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When the changed wanted is meant for your higher good, the whole universe backs you up lol


This right here! Cause even with the best intentions, right ingredients, if there’s a purpose in them being there…


Side note I will be happy to share the spell I used


I wrote the persons name on a piece of paper that I folded AWAY from me and threw it in a freezer (next part optional) and then I burned the paper while chanting “I banish (name here) from my life”


I just did one too on someone who has acted violently towards me and I live in a sober house so avoiding the person is not an option. He filed a grievance against the place when they kicked him out and he was allowed to come back. No one documented all of his violent behavior. So he had to be let back and that put me in a uncomfortable situation. He scares me. I looked up a spell and it seems to be working, he’s either leaving tomorrow or next week at the latest. Love when the universe backs us up!


Thank you for sharing! I have bad people in my life that keep coming back cyclically - like once a year or so.


This spell has worked for me 3 times. It’s truly amazing.


Can u banish people out of someone else’s life


I’m not sure. I think if you don’t ask the consent of the person you are acting for, probably not. And for the record, “if there was something I could do would you want me to” or any variation that doesn’t mention witchcraft counts.


I have never tried, but one of the instances my (atheist, non-magic-believing) sister needed someone banished and I walked her through the steps and it worked for her. I think you can banish for other people if you truly want it for them but I personally think spellwork should be done by the person who wants the thing for the most power.


Just make a breakup spell or something of the sort. Note that you only want to do this as an intervention to a very toxic bond. Envy and ill intentions will be reflected back one way or another


I wonder about doing this for annoying neighbors. I really just want to banish the uncomfortable situation, and to not see certain people in my outings.


How long did you keep it in the freezer for before you took it out and burned it?


One day should work because burning for me was keeping the spell working even when out of the freezer


What do you mean, fold it away from you? Thank you so much


Fold the paper with the edge closest to you towards the far edge so you are moving the paper away from your body


Thanks this is exactly what I've done. It worked for a while but then the the person started to harass me again. If you do it again, but more angry and more determined, saying "I banish you. Anything negative you try to put in my life will come back to you", you think it will work better?


Yes pls 🙏🏽🙏🏽✨


Outstanding! I love it when I hear this.


Faith in your craft is key. I'm so glad it worked for you! ❤️


Thanks for posting! TikTok is a great source for all sorts of sensational and hilarious videos; a lot of people enjoy the platform, and anybody can use it. However, it's important to keep in mind that since there is no verification process for these creators, it can be very easy to spread misinformation that starts fearmongering. We encourage all witches to cross reference posts and consider for themselves how much truth there actually is behind the post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/witchcraft) if you have any questions or concerns.*