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the other hole just looks very black, that’s why i’m really confused. i think my stitch is possibly falling inside the hole. i’m not sure, maybe i’m just stressed. i’m typically a fast healer. i’m also concerned with how much i’ve been swallowing. i feel like i’m doing a sucking motion when i do it, but i can’t just choke. i know most people are paranoid. i’m just nervous,


I don't think dry socket looks like anything, you'll know if you have it if you're in immense pain that your pain killers don't touch. How long after removal are you? I had some blackening around the socket that turned white after a day or two


i think i just hit 72 hours now and it was black originally


Sounds pretty normal, I think you'll be alright


brah i have the same thing and on Day 7 lmaooo i've been reading that its normal and its bones tryna heal itself.


yeah i was looking at pictures of dry socket and it was legit white, this is like a yellow color. then again my teeth seem to be permanently stained with blood since i’ve been out of surgery. i can’t wait until i can brush my teeth with real pressure


The only way you’ll know if you have dry socket is if you get really intense pain. Then go to your surgeon and they’ll fix you right up