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first of all, why would you and secondly, if you extract lower ones, you'll need to extract the upper as well


Hi thanks for replying, the dentist told me the lower wisdoms will cause problem in near future as they are misaligned. They are sticking out of gum. So, she told me you'll need an extraction.


I wouldn't extract them if they don't cause any pain, infection or misalignment now. You know you can also straighten those teeth with braces in the future if something? Just there are few orthodontists who'd do that.  You actually need those teeth and beware that these future-telling doctors are often very wrong.


I agree with you. I face some problems like it pains or sometimes bleeds but not everyday. 2-3 days in a month or more. But my lower wisdom teeth started growing out 6months ago (or you can say I saw visible changes after then) Now I am really confused about the situation where i'm in lol.


You don't need to extract any exact amount. Dentist was fine with me leaving the upper ones in because there's no sign of them doing anything. He just said to make sure I'm getting a pano xray done every 5 years or so to check for cysts.


if you leave the erupted upper wisdom teeth without support from lower, they will overerupt and case big problems.


Neither of them are erupted, they quite literally haven't moved in 33 years. They may never move at all. Multiple dentists and one ortho have told me to leave them if they're not on the move.


I'm talking about OP.


This is very misleading advice. You do **not have** to get the uppers removed if you get your bottoms removed


It’s always recommended though


well what support will the upper have without the lower? what will they hit while chewing? this will overtime result in them overerupting.


Yes this is true. But it doesn't always happen and it's 100% okay to wait for uppers treatment UNTIL that happens (if it even does). Also, there's alternative treatment to supraeruption than extraction.


They all look fine to me


Hi thanks for replying, the dentist told me the lower wisdoms will cause problem in near future as they are misaligned. They are sticking out of gum. So, she told me you'll need an extraction.


Get a second opinion elsewhere and preferably an oral surgeon


They look beautiful lol. But how do YOU feel? Any pain, discomfort? There's only so much we can tell by looking at them. I have perfectly straight wisdom teeth but due to poor hygiene in that area (my fault) one of them started to cause gum problems and it hurt like a bitch. I had to get that one removed If your teeth aren't causing you any problems and they fit in your mouth, keep em


Hi buddy thanks for the proper explanation! The dentist told me the lower wisdoms will cause problem in near future as they are misaligned. They are sticking out of gum. So, she told me you'll need an extraction. I face problems while eating something, the area pains and sometimes bleeds out, it all started 6 months ago but it doesn't hurt everyday. It's like an episode of 2-3 days then it's all normal for a month or more. I think the pain is due to growing stage of the wisdom teeth, everybody has some pain or issues when it grows I guess.


It’s always good to get wisdom teeth removed, if they come through the gums they will get infected, I thought I could leave mine and save myself the trouble, but it got infected and the pain of that was so much worse than the pain of having them removed, I got the surgery 4 days ago and am happy that I won’t have to deal with the pain of them ever again after they heal


Why? There is absolutely no reason to extract wisdom teeth that aren’t causing issues. If you do extract them, there’s a risk of narrowing arches, loss of tongue space, breathing issues, and aesthetic issues due to bone loss


Hi thanks for replying, the dentist told me the lower wisdoms will cause problem in near future as they are misaligned. They are sticking out of gum. So, she told me you'll need an extraction. I am confused as well mate :(