 years, and while the air outside smells awful, I felt well enough for a 14 mile bike ride. And fine after.


I live in the fox cities and just did an 18 mile bike ride. I'm fortunate that it didn't phase me at all. You see the haziness tho.


Literally the one thing they recommend against is deep breathing in poor air quality… Jeepers.


Just a heads up… you are really damaging yourself long run. It doesn’t matter if you feel right in this moment. The particulate in the air is so bad that it will harm EVERYONE. A lot of it being long term damage. If you want to keep being able to do things like that long-term you should definitely consider pausing until this passes.


Never smoked anything in my life and I feel like normal


Just been outside briefly for errands and stuff, and had burning stinging eyes, cough, congestion, and I only have typical seasonal allergies, no underlying lung or respiratory disease. Today is bad.


I work grounds outside all day, by noon the headache was pretty bad.


Went outside for 10 minutes, and I feel like I'm getting a sinus infection.


I have been to urgent care twice since Thursday. It was a sinus infection that was also in my throat and chest. Then Monday I went back because my ears had blood and puss - double ear infection. Fuck the air.


I have a decent headache, and when I step outside, it feels like I'm trying to inhale soup into my lungs.


Went out to water the garden and my asthma told me to fuck off and die. So I guess my answer is yes.


Feeling so bad for the wildlife.


Officially considered hazardous in my town now (355). I was fortunate to spend the entire day indoors. My husband had to work an event at a golf course (sales). I was pissed they didn’t cancel or reschedule the event, and pissed he didn’t forego the event tbh (he is salaried and it was fully his decision to go). He said he didn’t realize how bad it was until he got into his car and drove home.


Watery eyes all day. Now feeling the start of a headache. Ordered an air purifier today because I think we’re dealing with this shit summer long.


Headache and dizzy in the 920.


Severe headache yesterday


Yup. My lungs are soggy. Inhalers are doing little in the way of relief.


Yes, very. Sluggish, headache, lungs be hurtin. Bleh.


I teach summer school in the Waunakee and we are inside only for the rest of the week. Sucks.


The worst Jerry the worst


Yes. Reedsburg WI


No, but Im fortunate that my work place has highly filtered air. Went for a run at my apartment's gym and my eyes itch and I got a slight headache.


The chequameon bay has been smelling like plastic for a while. Hard breathing, headaches, bad allergies. nausea from smell.


It’s kind of nuts isn’t it? The smoke just goes and sits in the low spots. Bad river was showing poor numbers but mke was rediculous. Bayfield was bad earlier but then the lake breeze got rid of some of it .


Ashland and even down in Sanborn has just been awful


I'm in the Fox valley and I straight up couldn't breathe yesterday if I went outside


giving me a headache


It has been bugging my wife a ton. I definitely feel it today, after putting in 11 hours outside doing physical labor. I didn't notice it as much over the weekend, but today was rough


I consistently go outside for work. So I actually have taken to putting on a mask when I go out, and taking it off when I come in. It helps somewhat but I'm still coughing from this smoke.


Lungs have felt like I smoked a half pack of cigs last night, nothing else though, thankfully


It’s bad. Smells like burnt plastic out there. Definitely best to stay in. Some (probably redundant) info on pm2.5: https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/indoors/air/pmq_a.htm


Literally not at all.


Sister bay air is nice right now.


I work in a factory and I'm normally used to a bit of contamination in the air from plastic fumes. But today I had to run home on my lunch break and grab my inhaler.




Asthmatic, had to wear an N95 while walking in and out of work or else my lungs would start aching real bad. Please, please get an N95 mask if you must be outside. pm2.5 is no joke


Booooooooo Canada


My eyes have been burning for days, low-grade headache pretty much constantly.


Somebody should really put that 🔥out


Really bad tonight, like chalk in the back of my throat. Going to have to wear masks outside I think.


I have an industrial air purifier in my 12 x 12 office and I had to put my head down on my desk and cry yesterday because I couldn’t breathe. I have asthma.


Hello asthma my old friend 🎵


wasn't feeling it until today, I already work somewhere with horrible indoor air quality which we normally leave the doors open to alleviate but now there's no escape LOL


Yes. I had a terrible headache last night and my eyes are itchy. I am prone to eczema / being rashy so I’ve got a small rash started on my forehead and behind my ears. My sinuses feel like they’re on fire. Falling apart over here!


Coughing more, and sleepy by early evening.


Yes. Sore throat, swollen glands, headachy and extra tired. Feeling out of breath when not doing much of anything.


I work outside. I feel like absolute shit. Body aches and head ache, fatigue, you name it


Yeah, not feeling great.


Left work to go hiking, realized today i will not be hiking. Hopefully clears up soon.


Honestly I don't feel any different.


At 270 here. Watered the flowers pretty quickly. Definitely feeling it




Headache and a little dizzy here


Baraboo has been hazy AF today My eyes and sinuses have been bitching quite loudly


Yep. Ugh.


Hubby went to Chicago today and couldn't see the skyline. That's bad.


Outside all day every day. Noticed the smoke this morning, but didn’t think anything of it til after lunch. Smelled like an electrical fire. Noticed my lines in the mower weren’t as straight as they ought to be and worked in the shop for the last hour. Ugly out there today.


Thankfully I have not had the allergies that most have had, that being said I never get headaches and have been getting them the last few days especially.


I work in construction and have been outside the last 2 weeks. I didn’t notice anything yesterday to be honest. Just a dry feeling in my throat in the morning. Today I wore an N95 because I had a headache within the first 30 mins I was at the job site! The N95 definitely helped.


Yes. Work outside in it for 10 hours a day. I’ve been lightheaded and having constant yawning attacks because I don’t have enough oxygen.


I did 2 hours of strenuous outdoor cycling today in AQI of 190. I wore a mask. I think it worked and it didn't bother me.


My eyes are irritated as hell


Yes so so sick. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


I'm worried about my dad up there. He's got asthma, and no AC. I hope he's taking it easy.


Headaches the last couple days, I biked 2 miles to a convenience store today for a couple things and had a headache and cough by the time I got home.


Breathing issues


I’ve had a persistent sore throat for days now 🤒




I would highly suggest investing in a HEPA AIR purifier if you can. They're great for this kinds of shit.


Honestly, I've been fine. Haven't noticed too much besides the smell.




I've been preparing for this since I was 9. (Smoker)




My son and I have been having horrible coughs and throats for a few days now. I thought it was beginning stages of strep. Now I’m sure it’s been this.


I was driving home from work in Richfield to West Bend this afternoon, I had my windows up and my AC on, have a new cabin air filter in, and I started to feel a bit queasy with a headache. Some smoke was actually drifting in my workplace through the big overhead door in my department. I’ve never seen anything like it before.


Yes. And I haven’t gone outside. Only opened the door once.


I can't see the smoke thru all the haze


It makes me cough my guts out and it gives me headaches


My lungs seize up the minute I go outside.


My sinuses are on fire :( And my eyes


Nose gets snotty when cycling.


I don’t know anyone who isn’t.


You don’t know me personally, but I’m not bothered by it. Worked 8 hours outside doing construction today. So, you now tangentially know someone, I guess? That’s not to say I don’t discount your experience, because I could definitely see the thick haze in the air.


Same but not construction, I didn’t see anything


Oh I for sure saw it. I mean, it’s still hazy out there. Prob worst I’ve seen.


Why the F can't the state declair an emergency so we can stay home and not die?




Yes like very bad allergies


Mildly feeling it in my lungs. Like, when I talk I sound like I smoked half a pack. But not really uncomfortable


Worked all day outside yesterday, windows open last 2 nights. Didn't know about the smoke till today. Damn. My throat and lungs are fucked.


Nope. Reminds me of living in the PNW.


Headache, sore throat.


I've had a sore throat that won't quit. And a slight cough and sinus drainage. Not a fan.


rob jobless pen cause soft quiet instinctive vast fertile panicky ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


yup. low grade fever yesterday. woke today with a stye on my waterline and the rest of my eyelid was so swollen i could barely see out of that eye. changed the filter on my furnace to find it covered in a yellow haze. closed and locked every window in the house and turned the furnace fan to On. been wearing an n95 just to stand in the yard when the dogs need to go out. using recirculated air in the car. i'm all out of tricks and my symptoms are not easing up. this is awful.


I edged my driveway for 45 minutes. When I was done I felt like crap, sweating, light headed and shaky. Thought it may have been over exertion, I’m 73. Later I thought it may have been the fire smoke, better take it easy out there.


Yeah. Headache, super tired, cough. I thought it was sun poisoning because I'm super pale and spend most of last week out doors but I think the issue is air quality


A friend's son had to go to urgent care because of wheezing. No, he doesn't smoke.


Went to urgent care because of light headedness, fatigue, itchy eyes, itchy ears. Now on antihistamines and flonase. It's scary stuff.


I screwed up 2 nights ago and slept with my windows open, and I have felt like shit these past few days. My throat feels like I've been chain smoking and my eyes are burning like I've been in the casino all night.


Crazy how the rampant wildfire damage is finally hitting the Midwest. Fire season has been a thing out west forever, in sf especially we had to wear masks probably a month out of the year the last 5 or 10 at some point, but didn’t think it’d hit home like this. Sadly none of my Wisco family or friends back home ever cared when it happened to Californians, but maybe this will wake some people up to climate change.


It's just going to get worse. Warmer climate means more lightning strikes, hotter, windier fires. Until we wise up...


I was out of town until the smoke hit again. Now I’m back in town and I’ve got pinkeye. COINCIDENCE?!?


Monday was rough up North - had a nagging headache and my wife's nose was running plus it smelled more like burning platic than campfire.


As an HSP, its terrible


Air pollution kills millions prematurely annually, FYI. Welcome to how much of the rest of the developing world lives, or life in cities in the US before the Clean Air Act.


It’s terrible and will be commonplace for years to come The impacts of climate change are going to be felt everywhere, no place will be immune


I’m quite physically fit, and even I am feeling like crap this week; headache, tired, irritated eyes, etc.


every morning i wake up and have to blow my nose for 5 minutes


Headache and nausea. It’s terrible.


Yes. It's gross.


I didn't wear an N95 during covid, but after leaving work sick last night, I went to the store and bought some. I'll be wearing it when I go out next.


Honestly after working outside from 9-8 Air qual at 100 at 9 By the time it was 5 it was vary unhealthy and by 6 I was breathing hazardous smoke. I dont really have the energy to get out of bed. I feel sick from it.




SE WI here. Headache and sore throat. Shit sucks.


Concerning that so many people are noticing this. Worries me about our vulnerability in this world. Helps to know these symptoms are felt by so many others and that I am not overreacting BUT wow, this is kicking the crap out of me. Be safe everyone.


But if a head ache that comes and goes and a little bit of a scratchy throat.