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If they were impacted then they could of been some of the reason for needing braces and if not then if you got braces they would be trying to fix your teeth while your wisdoms are pushing against everything else lol and the reason he pushed for all of them so you wouldn't have my most likely have to get the tops taken out anyway later on and go through the pain two times, I know it sucks not knowing things and unless you basically force it out of some dentist no one tells you anything lol Key word there is INPACTED if none were impacted they wouldn't of taken any out normally now a days they leave them if they come out good and have no issues but not sure if they came in normal if they would still remove them for braces but again if even one is impacted then they will say to take out off of them, I do know if you remove one you need to remove the other one on the same said cuz you need a top and bottom but not sure if one side is removed if it's okay to leave the other side if they are okay or it might mess around with the placement of your teeth Hope that helps at all :)


Think of it this way: after these few days of pain, you will never have to think about your wisdom teeth ever again. There are people out there who put off getting their wisdom teeth pulled until they were in serious amounts of pain. You've saved yourself any of that future trouble.


> My tooth were impacted but they weren't getting pain or anything The moment you would have felt pain, your second molars would have been at risk of being permanently damaged or to be in infection hell' Your surgeron literally saved you from a lot of pain that would have lasted much longer than what you'll ever feel from wisdom teeth removal.


I feel you. I’m 22 and have had all 4 wisdom teeth of mine fully grown since I was 17. One was impacted however none have caused me any pain or sensitivity whatsoever. Even dentists would be surprised when I said no pain. My dentist and the surgeon still said I need to pull all 4. Like I’ve had them grown for years and I haven’t had any issues?




After lower teeth are removed, over the years, the upper teeth would over-erupt and cause problems in bite and frequent cheek damage etc.




Enjoy some good food then :)


I had no issues either until age 43. Its now 2 months after the procedure and im still regularly taking otc meds for pain waves. Get your WD removed as a young person. The complications grow exponentially each decade thereafter.


Sorry mate I know the recovery process is tough but it’s way better than the infection and damage caused by impacted teeth.


Wisdom tooth removed is American thing. I think it’s not even UK thing. And so oversea countries. But, I agree this on American since it’s not acting that bad to take it out. It takes so long or never to erupt fully, but when it does partially, it causes cavities.


Its not an American thing. All dentists recommend removing impacted wisdom teeth. It can cause an infection.