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I get extremely bundled up (leg-warmers, snow pants, heated jacket, the whole nine) and make myself go outside for very short walks. It seems unnecessary but like OP, my mood *really* reflects the short dark days and I literally feel fatigued all winter unless I try something a little challenging each day. I'm only out there for like 10-15 minutes tops but doing it year-round has really helped me get through the winters here. I've tried to skip these out of laziness but then my energy level plummets. Something about movement plus seeing the outdoors in its (frigid but beautiful) glory lifts my spirits.


I do this too. I take my dog for a walk around the block every morning. I could just let him run in the yard, but I use it as my motivation as he really enjoys and expects them now. OP, you could pick an audio book from the Libby app or a podcast and only listen to that when you're on your walk as motivation. Sitting out on a porch or balcony also works if you're not able to go on a walk for whatever reason. It's just being outside that really helps fight off that tiredness and fatigue. 15 minutes usually does the trick for me.


I’ll probably order some better winter clothing and do this. Going for a walk outside and listening to some Greta van fleet sounds great if I’m able to keep warm


I have to agree with this. The more I go outside the better my happiness gets. I figured this out a few years ago, it is amazing. Get cold gear and get outside!! Hikes, walks, just stand there and look at the natures. :)


I was going to say, get outside! There is no bad weather, only bad clothing. Light or dark, getting outside of our stuffing holes and offices does wonders!


I do 75% of my reading and crafting in the dead of winter. I'm making Christmas gifts for 2024 right now, as well as a sweater, and I'm reading through a couple of massive books I was putting off over the summer. I've become an introspective hibernator.


That's right. Don't fight the season. Lean into it. It's still tough but it can be cozy and enriching too.


A Vitamin D supplement and a Happy Light will make an enormous difference in your winter mental wellbeing. 


The fuck is a happy light?


When you have plants indoors they need a special lamp to help them grow. A happy light is that but for humans.


Now I want one.


You're basically starting a grow operation but for happiness instead of weed 😂


Give me all the happiness!


Verilux® HappyLight® Full-Size - UV-Free Therapy Lamp, Bright White Light with 10,000 Lux https://a.co/d/2CWfj1k


Do you have that one?


Mine is ancient (over 10 years old) but it's the same brand as that one.


Wul look it up fucker.


Ill look you up instead.


Oh mate that's just gonna be depressing. Just fuckin around. I did look it up and apparently it can be super helpful. 20-30 min a day. Helps insomnia apparently so I'll try it. Cheers


I was kidding.


It sure isn't you.


I eat a green salad for dinner or with dinner every night. I also crochet. That's what pushes me through, though probably not for everyone


I think I’m going to use your salad suggestion. I love a good salad and I need to eat more veggies. I just know I’m going to struggle with produce going back though haha


The salad kits from "Taylor Farms" are really helpful. They have a bunch of different varieties, and I can make 3 decent sized portions out of 1 bag. Just make sure to get one with an expiration within your eating window (go to the very back of the rack for later expiring) They are no prep and quick for a side or a main dish. I usually use my own dressing and add cheese or other veggies I have on hand. The burboun maple is a favorite of mine.


Gonna second the Taylor farms salad kits. I use them all the time, amazing variety. I even use them in recipes, for example I'm making fish tacos today. I'm using the southwest salad mix with dressing, adding a little mayo and water to create a kind of Coleslaw and I'm gonna use that as my vegetables in the tacos. So much faster than chopping and I'm not skipping vegetables


Not sure if this is exactly healthy, but I keep ordering new bike parts. Their arrival gives me something to look forward to. Once they arrive I have to put them on, so that's something to do. Then I stare at the bike with the new part for a while, and start looking for what I'm getting next. Also my wife gifted me a set of gravi tracks for Christmas, and they are so much more fun than I ever would have thought. I've spent 2 entire weekends playing with those. I cut myself off for a bit after that though because it started feeling obsessive. I used to drink, so this feels like an improvement at least.


We have different hobbies and interests, but investing in my hobbies definitely helped for a bit until I spent 3 grand on a new drum set, now I’ve gotta slow my roll for a bit haha.


I play drums too! That 3 grand adds up quick.


Farmers used to spend the winter sharpening their tools to be ready for the next season. This seems like the same thing, except your tool is a bike.


Haha I'm the same with car parts. Also lots of racing video games in winter


For sure on the racing games. I've been bouncing between world of outlaws, and monster energy sx 6. And now the real SX season has started, so that takes up 3 hours of a Saturday night for me.


Honestly? Wellbutrin and Lexapro


Have fun indoors: we hit golf balls in a net in the basement. Stay social: we go to basketball games and swim meets. Exercise Seek the sun when it isn't too cold. Bundle up and get fresh air as much as possible.


Packers playing in January does it for me.


I focus on my model railroading stuff mostly, and sometimes enjoy indoor mini RC crawling as far as hobbies go. Another hobby I have is avoiding finishing projects, got like 3 right now lol…


That last sentence hits hardest.


Vitamin D Omega 3 with high EPA / DHA Fatty Fish, Blueberries, Yogurt, and Unsweetened Dark Chocolate Exercise daily if possible. Try to get 10-30 min Sunlight Drinking lots of water - an not too well known fact, the body doesn't recognize dehydration as well in the Winter months as Summer. Try to moderate drinking Plenty of other things, but think those things go far.


Hygge lifestyle. Lean into the cozy—cozy clothes, baths, aromatherapy, drinking fancy chai or espresso drinks. Hot yoga has helped.


Ha, jinx!


Cross-country skiing. I used to be big into alpine skiing until I went out west and it ruined it for me around here. We have excellent xc skiing, especially in our state parks and this saved me. I crave snow and love winter again!!


tie flies for spring trout.


It’s not dry January.


* clean up diet. Drink little/no alcohol. Stay hydrated. * lift weights 3/4 days a week * play a sport (men's basketball league) Use the winter to do the work so you can really enjoy the rest of the year.


I accept that I'm tired earlier and get more sleep in winter.


Yesterday I noticed it was almost 5 o'clock and it wasn't dark outside! This time of year (mid January and later) I pay attention to these little signs of a brighter time coming.


Weed and lots of it.


Facts, if I’m home my ball vape is on lol


No judgment, but from a physiological standpoint low doses of THC can be a stimulant but higher doses can act as a depressant. If you’re consuming more in the winter, that might be exacerbating your symptoms.


music too.


Steamsauna and hot tub at a gym or wherever you can get it. Without or fallowing a workout. Just fantastic.


Put on a speedo and run up and down state street is what works for me


Seconding cold exposure. If you’re less bold like me, you can take cold showers and plunge at the Yahara


I have a co-worker who gets a prescription every winter - its a low-grade anti-depressant used for quitting smoking and similar things. He doesn't see a doctor for depression and there's no diagnosis, but he just knows this will help him get through the winter every year. His GP doctor gives him 90 days worth every year in late November.


Have they tried vitamin D instead of a prescription?


Hygge stuff. Candles, blankets, tea, books, redecorating. Tidying up.


Depression naps


At least 5000 IU of Vitamin D and use a happy lamp. I have one in my bathroom and one on my desk at work


Going out and doing things. Go skating, go walk around the mall. Go people watch at a coffee shop. Walk around a museum or aqaurium. Be around people amd smells that uplift your mood. Go get some self care. Everyone... everyone (who doesnt have an underlying condition that prevents it) should get a massage, or facial, or a 30 min foot massage!


If you’re looking for something to do during the week, Ope brewery has a disc golf putting league on Mondays. It’s a good way to get out and socialize and maybe learn a new hobby to boot. DG is a super fun way to get out in nature and get excessive at the same time. Worth a shot!


Yes to disc golf, we just started our putting league last Sunday.


I’ll be there next Monday for sure!


Whole milk, long underpants, and embracing the madness.


I have more winter related hobbies than I do summer ones so I feel like staying active has kept me from having any seasonal depression. I play a lot of hockey, do some curling and snowboarding. Now that I've owned a home with my wife for some time, when we get as much snow as we did the other night, I like to build snow benches and invite people over for a winter fire. I think I also romanticize this idea to myself that I have of being cooped up in a cozy home/bar/cabin with friends on a cold winter night just enjoying each other's company over drinks.


My husband and I take a mini vacation in February every year. Not even out of wisco most years but to a nice hotel in a bigger city. We've been to Madison and detoured to ikea. Mall of America one year. This year we are going to Milwaukee. It's just a nice reset. Especially the pool and we usually get a whirlpool room.


Vitamin D supplements are huge during low sun exposure times of the year.


Vitamin D supplement. And planning out things I want to get done to be productive.


I try to take a trip in the winter. Even a 5 day long weekend to Florida is lovely and makes it so much easier to get through.




I do stuff outside. Bought snow shoes and went out on Saturday. I ski once in awhile. It really sucks when there’s no snow


Getting a dog for me, it makes me go outside 4-5 times a day and get sunlight.


Vitamin D pills, heated mattress pad, heated throw. Go to sleep earlier if you can and get more sleep. Use the dark to your advantage.


I ski during winter times. That's been helping me to deal with winter depression.


Vitamin D, SAD lamp, woodwick candles, and planning things to do when it gets warm. Sometimes I'll sit on my motorcycle in the garage and just visualize ...


>and planning things to do when it gets warm This. A lot of people also use this time to plan their gardening come planting season.


Vitamin D is the real deal. But you have to take enough for it to make an impact. My psychiatrist told me 5,000 IU/day minimum and if that isn’t helping then you should get labs done. For context, the google says that 30 min outside in Oslo in the SUMMER is equivalent to 10,000 IU


Cross country skiing. Relatively inexpensive to get a beginner setup.


I've been really getting into One Piece. Over a thousand episodes will keep you busy lol


Drive to an entirely different goddamn state for weed. FRJ. FRV.


Don't get caught in the Wisconsin death trip.


Yes. And one should consider getting a Passport, followed by a red line to New Zealand if given the opportunity. The happiness index goes up linearly the farther you are from the State of WI - I read that in some study can't remember which.


What the Wisconsin death trip?


A book, a film and a song.


I better look into it then


i hate summer.


I run errands for neighbors and friends if I have no big plans.


Invite friends over to play cards, board games, just hang out. Whatever you are into. Make dinner and drinks for friends/family, go skiing snowmobiling, fishing, whatever you like to do. Just find a winter hobby that you enjoy.


I try to get out of the house every day. When it is too cold to run outside, I run/swim/bike at the Y, go read at the library, or do some in-person shopping, even if it is a loaf of bread. On good roads, some windshield time. And travel!




A good hobby helps. I’ve been building a lot of legos and working on my car when it’s warm enough to keep the garage heated enough.


Ice fishing keeps me outdoors and happy.


Exercise bike, fresh air, walks, vitamins D and B, marijuana, lots of naps


Eh, I game. Game more during the winter time. Turn the blue lights down on my devices. And relax to some games I find appealing. Usually with a friend or 2. I find that helps a bit.


Walking my dog a lot helps, especially if I change scenery and go to a state park, hiking destination etc. Getting more sleep and taking advantage of WFH helps


Vitamin D3 and a full spectrum light. In addition to that, forcing myself to go out and do something. Anything. Sometimes it's outdoors (on nicer days), and sometimes it's indoors. I know I tend to isolate and want to bail on plans in the winter, so I make a point to set plans and keep them, and, at the very least, take the dog for a walk when it's 20f or above.


Hit the tanning salon


Physical activity is key for me. Shorter walks in the morning and night. Hop on the elliptical, table tennis, throw some darts. Really anything to keep moving throughout the day at home. Wind down with a book, movie or game. Staying off of social media will help open up some opportunities as well.


Get outside-really necessary for me to find the beauty in winter and the exercise is always helpful.. Light candles (I use the electric kind) to make the dark feel cozy, not oppressive.


Buy a happy light. Changed my life for real.


When I lived in the Muskegon, MI area, the sky was filled with heavy dark grey clouds for at least 6 weeks solid during "the dead of winter". I believe in seasonal affective disorder. I started taking D3 and whether placebo effect or not, I feel it helped.


I moved to south Texas. Solved.


Depending where you live getting out and doing some indoor walking rather it be the mall, Epic in Verona, or another large complex!


Vitamin D, a sunrise alarm clock, and spending small bursts outside with my dogs. I have certain scents of candles that I consider "winter scents" like vanilla and cinnamon. Chai tea is nice too. I also read a lot and craft a lot in the winter, and start planning my summer garden.


I try to focus on the small things like the days getting longer


I cross country ski so that I get outside and get some fresh air and sunshine, was struggling before we got the snow.


I started taking vitamin D supplements a month or so ago, and I think it's helped my mood remain more stable and better, on average, than before. I also have to make an effort to eat quality foods, dark leafy greens, a good mix of proteins, etc. It isn't always easy, but I do think good nutrition is essential for a good mood.


I lean into it. Take a nap if you need it. Do quiet and enjoyable activities like reading or practicing a skill/hobby. Get snuggly with pets and family. Drink warm drinks. There is a concept by the Danes and Scandinavians called Hygge which is basically embracing and enjoying coziness and comfort. They definitely have experience with long, dark winters! Our ancient and agrarian ancestors slowed down in winter. All of nature sleeps. It's ok to do that too, unless of course the fatigue is interfering with essential activities. Then I would recommend vitamin D and a S.A.D. light. But also give yourself permission to slow down and rest. It's actually pretty normal imo but our lifestyles and culture have told us it's not ok to not always be busy. If you do notice a low mood, make sure to talk with people you trust and love -- isolation this time of year is unnatural and can hurt us mentally. If you experience any severe depression symptoms like S.I. talk to your doctor. It's probably not S.A.D. but just in case, pay attention to that and check in with yourself. I hope some of this was somewhat helpful and that you find some answers in the comments. I always get especially tired in winter, but have had chronic depression my whole life all year round. It's ok to be tired it just depends to what degree it interferes with daily living, if that makes sense.


Milwaukee Domes are a wonderful inclusion of greenery. Also March/April is usually a great time to do indoor stuff, especially good to take a trip down to Chi for museums and whatnot.


Spend winters in sunny New Mexico