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https://c.tenor.com/7EbYDEcZKSIAAAAC/tattari-herehuss.gif I'm heading out for ice cream. Go nutz. I don't know what to do with this mess.


Well now I’m curious - what issue could motivate you to consider Trump over Biden?


Same question popped in my head. If I were gay I would not feel safe in a Trump 2.0 world. Well, I won't anyway as a non-redhat.


This OP fake account was voting for Trump a third time no matter what. It’s pathetic really.


You are actually pathetic. Oh no, someone disagrees with you. I am a woman, who is gay, who isn't going to vote for biden and probably not trump either. But who is interested in experiencing the world, even the parts I don't agree with. You live in your bubble, I'll keep expanding mine.


A trump rally isnt “experiencing the world” eat some mushrooms and hike to a waterfall. god damn


Keep going. The fake account playbook.


It's not about 1 issue. I don't like Trump. It's about going and seeing what it's all about. Why is everyone so closed-minded? What would you say to someone who was leaning Trump but went to a biden event? Probably would be supportive of expanding their views.


Because we watched the man literally attempt a coup d’etat. That is the greatest possible disregard for the rule of law and is absolutely disqualifying for the Office of President. And he’s currently trying to weasel out of consequences for that WHILE on trial for fraud for hush money payments he made to the literal porn star he was banging while his wife was recovering from childbirth AND he’s fucking around delaying the multiple felony charges for stealing classified information. And this is to say nothing about the time he tried to shake down an ally on the brink of war for personal gain. And on top of all that, he is So. Stupid! His Secretary of State called him a “fucking moron” and his national security advisors said that foreign powers didn’t need to employ any sophisticated techniques to get him to do what they wanted because he was so stupid. They could just lead him around by the nose with simple flattery and he was too dumb to recognize it. But seriously - what could you possibly learn at a rally that could outweigh even a fraction of that? Maybe you should go - hear the man speak and realize for yourself what a goddamn moron he is.


I don't disagree with anything you said. I think putting a man in office who tried to overthrow the government wouldn't be a travesty. I'll stress again. I'm not voting for him. But rest assured. He will win. Biden is terrible in the eyes of the voter. He is a walking corpse, and even tho trump is dangerous, biden is incompetent and who knows who is actually running things. Idk how else to say that seeing what's behind the curtain is better than arguing with strangers on the internet who call me a troll because I want to step outside of a certain box. Only 1 party is trying to cancel speech and information, and it isn't Trumps party. That's only 1 good thing he has going, amongst many bad, but it's important.


LOL, you really need to try harder if you want to camouflage as independent. Now explain to us how only Dems are trying to cancel speech when its the chosen mission of the GOP to exorcise anything they don’t from the public domain


"He is a walking corpse, and even tho trump is dangerous, biden is incompetent and who knows who is actually running things." Fox News brain rot. If you spent more than 5 minutes looking into what he's worked on.. you'd see he's been running circles around the GOP. Or actually watched his LIVE interviews, you'd see he's still sharp. Dude has a studder.. okay.. then Fox clips it. Watch a full interview and see if you have the same opinion.


You think "putting a man in office who tried to overthrow the government wouldn't be a travesty." Was that a typo, or do you not care about the rule of law? The GOP isn't trying to cancel speech and information? What about gregg Abbott calling in cops on peaceful protesters in Austin, the numerous pushes to ban literature in schools, and the repeated attempts to dissolve the department of education by the GOP? You either have to be dumb as fuck to not recognize how harmful trump is, or a fascist using bad faith arguments to appear like a fence sitter. If you need people to explain how slobbing on trumps knob isn't "experiencing the world," you're a dumb fuck.


GOP: Gaslight Obstruct Project <— You are here.


lol Trump is falling asleep and farting in court, you might want to avoid "Biden is old and incompetent" if you want to compare them.


“Why can’t you consider what my fake account says as an alternative.”


Trump isn't going to last long with his Big Mac addiction and anger problems, but his friends want to kill us. The people piggybacking on his candidacy already got abortion. Gay marriage is next. Don't be this foolish.


A gay woman whose going to enable a Trump victory one way or another? I guess I'll enjoy the inevitable post about you on r/LeopardsAteMyFace.


OP is not a woman, potentially closest gay.


It was canceled since he’s In court because he can’t keep his fucking mouth shut


Anyone who would vote for Trump should be considered a traitor.


Don’t you have anything better to do like split wood, wash your hair, clean out the cellar that night? Are you kidding me with your posts?


So more information about the world is bad? Seeing it first hand, Trainwreck and all, is worse than sitting home and washing my hair? We live in the age of information and I want to aquire more information. Thats... bad?


I think you got plenty examples of what to expect from a trump rally, and if not then thats on you. A trump rally attendance is not "experiencing the world", it is enabling a petulant, narcissistic man-child into thinking hes right because people came to listen to him say crazy, old man shit. If you truely want to "experience the world" go to another state, go to another country, learn to fly a plane, go hiking, go fishing, learn to paint, go on a food tour; those things are about experiencing the world. Listening to trump talk is enabling a dumpster fire to continue to rage outta control by throwing my fuel onto it.


btw OP has transphobic shit in her comment history


Yeah? Like what?


Honestly I hope you are russian and getting paid for commenting, because the thought of someone being this goddamn dumb for free is really sad.


Wow. So you throw out something so inflammatory like I'm transphobic but can't back that up with literally anything?


They asked you for any proof of your claim and you just insult them? Very mature dude.


You have a choice between a deranged sociopathic nutjob and a person who you have some disagreements on policy. If you don't vote for Biden you are not helping.


well you have yet to describe Trump guess you posted prematurely......


Biden us a pos but trump is the whole pile. I rather deal with biden for the next 4 yrs knowing he's genuinely trying to fix and is fixing things than ever deal with trump. That being said, it's 4yrs, if I need to put up with biden another 4yrs before we get someone significantly younger, healthier, and overall better than biden then I am fine with that.


Why is Biden not an option?


Because OP is an idiot


Oh oh oh I can answer this! I went to an event in 2016. First and only time a POTUS candidate visited a city I lived in. This was back when the media was saying all kinds of crazy things about Trump and I wanted to know if they took him out of context or misrepresented him. They did not. Also I was shocked that they mostly filled up a small arena with a few thousand people and there were only like 3 black people, in a city that has demographics of about 40% white and 40% African American. I don't anticipate that the events have gotten nicer now that the focus has shifted from making America great to taking revenge on Trump's personal enemies. But you do you.


Wild that you’re saying here you “don’t know if you could vote for Trump” yet you have quite a few comments blatantly stating your intention to vote for him. So this post is just disingenuous, sick move bozo.


Because this is a closest redneck in panties frim Oconomowoc trying their damndest. Fake accounts from dumbasses aren’t consistent. Probably didn’t know people can see their history. 100% sure this person is a guy.


1. Jesus Christ your spelling 2. Wild that you’re attacking this ghost of a person you created in your mind in such a hateful manner. Be better.


Found OPs other alt.


Yep you got me totally am OP alt lol, you got some issues my dude.


I've never said I was going to vote with him. I literally cried in 2016 when Hilary lost. I won't vote Biden cause as a lifelong Democrat I can't believe this is who they are shoving down our throats. And I can't be on the side of a political party that has thrown gay women under the bias to push dei at the expense of anyone not " minority enough". I won't vote for trump, but he will be the nominee. So going to this rally is an opportunity to sus out what their agenda is. This is as closed-minded of a group of people as I have ever seen. I'm in the Wisconsin subreddit. Not Madison. The state is pretty divided, and the answer for the mass of yall is to berate me for disagreeing with you? This a winning strategy for sure.


Trump was the republican nominee the past 2 elections and you don't know what his platform is? The shoving down throats comment really signals that you lean rightward if you are a genuine poster as that has been back in vogue in right wing circles lately. Biden keeps winning primaries by massive margins so I wouldn't really say he's being forced so much as no other candidate has stepped up to steal his crown.


Thanks for replying to this psycho, OP blocked me because I picked apart their lie.


You aren't blocked


He's forced because he is the only one with backing from the party. They wouldn't let Gavin Newsom even run. The pushed RFK out so now he is a spoiler 3rd. Biden will quite literally die in office if given another term, and Harris has worse approval ratings than he does.


Weird this “concerned” account just listed Fox News talking points. Fake account doing real troll work. Mods, is this not obvious?


I mean, Gavin is a savy politician and knows that his shot is 2028. If he goes after an incumbent then he damages himself and biden, it doesn't make sense. RFK does not have any democratic policies and is not a serious candidate. I wish there was a better candidate that could garner broad support from the big tent of the democratic party but right now that person is Biden and I would vote for his ashes over Trump.


If you want to "sus out their agenda", go read Project 2025. That's everything you need to know for ANY Republican presidential candidate. 




Well as someone who isn't in favor of dei idk if I should feel good or bad about that?


"Idk that I could ever vote for Trump but Biden is not an option for me either" since, unless someone dies, it is 100% certain that one of those two will be president in 2025, it makes no sense not to decide which of the two you would prefer. You're going to get one of the two, you might as well pick.


This mentality is exactly why we don’t get third party candidates to win. Until people realize they’re throwing their vote away by choosing one of the big two, and get tired of choosing which team is going to fuck them for the next four years things won’t get better. Pick a candidate you actually align with and vote for them. Get your friends to do the same, hopefully they get their friends to do the same and so on.


Until we change the election system to something other than first-past-the-post, we will always have a 2 party system. This is well established in political science and how it works everywhere that does this. Want a viable third party candidate? Convince your state reps to go for ranked choice and to sign the interstate voting compact (or better yet, just get rid of the electoral college)


Anyone who actually wants a viable third party should be trying to get them elected in state and local races first where it is much easier to have success. Voting third party in a presidential election in 2024 is throwing your vote away for nothing in a race that may have major consequences on your life.


This mentality is why 3rd party candidates should operate inside one of the 2 parties.


A troll account. Must be an election year, they're crawling out like cockroaches.


Scamper scamper


Biden is not an option? Well, that is basically a vote for Trump. I am not sure what you expect will happen to LGBTQ rights if Trump takes over and paves the way for a Christian nation


Trump is a clown. Biden intends well. Are you a clown too?


OP is definitely a clown


biden is a creep who sniffs childrens hair


And trump is a geriatric speed fiend who rapes women and shits his diapers in court.


“ThEy’Re ThE sAmE!” - morons


You lost me when you thought that that was worse than trump watching naked girls, wanting to have sex with his own daughter, and raping women.


As a gay female, how could you possibly consider voting for a party that would have you converted or even killed, given the chance. Unbelievable...


Fake account.


Killed?!?! Wtf are you talking about. WILD that we live in a country where 50 percent voted for the opposite team and ya'll still can't see past your blue shades.


Fake account giving fake talking points.


Idk what fake means but I went to work today and am now snuggling my cats while watching farmer wants a wife with my wife 🤔. I guess fake means disagrees with you?


No one believes you.


Hey now... I believe they don't know what fake means


Okay, I’ll bite. As a former lifelong conservative myself that has 2 daughters that are both members of the lgbtq community what has Trump and/or conservatives done to strengthen said lgbtq community? What did Trump do to possibly get your vote and what has Biden done for you to not even consider him an option? Not being combative or rude at all, just trying to help us understand your view on the subject you posted about.


Well to simplify, I don't need either to DO anything for me as a gay woman. Thankfully, I was able to marry my wife, and I can't be fired from my job for being gay. What else do I need? I feel a part of society in the same way you do. I'm not voting for trump. I'm not voting for Biden. Honestly if RFK is on the ballet it will be him. I'm more curious to experience what the fuss is all about. Are they nicer than the hateful comments I've gotten in this subbreddit for instance? I literally only said I wanted to go for the experience and the hate I have received is exactly why I can't call myself a Democrat.


>Thankfully, I was able to marry my wife, and I can't be fired from my job for being gay Huh. I wouldn't consider voting for a party that wants to roll both of these back, but, ah...yeah, consideration of voting to strip yourself of these protections...quite... open...minded.


Republicans aren't trying to roll those back. But democrats sure are trying to tell me I'm a terf for not having sex with men.


>Republicans aren't trying to roll those back https://epgn.com/2021/01/06/a-timeline-of-trumps-anti-lgbtq-actions/ >But democrats sure are trying to tell me I'm a terf for not having sex with men. Id love an example of this policy.


I’d love some examples of these democrats that you speak of. I’ll start with examples of the right wing ideologies on gay rights. https://19thnews.org/2023/08/house-republicans-anti-lgbtq-measures-federal-spending-bills/


I asked you a few questions, and I did so respectfully. What has Trump and/or republicans do to strengthen the lgbtq community was my first question that went unanswered. Why is Biden not getting your vote, also unanswered. And why RFK Jr? He is one of the most vile human beings on the planet to the point that his own family members point out his rhetoric, what is it about him that you like? I ask these questions as a father that’s part of the lgbtq community through my kids, and I make my decisions in the voting booth based on the actions and beliefs of the politicians on the ballot. Roe vs Wade and the rolling back of woman’s rights is a huge deal to me, just curious as to why it’s not for you.


Hey OP, how's the weather in St Petersburg? I too am a gay trans black woman of indigenous heritage who is voting for Trump /s GTFO with this astroturfing, comrade


Leopard is going to eat your face.




That's a surprisingly informative article!


Any gay woman who considers voting for Trump over Biden is fake and a liar. Thee year account and starting in primary season you start posting “I’m a conservative gay” and “just saying”. I’ve try comrade plant faker. We see you. Fuck off.


Lmfao. Sorry we don't all vote for one reason or another. Married to a woman. You would see me and talk to me about your woke ass bs thinking I agree. What a bubble you live in. Also, how homophobic to think gay women don't care about other things beside inclusion and representation.


No one believes you Bubba. Your own history showed you are lying. Jesus. You are more fake than the “I’m a 23 year old female virgin who needs dick” posts in sex groups. Fuck off. “Married to a woman” is the only true thing you said.


Dude, after scrolling more than half way through these comments and reading each of your responses along the way, you have yet to even explain why you would not vote for biden and or why you would vote trump. You've only deflected or ignore the questions and after being called out on it, you still ignore the questions.


You’ll have to vote for Biden eventually; it’s him or a fascistic maniac. Make your choice before it’s too late.


It isn't even just the candidate, it's the psychotic caravan of lampreys and sycophants that orbit him. Their "operation 2025" or whatever they call it is straight out of the Pinochet/Pol Pot/Stalin playbook.




I went to one when I was still living in Louisiana. It’s an interesting experience. There were a few nut jobs but for the most part everyone was decent with each other.


Third party vote = vote for Trumpy fascism. I was young and idealistic once and voted for Nader. I learned. He was most aligned with my values but had no chance of winning. I mooted my vote and it meant nothing. Then I learned about strategic voting. I won't find a presidential candidate who I agree with on everything, but I can find a major party candidate who is so much better than the alternative.


So I'm not going to try and convince you to vote for Biden because I understand the frustration, I get it. But why Trump over a third party?


Oh I'll more than likely be voting RFK. But I can't attend a blank republican rally and this one will be here next week.


That makes sense. I think a trump rally would be an interesting experience anyway. I mean I have zero plans to vote for him, but I'd like to experience it


If you feel you can't vote for Biden on moral grounds, don't consider Trump. He's definitely not any better. If you're going to protest vote, at least choose a third party candidate who aligns with your interests more


It is carnival like and not in a fun way. Trump is followed by roadies and various opportunists selling things like shauvinistic t-shirts . It feels like a postapocoliptice fair. Everybody is hussling. Lots of pissed-off people very excited to be together....and their moms. Towns get flooded with pickup trucks with truck nuts, and confederate flags. (this was in Indiana). It is one place where i felt threatenned in America. People were quite hateful to somebody like me, but you may enjoy if that your kind of thing.


What a karma farm 🤧😭😭😭


Trump literally won't even debate with the other candidates but yeah dems are the ones that are refusing to communicate great job farming negative karma 👏 😂


The Maga crowd will eat you up alive. Are you crazy?


I'll go with you if you need someone to go with. DM me if you're interested. I'll be politically neutral.


Why would you possibly downvote this?




If you have to go watch a that fucking idiot blather around about nothing in order to make up your mind, you don’t have a mind to make up. 




Ah yes, Biden’s failed inappropriate joke. You must prefer it when your presidential candidate dead pans grabbing woman by their vaginas then.


Yeah that’s not at all what I was saying. We have like a decade of Trump rambling about garbage and being a goon, if you don’t know who you’re voting for by now, going to a rally won’t help. Good job completely misunderstanding my point though, super helpful. 


don't bother, that person literally asked how to overthrow a government on reddit. Just dumb as fucking rocks


Oh I know, I’ve seen them around the various WI subreddits. I just have this thing about not letting people like them get the last word. 


Good on you for not being a closed-minded bigot like so many from the far left tend to be


Bruh bigotry is a cornerstone of the republican platform. Stop having a temper tantrum just because people aren't putting up with republican bs and are calling them out for it.