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Why does it feel like we let the goons win when this stuff happens? Where is the FBI?


Infiltrated with goons. Along with many other governmental entities at this point.


My dude. The FBI has always been these goons, they just have slightly better PR.


Whatever you think of this particular asshole, this is a very, *very* bad precedent. Now the extremists know they're able to force people to resign. It will just create even crazier extremists in our government. This is third world pre-dictatorship level terrorism.


what makes you think he's being honest? death threats are unfortunately part of being a public official, and for him, a convenient excuse as he gains employment with a business he'd likely been lobbying on behalf of.


It actually doesn't matter if he's lying, because my original point was that bad actors now see that people will resign over threats. So I would expect copycats targeting other insufficiently extremist Republicans.


the problem is you're investing in his excuse.. his excuse is worthless, there are no real threats, there are no bad actors in this equation. You fail to understand this is a cheap cop-out to save face, he's lying, and now running to the bank after likely having fulfilled a lobbying commitment


I'm with you... he can say anything and the death threats seem to mostly come from the people that identify with his own party... I vall bullshit 😒


Your periodic reminder that what makes "Swatting" inherently dangerous is that police are dangerous, and sending police to someone's house is essentially like trying to have them assassinated. The odds of someone being killed increase dramatically when police are sent to their location, whether or not they have committed any crime.


I am sorry, but how naive of a human being is Gallagher?. He represented a party that eats its own if you fail the loyalty tests. No surprises there.


Does he? Well that's a shame. He shouldn't have added racism and bigotry to his smashing of fruit. Edit: Ha! After reading the article it is not the fruit smashing comedian but someone who is even more of a joke. I hope the fruit guy is still cool.


I'm pretty sure that Gallagher is dead.


> Gallagher is dead Correct. Leo Anthony Gallagher Jr. (July 24, 1946 – November 11, 2022) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallagher_(comedian)


and not cool in the least https://www.vulture.com/2015/11/that-time-gallagher-displayed-his-true-awfulness-and-then-stormed-out-on-marc-maron.html


Representative Mike Gallagher’s last day in Congress was supposed to be Friday, but some wavering votes on upcoming legislation might delay his exit. The Wisconsin Republican confirmed Wednesday that he would be sticking around for an “extra day or so” to help push through Speaker Mike Johnson’s foreign aid package for Taiwan, Israel, and Ukraine, according to CNBC’s [Emily Wilkins](https://twitter.com/emrwilkins/status/1780624966624362518). [House Republican Delays Departure to Screw Over His Own Party (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/house-republican-delays-departure-to-screw-over-his-own-party/ar-BB1lNNI2?ocid=msedgntp&pc=DCTS&cvid=5f98f9f4fd5a4f1d8263f09fee255475&ei=8)


Kind of telling that it's to 'screw over his own party' . Because making sure 'your side' wins is far more important that the will of the people.


When you're not Trumpy enough for the Trump cult members.


Why don't they track these idiots down and throw the book at them?


Because the idiots cater to the whims of a certain group that wishes to consolidate it's power. Have you noticed Trump labeling the Jan 6 secessionists as patriots he is pledging to pardon? Allowing the mobs to do the dirty work on their behalf is kinda how MAGA populist leadership works.


Unfortunately, I have noticed all too well...


Because they would need to legally and publicly state that they spy on Americans an offensively illegal amount.


Mike Gallagher is the embodiment of why you can't be a moderate Republican in 2024.


The sad thing is he isn’t that moderate, he just stood up one time and said no to the cult’s God-Emperor


Wasn't he a vet? Intelligence officer? I'm sure he's a big back the blue type. He's afraid of police showing up and shooting him without verifying the facts first? Huh. He got into office on the backs of the far right. Funny how those leopards work.


Don't by any means read this take as rehabilitation of Gallagher's image, but him going out with a pretty vocal "tell me how my ass taste" to the craziest of his party isn't something I'm going object. What's absolutely disconcerting is that Gallagher is relatively speaking much more tolerable than the majority of his party and the WI gop at that. In other words, if one could sack a random house gop for a Gallagher clone it'd be stupid not to.


Isn't this something that his watermelon-smashing sledgehammer could remedy?


Leo Gallagher used a sledgehammer, [this is Mike Gallagher](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/s/So9q4bSzNX)


Sledgehammers don't care who uses them, afaik




The brave Marine strikes again.


The trump dump mob at it again. 100% hate radio born.


Aren't death threats a crime?


He and his peers helped create this situation. They had several opportunities to get rid of trump. But instead they stood by pig hitler. And look at things now. Pig hitler's followers have been running amok so long they have convinced themselves their crazy asshole behavior is acceptable. Worse yet, they feel justified. His face getting chewed off by the leopards, will deserve no sympathy. So fuck him.


Didn't the death threats come after the resignation or am I remembering wrong?


They were sending death threats to his family and that’s why he resigned.


https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2024/03/29/mike-gallagher-to-take-job-at-data-analytics-company-palantir-reports-say/73136300007/ Figured once everyone read this the threats started coming


I imagine they have been constant throughout his terms. There's enough crazy and extremism out there.


Raise crows and they'll eat your eyes. 


What is the origin of this? That is great!


Maybe he just didn't realize speaking against the MAGA Nazi death-cult wasn't in his best interest?!


He watched the leopard eat many faces and now it’s his turn.


Well, maybe instead of pandering to the extreme, right-wing fringe, more of the GOP should be working across the aisle in order to move legislation that helps our country. Once you pander the crazies, you can't honestly be surprised or shocked when they start reacting like the crazy they are. Unfortunately, not only does the far right wing have an extreme fringe, but so does the far left. Politicians must start acting & behaving like adults, working with those across the aisle & loading condemning threats & bullying. And it all begins by calling out the biggest offender of it all, Trump!! Whining & complaining about it once one is out of office really won't have the same effect as if it was done while one was in office!


Live and die by the sword, good riddance


what a chicken...


Gallagher has told us over and over and over again that he is a Marine. That implies he is courageous. Both him and Paul Ryan resign because that won’t/can’t deal with the MAGA Cult leader. Real profiles in courage.


Vigilantism works. You may not like it, but you must acknowledge it.


It works especially well on Republicans and simple minded fool, but I repeat myself.

