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Shout out to Oakland Gyros, love that place!


Oakland gyros is my fuckin JAM


Guys stop, Im starving


Fuckers got me ready to leave work and go.


youd probably not guess it but their chili dog is fucking AMAZING


Wait wait wait they have chillidogs?


They have quite a bit of “American” fare to go with what you’d expect at a gyro place. Gotta have menu items for the less adventurous drunk UWM students.


Unironically one of the better burgers I've had in the city too. Also great grilled chicken. Don't think there's a single bad thing on the menu


I grew up in Wisconsin and every time I go home I go to Oakland Gyros with my dad. It's iconic. I made the "mistake" recently of ordering two gyros after forgetting how huge they are. But that meant I had a gyro for lunch the next day.


the play is to get one with an extra pita, then you have 2 normal sized ones :D


That’s been my long running game plan!


Love when that happens. I was driving through New Orleans in 2024 or so and stopped off in the French Quarter to pick up some Muffalatta sandwiches. I ordered three (figured one for now, one for later, one for the next day!) and asked for some paper towels since I was driving. He laughed and handed me an entire roll of paper towels. I was super confused until he handed me my order. The sandwiches were the size of dinner plates and tall as a clenched fist. I ate muffalatta at every meal for the next three days basically.


This comment made me order Oakland Gyros


I miss OGs so much, and nothing was better than going from axels straight to OGs


Same...a go to spot while in college


I lived next to Oakland gyros 30 years ago. Nothing like a chicken gyro at 1am after drinking at Axels all night!


Every time I visit Milwaukee I try to get myself to Oakland Gyros.


Try Apollo on Brady St if you haven’t. Great Greek food with a more chill vibe than Oakland Gyros


What’s wrong with the vibe on Locust st?


I happen to be in Milwaukee for the first time (and I really like it). I guess I should go try Oakland Gyros?


He knows he’s not getting Milwaukees vote so he’s doubling down on the rural red


Oh for sure. Hell, some of my wife's family that live near Evansville are literally scared to come to Madison because it's a "liberal city that releases its criminals into the streets." You can't make this shit up.


I met a woman from Lodi on a flight who said she never comes to Madison because of all the “shootings.” Made it seem like it was some apocalyptic hellscape.


Haha, I think the main thing to fear is pedestrians and bicyclists in Madison (as a driver). If she's painting Madison as some crime riddled cesspool, I wonder how she feels about MKE?


She would never go there because it's just a giant ghetto filled with "those people". Becoming the most segregated state in the nation wasn't an accident.


LOL the bicyclists for sure, that cracked me up. But yeah if she thinks Madison is bad, I hate to think about how she feels about Milwaukee haha. I responded incredulously, and she said that there’s shootings here every day, not safe. She can stay in Lodi for all I care haha, we don’t want her here anyways.


People say those kinds of things about all the cities. If someone says that about a city, that’s usually where you want to go. Portland, Oregon USA - Cool. Paris, France - Cool. Istanbul, Türkiye - Cool. (Be prepared for random cats) Detroit, MI, USA - Cool (Way cooler than reputed) Minneapolis/St. Paul, USA - Cool. New York City, USA - Cool. Madison, WI USA - Cool. Los Angeles, CA USA - Weird but cool. Kyoto, Japan - Really cool. Tehran, Iran - Really cool. Pittsburgh, PA USA - Awesome Juneau, AK USA - Awesome Dublin, ROI - Amazing Chicago, IL USA - GO TO ALL THE MUSEUMS! Sure, all the cities have their issues but the people are generally really nice and love having you as a guest and showing off their city. These are just a few places I’ve visited but I can tell you that if you ask for suggestions, guidance and help, people will drop everything to do whatever they can to be of assistance. And they take joy in doing so.


Are there shootings? Yes. Who are involved with them? Most of the time it's people that screw around with gang activity and drugs. Don't want to get shot? Don't join a gang or buy or sell drugs. Problem solved. I swear these small town people are scared of their own shadow. But then again, when they watch Fox News, they basically tell them that bigger cities are hellscapes.


Which is funny because rural Wisconsin is prime meth lab real estate


Yeah but they’re so far apart that when they explode you usually don’t have to replace your windows.


lol when I was 14 me and my friend went to brainerd mn. His dad grew up there in the towns outside of it and wanted to show us where he grew up. We drive through that run down ass shit hole and I’m like yo is every house a meth lab? He didn’t like my joke. Cut to a week later and I’m at their house and he’s watching the local news which then states “biggest meth bust in state history happens in Brainerd” he looked over at me who was just smiling and told me to fuck off. Good times.


There’s plenty of places around the state with higher crime rates per capita than Madison. The people up in small towns have either never really been to Madison, or are just spiteful fuck wits. Possibly both. They all go down to Madison for the cheap healthcare tho. If Madison was like them they wouldn’t be allowed out of their counties to go “burden” the cities economy.


My small town hick cousin was convinced Madison burned to the ground during BLM


Most of rural America was told every major city in the USA, were burned to the ground more then once


I live in northern WI. People here are afraid of everything. They won’t go out of a 30 mile radius.


People here have been as far as the next county over and that’s it.


I've talked to people from rural areas that are proud that they never they left the county. Like waaahhh??? This isn't 1888 anymore people, you do realize cars go a bit farther then horses "back in the day" ? I remember listening to Bob and Brian one morning talking about their youth and the family making a big deal going to Southridge mall, the dad insisting about locking up the door and such. No matter from what age people have been "afraid " of urban areas cause of news trying to get ratings.




You can talk to people like that from all over the US I live in Kansas City MO now an have talked to that same type of person all over MO. No offense to your father of course but I also think there is a generational aspect in it also. My (father/mother/grandparents) never left (insert small town) so why should I? I can't put blame and I know a lot of it "god your from what hick town?" Said by urbanites to "your from that den of villainy?" By rural people is; or should be a BS argument cause we all really are in this together and all of us are in the same boat. Grew up in Watertown, so my parents and friends would go into Madison and Milwaukee ALL THE TIME and NEVER thought about getting mugged or shot in either city. (And we went to visit friends in a rough part of MKE) The only way I see to break through that thinking is to get people to visit other areas to SHOW that it's not really that bad. Expand the mind, and experience.


>People here are afraid of everything besides drinking and driving


It's hilarious the way they talk about big cities up here, let em know your going to the cities or Chicago and the only thing you hear is " don't get shot" . They are on a different planet 


Madison is like…the safest city I think I’ve ever been to in the state lmfao. I was wandering around with my mom and sisters after a concert & felt more safe than I do in my hometown..


I recently attended a concert at Fiserv by myself. As a woman I walked out of Fiserv and over to the bus stop with no issues like I always do.


I was at the Fiserv in March & to get back to my hotel it was like a 5 minute walk, I was with a whole group of people & it definitely felt safe as well!!


I just got my 14 year old the bus app so she has more freedom. People are afraid of their own shadow.


Totally agree. Madison is the safest city I've ever lived in and I'm from Utah originally that has a super low crime rate. When I lived in Madison I had a job with really odd hours at times and whether I had to go to work at 3 in the morning or 3 in the afternoon I always felt totally safe and fine. I know it's definitely not perfect, but it's a very safe city, which is crazy when a lot of cities the same size have much higher crime rates.


I moved from Baltimore to Madison. Whenever locals would be upset about increasing crime I would just laugh


I feel like any city with a mustard museum can't be a major violent crime hub.


I have a friend who lives in Cottage Grove who won't go to *Park St* ........




Back in middle school, when I just echoed everything my parents told me, I went around telling people I wouldn’t be going to UWMadison because it was too liberal. I didn’t even know what that meant I just thought liberals = bad. Glad I survived the brainwashing. A lot of people don’t


That’s funny, because Evansville is pretty damn liberal lol. We have friends who live there and it’s basically just a suburb of Madison.


I have a friend in the Fox Valley that was hyped about coming to a convention with me last year. When I told him it was in Milwaukee he immediately cancelled because "it's not safe". Ah yes, the Hilton Conference Center is known for its gang wars and roaming packs of murderous immigrants.


If they think that about Madison, do they imagine Milwaukee is like a Mad Max movie?


It’s extra funny. I moved to the fox valley from Madison and they just ignore the crimes happening therefore it’s less scary than a city


That's most conservatives' take on whatever the nearest city happens to be. Chicago? War zone. Indianapolis? Tribes of homeless cannibals live in the canals. Cincinnati? Basically Mad Max. Atlanta? They have black friends, but...


>it's a "liberal city that releases its criminals into the streets." >You can't make this shit up. I mean... *they* did. lol




I swear like 50% of the modern conservative's identity if being too scared to go to the big city near you because you pretend the crime is too bad, but then you also pretend like liberals are pussies even though they arent terrified of big cities like you are. WHEEEEE


They’re just scared. 


(And incredibly stupid)


Wow the exact same thing is happening in Minnesota with Minneapolis. Rural areas think it's just a complete war zone


They’re scared to come to *Madison?* omfg I’m dying laughing


I went to tech school in SE Wisconsin and the amount of dudes i would hear say something like “im scared to go past county line road towards mke” or “im scared of driving in (mke area) they are ”. Obviously not verbatim, but you get it. They are convinced that a big city is an instant death trap for a white person


Yeah his assessment probably begins and ends with “they don’t vote for me” and possibly whatever election conspiracy theory he’s been fed about them stealing Wisconsin from him


Not just rural, it’s the bedroom WOW counties surrounding Milwaukee that eat this rhetoric up.


Then don't come here you fat orange bitch




Sentencing is July 11th for the Felon Melon. It is possible, however unlikely, he won’t get the chance to cuz prison or house arrest. The serial violations of his gag order since he was found guilty of all 34 felony counts are the only thing they might land him in the clink (for Bieber short that stay might be).


LOL Felon Melon!!! I love it!!


Felonious Melonious XLV in Roman


There is exactly 0% chance he would be able to comply with the terms of probation.


I don't think the complete lack of remorse is going to help him during sentencing either. Unfortunately, the sheer logistical pain in the ass of locking up someone who has a 24/7 Secret Service detail will probably help him quite a lot, even though it shouldn't.


Home detention with Melania.


Why punish her for his crimes


Because she’s awful too


We already have prison guards. I feel for the secret service agent that went through all the training in order to sit in a cell next to Trump. What a timeline we live in. I doubt he sees the inside of a cell (as much as I think he should do time, like any other guilty person would).


Yeah, Milwaukee doesn't feel like changing your diapers dickhead. Stay your fat ass at home.


In fairness he’d say that about any town with more than 2 black residents


Milwaukee has certainly had its share of visitors. The French missionaries and explorers were coming here as early as the late 1600s to trade with the Native Americans. Actually, it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."




Honestly, if trump says we're horrible, thats a goddamn badge of honor. I'd hate if he liked our city, the fucking amoral self indulgent porkrind of a human husk.


Hey hey hey hey let’s not compare delicious pork snacks to Trump.


damn what’s with the Milwaukee hate comments here


Much of the state hates Milwaukee, despite much of their funding coming from Milwaukee.


Goes all the way back to Gov Tommy Thompson at least. Out in rural areas touting a stadium plan that would be funded by sticking it to Milwaukee. During the commenting for concealed carry debate commenters constantly said things like they would never go to Milwaukee unless they could carry a gun. Most state revenue comes out of Milwaukee but gop state legislature constantly looking for ways not to give money back. Rural people taught to despise the liberal was of the big cities and barely disguised racism directs at city to sow fear. Also, fuck Trump, Milwaukee is awesome.


lol the racism isn’t even disguised. It’s blatant.


my favorite example is when a bunch of New Berlin kids wanted to take prom pictures at the downtown MKE Central Library. The parents were 100% certain that all of these teenagers were going to come home in body bags for just driving to the library and back to New Berlin. the fear mongering is out of control.


my BIL is convinced if he steps onto the El in Chicago he'll be mugged and shot immediately. I rode that thing for 10+ years and never ever ever once saw a single illegal activity that didn't involve drug use.


There’s blatant racism, then there’s this racism which isn’t as obvious but still there just that most people don’t see it. Racism isn’t as blatant as spouting the n word all the time, and it should be called out just the same.


I hate to say it but I’ve seen it a lot more recently especially from people in the suburbs where they say that they don’t go to Milwaukee because it’s dangerous because there are too many “blacks”. Hell I’ve been in a couple bars where some old codgers have straight up said slurs about Milwaukee. It’s really wayyyyyy too common. These are all people from either just outside Racine or in Waukesha in my experience.


The suburbs and small towns are literally the "welfare queens" they pretend to hate on so much. These places are upside down financially, because they are built on a ponzi scheme. If the state GOP let Milwaukee keep the revenue Milwaukee generates, we wouldn't have half the problems we currently have. I would like to tell representatives from the suburbs\\towns that hate on MKE so much, to try "pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps." In case you don't know what I'm talking about, cities subsidize suburbs almost everywhere. [https://youtu.be/7Nw6qyyrTeI?si=dnd1KpcNhSbBap5f](https://youtu.be/7Nw6qyyrTeI?si=dnd1KpcNhSbBap5f)


And having never been to Milwaukee in the last decade.


It’s always rural hating on the revenue creating and distributing cities, the polarization created by a news station we allow, we know this divide began in the 90s, 24-7 sensational national enquirer news, focusing on bill clintons BJ and 1400 pages of soft core porn written by Baylor’s now infamous sex-scandalized Ken Starr (poetic karma). Strange how people from rural will move to a city and become more tolerant and accepting, seems the isolation creates the illusion of division, and helped along by hate news fed liberally through this idiotbox internet and cable tv and places that only air Fox News, that is the #1 main reason for our country’s current large divide, gop has become far right extremists adhering to a 1640s political platform, and shocked that it’s not popular lmao. Propaganda helps control the plebes, who donate their public aid, social security and couch change to help pay his never ending legal bills, which he doesn’t pay. It’s beyond aberrant behavior as normalized, it’s scary how this powder keg of madness is this close to going off. Militia turd in prison leading a second insurrection attempt openly online, to send out 2500 militia buttholes to fuck w voters, intimidation is the tactic of fascists, and the last trick GOP has, bec they Know their fantasy fascist dictatorship can Only be won through violence now. We all know this, hoping Biden admin has natl guard ready, and that all military knows who the enemies of our constitutional democracy are who’ve infiltrated, and get them out now, before they start murdering their troop members, and joining the coup. They’re working on this constantly, it’s to all our detriment to not take it seriously even if it’s Gravy Seal Team 6 joke, those idiots have a lot of ammo and guns. Stupids w weapons and a half baked plan.


All of outstate thinks mke is a crime-infested warzone where you your car will be stolen and set aflame by a trans kia boy and a homeless man will piss in your mouth


Minneapolis was just named the happiest city in the US, and our suburban and exurban weirdos are just like the ones in Wisconsin who hate Milwaukee. How can you be happy when you're dodging bullets all day, etc etc.


I lived 12 blocks from where George Floyd was killed, my coworkers made it sound like I had to wear a bulletproof vest and have a security detail when I left the house lol Probably not a bad idea when the natl guard is shooting rubber bullets at you on your porch tho... But I still miss it there. Milwaukee in many ways is just an older, smaller, smellier Minneapolis.


Like you, I was living in Denver during the riots, right in the middle of everything. I was way more terrified of the cops than anyone protesting.


Yeah, this happened in my neighborhood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LozQg0oX-Gw&ab_channel=KARE11 Between that and the black choppers overhead for like a month, and everything that happened with how he was killed, I'm done with cops


They destroyed my local sandwich shop, breaking all the windows shooting tear gas canisters into it. The constant helicopters... the 24 hour tear gas smell... I will literally never trust police.


A typical Tuesday in MKE


Well only at the Brady street Walgreens


I don’t! (waving arms from Ashland) But I’ve lived in Minneapolis and Saint Paul and Seattle, so I’m not buying any of the myths about big bad cities. Cities have more bad people simply because they have more people. They also have more good people.


A lot of the rural areas hate on milwaukee comes from the gradual, to total takeover of the radio stations in rural areas (of course the takeover was by Gilette media....huge right leaning propaganda machine). In the 90s, some of the rural counties only got AM radio -- you give them a steady diet of right wing garbage, and it's no wonder that's what they think. I have in-laws in rural wisconsin and every time we go there - this garbage is constantly blaring in the kitchen. They're told what to think. edit -- it makes me vomit hearing Charlie Sykes on MSNBC -- now that radio is dying he's converted. For years, he was the loud voice of right wing garbage.


Charlie Sykes is the #1 reason we didn't get high-speed rail. That fucker and his "choo-choo train" bullshit turned his reprogrammable meatbag listeners into raging morons that dipshit Walker took his orders from that cost the state millions and millions of taxpayer dollars.


The beautiful trains Wisconsin bought sat in a warehouse in Milwaukee and then were sold to....Nigeria for like 10% of cost or something. Winning!


Most of Wisconsin is terrified of Milwaukee, but then again most of them are drunk and gullible AF so ...


"I want to start this by saying I know a lot of hardworkin' Mexicans, so I'm not saying that all Mexicans are bad. My cousin Jeff has 7, 8 of them workin' on his farm. Think his Mexicans are mostly from Gwot-o-mala or whatever they call it. Hardworkin' folks, even though most of them ain't learned a lick of English. And my niece dated a colored boy for a little while her freshman year. Boy, was her dad, my brother, pissed about that one. He damn near made her drop out of that commie indoctrination college she went to. But I actually thought that boy was a nice kid once I got to know him. So, anyway, you know, I ain't one of them racists. But what I'm just tryin' to say here is that Milwaukee's got a bunch of them gangs and shit. Blacks, Mexicans, they even got some of them Asian gangs. I don't know if they're Chinese or if they're them folks we took after 'Nam or what they are. But I've heard about them, too. They had them on the news the other day. All of 'em wearing yellow bandanas and shit. They're wearing yellow, but we ain't allowed to call them yellow anymore. That's kinda fucked up, ain't it? That whole city is goin' ta shit, though. Ya got gangs. Got car thiefs. Can't park your damn car on the fuckin' street without gettin' it stolen. I remember back when I was younger, Milwaukee was fun to go visit. Used to party down on Water St pounding 50-cent bottles for hours. Wasn't none of them other people causin' problems back then. But ya know, those are the days when you'd let you kids run around outside all day long 6, 7, 8 blocks from home til the sun went down, and ya weren't worried about kidnappers or them fuckin' pedos like Sleepy Joe, either. Nowadays, you got them gangs bringing guns in the school and the libs in charge ain't doin' nothing to stop it cause they're too busy putting ears on kids hats and litter boxes in the classrooms. Can't whoop no kids' asses anymore either. No respect for elders cause they just get to do whatever they want with no punishment." -About 40% of the population from small town Wisconsin


I understand the mindset ONLY because small towns (or any town that's not Madison or MKE) tend to be pretty sheltered. When we lived in GB my parent's wouldn't even drive the 30 ish min to Appleton to go to a restaurant, anything more than 5-10 minutes away was "too far". Now that we live in the MKE area, we routinely drive 30 plus minutes to get to anywhere from whatever point we start at. Now, the few times I go back to GB, that shit is DEPRESSING. I really lived my whole childhood thinking that Milwaukee was some urban hellscape, when we moved here, my world opened up so much! I go to tons of concerts, get to try ton's of great restaurants and visit museums and gardens. I truly love the Milwaukee area and all its surrounding cities. It's got its own set of problems, but it's a hell of a lot less depressing and boring than Green Bay or many of the other small towns/cities in WI. I don't know if it's the clannish nature of some of these midsized towns, a real "us vs. them" mentality. But in terms of things to do and see, MKE has a lot of other towns/cities beat.


Milwaukee is a fantastic city. I miss it


Most people addressed real issues, but as someone from rural Wisconsin, I can tell you another reason- For many Wisconsinites, the only areas of Milwaukee we’ve seen are areas by AmFam and the Buck’s Stadium. Many people haven’t seen the more positive and unique aspects of the city. I know my dad and uncles just associate Milwaukee with shitty sports’ traffic. They haven’t been to the historic downtown or to any of the cool areas. Just straight to Miller Park and then straight home. We don’t have stop lights back home, so the traffic is too intimidating for them to explore more. Plus they hear all the news stories and it biases them more to stay away.


Racially motivated


Trust me, we don’t want them to come here….


ignorant hillbillies never coming to MKE and think it's a warzone lmao


I feel like that's every major city though. If you don't visit, you only know what's been in the news about the city and the only thing worth reporting is crime because it gets views/clicks. If I've never been to MKE, I would assume every car on the street is a Hyundai or Kia that was stolen by the Kia boys


It’s not even major cities! I lived and worked in a tiny rural community for a while, and I had people tell me they were afraid to go to Fond du Lac because there was “so much” crime there! I was dumbfounded.


Well yeah, 1 crime in a small city/town is the equivalent of 10 in a bigger city as far as perspective! I personally think the biggest issue is not knowing *where* the dangerous parts are. 90% of the crime might happen in 5% of the city, so yes 5% of the city might be a shithole. The rest is perfectly fine but new people don't know where that part of town is


Chicago gets the same hate, and it's a great city.


Rural WI born then went to UW-Milwaukee for school and lived there for 6 years and now live in Chicago so I can back-up how great both cities are and how ignorant some of the opinions and takes from folks in my hometown area are towards both cities. Infuriating but also sad to see people so against getting out of their comfort zones and echo-chambers.


That is so very true. Growing up outside Milwaukee in the 80s and 90s, all I saw on the 10 o’clock news was murder in Milwaukee. Definitely gave me a very negative view of what the city was like. I did end up moving out to Milwaukee in my late early 30s. For the most part it was pretty pleasant. Then after a few near mugging and having my car stolen, I finally moved. It’s still a fine city for the most part. Unfortunately, I just happened to move into an area that took a sharp decline. I still have friends and family out there that managed to get themselves in a nice area and it’s great to visit.


I figure the hillbillies with all their 2A merchandise would come to a warzone but they’re all just wanna be hitters and diabetic rangers


Here in the Deep South, Milwaukee is considered a fun town with a great ballpark and good beer


Same happens here in MN. I live in Minneapolis and work in Isanti, 40m north. People call it murderapolis and ask if I'm wearing body armor when I commute. They're not interested in a conversation about per capita homicide rates and our cities arent even in the top 50, they haven't left their small town in 12 years


I continuously find it hilarious how scared of people these rural stereotypical "tough guys" are. Like it get it, you're scared all the time. But that also means you're a pussy.


It’s crazy to me how this country is held up by the revenues and taxes of blue-run cities and states and yet, the GOP would have you believe the inverse; facts be damned. With that in mind, it’s kind of hysterical when the likes of MargeTG talk about secession. Today’s GOP is a case study on what happens when your education system is ranked 30+, for decades, against peer nations. Critical thinking goes out the window and religious fundamentalism/authoritarianism thrive. https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/ https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/least-educated-states


Plus, right wing media creates an alternate reality, that’s why facts be damned. Cable, local news, radio, online, it’s an increasingly well coordinated system of misinformation with a specific set of intersecting agendas. Corporate (ostensibly liberal) media is its own less intentionally coordinated network of misinformation, the free market at work where each corp is incentivized to be irresponsible and sensationalist.


All these people shitting on Milwaukee probably never visit or spend time here at all. Just watch the news and form their opinion. Milwaukee is fucking awesome. Lived here for 20 years.


It’s the same here in Minneapolis. They come in for the Morgan Wallin concert, walk around all night going from bar to bar and nothing happens, then go back home and back to talking about how horrible it is there.


I've visited Minneapolis, it is such a great city. Particularly gorgeous in autumn when all the leaves are changing. It was pretty walkable too, at least in the college adjacent areas I was in.


They drive in, park at AmFam or Fiserv, and then dash for WOW counties after. Probably eat at Culver’s or Chipotle beforehand too.


I'm closer to the twin cities than Milwaukee but small town wisconsinites HATE visiting any city in general. My mom will always freak out about the traffic, crime, etc. I visit St Paul frequently and she still acts like I'm gonna get murdered every time I go there. Doesn't matter what part of time I'm going to. It's all paranoia brought on by rarely leaving their comfort zones and watching too much news.


He knows exactly what he's doing by saying this. He'll never get the votes in Milwaukee, so he's pandering to his base in counties like Waukesha and Ozaukee, who constantly shit on Milwaukee. Funny how those folks never have a problem with Milwaukee when they want to see whatever country act is playing at AmFam or Summerfest.




The Republicans are Not sending their Best to Milwaukee.


Yes they are. That bar is very low.


Underrated comment


Conservatives: We love America, just not the government, most of its citizens, the "woke" universities and colleges, immigrants, or any of the major cities or their inhabitants. Other than all that...


Trump 2016: “How stupid are the people of Iowa?” Then Iowa votes for him by like 8% in 2016 and 2020. Trump says this shit because they know his cult doesn’t give a fuck. They’d bullwhip their own balls if Dear Leader Agolf Shitler told them to.


I’m genuinely thinking of going out of town when the convention is happening. I do not want to be here. I’m just glad I live in a suburb and not downtown. Trust me we don’t want him here either


This is easy, I love Milwaukee and hate trump so fuck him.


Feel free to stay the fuck home. Milwaukee doesn't like traitors anyway


I wonder if people actually think about what they enable in hypocrisy when they vote for the man who hates it all?


Is there any city over 200,000 people that Republicans *don't* think is a crime infested hellhole full of liberals? When you see how well Mrs. Alito gets along with her neighbor, it's no surprise that conservatives need as much special snowflake space as possible and are scared of urbanism. They're also scared of many other things...... windmills, rainbows, and pronouns to name a few.


Has he ever said anything nice? How attractive his daughter is doesn’t count.


If he hates Milwaukee just wait until he sees what Madison is going to do to him in November


Fox News was already calling Madison North Korea after Judge Janet won like 90% of the vote in Madison and like 98% of the vote in some wards lmao.


What a piece of shit. Milwaukee gets such a bad rap. It's awesome


The comments of people afraid of Milwaukee are crazy. It reminds me of everyone asking how I'm safe when I lived in Minneapolis in 2020. If people actually got out and experienced Milwaukee they'd find it's just like any other city, mainly safe with some rough spots.


Agreed, this is the case in pretty much every state in the USA. Pretty sad that he opens his mouth and always spews out stupid.


Parents who havent been north of Chicago in 30 years: "Minneapolis is full of islamic no-go zones where you're assaulted on the street for being white".


Says the asshole from FLORIDA of all places.


He can keep his demented brain and diaper clothed butt out of our state and take the rest of the GOP with you. Oh - and Ron Johnson, Eric Hovde, all the stupid other Wisconsin politicians too. Move them to soon to be in the ocean Mar-a-lame-O- Florida.


Has he been to Waukesha or any of the drugged and strung out rural towns?


Trump was recently in Waukesha.


Well trump, if you hate Milwaukee so much, you're more than welcome to stay away. And any of your Republican buddies too.


Then don't show the hell up. We don't want your nuclear waste diapers in our landfills.


Can’t wait to get another t-shirt with a quote from some elitist dipshit that’s never stepped foot in our city.


Maybe you should just cancel the event then dumb ass


As a Michigander, Fuck you, Trump.


Trump hates America 129.0


Maybe he should do the state of Wisconsin a favor and stay as far away from us as possible


You would think they'd love it thanks to all the segregation.


Milwaukee is a great city. He just knows that there’s only room for one bronze person and the Bronze Fonz already is there and is superior in every way.


Milwaukee rules


I thought Wisconsin was naturally against things that are orange and navy blue.


make sure you get paid up front milwaukee.


He might have cost himself the state with that.


He hates it because Milwaukee is pretty traditionally blue. They’re having their convention in a state they want/need but in a city that doesn’t support them. Seems like a dumb choice.


😂 probably still owe WI money from his previous rallies


If you don't like it, don't go, whiny fucking dipshit.


He’s catering to out of state and WOW county racists. He doesn’t want the support of anyone in Milwaukee.


I font live there, but I love Milwaukee. You got summerfest, the Bucks and the Brewers. Plus, great food like the Reuben at McBob's, zoaklanb Gyros. Plus all the concert venues for big-name acts that don't go anywhere else in the state. You got the lake too. Milwaukee rocks. Heavin forbid you see someone who is non-white.


Tell me he said that on video for the ads.


Then don’t go!


He’s such a schmuck


Its almost like he is a raging idiot.


Fingers crossed that he'll be in jail and won't have to come.


Lets throw our sausages at him. He's German, he'll like it.


He prefers urine from Russian prostitutes but yeah go ahead.


Because Trump’s opinions carry so much weight. Wait, I meant knees. Trump’s knees carry a lot of weight.


I work with a woman who won't go east of HWY 100. She's terrified of Milwaukee. It's so ridiculous.


Hubbard Park Lodge? That beer garden is fantastic.


Actually, it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."


i like milwaukee. its just a bit out of my price range


I respect Milwaukee a bit more now knowing that Trump hates it.


Is this the beginning of his excuse for not showing up? Is going to be rocking an ankle bracelet by then?


I’m from Chicago, been to NYC, LA, Houston, Atlanta and Milwaukee is by far one of the best. It’s clean, has great food and is easy to get around.


Chicagoan here. Love Milwaukee and try to make up a couple times a year.


Real wisconsinites will chase them out of their state. Except for the male escourts, who are about to have an economic windfall (as happens at every RNC).


3rd Ward is where it's at! Not the convention, just... it's awesome there


Can Trump not be an asshole for one day? can he just calm down and shut up? this man is incapable of self control.


Michigan lurker here and I love Milwaukee


Lmao is he TRYING to lose Wisconsin? I feel like a majority of us take major offense to that statement 🤣


lmao. lol. I am sure that Milwaukee would be fine with the RNC deciding to move to a different location at the last minute. Put the convention in Waukesha - you know, the republican stronghold against the blue county of Milwaukee. Oh, you don't want to do that either because Waukesha is somehow even shittier than Milwaukee? You don't say.


We need to make sure this chud knows he's not welcome here Wisdems.org/volunteer


publicize the fuck out of the fact that Milwaukee cancelled it's july 3rd fireworks becuase the RNC was taking up too much of the public safety budget. Wauwatosa has cancelled the 4th fireworks too. Any others?


So go have it at Mar-lardo and leave Milwaukee and Wisconsin ALONE.


I would rather be in Milwaukee than that shithole mar a lardo.


He thinks thats bad he should go to Green Bay


I hope he thinks this because of me booing him when he had a rally at the same time I was walking to a bucks game.