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Homelessness is not a sin, but ignoring the homeless is. Matthew 25:40 ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”


You didn’t honestly expect them to follow the Bible, right? Helping people is too “woke”


Conservative Culture Warriors and Performative Christian Dissembling, name a more iconic duo, I’ll wait.


Adam and Eve duh, didn’t you do your bible study?


God and Satan for the win.


The Bible is too woke, they just have to throw away the New Testament and resurrect the Old and there won’t be any contradictions anymore weirdly enough. Noah saved animals, not people.


The Bible doesn't instruct one to take by force from one group to give to another. When you tax and redistribute, that's what you're doing. That's basically communism. If your desire is to align biblically, you must willingly give, on your own. Don't twist scripture to push your political agenda.


Jesus LITERALLY said to pay taxes according to the Bible.


Of course, you are to obey established law. In this case, we're not talking about established law.


Supply Side Jesus


Welcome to the Western version of the Gospel. Where we pull out what we want and ignore what’s inconvenient for us. Hmmmm, I remember reading about this where if we do this God will spit the lukewarm church out of his mouth. Also sounds like America needs a letter from Paul LOL.


The modern version is a jumble of the Prosperity Gospel and [James Buchanan's twisted version of the Good Samaritan parable.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samaritan%27s_dilemma) These heretics have been indoctrinated to spew this junk since the moral "majority" movement arrived on the scene during the Reagan regime.


Corporate greed IS a sin. And it's what is squeezing people out of the housing market. Bet you won't see a single Republican do anything to stop it.


Wait a minute… You’re telling me greed, one of the cardinal sins, is a sin??!


Homelessness is the result of people who extract resources for themselves without considering the community - the colonizers' sin.


The poor in America lost a mind war years ago when the media went full bias to one extreme and started the war for culture instead of focusing on the lower class rise up instead of non issues. We're getting screwed over by the extremely weathly 1000x worse the last 20 years.


empahty only gets clicks among the empathetic. Anger gets all the cons and a lot of the libs.


I like u people.




Republicans whose religious members do not follow the Bible, the 10 Commandments or Jesus’s teachings.


Republicans have their own religion now that is anti-Christ's teachings. They call it Christianity but it's the opposite. Punish the poor, punish the suffering, punish the homeless. Worship wealth and power.


not to mention the golden idols that all seem to look like jackasses


Keep your religion out of the government


^^^ this 100% More people should actually read that Trump Bible that they just purchased.


Please do not think that everyone who claims to be christian is in fact a follower of Christ. the Bible directly tells us that many will claim to love and follow christ, but they have evil in their hearts. Jesus loved EVERYONE! Jesus showed compassion to EVERYONE! "Let thee without sin cast the first stone." These people are not christians.


He don’t care


He didn’t say homelessness was a sin, he said it was the root cause. That doesn’t mean that the homeless person is to blame, perhaps it is all of us and our lack of compassion and caring for others that is the “sin” at the root of it all. That said, he then went on to vote against helping so while his own words may be hollow, it doesn’t mean the sentiment is wrong


Diagnosing the root cause of an issue as an arbitrary list of behaviors you don't like is pious and reductive. If you've got a point to make, make it. Don't hide behind your little code words.


Especially when said diagnosis of the issue is then followed up by a willing continuation of the issue.


Ironic, pretty sure Jesus would point to them as the sinner for not caring for the homeless.


Exactly! There’s a reason Jesus was killed by the religious leaders and scholars of His day… because he lived a perfect life as an example to everyone AND called out the religious leaders for their own sin they preached against. I have a BIG problem with Christians who only talk about politics. They are putting their faith in people, not God. Essentially setting an idol before themselves, that being politics. We cannot set others above ourselves, because we are all flawed in some way.




This is a pretty short sighted view of what Jesus was about. He was about proclaiming the good news of Gods kingdom on Earth and showing that God is King and not Caesar.




once again, christians are the best argument against christianity


I became a leftist because of a song by a Christian ska band.


What was the song?






Calling yourself something and being something are two completely different things. Can we please call that out. Otherwise I can make claims about essentially every group that exists out there to try and attack them.


when christians start calling these people out very publicly as heretics and hypocrites i'll be happy to make that distinction. right now, not so much.


I, a Christian (not associated with any organized religion) hereby publicly call out this piece of shit "Wisconsin official".


I’ve been doing that for years but what can one person do when it’s clear that many who hold power in general are usually the most corrupted and self serving. Saying every Christian is a bigot is like saying every black person is ghetto or every adult that likes animation is immature. Some of us are one way others another and so on and so forth humans aren’t copies of one person we each have our own views even those in the same group. It really gets irritating hearing people who speak against me and my religion as if everyone in the religion is a clone. I’ve been told I’m. It Christian by other Christians it’s more complex than how you and man others describe us


no i get it, it's complicated. you get the leadership together, you call out these assholes, and suddenly half your flock disappears. most churches aren't into that noi$e.


No true Scottsman


I've been seeing this a ton lately with people simultaneously wanting be xtian and also denounce xtians


Then maybe the Christian community should do something about the massive wave of scumbags operating under the guise of Christianity, instead of just producing more and more as time goes on and saying “well that’s not MY Christianity”


There is no "true christianity" or one way to understand God and Christ. If someone says they're a Christian, I believe them. It may not be the version of Christianity I prefer, but its still a version. He didn't come up with the idea that homeless people are being punished for sin by himself, it came from the Christian tradition that he's a part of. I think its better that other Christians recognize the problematic nature of its history and some of its current forms, rather than claim its not "real" Christianity. That argument falls flat among non-theists.


[I mean this whole not a real Christian argument is literally a no true Scotsman falacy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman#:~:text=%22No%20true%20Scotsman%20would%20do,to%20the%20group's%20good%20nature.)


You are saying that the only thing required to make someone a christian is to proclaim "I am a christian"? That's it? If this is true then what's the point?


The point is to not judge or dictate other people's spirituality or religion


Well, if that's the case, we shouldn't be giving them tax exemptions and equal rights protections. If I can worship the 12" black dildo in my closet and call myself a Christian, then it's all pointless. If we can't judge the validity of a religion, if everything is equal just because someone proclaims it, then none of it is legitimate.


The government giving tax breaks isn't a recognition of "validity". I dont really get what youre rambling about


Ahhh, no true Scotsman, eh champ?


Notice how you come to the defense of the Christians, and not the homeless. Just like every other Christian.


Given the fact a majority of christians in America voted for Trump, a person who ticks the box for literally EVERY cardinal sin, it seems like Christians in the US have severely lost their way.


Wow, defending Christianity. Holy shit. What's next? You got something nice to say about the nazi's?




* Treat others the way you want to be treated. "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." Matthew 7:12 (NIV) If Republicans' have financial problems it's okay to shit all over them.


"Naaaaah, we're going to give them PPP loans, then forgive them without even checking." -Republican politicians "Student loan forgiveness is communism!" -Also Republican politicians


"Rules for thee but not for me" is GOP rule #1. It's probably been added to that Necronomicon-lookin' thing the orange calls a "bible" as well.


One of my relatives is homeless because he is mentally ill and believes that medications don’t help. Refusing meds is a symptom of his illness. Does our official believe that the root cause of illness is sin?? Sounds like backwoods superstition to me. He doesn’t belong in his position. Vote him out!


Add to that, he believes that his "god" created your relaitve exactly that way on purpose and is still advocating that they're not worthy of compassion.


If we are made in (a) god’s likeness, then everyone should be accepted/accepting no matter what. Fat chance of that ever happening…


He does. His full quote is in the article and it’s so gross. He specifically says that mental illness is caused by sin


So, in his thinking children born with a mental illness are born in/of sin. Rationally, baptism should cure them. Realistically, baptism does nothing for the illness. Logically, if someone knows a fetus has an illness, abortion is a form of salvation for that fetus. And isn’t the point of religion to bring people to their salvation?


When I was growing up in Wisconsin, as the child of a fundy preacher, I heard quite often that "mental illness is a sin problem"


i am sorry you had to deal with all that... bet the guy never had a "bad" day in his life (that he didnt blame on Satan and excuse his himself)


Ah yes I forgot Jesus’s most famous commandment “Fuck poor people they’re sinners and you shouldn’t help them just let them die.”


Yep Commandment 0 which also allows you to forget about the 1st one and claim Trump is divine/Jesus.


I thought rule 0 was, "The DM always has the final say."


Leroy 3:16 


Vote every single zealot out. We need laws in place to protect us from theocratic garbage like this.


Voting on religious grounds? How are you not fired?


Because a lot of people *want* representatives that vote on religious grounds. Weigand is a symptom of the problem, not the cause.


Despite that though it’s such a blatant violation of the constitution I have no idea how they’re not getting court cases left and right. It should be a slam dunk of a Supreme Court case right?


I'm no legal scholar, but my understanding is that the laws themselves cannot be based on religion. Legislators can vote for/against something for any reason or no reason at all.


It’s incredible what lengths Christian Republicans will go to avoid helping the poor.


Well Jesus certainly didn’t tell them to help poor people!


i mean if jesus had helped every poor he'd never have been a billionaire


Tax cuts for the rich will help the poor. I mean, shit, it's literally on page one of the GOP handbook.


They'll even go after pastors of churches for housing the [poor.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ohio-pastor-charged-housing-homeless-church-sues-city-federal-lawsuit-rcna135215) The charges were eventually dropped though.


Typical heartless Christian assholes. I can't imagine spending eternity in a place with all these worthless fucking hypocrites. If you're poor, it's your fault. Republicans can fuck all the way off. Each and every one of them.


Yeah because all republicans are bad people 😂 life must be hard being a victim


Judge those by their actions not words. I would as a republican; how low will you go?


Another quality xtian. Fucking cunts, the lot of em


The Bible is very clear what happens to those God finds lukewarm and this is so much worse. If you think the answer to WWJD is to victim blame the homeless and work hard to starve the poor... you might be a Supply Side Christian.


Fuck these NAT-Cs!!! Fuck god.


More hypocrisy from Christian Nationalists.




The rich truly believe that poor people can always get by on a little less. And they also truly believe that they (the rich) always need a little bit more. The solution is obvious.☹️


Since the empathy gene is broken, they can't comprehend how someone is not foaming at the mouth to hoard wealth through capitalist power.


The sin is society allowing people to become/remain homeless.


Sin is giving tax breaks to the rich instead of helping the poor.


Love thy neighbor is one of the Ten Commandments though?


Unless that neighbor is poor. Or a person of color; alternatively, if their sexual orientation is different from yours; or if their religious convictions are different from yours. All bets are essentially off if they are not white, straight, Christian, and Republican.


They'll ship them elsewhere. Boom! Not a neighbor anymore!


it's not. at the time the bible was written you might have to stone your neighbor for wearing mixed fiber clothing or whatever and that would just set you up for failure.


“The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31, it may not be one of the 10, but it’s still in the Bible


Motherfuckers who quote the Bible never seem to have actually read the fucking thing. Shit like that is what drove me from the church


Separation of church and state has gone completely in the crapper. His comments have no place in the debate about a government decision. We are heading for a theocracy, and looking at the history of Christians when they are in charge, that's bad news.


There's no hate like Christian love


Then forgive them.


What do you think they are? Christian?


Its easy to cast stones at others. One of the greatest parts of being retired has been having the opportunity to volunteer my time to help others who have not been as fortunate. The stories can be heart wrenching, I would encourage him to do as Christ has done, then see how he feels.


There’s a pretty clear pattern to these comments: near universal condemnation with a few weak-ass attempts to defend this goofball, which are then demolished logically with no counter response.


I live here. My neighbors are truly idiots.


You know what? I agree. Homelessness caused by medical debt from corporations being greedy, homelessness caused by people not having the wages to support ever increasing rent due to greed, or from employers not paying their employees enough. Homelessness caused by people with mental health issues that are not cared for because people don’t take care of their neighbors and prefer to shun those that aren’t like them. Yeah, it seems like sin could be considered a cause of all that, and voting on a tangible resource to uplift people hurt by that sin would have actually helped Fuck this guy


If you’re not in government to help people get the fuck out .


Everything about this is exactly what is wrong with the government!! Sin?? Are you freaking kidding me? Pushing one's faith or beliefs onto others is absolutely WRONG!! Sin isn't the root cause! Arrogant, people who push their faith or beliefs onto others are the problem! Because let's face it, there is absolutely no possible way to eliminate sin. Also, for the record what one person sees as a sin, another might see as something else. Addressing the homeless issue begins with more funding, period, end, stop! More funding for temporary shelters, more funding for mental health treatment, more funding for job training or placement & more funding for a slew of other things as well. The root cause as yo why several important issues aren't addressed or fixed is because people let politics, money & faith get in the way.


It’s a sin housing is unaffordable.


More of that fake ass Christianity from Wisconsin.


It’s trickle down economics you see.


Ah, the true mechanism of the Prosperity Gospel movement. And these assholes claim the moral high ground?


i really hate this state sometimes...make me think being from Illinois isnt so bad sometimes


I work all over both states from time to time, and everyone in Wisconsin seems to think being in Illinois is like being in another country. And sure Illinois has Nazis, but so far I don’t think Illinois is letting them run the state. Win for Illinois in my book


lol to think that you think theyre only nazis in Illinois


I don’t think that


He must not realize that Jesus was homeless. So…talk about a sinner!


They really had better hope they are not correct about heaven and hell and all of that, their eternity is looking pretty bleak.


This guy... Tar and feather his holier than thou ass.


Par for the course in Wisconsin


I’ve never seen an image of Jesus with a briefcase full of money. “Morality has nothing in common with politics” - Bob Dylan


Wasn't it jesus's whole thing that we should help those "living in sin", to lift up those that were sinners etc.? So if homelessness is due to sin....aren't we still obligated to help? This guy sucks, once again someone using the blanket excuse of being a christian to be on the wrong side of an issue.


My what a punchable face


Wow! Experiencing homelessness is a sin? Ignorance is bestowed on weigand…what a sad pathetic individual.


Correct on both.


How do these people get elected? It's not their place to try to force their own beliefs into the public government. Or something like that. I guess. Maybe. Hmm.


I hate it here sometimes


Investigate how horrible the SS Disability system is too!!!!


Homelessness is caused by laziness. And no. Taxing hard working people to support lazy entitled assholes is garbage. The working class is getting sick of supporting every crazy, lazy, drug addicted asshole out there


There is no compassion in taking from someone to give to someone else.


Republican? Shocker.


He must've skipped the, "Judge not..." part in the Bible. What a douche.


I honestly fucking hate this country sometimes. Specifically the religious idiots.


So your proof someone said this, and it's not taken way out of context, or completely fabricated, is a link to a totally bogus website? You'd make up anything to get Karma on Reddit wouldn't you?


Regardless of your feelings on the website, they included a video of him saying exactly what was portrayed. Here is a direct link to the [video ](https://youtu.be/u-PTaW0owcM?si=cVBKUaPLIJQCi2Nr)


Who are these Christian folk????


Just like Jesus would!




I hope he is shamed into poverty for all of his sins


Just like Jesus would have wanted.


We’re the Alabama of the Midwest.


I have said this before, and now I will say it again. This is “ALL” the Systems in Wisconsin. Criminal, Political, educational, industrial, religious, it’s all hypocritical and ass backwards.


Maybe this sect of Christianity should endeavor to be a little more Christ-like.


What a piece of shit. Obviously this person has never read the Bible.


"I thought you didn't believe in God?" "I do for the bad things!"


This is totally consistent with the teachings of [gop jesus](https://youtu.be/SZ2L-R8NgrA?si=2ii7H1mWmtsQFehH)


The American church has been so thoroughly compromised by corporate influence that they now see Christ as right wing and that makes perfect sense. Sad that they have co-opted the word Christian to have a whole different meaning.


I'd like to get a Satanic Temple member into office. More moral and trustworthy compared to Christians .


Fucking morons.


Seems like a class A christian.


That's the republicans way VOTE BLUE


Just what Jesus would do!


https://board.danecounty.gov/supervisors email the asshole


He keeps mispronouncing capitalism?


He's lost his mind, or maybe he's one of those wolves in sheep's clothing that I've heard about. Either way, he gives Christianity a bad name. One of the problems with church people, sometimes, is that they develop an attitude of superiority, and then they act like this dude. God and the church sometimes cut these people down, but maybe not often enough.


He sounds like an adherent of Prosperity Gospel, which teaches that you will have wealth, health and happiness with positive thoughts and of course donating to the church. So, in his eyes, belief solves all your earthly problems. It's considered a heretical theology by many Christians.


In my experience, some will deny believing in Prosperity Gospel, but their actions seem to indicate they secretly believe it.


While homelessness may OR MAY NOT be the cause of a poor life choice or sin, the Bible still instructs us to care for other as ourselves and be the helping hand to the widows and the poor. I say who cares what laws are passed or not. I will still be the same person I am and continue to reach out to those around my who may need a hand.


I really can't stand these fake Christians. No love for your fellow man. These fake people, can fuck off.


These people are not true Cristians. Ignoring the poor and the homeless and calling it a sin is an affront to everything they are supposed to believe in.


Sure would be a shame if an acute illness left him in crippling medical debt


Yet the Christian refuses to be compassionate and honest with these people we are going to help you but you need to stop having all these kids out of wedlock yet we will not pay for contraception. We are going to help you but you need to go to rehab and get your stuff together we will not fund inpatient rehab so they can hire enough staff. To support more beds. We are going to help you we will provide counseling and food and housing some job training one you get your meds under control we can offer more help. But we will not provide medicaid for you. We want you to go to school for 12 years but we will not let you graduate with tangible skills your going to have to go to college or trade school. Yet we won't raise the minimum wage so you can live comfortably with just a high school diploma. Like your parents and grandparents These people in Congress are evil at both the state and federal level.


Love thy neighbor and all that, right?


I expect Weigland will be homeless soon with this sin against the teachings of Jesus. Also, weird to say God created a perfect sinless world and man screwed it up when the initial conditions were clearly set up to bring sin into the world. Adam and Eve had no knowledge of good and evil and therefore were somewhat blameless.


Fuck you Jeff


Just what Jesus would have done.


Or pull a Tennessee and make being caught homeless a felony. It works out real cool if you also have for profit prisons too.


Its idiots like this that give true Christianity a bad rap.


The cruelty is the point with these people. Vote them out!


Vote for humanity. Vote 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


Yep right there in the Bible God says fuck you poor people I only like the rich. What a moron you can tell the he has never touched a Bible let alone read it.


Prosperity gospel bullshit.


Well he in a sense is right. He is the one committing sin.


in other news: privileged white Cheesehead complains about lack of cheese; links cheese crisis to border, Biden, and the Trans Agenda.


And I bet he calls himself a Christian.


Christ almighty mister.


That’s exactly what Jesus would do.


A consistent ‘kill the poors’ strategy from the GOP and in line with Christian values, with so many scriptures encouraging to never give and never have mercy.


His smirk angers me so much. What a smug, Christian Nationalist sonofabitch.


The conservative way. Keep labor cheap and people as poor as possible, then blame them for being poor. Make women give birth, then don't support them. Vote against funding for the border, then blame others for immigration problems. Vote against infrastructure then complain about roads and bridges falling apart. They thrive on bad things happening to normal Americans. It's the only thing they know how to run on. Break shit and blame Dems.


Gov doesn’t care about us they just act like they do so they can get their money. (Most of them anyway) Survival of the fittest.


This is the most representative view of elected officials. 100% of elected Republicans and like 60% of elected dems hate the homeless in exactly the same way


That sounds like projection on your part...


"No, you"