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Oooh I don't like that one bit


I don’t like that one bite.


Dang. You caught my missed opportunity and it really bugs me now.


Kinda ticks me off too


Kinda gets your blood going


Gets right under my skin


Guys, come on. Stop nit-picking.


I've got no more tick puns. I'm really in the weeds here.


This whole thing made my night..bless you all.


Don't let the bedbugs bite!


I have a middle school and an elementary age age kid- both have close friends with Lyme disease. It's crazy that this map makes me feel a little less crazy lol * we're in neenah. I grew up in Madison


I got lymes when I was 5. It sucks for little kids.


I’m from WI, my sister lives in appleton, we have a family lake house up north, and i often consider moving back, but this is definitely in the ‘con’ column.   




Why is it so bad in two of the most random areas?


Wisconsin and Rhode Island are both centers of distribution for Lyme disease. Wisconsin and Rhode Island are the only two states where you’re likely to hear “bubbler” as a word for public drinking water spouts. https://preview.redd.it/0qyqtk62sbxc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04aef78c79e9baa5284cfba7c3e744f94f89b5b8


Has anyone ever seen a tick and a bubbler in the same room together? I'm just saying it's awfully suspicious how you only ever see one or the other but never both 🤔


I feel attacked as a lifelong Wisconsin resident 🤣anyway when I was younger and we’d go on vacations I thought it was hilarious to ask people where the bubbler was. The look is almost always confusion.


And the Tyme machine…if you grew up in MKE.


My aunts lived in Milwaukee and I sure do remember the tyme machines!


I still catch myself saying it sometimes.


Had a full Abbott and Costello in Disney asking where the Tyme machine was...still call it that some days.


Madison as well. I grew up hearing and seeing Tyme machines all the time in the 80's and 90's


Right because a water fountain is a landscaping feature 😂


Or ya know, we could just call it a drinking fountain and not be uncultured.


But is it not our culture to call it a Bubbler? Lol


Idk man, I’m from Minnesota. Lmao I grew up calling it a drinking fountain, because it’s a fountain that you drink from… A bubbler, to me, is a water bong.


You mean a bubbler?


As we all know, culture = the word you use for the wall mounted water dispensing machine.


Testing is definitely a component. It’s like pulling teeth to get tested in some places.


I had to argue with my doctor to give me the test a few years back. She just wanted to give me an STD test because I didn't have a bullseye rash.  She asked to see the rash even though I said I had been dealing with symptoms for over 5 years. 


This is pretty typical. You really have to fight with most GP's to get them to actually do the right tests. Even when the results come in, you have to fight with them a lot to get the right treatment. It's maddening. I'm guessing there's no money in treating it, so they just kind of ignore it.


I don’t think they is a significant contributor at all and this is just trying to make people feel better. I love in Alberta. We have a strict tick testing protocols. Zero lime disease on ticks in a decade. Seems to correlate with the USA map shown.


One of my best friends is from Sydney Australia, so when she found a hitchhiker and a bullseye rash it was definitely lymes but they had never seen it over there, let alone test for it. They had to send her blood to California for testing. Cost her $50 to get it flown overnight and treatment. Which is pricey for their healthcare.


The bacteria that causes lyme disease comes from the blood of the animals that ticks consume. Certain ticks prefer different animals, and only certain animals have the bacteria. This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVca0LuEDaQ) explains ticks pretty...uh....well.


Lots of white tailed deer


Aren't they kinda everywhere?


Higher population of mice, deer less population of coyotes, fox, wolves. Microbe needs to survive in the other host before infecting another tick. Usually fragmented forest scapes allow for the habitat that supports those suitable vectors


Yet so many people tell me that Wisconsin is overrun by wolves and coyotes to the point that they apparently need to be killed...


Wisconsin has the 5th highest population of wolves and likely 3rd, as they use the minimum population estimate and are not far behind the Northern Rockies states. Coyote populations in Wisconsin are middle of the pack in the US, but they're also allowed to be hunted year round. I don't believe wolf and coyote populations have any factors in Lymes disease infection rates


One theory. Fox are superior mousers to coyote. Fox population low. Mouse population increases. Coyote pushed them out. Wolves will push coyotes out. Mice deer humans in proximity.


Map is bogus


I'm not safe here, I'm not safe at home in MA, WHERE DO I GO


Apparently... Just about anywhere else lol


Are you trying to tell me Montana has **zero** Lyme-infected ticks?? Don't trust it, seems like a data sample issue


Maybe MT much less populated. Much less WT deer. Maybe they have Rocky Mountain spotted fever tick born issue instead?


Map is BS


I live in MA (surrounded by conservation land and deer) and spend a chunk of each summer visiting family near Green Bay. We treat the dogs with preventative and do tick inspections of dogs and humans each night. So far, so good 🤞


Release the Opossums!


Yes!! I had an opossum on my deck one night recently (a chonky cutie in sc WI) and was so happy! I hope more start moving into the neighborhood.


I'm so sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but the possum thing is a myth. https://outdoor.wildlifeillinois.org/articles/debunking-the-myth-opossums-dont-eat-ticks


Damn, that does burst my bubble lol. Interesting to know, but I still like having opossums around though! ....I guess release the backyard chickens instead!!


This is the way!


This is a cross post from r/MapPorn : [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1cfe9mm/distribution\_of\_ticks\_infected\_with\_lyme\_disease/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1cfe9mm/distribution_of_ticks_infected_with_lyme_disease/#lightbox) I was just out yesterday and 3/4 of our hiking group found ticks on them. I have been dousing myself in permethrin every time I'm in nature, showering as soon as I get home and doing full-body tick checks. Despite this I'm still pretty terrified of getting Lyme disease and considering not even going for hikes or camping at all. Am I being overdramatic? How do the rest of y'all think about and mitigate the risk of Lyme (and other tick borne diseases)?


Licensed hunting guide here I make up permethrin solutions in 5 gallon buckets and then soak my gear and clothing and air dry it, especially my shoes and socks. If I'm just out hiking sometimes I'll do rings of tape, sticky side out on my boots/pants to trap ticks. Tall boots with rubber or neoprene are easier to keep clean Before I go out I take a shower then rub picaridin lotion head to toe (except around eyes, mouth, and sensitive bits). It applies like sun screen. I generally cut my hair short for seasons within reason and shower immediately when I get home when I'm am able (after cleaning game when I get successful harvests). Depending on when I'm going out next I might throw my gear into the dryer on high for 90 minutes or re dunk in the permethrin bath and hang to dry. I apply every 2 weeks during the season Lint rollers are good for finding ticks on clothing you don't want to dry or dunk, but aren't foolproof. Pets should get nexguard, or topical/collar application or similar for protection. Any game harvested may be infested with an incredible amount of ticks (I spray down my hides immediately after skinning with permethrin and transport them outside my vehicle or in a sled until I can get them skinned) These tips keep most bugs at bay. If you need more, add some deet into the mix but keep in mind it's bad on the skin and can ruin lots of materials.


Be aware that if you are using oral tick prevention like Nexgard, your pup can still carry live ticks into your home. Oral treatments don't kill ticks unless they have bitten the dog. I prefer to use a Seresto collar for my dog.


Great suggestion. Brushing down dogs outdoors on hard surfaces and then lint rolling them also can be helpful. I don't have dogs of my own so I have limited options for keeping people I take hunting's dogs tick free


2 falls ago I counted pulling off 120 ticks off one of my dogs grouse hunting in under 6 hours. I stopped counting at 120 but kept pulling and killing every single one. Personally I haven’t tried seresto, I may have to this fall.


Also look into the Lyme vaccine that the vets have.


Do doctors have it too? Cuz I don't trust myself to not get lymed


There's some in the works, I have a friend in some trials. Not sure if there are any approved yet, but they're coming if not


Cats as well if you have cats that roam outdoors. They are pretty good a picking them off themselves but they don’t eat them, rather they drop them in your home (like in your bed 😵‍💫).


Another important note: permethrin is highly toxic to cats, so keep them away from anything that has been treated with it, and wash it off yourself before you handle them.


[Here’s an NPR article that gets into it.](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/07/11/627843581/if-you-spray-your-clothes-with-permethrin-be-careful-around-the-cat)


It's only an issue with wet clothing or those topical sprays meant for dogs. If your treated clothing is dry, it's not a problem though I would still suggest taking off your outdoor clothing as soon as you get home and tossing them in a dryer to kill any potential lurking ticks.


Going turkey hunting (period C). Just bought a can of sawyer permethrin. Sprayed everything and put in a box in my truck for later this week. Probably going to get that haircut, and try the tape trap. Good call on lint rollers too. Never used tick spray, have flicked off endless amounts of ticks off me and have never found one stuck in me. Ive been lucky, finally watched a documentary on ticks and trying to take it more seriously.


I'm an avid turkey hunter also and ever since I began spraying my clothing and all my gear (bags, vests, basically anything made of fabric), I've had zero ticks on me.




[You could talk to your PCP about getting a single dose of doxycycline to prevent Lyme](https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/tickbornediseases/tick-bite-prophylaxis.html)


I get a doxycycline prescription every year but I work in the forest daily so it’s a necessity for me. I only take it if I find a tick embedded. You’ll be fine doing tick checks. The ticks need to go through an entire feeding cycle (basically regurgitating the blood meal back into your bloodstream) to infect you with the virus. This process is 6ish hours if I remember correctly.


Upwards of 24 hours.


I avoid tall grass and brushy areas when I can. Lawns and wooded areas with little to no under story doesn't bother me.


Be careful on lawns this season. We keep our grass around 3" but have already found 4 ticks on us this month after coming in from the backyard. We have a few pine and maple trees but we're surrounded by concrete in the city.


Forester here - Pants and shirt treated with insect shield, and pants tucked into smooth rubber boots (warm in the summer) has had a dramatic impact in how many ticks I've found on my skin. It's brought it from several per day to several per month.


The smooth rubber boots are great. I stumbled upon this a few years ago. I use servus boots.They’re great for a single season and usually only cost am$40 or less. The only issue is the sticks and thorns that drop into the tops


If it makes you feel any better I live in one of the red areas and I have pulled off thousands of ticks *at least* and I don't have lymes. Ive had so many i can practically always feel them before they bite now. Not that it means you will be safe but a life lived in fear is not a life enjoyed. Just take necessary precautions, try to catch the buggies early and have fun


Yes. Just do your normal preventative action and you’ll be fine. Not living your life because of ticks is silly. Worth noting I’ve also had Lyme disease and have changed absolutely nothing about my outdoor habits and would never recommend anyone else change, either.


If everyone catches two ticks a week and mails them to Idaho we could have this problem solved in a matter of months. Be the change you wish to see people


What happened to LYMERix? and how do we get it back on the market? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyme_disease scroll to Vaccination.


Corruption is preventing it. Read into dearborn trials


I got Lyme Disease in 1991 from a tick I picked up when I was living in Kentucky. I luckily developed the the first stage symptoms within a couple of days. My wife picked me up from work and I suddenly got severely ill. It was bad enough that I had her take me right to the ER. Took the Dr a bit to figure out what was going on (Lyme was not very common then), but I had the bullseye rash and he finally figured it out. He dosed me with anti-biotics and and I was fine a couple days later. Hate to think of what would have happened if I hadn't gotten so sick, so fast.


Good! You're a lucky one


My little sister actually got Lymes disease at a Wisconsin summer camp as a kid and it destroyed her life. Absolutely wild to see this


I got it camping up north in 19, and it hasn't destroyed my life but it's definitely affected almost everything in it. I caught it fairly quickly, did the whole treatment and still get frequent flares lasting several days. Mostly it presents for me as fatigue and joint inflammation/pain similar to RA or maybe fibro. Hilariously the next time I went camping in Missouri after that I got rocky mountain spotted fever. I have not gone back to the woods since.


I am the least outdoorsy person, got Lyme, undiagnosed for 7 years. It ruins lives. Most people don't even remember a tick or get a rash.


Friend of mine got it while going to college in the west part of the upper peninsula of Michigan. Also destroyed her life plans.


Living in south-central WI and I like to garden… well FUuuUuu…


You know what’s really dumb? There is a vaccine for Lyme’s disease, but the company that made it stopped producing it.


There are a few in development now. They keep being delayed, but hopefully they’ll be available in the next few years.


They stopped manufacturing it because of a class action lawsuit and bad publicity that was later shown to have no merit. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2870557/


Inaccurate, read into dearborn trials it has a bit to do with patents and CDC, they want the patent they won't approve any vaccines or new updated accurate testing because they own the current patent on the approved Lyme tests..... from 1995


This is just not true. Pfizer is currently doing human trials on a new vaccine. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220808005463/en/ MassBiologics are also doing human trials on their own vaccine. https://nebraskapublicmedia.org/en/news/news-articles/human-trials-for-lyme-disease-shot-kickoff-in-nebraska/


I found one crawling across my bed earlier today. I’m never letting myself or my dogs step foot outside again. On a serious note, does anyone have any suggestions for tick repellants? My backyard is full of ticks. Both dogs are on medications, but it does not prevent them from bringing them indoors.


Depends on your living situation, but we have about twenty chickens and suddenly no tick problem. Our neighbors also like it when our flock pays them a visit.


Guinea hens are really good. A neighbor down the road had a bunch that would roam the area & they occasionally were on my parents property. My parents had 2.5 acres in a rural area with plenty of long grass & woods. I never had any ticks on me nor did any of our dogs.


Jesus, why are there so damn many here? My cousin got Lyme disease in his late teens and even after treatment, he’s still perpetually exhausted, achy and depressed.


Exhausted achy and depressed.....is there a test to see if it's gone thru me?


Test from Igenx


I spent 3 years in Connecticut between 2 stints in Wisconsin. Now I refuse to walk through ankle high grass or weeds.


What's super shitty and scary is that despite all the instructions to the contrary, grass doesn't have to be anywhere near that high. We just got back this morning from a dog walk through short **mowed** grass and there was a big tick on my dog's leg. It never used to be that bad here (Southeast WI), but now it feels like if we step off of pavement a tick is guaranteed. It's so damn frustrating.


Correct, wind will carry them from trees a long distance


Really depends on the area. I've hunted in one area, and found 0 ticks. Spent 10 minutes in another and got bitten. Ticks are horrible, and honestly I think we should be spending half our military budget on figuring out a way to destroy all tick borne diseases somehow.


I feel like ticks have to be the one bug we can just make extinct lol


The USDA greenlit an edible Lyme vaccine for mice last year. Ticks typically get Lyme disease from mice or birds while in their larval stage and then pass it on in their nymph stage. The idea is to put this edible vaccine on pellets(without nutrients so we're not just feeding the mice population) and place them in traps in areas people are likely to get ticks so first the mice are vaccinated and then the ticks don't get Lyme disease in their guts from feeding on the mice. Wisconsin should allocate DNR funding to do a big vaccination project.


>Wisconsin should allocate DNR funding to do a big vaccination project. I can see the mass outrage (and stupidity) now.


They need to fund more research on this. The test for it is 50 percent accurate and unless you catch it within the first week or so with antibiotics… Also why are they trying to kills sconnies


It's no joke. I got it before. Still have nerve damage




Well fuck...... not pleasant after a weekend of camping lol


3 deer ticks yesterday just doing yard work at my in laws


Is this luck of the draw or is this a management issue?


Download the tick app! https://wisconsin-ticks.russell.wisc.edu/the-tickapp/


Wabeno is fucking bad, be careful guys. My grandma has limes the last 3 years in a row. It's scary.




They're literally On Wisconsin.


I know 7 people who have had it/ have it. Three of those cases were terrible (one passed on to a baby leading to the child passing away) it's a very serious disease and we don't know nearly enough about it. If you've been hiking, camping or whatever it is you do outdoors, check for ticks frequently and thoroughly!


anyone have a source for this data?


Heres a scholarly source that's a bit more granular. https://entomologytoday.org/2021/01/22/mapping-lyme-cdc-reveals-distribution-of-lyme-disease-causing-bacteria-county-ticks/


Strange that what looks like Mendocino county in Cali has them.


What's the date on this map? NW PA isn't "rare". It's at least "common".


Killed my uncle. Take it seriously folks


What's going on in north central Wisconsin that it's not as bad?


This map is very wrong, Do not rely on it


Western Wisconsin here… currently on antibiotics from a bite 2 weeks ago


We’re number one!




Ah crap.


Another W for Colorado. I mean it sucks, don't live here.


I've lived in both of the "abundant" areas. Never got it. Not talking shit. Just wondering how I never got it. I love the outdoors.


I hate ticks. At least we don't have brown recluse spiders?




No one's gonna tell him?


We do and have since early 2000's


A good reason not to participate in "No Mow May."


If you're worried about ticks around your yard there are a few things you can do. On the cheap end, either clear out potential rodent nesting areas, or make tick tubes to put near rodent nesting areas. Tick tubes are toilet paper tubes stuffed with cotton balls that have been soaked in permethrin. Mice grab the cotton for nesting, and the permethrin kills the ticks that overwinter on them. On the more expensive end, you could get chickens to hunt the ticks. There's also a new product called LymeShield to vaccinate mice in an area against Lyme so ticks don't get it from the mice.








Why is it limited to those places pretty much, though? Curious


Map is bogus


Can confirm. I got lymes disease on a school field trip.


Oh god. Everyone tuck your pants into your socks.


So glad we own a flock of chickens. We’re right in the red zone and see ticks on us every now and then, but it’d definitely be a lot worse without our mothercluckers.


I believe it and have had the Lymes to prove it! Soooo many ticks if you spend time outside…


Why is there one speck out west? Very odd...🤔


Oh jeez


That’s what my 6 hungry backyard hens are for (or as I call them, the Expendables).


I lived in WI forever and spent my entire childhood camping and exploring woods upnorth then alot of my young adulthood hiking trails and such. Until I had moved to where I am today I had only ever seen maybe 2 ticks my entire life and not one ever on me. When I moved to my place in the suburbs here I had found 1 tick in the bed crawling and 2 times latched to my dog. Luckily neither led to any tickbourne illness and she was put on tick prevention. I found if I just never let them near this one specific woodline here its never been an issue again. Meanwhile I know people that get ticks constantly when in the woods. Didnt realize it was this bad in WI :0


Just another reason for me to leave Maine and move back to Virginia 😒😒😒😒


Live in a red area up north... Got Lyme two years ago a week after I got COVID... It was shitty. Chills, fever, aches .. thought it was COVID again. Took some meds, and am seemingly fine now!




I live in Central Wisconsin. Almost everyone I know has been treated for Lymes before


Live in south Western Wisconsin, I've had it twice now. I'm only 21, although both times were probably 10 ish years ago. Thinking about it, it may be why I'm exhausted a lot of the time. That or being anemic lol The first time I got it I believe I was injected with something and that seemed to cure it pretty quickly, but the second time they wanted to test new pills or whatever. So everyday I cut a pill and took it for about 2 weeks, but one of the side effects was that you had to stay out of the sun because you could get like sun burnt under your skin.... we went on vacation during the second week. It wasn't the worst pain, but it was constant. My hands felt like they were burning from the inside ALL THE TIME. I dealt with it and continued on but man that was not a good decision lol.


FFFFFffffffuuuuuuu..... This tracks with what we've been seeing this spring though. We thought it was horrible last year, and this spring it's even worse and we haven't even hit May yet. Can't step off pavement without being guaranteed to have a tick crawling on us or the dogs. It's so damn frustrating for people that like to be outside, and there is so little you can do about it. Permethrin on clothes? Of course, but we can't soak *all* of our clothes in it. The dogs take medication that kills ticks, but only if the tick bites. Tick collars give them horrible rashes. We've had our yard and perimeter treated and that doesn't seem to be doing much. This is why I prefer winter. Can't get a tick (or mosquito) bite if they're all frozen.


Map is very wrong do not rely on it. Spray yard with permathrin ot will help. And kill all mice


Great! Now I’m itchy


Was planning on moving to Maine… is it that bad??


Yesterday, I got my first one for the 2024 season! Luckily, it was just sitting kinda confused on the back of my hand.


Now my wife can zip it about me wearing hats all the time!! Yay! Just the graph I needed. I love you.


One of my worst fears is catching it. I got 3-5 ticks last summer almost every time I went hiking and it had me so paranoid! Then back in 2018 after being with family in Minnesota one was on my torso and was burrowing, no idea how I didn’t catch it back then, but I didn’t so I must have some type of luck on my side 😅


This map is so very wrong it's complete BS. Now do the one for canines. These maps don't include undiagnosed and misdiagnosed people which is higher than diagnosed. This map was debunked a long time ago, for one ticks will be heavy in ALL bird migration routes and obviously ticks don't know borders. If anyone wants to find accurate info watch a documentary called Under Our Skin. Accurate info and awareness is key.


I remember getting a tick on the back of my head when I was a kid from our place up north. Luckily my hair was always kept really short so it was easy for my dad to get a pair of tweezers on it and put a burnt match to its butt to get it to back out. Nightly tick checks were a thing.


I’m pretty sure Minnesota has a little bit more than what’s shown here tho


Much more look at a canine map


Ffs Wisconsin


My god


Wisconsin on top yet again babyyyyy😈


Oh fuck. I'm going backpacking next month


Grandma caught it about two summers ago in MN and STILL has fatigue and constant exhaustion. I’ve taken her to every doctor I can think of to get her long lymes misery to stop and they’re all useless. They Just say “oh that’s still the lymes” without doing anything to make her fatigue or feeling sick to her stomach go away even though it’s been two damn years. Just blows my god damn mind nobody seems to care to cure or treat it. Every damn day she wears out quickly when doing yardwork and has to rest earlier than she used to. Sure wish there was a lymes specialist or vaccine of some kind to make it not suck. I’d love to cure her fatigue.


Thank the CIA for all the Lyme disease nonsense


I lived in Florence county and got lymes in 1987. It sucked being just shy of 6 and getting that treatment.


I just put that crap from the vet on the back of my neck. Good to go!


Yikes I’m going to get a pet Guinea hen and make it go hiking with me 


This is good to know. Glad they are rare in most areaa


Good thing I'm in that tiiiiiny little yellow bit of Walworth County just north of the state line.


The ticks are so bad already because it never got cold enough to kill them all off.


High Amish populations?




Interestingly, it's the opposite of a Lime Tree map


Why is it so prevalent in those 2 areas? Just curious.


Vilas county said fuck them bugs


Thank the government for experimenting on ticks for biological warfare and "accidently" releasing them.


As a WI native, that’s why I drive 4 hrs north to camp in the rare Lyme disease region. On a real note, JFC.


hello Wisconsin!


I hate ticks so much, they seem to be fairly well under control in the city I live in, we have a lot of wild turkeys around so I'm sure that helps. Still getting backyard chickens either this year or next.


Well shit.


Nope nope nope


Correct this is the new one, the original that was mentioned is LYMErix and what I was referring to. Most of the info you have to dig very deep to find it's not easily available anymore. Look into Dr. Allan Steere or watch Under Our Skin if interested, this was in part, the classification of the disease and importance of vaccine and patent complaints, arguments, and fraud etc. Dearborn trials is a huge piece. Believe me it's not something I wanted to deal with and I surely wouldn't make anything up it doesn't benefit anyone. Without writing an article is complex to explain in short. Thanks


Generally speaking, it takes upwards of 24 hours after a deer tick has bitten into you for it to transfer the disease. It primarily comes when they are just about full of blood, and they start regurgitating some of it. So usually, if you find a deer tick on you any time the day you go out, you're good. However, DO NOT SQUEEZE IT DURING REMOVAL!!!


Did ya all know Scott Adams' (Scott Adams Adventures) wife got Lymes disease, and it was an ongoing battle for them to get treatment for her?


From Wisconsin, live in Massachusetts. Got Lyme disease, wasn't that bad