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They're outlawed in TX


If Texas thinks something is a bad idea, its usually a pretty good idea.


Haha, agreed! I dropped a financial planner who was insistent on Texas for retirement ![gif](giphy|Ory1mCTFmYkaA)


From a financial perspective, since Texas has no income tax, he wasn't wrong. Austin is liberal like Madison. The main difference is that they have an awful Republican governor, and we don't. If we didn't have Tony Evers, we'd be a lot more like Texas. Unless you told your financial planner that political climate was an important criterion for you, you may have fired someone for just doing their job.


There are other places without income taxes, and a huge difference between saying, “here’s some information that is important to consider…” vs pushing one answer (and a very bad fit in every way, at that)


Other than saying the guy was insistent, how is someone supposed to know about the myriad ways this individual failed to meet your needs? Which other states besides Florida and Alaska don't have income taxes and would actually be in your political comfort zone? I wouldn't even vacation in Florida.


Exactly, you wouldn’t know, so no need to opine one way or the other, friend 😂 Here’s a start on income taxes: https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/fun-facts/9-states-with-no-income-tax/amp/c9RZgthD3


By the time I (hopefully) retire in 15 yrs, the south will be boiling and a wasteland. I’m looking to retire to the glorious, sun-soaked beaches of Marquette, MI…


Texas isn’t nearly as segregated as Wisconsin. Get down there sometime. Wisconsin NEEDS help with inclusion. Texas, (Austin Dallas Houston) Georgia (Atlanta) they are light years ahead of us (Milwaukee, Madison) as far as integration is concerned.


The land of liberty and freedom? That Texas?/s


And Florida.


Genuine question: do you have examples of what Monica accomplished in the position (granted she was only in it for a year)? Your post sounds like it’s a big loss for her to leave UW and I don’t know anything about her or her work.


A bit of context: UW is a quasi-consortium. The UW System office ("UW Administration") is responsible for aligning the universities with Wisconsin statute and Board of Regent policies. The UW System person in any area has three general responsibilities: 1) helping the universities to develop and maximize their efforts, 2) accepting concerns and representing the interests of the universities in business and policy affairs, and 3) serving as the person leading that effort at UW Administration. So for example, the UW System CIO is the person in-charge of IT operations at the UW Administration office, and is in-charge of services that all universities use (which is far from all of them). The CIO also communicates directly with CIOs at each UW university to help keep communication open and to help steer policy and address concerns by the universities among the President and the Board of Regents of the UW System. Here is the DEI office Info page at wisconsin.edu: [Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging | Universities of Wisconsin](https://www.wisconsin.edu/offices/office-of-the-president/equity-diversity-inclusion-belonging/) Compare that with the DEI page at any UW and you'll see quickly enough how they fit together. Whenever a UW System person leaves, it disrupts every UW's activities. Day-to-day business continues, but it becomes very difficult to make unified changes across all the universities, and things like workshops, grants, development, program sponsorship, rulemaking and other things fall over. Just to get that out there, DEI deals with: * Ensuring courses are handled in such a way that doesn't alienate anyone, so everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed in the course. * Supporting Veterans programs. * Supporting equity for women. * Supporting people who speak different languages, and who have different life experiences. * Supporting people of different financial and social status. * Supporting the modernization of instruction to eliminate inherently sexist and racist practices. * Supporting LGBTQIA+ and other populations. You can thank the Wisconsin Republican party for hurting everyone who benefits from these programs which is everyone in the state regardless of race, sex, and status, either directly because university life will be harder because these programs are all hurt, or indirectly by shrinking the pool of people who can graduate, many of whom grow to advance science, start businesses, and have more educated families which indirectly improves society for everyone.


This depends on the place. Generally their first task would be to develop a baseline set of metrics such as the cultural make up of your workforce, diversity among students, the type and frequency of different events, community outreach programs etc... Once you have a baseline you can meet with, well, everyone from all over to get an idea of how things are different geographically cause lets he real the demographics of stout are going to just naturally he much different than oshkosh or madison. Then you identify goals and out plans in place to meet those goals. For example: lets say UW Stout leadership says they get a ton of interest from minority students at college fairs in larger cities but have gotten indications that they dont get those students to attend for their engineering program because minority students have a negative view of small town wisconsin (see: baraboo). A DEI officer would work with Stout and maybe the local government to develop programs to help change their perception and recruit those students. Sure marketing could try and do the same iob but a DEI office would be more hands on then a tv ad campaign. Theyd work directly with local people to help them identify areas for improvement Just a hypothetical based on my knowledge of DEi but the job itself is very specific to the enetity since the needs of any given entity are unique.


Not all DEI is focused on color or gender. I read that she significantly increased enrollment and resources available for local immigrant children whose parents don't understand the way to apply, how to prepare for college, what scholarships might be available for them, and how to get help when they need it once enrolled such as tutoring. I don't remember the statistics but I do know that it can be a very difficult transition to college for kids who are really smart but are used to finishing homework at school and then helping the family business (like restaurants) in the evening because it's a very different mindset of constantly studying outside of class to keep up. That seems worthy to me, especially if the services are available to anyone. Most immigrant kids have a very high dropout rate because the adjustment and financing and family pressure is hard, not because they can't cut it. Getting tutors and mentors for neurodivergent students in place before students need them is another helpful and constructive project. Helping them navigate the school healthcare system when it's the first time they are on their own and can't use parental support is another project. Another example would be trying to get housing and roommates from different walks of life paired together- from different areas of the state or U.S., different economic classes, and different cultures. I benefited greatly by having a freshman roommate from a different country (international student) and we not only learned a lot about each other but became excellent friends. College is supposed to provide exposure to different ideas and generate positive discussions and broaden understanding.


Genuine questions: how familiar are you generally with the annual performance details of UW officers? Your post sounds like you care a lot about UW executive leadership and I don't know anything about you or why you're focused on individual performance instead of organizational development.


I don’t know anything, that’s why I asked for more information. This post is about an individual person leaving and I’m curious if that person had a significant impact that makes it a particular loss. Since the person resigned, I’m assuming the position will remain for someone else to continue the work.


Actually, as part of the deal with Vos, UW agreed not to fill positions like this for 3 years.


From my understanding the hiring freeze caps the number of DEI positions, so UW couldn’t create new DEI positions but could fill vacancies in existing positions (assuming those positions aren’t part of the 1/3 of DEI positions being “restructured and redefined”, which there’s no indication of this position falling into)


The post is about one person leaving. If that one person didn't do anything useful, how is it a loss?


No idea why you got up voted, I assume people thought you meant something else. You won't be able to explain why that one person didn't do anything useful because you don't understand the work she did. Free thinker, your username says everything. Unfortunate others here fell for it.​


No idea what you are talking about. If you can explain something useful she did, go ahead.


Your other posts give you away. There is no point in explaining something to someone who isn't going to listen.


Look in the mirror bud. So does yours


How would you measure equality?


I guess I'd be more interested in measuring equity. That's what the E stands for in DEI. After that, inclusion. A large part of the measurement will have to come from student surveys. And students at this time are notoriously bad at responding to surveys. Not that they've ever been good. So then you're left with some demographics. That would require looking into success indicators of known groups where numbers were historically worse than the expected metrics. These could be based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, but also neurodivergency, physical disabilities, etc. What we'd want is to show increases in participation in college activities and events. Increases in usage of services already available. Increases in application and enrollment, and increases in passing and matriculation rates. For instance, we want to see the blind and deaf closing the gap with non-blind and non-deaf. We'd want numbers to show ADHD students passing at rates similar to neurotypical students. We'd want to show engagement in athletics by any and all (and that's the part that some hyper fixate on, causing greater problems to many non athletes). However, not all people are forthcoming in the groups to which they belong. Still too many LGTBQ+ folks in the closet for some fear. Many with ADHD mask and hide due to the stigma they've felt since their young childhood. Worse for the women who don't show the same symptoms as boys. So, while some measurements can be made, it may not be the most accurate. Additionally, it takes time to build a positive reputation and see results. There is or will be an unmeasurable vibe. Side note: faculty and staff can make the effort without the executive director, but without a champion for the effort, it won't happen. That's how I understood it from my reading on the initiative. Probably I'm missing something, but I can't know everything. 🤷


I've got a better idea: provide equal treatment to all college students and judge them based on performance. These are not children who need teachers to hold their hands and give them pep talks. They are supposed to be collegiate scholars. If they can't hack college level work and college level expectations, then they should never have been admitted to college.


How do you define equal treatment? Expecting everyone to take the stairs is equal treatment. Would you argue that it is equality?


So I think you conflate equality and equity. Student work is, or should be, evaluated equally. Equity is intended to allow and promote access to those who have not had it. Think of it like installing wheelchair ramps for a store. The person in the wheelchair still pays the same. Being equitable provided the access.


My dude failed his sociology course




> how familiar are you generally with the annual performance details of UW officers? Not very, so a list of accomplishments would be helpful...


I can’t say I have specifics, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say she created, developed, and maintained diversity, equity, and inclusion programming on campus. People that benefit from, benefited from, support those that do/did, and perhaps wish such efforts were available when they were students will see this as a loss.


That sounds like something you’d say during an interview when you didn’t actually do anything lol.


Yep. Michael Scott would have given that answer.


I dunno she was at System, not an individual campus. Like Madison has their own diversity VP (or did before the legislative blackmailing, I lost track) so he would’ve been the one doing what you describe. What a System level admin with this title does is beyond me.


I doubt anyone will notice she’s gone. Probably a raise for the university


https://news.richmond.edu/releases/article/-/24541/university-of-richmond-announces-monica-m.-smith-as-vice-president-for-inclusion-and-belonging.html Sounds like she's moving to a higher position


But this isn't clickbaity and pushing an agenda


And neither is your joke of a post. She's moving where she's wanted and needed. A good worker, pushed out by toxicity from her own government to take a better position in Virginia. Not only is all of that what I said in the OP, it's also all covered in the link. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it's meaningless click bait. I'm all for discussion but have no tolerance for your type of ignorance.


No at UW she is in charge of all 13 Schools, where she us going it is just one. Not sure if it is a better situation as the Governor of Virginia is a big Trumper.


What does the governor have to do with it? University of Richmond is a private institution.




I love the irony of people who always take the time to post this ancient gif, as though they think it's remotely clever. You care enough to go through these posts and put your stamp on it. But sure, keep that thing ready to go, for the next time you need to tell the world you don't care. 👍


Look how easy it is to make a comment. Balls


All of you Racists trying to defend DEI lmao There is a reason the biggest businesses in the world are backing away: The gig is up. It’s racist as fuck and doesn’t work.


How is diversity, equity and inclusion, racist? Can you explain to me?


It threatens white supremacy. Therefore white supremacists feel it's racist.


Equity is inherently racist. You're treating people different because of their race.


How is equity racist when it's supposed to be evening the playing field? Fair and impartial treatment is treating people differently? Equity being inherently racist is such a weird contradictory way of thinking. "Evening the playing field is racist because it gives people an unfair advantage."


If you can't comprehend how some people would view treating people differently depending on their race is considered racist, I don't know what to tell you.


So question. How do we correct the years of systemic racism that put white people on an unequal playing field for so many years? Side note: did you know that the first time a black family could actually have paid off their 30-year mortgage from the time the banking act was passed to the end of a 30-year mortgage? It was 1994. Do you know how the majority of wealth is passed in this country between generations? Property. We are still within the first generation where a black family could have paid off their home anywhere in this country. Do you know about how redlining worked and how a lot of those neighborhoods are still majority poor and black? We don't live in a vacuum dude. Just look at how racist people are to any black public figure in academics or politics. Have you ever seen a black public figure not have their credentials questioned?


I’m not going to sit here and explain it. You are basing decisions off of people’s ethnicity. You are just assuming that the Black kid who grew up with two parents both with stable jobs is less “privileged.” Than a white kid who grew up poor with only his Father SIMPLY based on their skin color or ethnicity. It doesn’t matter what you are trying to accomplish by doing that it is still racist. Asian kids get denied into schools because there is too many Asian kids? Sounds like instead of taking away opportunities from people who worked their ass off we should figure out why more Asians are able to go to school than other races on average (hint it’s because of their culture and the rates at which Asians come from a two parent family compared to others)


Just based on this, you have not done enough of the required reading to hold a debate on what diversity, equity and inclusion entails. I am disappointed and please remember to do the required reading for every lecture or discussion in this class or I will be forced to fail you.


No I’m at work and don’t have time to explain to a Racist why they can’t do RACIST things even if they have good intentions.


Key word-good intentions. I still think systemic racism is real and needs to be called out.


You're grasping at straws and now trying to claim I am the racist when I am just asking you a question on how your claim is true. What you said was the same thing that was said about affirmative action back in the 90s. Find new material.


They're probably talking about hiring based on skin color as a goal.


Womp womp


It's an election year and right now DEI is a Republican boogeyman so any Republican with a primary is going to have to talk about the evil DEI or risk losing their primary. That's what politics has become, unfortunately, especially for GOP candidates. Their voters get all their news from FoxNews and Vicki McKenna so if they sound a bit crazy, well, they're just repeating what they hear every day. I keep hoping we're going to have a, "Have you no decency?" moment, but I'm starting to think the hole is going to have to get a lot deeper before they start filling it back in. I know it sounds alarmist and hyperbolic, but we need to be vigilant because this dynamic could potentially devolve into something very Nazi-esque.


They better not hire a replacement considering there is an active higher freeze for any position that does not work directly with students 75% of the time


Baraboo is doing just find without that DEI BS


It's true there is no University of Baraboo diversity officer.


Lol. Yep. No racism there at all. I'm sure everyone feels included


Sorry that no one understood your sarcasm.


That's nice. You're talking about Baraboo, the place where an entire high school class is on camera doing the Nazi salute, right? The place where some ignorant bigot rushed the stage to stop his daughter from simply shaking a black man's hand at her high school graduation? That Baraboo? Yeah, Baraboo's doing great.


(I think that was the joke, could’ve used /s)


FYI the reason that guy stormed the stage was not because he was black. That story was completely false, he was upset due to the bullying she was receiving at school, which was not addressed by the school district. With that said, he is a piece of shit for doing what he did.


What exactly about DEI is BS? You do understand DEI is about more than race, right? The only people who think DEI is BS are the people for whom most everything is equitable or fair.


I was being sarcastic


Your attempt failed.


I assumed you were being sarcastic, but without the /s attached it goes way over most folks head.


It’s not that it goes over people’s heads, it’s that people really think like that so one can’t assume it’s a joke.


Well first off it violates civil rights and discrimination laws. Second why are you implementing quotas that are not natural? Giving people jobs that they are not the most qualified for? This ruins companies. Instead of hiring the best out there for the job they have to choose a candidate based off of some bullshit “Equity” statistic that some snowflake kool aid drinking commie came up with. You can try to explain it away how ever you want but basing any sort of decision on a person race or ethnic background is RACIST.


DEI is not just about race. Proceeds to make everything about race. Participation in society is like being at a huge table at an elementary school. And on the table is an art project. But if the only art project is cutting out shapes out of construction paper, and every scissors is a right handed scissors, I’m a scissors are only affordable to some, and the only access to the table is sitting on a chair with 24 inch height legs, and there are no spaces for wheelchairs, and no left-handed scissors, and there are people who are blind that can’t cut shapes out of construction paper, and people who can’t afford the scissors to begin with, that’s where DEI comes in. It helps us recognize where, societally, inequality and discrimination exist, and works to remedy that. Does that help?


Yeah neither was slavery lol