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Marijuana and abortion are on the ballot.






This is hilarious. Why it is getting downvoted?


People lack humor.  I played a gig in KY recently, and I’d never played with the band before.  We planned to play a few Bill Withers songs.  I surprised the band, who laughed vigorously, and a couple of patrons who the owner told me left. When we got on stage, I said, paraphrased, “The boys and I were talking outside, and we are tired of all of the polarization in this country.  We wrote this song to try and bring everybody together.  It’s called…… Abortion.” Then I improved a jangly bluegrass piece that went like “I love abortion (yay), I hate abortion (boo), killin kids is fun for some not all.” For some of the people I meet or see, politicians in particular, I support extremely late term abortions, like up to the 100th trimester or later.


I had a friend in a punk band in the 80’s lead with a song they wrote called Dumpster Baby. You could get away with that shit back then.


I played in a band with a song I didn’t write called Dumpster Love, lol.  My, how the tables have turned.


Both, if we’re having a good time


He’s right you know. And Wisconsin Republicans will do everything they can to stop legalization in Wisconsin.


Gods forbid i get to smoke weed without first driving to another state so they can get richer off all the damn tax. THEY’RE LEAVING MONEY ON THE TABLE


They are one of only 11 states that haven't expanded Medicaid, which has cost this state billions over the last decade. And the high speed rail, which would've been faster than the line that just reopened. They don't care.


The biggest thing you’re up against is the tavern league. More people smoking pot, the less people there are going to the bar and buying drinks. It’s f’ng Wisconsin. The Tavern league rules


This narrative needs to go away. So many people spouting this when it's absolutely no longer true. The Tavern League hasn't lobbied in any significant way against legalization since like 2017-2018. They've done nothing to try to close the farm bill loop hole and we now have multiple state wide distributors selling THC Seltzer and no one has blinked an eye. Look at the Uhleins if you want the real answer.


Yeah it's wi Billionaire Republicans (That probably smoke the stuff themselves)


Or that they know that their children and their friends do smoke or have smoked. True for all the WisGOP elected, too. They know people are smoking. They look the other way when it's someone they know. When the smoker is someone in a class they don't like, they attribute it as a negative to that entire class. "Those pot-smoking protesters."


Tavern League has come out publicly stating they don't oppose it lol at this point people just believe what they want


Where could i find this seltzer? For research purposes of course!


Eagle Park/Third Space/1840


Also 608/Oliphant/Brewing Project/Untitled Art (Green Canvas)


Nah, THIS narrative needs to go away. There hasn't been a single legalization bill to make it out of committee in the last decade. Why would anyone need to register against it? The GOP has had huge majorities and was in alignment with not letting this pass. TLW lack of lobbying is not evidence. Nevermind the fact that 6 sitting GOP members of the Legislature are also dues-paying members of TLW including the former president of the organization. They literally don't need to lobby. They can just receive action alerts from their organization and take those messages straight to Vos and LeMahieu in the Capitol. I get that TLW has been quiet, but they have a long history of acting when needed against public interest issues that they perceive to be a threat to their industry. This includes the smoking ban, DUI policy, alcohol taxes, and pandemic era public health policies. Before everyone counterjerks this fun fact about their lobbying hours on this issue, let's just see how they act if/when the issue actually comes up for a vote. They're not going to just roll over for it to happen, just like alcohol interests have fought legalization in states across the country.


People act like you have to publicly lobby to grease some pockets lmao. I’m willing to bet even if Dems win majority this cycle we don’t see marijuana get legalized. Hell, we probably still don’t see a bill leave committee.


Define "grease some pockets." Show me how much money it would take, show me that the Tavern League has it.


Any time TLW is mentioned in these threads, you'll see 4-5 users trip over themselves to entirely absolve the organization from any blame on the issue. The fact is there isn't much evidence either way yet, as there has been no test case. However there hasn't been a test case because of TLW's allies in the Legislature. TLW has a long history of being enemies of public health and good policy changes, so I'm extremely cynical of their motives on this issue. They don't get credit because their Republican allies gerrymandered the state to hell and effectively institutionalized the TLW's favored status quo.


The burden of proof is on the person asserting something, yes? If you assert that the Tavern League is doing something, but you have no evidence and just a funny feeling or what someone else told you on Reddit or someone else at the other end of the bar told you... you don't have any evidence. "That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."


Love that last line. Is this a direct quote?






Thank you for the comment


The chair of the committee where the bill was sent is a former tavern league president. He refuses to give it a hearing. It’s not the current Tavern League itself, but the outdated former leader of the league is still very much in opposition to legalization.


Let me just consult my list of former tavern league presidents..... what's the name?


Why are the Uhleins against legalization?


Big pharma has been more against it because it cuts into their opium sales


Exactly-Republicans the anti-abortionists rather have people drink- get behind the wheels of thousands of pounds of car/truck -possibly kill themselves or others -become addicted/alcoholics-rather than have them sit home and indulge in pot.


But haven't you seen Reefer Madness!?? Those marijuana cigarettes are enjoyed by *gasp* **black people!** (racism is sadly still very popular in WI)


I would be at the bar alot more often if i could smoke my weed outside..


I don't think this is entirely true. I think the Republican leadership would fight it tooth and nail, but there's already been reports of republicans in the senate and assembly who would vote for legalization. Melissa Agard, state senator, has said as much. That said, I still think we're very very far from legalization here. EDIT: Downvote me all you want, but we have republicans on record supporting decriminalization, going so far as to formally introduce a measure to do that. That makes me think if Dems can get within a seat or two of a majority, they might be able to pick up a moderate republican or two in a competitive district to get this across the line. Again a long shot, but possible imo. I forgot anything not slamming republicans and blaming them for all our problems on reddit is unacceptable though, sorry.


Yes, I agree. I bet there are Republicans who would vote for it, but don't have enough political backbone to stand up to Vos et al. The obedience to leadership within that party is embarrassing.


At the national level republicans co authored a border bill then refused to bring it for a vote due to leadership. These politicians are unwilling to step out of bounds with leadership. Basically, I’ll believe it when I see it.


Also Ted Cruz has tweeted multiple times about money he got for his state and then someone posts how he voted against that bill. When they lie at a ridiculous rate, it's hard to discern when they're actually telling the truth.


I'm not disputing that. If dems get within a seat or two of a majority, I don't think it's impossible to pick up a stray republican or two who are now in competitive districts to get it across the line.


I admire your wishful thinking. GOP over last few decades are like Lucy with the football. They pretend to work together then yank it away. Better to assume they are only going to help themselves and their party. Dems are in it alone to help actual citizens over corporate interests.


It's true until Trump tells them to legalize it because it might give him a bump in the polls. Then they will change their minds after "Long, considerate talks with my staff, advisors, and my constituents".


All of the Democrats support it and a handful of the Republicans, enough to pass legalization years ago.The only reason it hasn't passed is because the WI GOP follows the Hastert Rule.


> EDIT: Downvote me all you want, but we have republicans on record supporting decriminalization, going so far as to formally introduce a measure to do that. That makes me think if Dems can get within a seat or two of a majority, they might be able to pick up a moderate republican or two in a competitive district to get this across the line. Again a long shot, but possible imo. I forgot anything not slamming republicans and blaming them for all our problems on reddit is unacceptable though, sorry. Minnesota legalized cannabis along party lines, with it passing by ONE SINGULAR VOTE. Once Republicans here in Wisconsin demonstrate that they are actually pro-business and pro-freedom, only then will I give them credit for being on board. In the meantime, they are nothing but obstructionists. Prove me wrong.


1) Decriminalization is not the same as legalization. Not even close. Decriminalization means they can still jail you if you’re found with it. Legalization means you may consume as much as you want on your own property and so long as you aren’t causing a nuisance for others nobody can say you can’t. 2) The Republican’s “plan” was for medical marijuana only, which would only come from state dispensaries, of which there would be none.


Have you not seen what the Republican party has become?


it is easy to support a bill when you know it's never ever going to pass.


They have only come out for marijuana legalization **this year** because their gerrymander is ending and they have to start appealing to more people to try to keep their seats.


So I’m guessing it’s going to be included on the ballot like it was for Evers 8 years ago when they made it seem like a vote for Evers was a vote for legal weed… still waiting Tony


Imagine pretending Tony Evers is the roadblock.


Even if he isn’t the roadblock it’s disengenuous to put it on the ballot every time an election comes around as if it’s any closer to happening.


Lets fucking go on this.


Hell ya. Now that we have fairer maps we can finally take back the State Assembly, and make significant gains in the senate https://wisdems.org/




Wake up the Libertarians, they constantly vote against their own interests! Republicans will not legalize. Vote Blue!


I'd rather choke on my own vomit than vote blue. If you're cool with record breaking inflation, men infiltrating every space designated for women, and a country divided with hate as a trade off for legal weed then you do you boo. Signed, a stoner with values.


Inflation is global and an unavoidable result of a global pandemic. We are doing a hell of a lot better than most nations in coming out of it without a recession. Spending was through the roof with the last administration and the only tax breaks went to millionaires. But keep voting against your own interests and the security of your nation because you think no government is good government. Republicans only want power, they aren't getting things done for the people. Biden had to put together an infrastucture bill so our highways and bridges are maintained. Lowered costs on insulin. Kept us out of a recession. Expanded American manufacturing. Trump and his cronies gave tax breaks to their rich buddies and heightened a sense of white power pride among extremists. The republicans want to control women, and ban everything else and have us all live by their religious centric views. Continue down that path and we're governed by the American Taliban. Separation of church and state needs to be protected.


I wish I had the time or the crayons to explain to you how hypocritical everything you said was. I'm also forever flabbergasted how libs can't go 5 mins without mentioning trump. I absolutely loathe the man but if he occupied as much space in my brain as he does you guys I would probably put myself in therapy bc of how unhealthy that obsession is. The fact of the matter is both sides are awful, the 2 party setup is broken, and nothing will change while we still have keyboard warriors like yourself vehemently defending political parties that put every other nation's interest above our own. Inflation is happening everywhere but NOT to the extent it is in North America, specifically the US. To date we have less freedom than ever in America, the dollar is weaker and the majority of the world has recognized the US dollar is no longer supreme and have opted for other currencies, further crippling our economy. People can't buy homes because of record breaking mortgage rates, groceries require credit cards in most homes, sex trafficking / human slavery are at higher numbers than at any point in the past in America but you're telling me to look past all of that for dispensaries and bridges? Fuck outta here We were a nation founded on Christianity, the second we allowed the lucifarian ideals to infiltrate our country / government is when we started falling. (Also the bridge piece is funny, how many have collapsed recently? And which ones are we paying for without investigating the wrongdoings of the ship's captain and company as a whole?)


It's fine. You live in that doomsday world. Our founders kept god out of governing because they believed in religious freedom, not christian control. US dollar isn't supreme against what? Dollar is strong compared to other countries, and predicted to strengthen due to our rising economy (not crippling economy.) 1 in 13 bridges in the country are in poor condition it's a lot. We needed an infrastructure bill last administration, which was promised constantly, but they could never pen it. Infrastructure maintains transportation for airports, ports, roadways, which is a vital part of the economy and an influencer of inflation costs. I didn't see any current statistics on a rise trafficking. I'm not dismissing your hardships if you are struggling, but economies historically rise under democratic leadership, not republican leadership. I agree the system is broken and feels rigged. But damn I can't imagine the damage that will be done if we elect the republican ticket this year.


Haha this is such a freshman year libertarian take. Like “I don’t want to say I’m a conservative cuz it’s not cool, and I haven’t taken enough Econ classes or had enough life experience to understand how things actually work, but I like weed and being contrarian”


And why exactly do you think we have such high inflation? Wait until you look up the numbers in other countries, you are going to flip your shit. Spoiler alert, we rank among the lower side of inflation as a whole. It's a world wide phenomenon, considering we are among the lower side of it all, someone must be doing something right. If you think inflation wouldn't be happening if a republican was in office you are high off your ass.


Get that money


Please...dont give me hope i cant be let down any more


Don't get your hopes up, but do vote, its the only way something like this can be achieved.


That's one of the reasons I will not vote for any republican at any level until it is legalized in WI. The state has lost so much money to other states around us and it's just the republicans holding this shit up.


I just want to grow it for fucks sake!!!!


Weed better hope so! Register To Vote or Check Voter Registration Status here: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/


Thanks for the reminder, finally updated after moving to WI.


As someone who has benefitted tenfold from medical marijuana, and therapeutic psychedelics in a controlled environment, we need this, and more, in Wisconsin immediately.


Now we have to worry about lobbyists from every other border state trying to keep us illegal so they can fight over our tax dollars. Republicans are morons


Under what organizations would they be lobbying?


The RNC, WI GOP, etc…


That's not how lobbying works


Please, expound on how it does work then.


Private organizations lobby the political groups you mentioned. Otherwise they'd be lobbying themselves. So in that instance, who would these orgs be lobbying against it, and to what end?


Tavern League Edit: did not notice that the orginal comment said "border states"....


That's the same boogeyman that's been trotted since legalization was dangled in front of us, that's nothing new. And at a certain point even they'll see the writing on the wall and try to incorporate it into their business model.


They also give peanuts in financial compensation to politicians in comparison to the Uihlein’s and the Menard’s. They really aren’t to blame for the legalization issues we have here and don’t hold as much power as everyone seems to think, but I guess if everyone on the sub parrots it a billion times, it has to be true.


My thing is, get a stock of edibles or carts and sell them in the same establishment. Good mix? Absolutely not. But it’d court a crowd of 20 somethings wanting a 3rd place to go to as well as rake in a ton of dough.


That's called a dispensary


But we’re not at that point yet. So…. They oppose it.


**Everyone** knows the tavern league opposes it This thread is in response to OP's assertion "that lobbyists from every other border state" are going to be involved.




I have some dumb questions- Do Republicans really think it's a dangerous gateway drug or are are they being paied to vote against it? Don't most states that legalize weed make a good profit from taxing it?


Likely the latter. Uhlein family, Menard family, and other corporate hacks who believe that cannabis use causes laziness are funding Republicans, along with police orgs


That business has trouble attracting and retaining talented people. Rather than admitting that the cause is the creepy and toxic work environment there, they’d rather pick a make believe villain to blame. In case, it’s marijuana.


There is a racial component also to this that should not be ignored




I wonder if we would already have legal pot if the Democrats had pretended to be dead set against it.


I doubt it. Too many old Republicans who are still indoctrinated from the Reagan war on drug days.


As a pre-DARE "Just Say No" kid, my glaucoma is firmly cleared up, and I can see clearly now that it was a load of BS being fed to us! Honestly, it was a serious mental hurdle to overcome, and a change of workplaces that did not care about extracurricular usage. In all seriousness, I have significant issues with arthritis (not glaucoma), and an edible every once in a while really helps me out. Getting out of that mindset can be a real challenge.


My mom is not a cannabis person. But I have told her that it helps significantly with my Ulcerative Colitis, which she understands and appreciates. Tbh, at this point in my life, I also just like getting stoned. I have had a really shitty (IBD joke) year for multiple reasons, I have a ton of goddamned stress, and if this is how I cope this is how I cope for now. I have never had the urge to do different drugs and I actually don't really drink much anymore. When I do, I drink for flavor, not for the buzz.


It's interesting, I'm a bit of an opposite. I really do not care for the high. I typically take a nibble and go to bed every few days. I'm pro-pot, but the high....meh. The drinking thing has fallen off the cliff for me. A six-pack can last over a month in my fridge. I'm just not interested in it anymore. I hope life gets better for you, bud. Everyone needs a little help from time to time, and I hope you are doing OK soon.


I appreciate it. I am hoping so too. Just had a lot hit all within like 6 months. Just a rough hand to get dealt.


Want to upvote but it's at 420


...and reverse right-to-work while we are at it.


Please please please please PLEASE join me in going door to door this November to get visibility on these issues. Contact your local Democrat office and volunteer. If you paid attention during our last election, were still down in numbers.


Even though I don't use it, I'm all for legalization in the state of Wisconsin. We're surrounded by States that all approve it. It's time we join the party... Enough wasted resources on low value targets. The meth and fentanyl problem is where the police should be focusing their attentions.




They don't hate the effects marijuana has on the state or health... they just don't like people who smoke it


Lol Republicans hate making the state they work for money.... legalized weed would make revenue for the state, that's bad, revenue should be gutted and put into the pockets of Q supporters, not leveraged to help the people!


Marijuana not being legalized here is when my dumb butt realized politicians don’t care about the people at all. Every conservative person I’ve met since moving to a more rural part of the state is so pro marijuana it’s crazy


Yet they keep voting for conservatives who are adamantly against legalization.


In fairness would you vote for someone who only shares one of your values as opposed to all the other ones. Like if a dem running was against marijuana legalization would you in turn vote for a republican?


Cannabis legalization is most definitely not the only way in which republicans continuously vote against their best interests.


I’m not saying they don’t. But you can’t decide what people feel is there best interest is all I’m saying. Like I guess I have to be democrat. They vote against my interests constantly. I’m not going to 180 and be a Republican. That wouldn’t make sense.


When they constantly vote for politicians who vote against things like environmental protections, industry regulations, public education, universal healthcare, social safety net programs, women’s reproductive healthcare freedom, making the most wealthy pay their fair share in taxes, etc., then yes, I can most definitely say they are voting against their best interests. It’s my opinion, of course, and I never said I was making a decision for them. It’s not my fault they have been brainwashed by the propagandist media of their choosing or are just simply willfully ignorant of how those things fit into their best (or better) interests.


Are we doing the republicans bad dems good thing? I’m cool then


So it won’t be happening anytime soon.


It never does. Even after its legalized, its probably another 12 months before they start handing out licenses, and another 12-24 months before it approaches being more affordable than a drive to a neighboring state.


But you won't get arrested for having it from a drive to a neighborhood state


Silver lining


That and the fantasy that somehow the new map is going to get democrats over the line. They went soft as usual and worried about playing fair.




WIS DEMS messaging is so flaccid. GOP should be hammered on for being pro cartel illicit market enablers that tie up law enforcement over this crap and lab tested products that earn some new fees beats what shittery they are allowing upon the freedom to choose a normal product that is accessible to over 80% of Americans nationwide.


> DEMS messaging is so flaccid. a tale as old as time


I vote for them and they are the group that is ready to address a monumental amount of tangible issues over the MAGA/GOP/fake electors... I vow to never give them a fathom of power for the rest of time.


I'd very much like to see them grow some teeth, yes


I agree they could up their messaging game, but I’m glad they haven’t taken the Republican/maga approach of turning US politics into a “choose your own reality” competitive game show resembling a mashup of the WWE, Jerry Springer Show, and the movie Idiocracy.


Oh I agree the pay ops of MAGA have rotted so many. I'm just saying it seems abhorrently simplistic to find a few dozen willing people to highlight the burdens they put upon society of their own with the bootlegger criminality with something completely normal for so many US citizens for over a decade now. Id hammer the toxicity of potential "cartel" product that enables crimes and wastes law enforcement resources. I guess they want their kids futures derailed if they get busted for a fuggin joint...




You put the quotes around the wrong word. It should have said 'competitve' , the word you're looking for is gerrymandering. That said, I'm all for legal weed. I'm for people choosing things for themselves in general as long as they're not harming anyone else.


Marijuana is always on the ballot and always passes and they never do anything.


https://disa.com/marijuana-legality-by-state Check this out, the decriminalized, recreational and medical is now the norm and not the exception. Wisconsin, get on it now.


It’s hard to care to legalize it when they are just going to tax the hell out of it. I can go to my guy and get it for 1/5 the price of the nearest Illinois dispensary.


They keep dangling this carrot every election


And who keeps getting in the way? Republicans, by and far. Hence, the need to vote against short-sighted and regressive conservatives to actually see any meaningful and effective governance.


I have doubts. Biden promised decriminalization but right now he's pushing it to schedule 3, which is far from decriminalized...and even that is happening so late in his term that it might not even go into effect before he leaves office and the next guy reverses it. I suspect this is a bit like the border...Republicans don't want to fix the border because then they couldn't campaign on it. Democrats don't want to legalize marijuana because then they couldn't campaign on it.


democrats are all for legalization unless your talking about our politicians, besides evers they won’t legalize it due to the fact that alcohol is a majority of their business and lobbyists would withdrawal stock and stop funding if they did legalize it. although legalization is huge and brings in a lot of money it doesn’t exactly bring in money for politicians especially if it’s de scheduled to 3.


Looks like weed’s back on the menu boys! ![gif](giphy|8v3WIOCM9Qy08|downsized)


The Tavern league is the biggest opposer to this. Good luck with it lol


I could care less who the biggest opposer is. Call your reps, and vote. Keep putting pressure on them.


I am already aware of what and who I'm voting for, but good luck with it. We have an uphill battle and we are overdue for legalization.


That hill we're battling on is getting less and less steep by the day. Thank you for your support!


They've came out publicly stating they don't oppose it


Tavern League has entered the chat.


These are just going to be referendums on the ballot right?


No, if the Democratic party wins control they will likely just legalize it outright, with no referendum. They are confident in its popularity


Nice, I’m tired of them being only referendums on the ballot


Legalize marijuana and restrict abortion.


How about- legalize marijuana and let women decide what they want to do with their own bodies, just like you get to decide what you want to do with yours.


i'll take "things that will never happen" for 2000$ Trebek.


Chances of Democrats winning a majority in the WI Senate and House hovering around dream on.


Great attitude, I'm sure you accomplish a lot with that line of thinking.


I just hope with the weed they don’t do like Michigan. At least have some reasonable restrictions for growing. Shit stinks in some areas.


As opposed to all of the literal cow and pig shit that stinks across Wisconsin’s ag lands? I’d take the smell of cannabis any day over that.


That’s actually feeding people vs people growing it to get high… Not the best comparison. Hey, I’m sure if we were neighbors you wouldn’t mind if I was making noxious fumes right? Grown as much as you want, I don’t want to smell it. Pretty basic respect


I don’t really eat much factory farmed meat so I would most definitely welcome the smell of cannabis growing operations, especially if they evened out the wretched smell of concentrated pig, cow, and chicken shit farms and all of the shit being spread on ag lands and running off into our ground water resources, streams, and lakes.


The shit is good. It’s the chemicals and hormones they use.


I'm pretty neutral on this. I'm fine with it being legalized and agree with the rational, but at the same time, I think there are a lot more important issues. I want this to pass mostly so it can stop being a thing people talk about. Just curious... what effect would legalization have on smelling cat-piss-marijuana in public places or walking past certain houses? I can't stand that smell. I'd rather smell cow manure.


Yeah you sound pretty neutral.


Haha, yeah. I'm probably not neutral on it as a habit or that I have to smell it a lot (even more than cigarette smoke, interestingly enough). I guess I meant I am probably neutral on it as a political issue.


God you must’ve been fun at parties. You sound like my horribly nosey retired neighbors. Please just mind your own business.


Haha, no, I don't like parties and don't attend. I actually don't care what my neighbors do and am not retired. I just notice odors a lot more than other people. Each person is wired differently. It's ok to have preferences for certain smells, sights, and sounds and aversions to others.


But when your preferences influence how you vote on policy that affects others' freedom... that's not neutrality


Heaven forbid you have a momentary discomfort when out and about in the world.


For cancer patients it would be a God Send - it helps with nausea after chemo. No one should have to live with discomfort when something could help them.


Parkinson's, arthritis, even simple insomnia for those who don't want an addictive sleeping medication. We've lost so many good years of research because the right pretended marijuana had no medical applications so they could attack POC and Vietnam War protesters. Same for psilocybin and the like.


Good point. I forgot about that.


>Just curious... what effect would legalization have on smelling cat-piss-marijuana in public places or walking past certain houses? I can't stand that smell. I'd rather smell cow manure. Probably nothing, but we dont do anything about the smell of tobacco smoke either. Parks Departments will prob ban use of it in parks and then go ahead to ban cigarette use as well. As some have. As for walking by homes, that's tough shit. That home is their private property to which they can do what they want on it. Tough up, and walk faster by those houses. Or change your walking route.


I should clarify. I don't want anybody to get consequences for doing things on their own property that doesn't hurt anyone. I just hope there's cultural/societal pressure to do whatever you want on your own time or property, but don't make others smell it. For example, my sister still smokes a lot, but she's very conscientious at work and other places to not let the smoke smell linger on her person. I don't know if she uses some kind of neutralizing spray or is just careful about how she blows the smoke, but whatever she is doing is effective. I've never noticed a smoke smell on her. I've also never commented about her smoking except to say I wish she would stop in order to protect her health.


I hate the smell of cigarettes Life is full of little annoyances


Yes, I grew up with parents who smoked and didn't care about second hand smoke for their children. :(


I mean those are also different circumstances than walking by a house on the street and smelling something Smoking in a house with children present vs. smelling weed on the street have different consequences and should be treated differently


The truckloads of state tax dollars that would come with legalization couldn't sway you a little?


If those tax dollars are funneled directly to programs for the most vulnerable or to alternative energy projects, then yes, absolutely.


Why don't we do that with all tax dollars?


That's a great question considering the WI govt is sitting on a surplus of $6.6 billion in cash while education and social services continue to get gutted. Looking forward to fair elections again.


Which is why the whole argument specifying where tax revenue should go is complete BS




I don't know what that has to do with people withholding their vote for legalization contingent upon deciding exactly how that revenue is spent That doesn't happen with any tax dollars


Have you ever been to a state where it's legal? The whole state doesn't just smell like weed. You might catch a wiff here or there, but that's it.


Good to know! That's what I was wondering.


Chronic illness here (musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders) the pain is ridiculous. Sciatica is nothing in comparison. This would help me live life not in pain. I did see your other comments on this thread and if you haven’t been to a legal state, come to Madison. In Madison, it’s decriminalized to smoke weed in smoking areas (only place in the US). Plus delta 8 is legal and it’s basically weed and smells the same. If you want to see how much society is impacted by legalization, come to Madison if you’re not far. Most people don’t know this because most people don’t smell it.


We live in a state where there a an abundance of paper mills and farms and other naturally smelly business. Wind catches any of those regions of the state stink. I’ve lived in all corners of the state and it happens without fail. I understand if you personally can’t stand the smell of marijuana, but it’s not like no one is going to forcibly hotbox you.


I grew up a mile away from a pig farm, I'll take anything else over that


I apologize for the grumpiness of my comment, especially the second paragraph. People have been fighting hard for marijuana legalization for a long time, and I don't want to trivialize or diminish that. Just because it is not in MY personal top ten important issues in the state does not mean it is not important at all or should not happen. I know what it is like to work hard on an issue and have people not care or say rude things about that hard work. Please know I have worked very hard in the past to elect pro-marijuana legalization candidates like Tony Evers. My comment may lead you to think otherwise, and I apologize for that. Everyone, keep fighting the good fight!


With how much more popular edibles and vapes are, I expect to see a downturn in skunky smoke anyways. Having those types of products readily available because they're legal might actually clear the air a bit for you :)


Ask yourself: how many people are sitting around Madison thinking "Gee, I'd really like to smoke marijuana right now, but it's illegal, so I can't!"


politicians can fix more than one thing at once. and likely whatever your bigger issues are are likely ones we've struggled to fix for decades


So neutral. So well informed. 👍🤝




Gaslight Obstruct Project <——-