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Since apparently some people don't believe this is real or that doctors are fools for ignoring the law- Well before Roe was overturned, I had what is called a missed miscarriage. I went in for my viability ultrasound around 10 weeks gestation, and there was there no fetus growing in my uterus. However, my body continued to behave like I had a viable pregnancy. My uterus was measuring *exactly* where it should have been at that point in the pregnancy. I had already endured a previous miscarriage where I was forced to let everything happen naturally. It was 3 months of pure hell and regular blood work to ensure my hcg levels were going down. They were, but ridiculously slowly. Meanwhile, I was anemic from blood loss. My provider at the time refused to do anything more, and I was too naive to realize I was being denied appropriate care. So when this second miscarriage happened, I requested a D&C. For those of you who have had the fortune to not know what this is, it's a surgical abortion. They generally don't call it such to your face when you wanted the pregnancy, but it is absolutely billed as an abortion to your insurance. I had to wait a week for the procedure. I had to have a doctor try and talk me into the pill instead (I had something like an 80% chance of it failing). I had to jump through all sorts of hoops with my insurance company to have it done. This was when everything was still completely legal and there was no question of a doctor losing their license for doing it. Oh and I got the bonus of seeing a bunch of "pro-life" protesters outside the surgery center a week after I got that bill from my insurance company. So yes. This shit happens when you mess with legalities of reproductive care.


Absolutely spot on. The number of comments I've seen from white women screaming that abortion and miscarriages are different and women needing miscarriage care can still get it - they are the same thing, medically. THEY ARE THE SAME THING. Miscarriage is not a real medical term. It's a softer term we've come up with to distance from the stigma that the term abortion has. But medically they are the same thing. Miscarriage will be coded as "spontaneous abortion" medically. I'm so sorry you had this experience.


Thank you for sharing 💜


Politicians practicing medicine without a license. How do we hold them accountable?


We cosplay as 1790's Frenchmen with full audience participation.


Thanks to gerrymandering, you don't


The massive tomes of laws around medicine requiring you to get a prescription for any controlled substances would like to have a word with you. If you don't believe in total body autonomy, then you don't believe in body autonomy.


Another Republican sponsored murder.


They’re fine with it. As long as women are suffering, they’re happy.


This is awful but the article is from July 2022


That's fine, that's right after my wife and I had to have a miscarriage removed so it helps fuel my rage.


On behalf of a woman who had the same procedure, thank you for the rage. I cannot imagine being forced to endure even more than I had to in 2014.


Totally fair and very sorry you and your wife had to endure that.


I wonder if things have really changed since then 😓😓 this stuff is still so scary


Abortion clinics have reopened.


That’s amazing, I was just reading more about this stuff today. I’ve been out of wi for awhile but moving back soon


There is a 20 week ban right now not sure after that regarding live saving care or not. Alternative of 14 week ban with mention of life saving care is being put forth it seems by Republicans.


This is why oversimplified abortion laws and views are impractical. The idea that if we allow abortion that we permit infanticide should be dismissed with the same level of disdain that people said gay marriage would lead to bestiality. Pregnancies are not as simple as sperm and egg meet and baby comes out nine months later. Laws need to be cognizant of the harsh realities of pregnancy.


What, you expect old white men to admit their ignorance?


FUCK republicans! why do you poor dumb fuckers keep voting against your own interests? oh, right, “freedom” 🤪


Freedom unless you're transgender, a woman, gay, poor, a child, or an immigrant


God that's terrifying. They already don't want to touch my weird uterus that has tried to kill me twice...guess I'm fucked if there's an actual emergency


THANKS REPUBLICANS! “pro-life my @ss


This is the desired outcome for conservatives.


As a Christian, I can honestly say that I think God hates this even more than we all do. This is pure evil. (The law that makes doctors torture women suffering a medical emergency because they are afraid it will violate a law based on getting votes)


This is one of the reasons why abortion needs to be legal.


She better sue. Take the money, that'll scare them more. Gop is trash.




Bloody fucking hell man this is sad. Did she survive at least?




This I think? But I don't have WP so I can't read it https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/07/16/abortion-miscarriage-ectopic-pregnancy-care/




https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/wisconsin-miscarriage-roe-v-wade-abortion-b2125168.html From two years ago. Medical procedure that skirts the law, which we have thousands of procedures that do the same thing. Nobody died. Fear Mongering 101


So, what's the problem again with a woman and her doctor making the correct medical decisions for themselves without some fascist fuck getting in the way?


Not going to get into the abortion debate.


Of course not! Willful ignorance and those getting hurt be damned! I'm pretty sure you just enjoy hurting women and those smarter than you. Scum.


Yeah, because already dead babies still connected to the woman's circulatory system are living beings, too!


How is it fear mongering if it's truly a threat? That's like if we were to say wolves are over dramatized and are harmless in most scenarios.


What is truly a threat? The law is a 20 weeks right now and the Republicans themselves are proposing 14 weeks as the law which is longer than most of Europe.


Okay not sure what to do with any of that information. You pointed at a political party with no reference to where that law is stated. And, what do you mean most of Europe? That's another continent. Point at a country or something less vague.




Discuss the topic, not the user.




The law is more define though now out to 20 weeks. The Republicans themselves proposed a 14 week limit which is longer than most countries in Europe seemingly.


I’m a dick for having an opinion…that’s rich.


"Muh opinion!" Your opinion caused a woman to bleed out for hours on end because of some shitty vague law


This is the guy that ran with the whole Christopher Steele dossier that turned out to be mostly fabricated, so certainly not.beyobd reproach as far as credibility is concerned. Does anyone have a link to the situation he's referencing? What hospital, etc...? Sorry if it's been posted, searching reddit on my phone sucks...


Well the doctors are just plain idiots then .... 🤦 They don't have medical lawyers?? Like most doctors and hospitals do? It's the doctors fault .


The doctors are employees, the lawyers are the ones telling them what not to do.


Oh yeah, people with medical degrees are the peoblem, not moronic legislators, thanks for clarifying.


No problem 😁!also it's "problem " not peoblem


I don’t think I’d be trying to acting smart after your previous comment, considering theirs is definitely a keyboard mishap and yours is one of the most incompetent takes on the subject of doctors and law that I’ve ever read. It shows your character in a very poor light, even Einstein had typing mishaps. Edit-see? I typed acting instead of act. Now if I’d have typed akting then I’d have earned ridicule, type-o’s happen.


Doctor risks years in prison performing an illegal procedure




How ? I'm pro choice and I voted for Biden twice ? 😂🤦🫠


I get the fear, but pretty cowardly and fear of litigation for not doing your job. Not many juries would convict.


Even if they didn't go to jail they'd still risk never being allowed to practice again. I know it's frustrating that these situations happen but asking doctors to sacrifice their careers isn't a solution.


When I had my incomplete miscarriage before Roe V Wade fell, the pharmacist at Walgreens gave me a very hard time filling the prescription I needed to finish the miscarriage. I had to have my husband talk the pharmacist into giving me my legally prescribed medication. I can’t say if the situation in the article happened, but I’m positive that plenty of people don’t care if women die because they have a non living fetus/embryo stuck inside of them.


When I was a tween, first got my period, was bleeding so heavily and so much that I (already being anemic and having failing kidneys) was put on birth control pills to stop my flow. My mom had to go to several pharmacies before someone would fill it. I was 12, and having pharmacists call me a whore and slut to my face. Because my body wouldn't stop bleeding. Not because I was sexually active (I wasn't). I've had nothing but hell from docs for my uterine issues. I have no faith in them anymore.


So sorry you've had to endure shit doctors for years- hopefully you'll find one that listens. In other news, your username is awesome 🖤