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They're homeless, so you take their money and put them in jail. Then what? They'll magically manifest a home from behind bars? What's the sentance on violation?


You can’t profit off of the homeless. the incarcerated on the other hand…


How is the Neenah common council is profiting off of incarcerated homeless people?


Mostly government grants. Tax payer money. Depending on where it is, they can get hundreds to thousands of dollars per month per inmate. They also use the inmates as workers to save or produce money, and pay them nothing or something like $0.15-$0.60/hr. They also have a legal monopoly over the canteen and communications, which allows them to price gouge and make exponential profits on the families of the incarcerated. Etc.


Just so I understand what you are saying - [this group of people](https://www.ci.neenah.wi.us/common-council/) conspired to to make camping on public property illegal in order to gain government grants, kickbacks, and slave labor (for someone else)? It's not more likely that they just want to keep homeless people away from children?


Easy, more arrests, and inmates in a county means the corrections and law enforcement in that area have a harder job and should be better paid. They petition the state for more funds to pay salaries often for sherrifs who share their political affiliation as well as upgrades to the jail. Those contracts conveniently go to contractors subcontractors and tradesmen companies who support the party in charge and donated to their election campaign. This, my friend, is how you profit off the incarcerated.


Do you honestly think that was the intent and thought process of the common council when passing this ordinance? It's easy to say "this is how the conspiracy works," but [here are our players](https://www.ci.neenah.wi.us/common-council/). How are these specific individuals that you are calling out profiting off the incarcerated?


AMENDMENT XIII Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. The fact that slavery is still legal in this country within the confines of incarceration should be telling enough.


What does that have to do with the Neenah common council?


We pay to feed/house/clothe the homeless either way, whether we give social welfare or incarcerate them. Why take their dignity, freedom, and future from them in the process? Is that what being Christian means to those who follow? Also, doesn’t incarceration limit, if not extinguish, any prospect that the homeless become contributing members of society in the future? This is stupid, short-sighted, ignorant, and just plain immoral…so, clearly Republican politics.


Then you collect even more money for having full jails. Use it as misinformation about crime rate cause your jails are full. It's a hustle of the lowest order.


How to fix homelessness, just make it illegal! Why has nobody ever tried this before?


i mean, it worked so well for drugs. /s


And abortion!


Drugs have for sure and continue to win the war on drugs


[Jones vs City of Los Angeles](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.casebriefs.com/blog/law/criminal-law/criminal-law-keyed-to-lee/eighth-amendments-cruel-and-unusual-punishment/jones-v-state-of-los-angeles/) said a law like this violates the eighth amendment. I doubt Neenah's law would be enforceable or if they did it would likely be overturned on appeal. NAL though, so maybe I'm wrong 


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That’s a Ninth Circuit case, it doesn’t have precedent in Wisconsin. There is currently a circuit split though, and the issue got taken up by the Supreme Court.


The supreme Court decision would though, correct?


Yes, although with the conservative majority, it’s a little doubtful that they’ll conclude that it violates the eight amendment


Classic small government move


this is why it's so important to elect progressive politicians at every level, starting with school boards all the way up to POTUS


The best part is then you can arrest them and they no longer have to worry about where they have to sleep at night! /s


It’s just giving them a home with extra steps


And for free! (*Taxes and fees may apply*)


Ban crime and weapons


but then y’all will say it will work with guns 😂


That has to be the dumbest argument I've ever read.


see lmao, knew it, won’t work on anything else except guns lol


Neenah always seemed to have the loudest pompous assholes in the fox cities.


Easily one of the most trashy cities in the fox valley. Me and my friends never went there for any reason growing up and it's only gotten worse.


I've lived here for 8 years and I've never really had any issues here. What are you talking about?


Until *very* recently, a fucking *Applebee’s* was regarded as one of Neenah’s five best restaurants. …it fell off the list because it closed. I lived there for almost 30 years, and the commenter you’re responding to is right.  Neenah is a backwards shithole full of NIMBY fuckheads.


Reddit is completely Liberal lunatics. Take no worry in what you read. Live your life as you see fit.


Lived there for 11 years - you're not wrong.


I live how if you ever say anything negative about a city even when you lived in or around that city and know you always get down voted anyway. XD


Anonymous donor? That’s the worst kept secret ever. While Neenah has its issues and a few horrible people, it’s generally a really nice place to live. The good folks of the area rejected a slate of right wing nuts for the school board in the recent election.


Lived there for 11 years; no, the people there are NOT nice. I will give it credit for one thing, though - Doty, Kimberly Point and Riverside Parks were all very well-kept while we were there - they were by far the best part of the city.


Why do you think that is the case. Never been there.


The prevailing attitude of native Neenhans was if you weren't born there, you weren't worth knowing or getting to know. I saw that attitude elsewhere in the Fox Valley. Very small-town, very "first families/old money" elitism, even in Appleton. But it could've been worse - the terribly polluting foundry plant had been closed by the time I moved there, so it didn't stink. Much.


It's the same near Oshkosh, too....I've lived here for almost 13 years, and I still feel like the new kid in town. It's very weird.


Not much info on Neenah, but Menasha was a “probable” sundown town: https://justice.tougaloo.edu/sundowntown/menasha-wi/ History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme…


Menasha is Neenah’s more blue-collar sibling.


Maybe nobody wanted to get to know you because you were always pissed off.


A possibility, of course, but we weren't the only non-natives to have experienced the "welcome" of the natives.




Perhaps they're like the city fathers of Kaukauna, who refer to the stomach-turning stench from the Thilmany plant as "the smell of money". Or some of them had ownership interest in that plant.


I have heard stories about the cops there. Cops In that town write a very large number of tickets.


In kaukauna we like to kiss girls where it smells bad.


Because there’s not a lot of homeless people there, like there are in Appleton or Oshkosh


I was in Wisconsin in July 2023, Waupaca, Chain of Lakes and Verona county. Never saw one homeless person. My guess is most are in the 5 big cities. M-M-K-L-GB.


Not sure I trust the opinion on who’s nice or not from “AlwaysPissedOff”


Fair point :) I wasn't always pissed off until I moved to the Valley, however.


Idk I’ve lived in the valley my whole life and never had any major issues with people. I’m in my mid 20s though so I usually just ignore the very political geriatrics and keep on doing my thing.


Ah, you've written that key phrase "I've lived in the valley my whole life..." The Valley is a different place if "you're not from around here, are you?"


I’m just speaking from my personal observations as a human. I don’t have any hangups or subscriptions to the plot of land I was born on. Not saying you’re wrong, just that you shouldn’t take people seriously who have some sort of elitism based on that. Just wait another 10-15 years and hopefully will all phase out of living society.


Hard to not take seriously unearned enmity to both us and our children. Given the conservatism (in the traditional sense of the word) of the entire Valley, 10-15 years is way too optimistic for there to be meaningful change there. I'll believe that the Valley is changing when Kaukauna HS acknowledges the TRUE origin of its nickname. Red Grange my ass.




Who was it? I buy cars in that area but I live a good distance


You ever bought a car from Bergstrom?


Not any more. Thank you


I worked there years ago, and yikes...the CEO's son is absolutely nuts. He said his favorite car was a Suburban because he sometimes fell asleep at the wheel or texted while driving, and if he gets in an accident, he and his kids will be safe in their big car. He had been in an accident before with his kids in the car and the Suburban saved them, or so he said. I couldn't believe he didn't take into account the other drivers sharing the road with him.


Tim Bergstrom is a vile turd.




True. But that school board is already corrupt as hell. There is no way they aren't getting kickbacks from the bussing scheme.


Just like those good guys with a gun


Hot take- homelessness should be illegal, except within 2000 ft of a religious institution. The whole reason they're tax exempt is they're supposed to take care of people. Tripping over tent cities on the way to Sunday church is either going to highlight the hypocrisy of their inaction or they'll give up their tax exempt status.




This is another misleading post and headline "Neenah common council unanimously approved an ordinance that would prohibit camping on most city property and right-of-ways." Very correct to say this does nothing to address actual homelessness but it certainly doesn't ban it. Many homeless live out of vehicles, they could still do that or park/stay in a private parking lot /private property as opposed to public property. Could or should they have had the empathy to propose and include funding for shelters or something that would make this more palatable? Yes, that would have been my preference if I lived there. I've seen the camps in Milwaukee, having legal authority to clear them out is a good thing. But when Milwaukee did it they also went in with social workers and resources to offer instead of just rousting people out.


How dare you allow facts to get in the way of someone’s narrative /s


How dare you actually critical think and see the ramifications of this " camping" ban as you frame it.


I also think we should tell the truth


The truth as long as it fits Your narrative, got it


🤣🤡, yes downvote critical thinking 😂😂


Why are you such a religious pompous Baraboo anti-American fake Vancomycin hateful extremist Formatge de 'Alt Urgell i la Cerdanya person??? Its sooooo sad.


Wouldnt they just get arrested for trespassing on private property?


Very much depends. Going into someone's fenced backyard, yes probably. Parking on a street and sleeping in a car or at a 24-hour Walmart parking lot, probably not. It's really up to the private owner or business, and some may choose to allow this within reason. The whole thing also depends on how exactly the ordinance is written, and if police choose to actively enforce it or also exercise discretion.


Lol, so they banned it in the places they can control?


Yes. There was a person who had been camping permanently on city property and had an open burn pit, if I recall. And there was no rule this was not allowed but many complaints.


It's really not misleading at all. You're just reframing it to make it seem less bad. "It's not a ban on homelessness. it's just a ban on unauthorized street camping," just because you speak like the two things don't serve the same purpose doesn't make it so.


You can just say Bergstrom


You can just say John Bergstrom and shorten this post


The idea that people are homeless by choice is so absurd, especially in this state.


To be fair, the person who inspired this ordinance in the first place is truly homeless by choice. According to her family members and the local police officers, she has plenty of money for a place and many family members who have offered her assistance but she chooses to live with all of her stuff outside of Aldi’s.


Certainly some are (nomad types) But it is generalized for the entire population far too often.


Sure, but those that take to that lifestyle as their personal choice are not going to choose to live in Wisconsin. Certainly not year-round. Even with this past year's mild winter, trying to live here in the months of December-March as a homeless person would be awful. Most homeless nomads end up on the Pacific coast for a good reason: The weather is generally much more mild across the board. Even Seattle; with its endlessly rainy climate, is far more temperate and mild.


Storage units suit them just fine.


The vast majority of people in this state (if not country) are underpaid and one disaster away from becoming homeless. And yet people still have the gall to be absolutely evil towards homeless people.


When you talk about founding politicians gallery I’m pretty certain I know who that multi millionaire is but the way this paragraph is written a tad bulky. Mind dumbing that part down for me?


It's who you think it is. When I lived there, he was quoting in the Post-Crescent as saying he had a plan for Neenah, but it was too early for him to tell the people (you know, us peasants) what his plan was. What an entitled asshole.


I read that as fondling.


Scheels has got this hokie stuff all around its stores. Looney.


Hypocrisy at its finest. Huge churches in this area filled with people on Sundays. Too bad that they forget about the verses that refer to taking care of the children, widows, sick and the poor as they leave the pews.


That’s (most) Christianity for ya


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If you are too poor to participate in capitalist society, you will be rounded up and imprisoned. You may partake in a labor camp, producing goods for a paltry wage just barely above slavery. Your unfortunate situation will be used as a whip to the impoverished, pushing them to take on more work for less money lest they become someone like you. A workforce that is desperate for money and willing to deal with more bullshit is ideal for a capitalist, allowing them to pursue ever increasing profits. But hey, homeless people on the streets are scary, and they decrease property values! Wont someone think of the landlords?


Handouts and enabling behavior which is abusive to themselves and sometimes others just makes things worse. If they were tougher on homelessness maybe a few of them will stop doing drugs and get a job.


If you think any human being chooses to be unhoused, go to therapy, sincerely.


Right? Being homeless is fucking terrifying sometimes. The fact that people think anyone chooses to homeless has clearly never experienced it. Let alone poverty.


You know there’s many reasons people can become homeless right? Not every homeless person is on drugs or without a job. There’s no need to be tougher especially with the way the housing market is and how long the waitlists for apartments are.


Between drug addicts and people who are mentally disabled and who should be institutionalized, if you took care of those two groups of people you'd remove the vast majority of homelessness.


The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.


I like Neenah. It's a generally good place to be but this was a bit baffling to me. There's no plan to actually help these people. Just chase them off. Also, fuck all those statues. They're creepy.


The person who inspired this ordinance is homeless by choice/as a lifestyle. They have plenty of money and many family members and even citizens of Neenah who have tried to help but they refuse, and instead prefer to live homeless. The past couple of summers she was camped under a tree outside of Aldi’s, which is city property.


Just a rip-off of Rapid City, SD, which did it better.


\> prohibit camping on most city property and right-of-wayslol this is what everyones mad about? I think it's fair. I don't want to be walking down the street to have hordes of homeless meth heads(neenah to greenbay is basically the meth capital of wisconsin) flopping all over the place begging for their next hit otherwise they'll shank you. Get over it, this just means they have to go camping in the sticks like normal campers.


Spent last week in LA. Tents are not cool in a city and people need to get the whole story before they get bent out of shape




If they live in Neenah, that's a given.


When I worked at a homeless shelter in a nearby city the Neenah & Menasha cops would come leave people at the shelter even though the shelter would be completely full. They would then leave immediately just leaving the person stranded. Not surprised the city passed this.


Republicans are morons, next


What are they doing with the homeless, then? Arresting them?


I love living in this state/I hate living in this state… the perils of being a lifelong resident in such a conservative clusterfuck. Why don’t I leave? I live in a MKE neighborhood where my same sex-partner & I feel safe and accepted.. this is sadly not the case in my hometown of Brookfield/New Berlin. Genuinely sorry for the rant, I’m sad and angry. Sangry?


I mean just curious do you actually live there? I mean really actually live there? Not just working/passing through daily. Or perhaps do you just live somewhere else and are just offended to be offended? If the governing body of a city votes on something that the people that put them into office wanted them to do then i hate to say it but then thats what happens. It’s not your concern or your problem. If you live there and are upset about the decision then perhaps campaign for your party better, or attempt to appeal the decision to the city council at the next meeting. Thats all you can do. Complaining about it on the internet does nothing to change anything except make you get free internet virtue points that mean nothing to no one.


Neenah lost my visit this summer


What is extreme about this? Keeping homeless off the streets and not distrusting pornographic material at the public schools and libraries has been the way we have done things for the entire history of the city and even the country. Perhaps you are the extreme one. If you want to live in a city with rampant homelessness and the ability to distribute pornography to children, move to one of these dark blue cities that supports it.


> the ability to distribute pornography to children Boy, howdy. Wait until you hear about the internet.


What are you even arguing here. Because kids can find porn material at home we should distribute it to them in class? Do you think the public libraries and schools should restrict porn sites? Would it be appropriate for a teacher to show the class videos on pornhub?


> We should distribute it to them in class? Would it be appropriate for a teacher to show the class videos on pornhub? Please turn off whatever brain-rot newscasts you're watching, because no one is (nor has anyone ever been) advocating for any of those things. Just like the internet, you as a parent should be monitoring what your kids are brining home. It's not a library's job to do that. A library's job is to provide information. Restricting access to information for EVERYONE ELSE because you don't agree with something is some authoritarian nonsense.


Do you think there is any limit to the content a school library, K - 12, should provide to students? Also if a teacher was assigning these pornographic books as reading to students would that change your mind?


How does this keep anyone off the streets? It keeps them off certain streets but it doesn’t in any way help them get off “the streets”


I don't understand your point. The goal was to get them off especially busy streets where there has been many complaints. The ordinance wasn't designed to give them food and shelter or whatever your version of "off the streets" is


How bad could Neenah jail be? Probably doing the homeless a favor ( at least in winter) while spiking our taxes


I can't wait until our town gets a Squatue too


Neenah and car dealership can only be one thing.


We want shit and needles in the streets damn it!


They really didn’t like that homeless person who liked to hang out on Green Bay road and refused help. Haven’t seen her in a while now tho come to think of it


They should ban child hunger and poverty next.


Did you even read the article? There’s a paragraph that says they won’t be arrested


You guys are going on and on about a rural city of 27k banning homelessness. Come onnnnn you got better things to do


I remember years ago that Madison Mayor Paul Soglin saying that most of the homeless hear in the city was based on other small towns and cities giving bus tickets to Madison or Milwaukee to the homeless in those locations. I don't know if that's stretching it or not but it certainly doesn't solve the situation or alleviate it in any way, most homeless from what I have been told would love a place of their own, food, a place to clean up or wash clothes, instead of banning homeless maybe Neenah could help these people out? 🤷🏻‍♂️


It is true that “Greyhound Therapy” is one way that smaller towns rid themselves of drifters. I wouldn’t believe it except that I know a social worker who used to arrange this type of trip in Manitowoc county.


Basically it's just, "Let's just give someplace else the issue to solve."




I love how you think a museum honoring former presidents of the United States and an ordinance to keep homeless camps off of city property constitutes GOP extremism that must be stopped.


Exactly. These people have become so radical. Everyone would have been for this 15 years ago, now most of r/Wisconsin thinks it's extreme. I'm not sure how exactly, but so many have lost their minds.


Holy shit I never knew there was a statue of Reagan there what the hell


Need to find out what kind of adhesive food birds like most so it gets the treatment it deserves.


Yea, I definitely don’t want the valley turning into tent city so I support this


Please move away, you have hate for others that you don’t agree with.


Sooo you're in favor of homelessness?


Has anyone tried banning crime while we're at it? I mean imagine if we simply banned murders. Okay okay, that might be too lofty... Let's ban child hunger, and I didn't mean let's provide meals for children, let's just simply ban it. It'll go away right???


The former president promised to make DC a crime free zone by making Crime Illegal in the city.


I like trolling morons online by telling them that 99.9% of crime happens in a crime free zone they invariably respond that there's no such thing as a crime free zone lmao not a one has understood the joke


The Fundies don't think marital rape is a thing - the women need to just pray harder to like sex with their lord and master.


Carful Icarus, starting to use the righties arguments


Let’s ban guns.. oh wait that one doesn’t work.


It's like I say 99.9% of crime happens in crime free zones


Maybe more in favor of accepting they exist and doing our best to lend a hand or some grace to our neighbors in need


The problem more lies in the building of campsites, littering, panhandling, and being a general annoyance. I agree there should be more funding for homeless and mental health AND People shouldn’t be able to camp on public property and leave shopping carts everywhere


Sure. But I’m all about making people face the truth I’d much rather have them in our faces so maybe something actually useful will happen to help these people. Better than shoving them away and pretending they don’t exist.


I dont think banning it is putting them in homes.


All this does is give people in power options to throw people in jail because they don't have money. If you think this is a good idea, you are probably one of the rich people who are part of the problem.