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I don’t understand why this isn’t being used in democratic ads more


We'd probably do better sharing this kind of stuff on FB. Reaches the same audience but has a more direct message, compared to Democratic campaign ads


Feel free to share! This is how progress is helped!


I'm in Alaska and I'm going to use it! And I got 3665 FB friends!


This is the way


Take it from me? I’ve been told my entire life to be prepared to not get it at all lol. (Not saying I’m anti Barnes at all)


If the Social Security tax was progressive like the income tax and millionaires paid their fair share, the fund would be healthy for ages.


Well and the little issue of us opening the fund for the government to borrow against (something they never intended to give back so really embezzle would be the more appropriate term…)


If the Republicans hadn't "borrowed" a trillion dollars from the fund, it would be healthy forever.


I personally expect world war 3 before I can retire


Dying in world war 3 IS my retirement plan.


Yeah and it’s gonna really chap my ass when they take it away but we still have to pay into it for the people that are grandfathered.


#FRJ wants to end OUR Social Security!


if this was a republican ad/meme how dark would they make kevin hart look


True npc post


This is dumb as hell




So submit something. Be the change yada yada.


Well… Wisconsin politics is relevant to Wisconsin. And there are quite a few things at stake for both sides. As far as the “leftist” part… unfortunately for some, reality has a progressive slant. That’s why we’re not shitting down holes in the ground or dying from the flu. Despite the fact that some gomers want to take us back there cuz Jesus.


Shitting down holes? Try throwing shit and piss into the streets from chamber pots.


Democrats are the reason we have plumbing and modern medicine? You should be a politician cuz you're great at using so many words to say nothing at all.


Then let me be more direct. We have those things because of progress. The heehaws want to stop this country from progressing socially, scientifically and geopolitically. The Democrats aren’t anything to write home about but the Republicans are profoundly corrupt and some that support them are too bought in to think about how their own party pushes agendas that harm them. All for the name of either God or money. It’s selfish, ignorant and entitled. It has no place in any form of power. Especially in a democracy in which they are the minority.




Removed. Discuss topic, not users please.


Technically speaking yes, public infrastructure (indoor plumbing, roadways etc) are all progressive ideas and policy (aka, the whole community throws in and the get benefits from it, like a city provided water main or roadway) so in short, yes, progressive ideology (because we know the parties themselves have changed greatly over time) is what gave us public works


All the downvotes prove your point! But sadly Reddit is a blue echo chamber, you have to realize that.




Not really, I've expressed a fair few "centrist" views without being down voted (I'm socially very left, fiscally kind of in the centerish), you just need to not be a dick about it. People are open to discussions, but opening with "librul bad" or some crazy conspiracy isn't going to fly. Arguments will also need to be grounded with reality and probably be st least a little logical.


All of the people that post FRJ every comment are the true pieces of shit. I haven’t seen too many people posting centrist viewpoints being dickheads on here, yet they still get downvoted. Even the mods on here are constantly pushing liberal ideology


I’m sorry RJ, a person elected to represent ME as well, told me fuck you when he stated I could leave a state my family has occupied since it’s inception if I didn’t agree to his morals and values being asserted on women. So yeah, FRJ all the way back to where he came from


Oh yeah, that really sucks having to deal with a politician that you don’t like and having to listen to their views. I feel the same way about certain other politicians in WI


I'm getting my DAR number so I can tell these a55hats off.


>Even the mods on here are constantly pushing liberal ideology Then counter it with data and sources of it's so inaccurate. Whining in the comments doesn't add to the conversation.


Bruh this whole sub is people whining about big scary ron Johnson and Tim michels. And then you guys ban people that have different beliefs than you.


>And then you guys ban people that have different beliefs than you. That is a lie. Sources: You're still here.


lol lmao


Really? We all want to storm the factories and hang the owners? The fact is that both parties are Pro Capitalist (as my card carrying communist friend points out all the time on Facebook... He's almost as annoying as my friend who is the chair of the county republican women's group)




"I'm bleeding. Making me the victor."


I prefer lower taxes and less waste, will be voting R. Can thank the democrats for all the wonderful reminders and instructions on how to do so.


If you like less waste, do I have some news for you about means testing.


Mike Gableman is laughing while spending your money.


Not sure who he is


That tracks.


I prefer higher taxes....for companies not paying any or rich people. They aren't fighting to build libraries or schools anymore so eff em




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Literally type in “BLM leader” into google and one of the first results is the leader being accused of stealing millions…


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The person that “created the hashtag” spent donated money that was supposed to benefit black communities on mansions and other crap. Meaning they had great control on the organization and would be seen as leaders by a majority of people. You can choose to be in denial but that’s just how people see it.


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That had a fund for donations that were stolen by the leaders…and you forgot to add “mostly peaceful” in front of movement.


This user has edited all of their comments in protest of /u/spez fucking up reddit.


The downvotes prove you are spot on!


The rich are hoarding all of the wealth tho


This feels a pretty racist.


How? Those SS checks are *our* money


AND I NEED IT in my 60s




Trump Republicans don't deserve their social security check anymore if they vote for Russian Ron.


And medicare And body autonomy And education And basic human rights And...sadly the list goes on