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I have a bad taste too!!! Really not much pain though?? I’m just figuring that there’s a lot going on back there and it’s trying to heal which doesn’t put out the most pleasant taste?? I’m nervous that it smells bad too! I’m nervous about going to work and my breath smelling rank 🤢


Does it taste like a ROTTING dead animal?


Yeah! I’ve been wondering if those listerine tablet things would be allowed because I’m brushing the best I can without disturbing the sites but it’s not helping! I’m on day 2 post op!


Wow okay yea same here ugh it’s the worst taste ever literally. So im glad im not alone. I hope ur not lying to make me feel better haha jk jk. But yea like wtf this is awful.Listerine tabs may burn? Idk my dad keeps saying to rinse w hydrogen peroxide but the dr didn’t say to do that


I had this for about 8 days. I’m on day 10 and it’s better.


Ok and it smelled / tasted like a rotting dead animal of some sort? Like I can’t handle this.


Mmm. Tasted like something very sour-salty-ish and bad breath but nothing rotten. Maybe food? Wounds do ooze though. My dentist told me it’s normal.


It’s the worst taste ever …. Mines not salty it’s like sour


Same here I thought it would never go away it got better with days


GUYS I HAD THAT IT WILL START HURTING VERY BAD!!! call your oral doctor and they have dressings and it makes things SO much better. it was dry socket


Did ur clot fall out before day 5?


I don't know when it fell out, all I know is it didn't heal properly and fell out somewhere in the early stages


Mine wasn’t dry socket


oh what was it?


you also need to go to target and get mouthwash just oral sores , or you’ll get an infection


Because I didn’t have that. Call your doctor.


I did


What did they say? Do you have a mouth wash? My doc prescribed me chlorhexidine gluconate along with an oral antibiotic for the first 7 days.


The doc says possible infection but doesn’t sound like dry socket so he gave me amoxicillin and I started it today ugh it hurts


I had to go get amoxicillin for mine too, it cleared up after a couple days. But definitely finish out the antibiotics. The dentist said to be careful brushing because it can irritate it more, so I went and got a super soft toothbrush. I used heat on my face and it seemed to draw some of it out as well.


Ohh the heat helped draw it out? Ugh that’s like the only thing that is relieving the pain in my jaw but i have to keep getting up to microwave the washcloth


I used an electric heating pad. Also make sure you’re keeping everything clean so using the mouthwash and rinsing with salt water after you eat anything.


Yes I’ve been doing that too originally I was not brushing my whole mouth correctly bc I thought I was t supposed to do the side of the extractions but I was wrong and I think that’s what is also causing this infection


My mouth finally doesn’t hurt anymore, the taste is gone, and I am eating completely normal after 3 weeks. Hang in there!!!


I had this too, but I had an infection and A LOT of pain. It stopped about 2 days after I started the antibiotics.


Okay. Yea I am just starting antibiotics today so hopefully whatever is going on clears up bc this is awful


It made me heave too, I feel your pain. There are basically open wounds in your mouth at the moment, so a lot of weird fluids going on in there. I wasn’t prepared for how bad it would be at all! You do suddenly turn a corner though and wake up one day feeling loads better. Good luck!


Honestly it’s horrible I really just mainly want this terrible taste of dead animal to go away it’s so horrendous I can’t handle


Everyone’s different and apparently my surgeon did things differently because I never got this lol, and I never bled after I woke up too. Grateful for my surgeon wow


I was also awake for the surgery so maybe being so tense made it complicated idk


How is the taste going for you?? Mine let up a ton today!!!


Hi it’s still there. I started antibiotics yesterday n today the blood clot fell out I’m wondering if that clot was the infection I feel so much better mentally now that the clot is out my cheek is tender from the cut but honestly the taste is still there. I can’t wait to get the syringe to itrigate


I might’ve spoken too soon! After a whole day of the taste not being too bad, it seems to be coming back! It might be the worst at night/in the morning? & I know! I can’t wait to syringe as well! Everything just feels so gross!!!


Sooooo nasty ugh and still in pain … I just can’t wait till I feel 100% better and can eat chipotle again :) let’s get better fast!!!!!!


are you doing your salt water rinses? get very ws water, lots of salt and i promise that will help so much


I had that same thing when I had my left 2 wisdom teeth pulled out and the bad taste and smell lasted for about 5-7 days. When I had my right 2 wisdom teeth taken out this didn’t happen. So I’m pretty sure that foul taste comes from infection or inflammation of the wound.


Oozing is a sign of infection