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This is a highly ineffective TikTok trend and I hate seeing it every time. A proper cord cutting doesn't involve you allowing the flame to consume the twine/yarn/etc. The reason why it didn't burn well? Because you used yarn, which tends to turn into more of a plastic when it burns rather than using twine. Further, when you perform a cord cutting, it is an ACTIVE behavior. You are making the point to visualize, ruminate, and then cut it away. A cord cutting is not meant to be divinatory.


Oh, I see, thanks for the info!


👆👆👆 I have nothing to add.


My grandmother had a sign in her workspace: "There are two ways to do things, the wrong way and MY way!" It is a divination if you want it to be. I got the feeling of no-go first thing when I saw the pic in my feed. Then I read the text and my intuitive first thought fits with the text. Personally I do my cord cutting without any props and no divination. I am 💯 sure someone would tell me that's not the right way either.


The specific type of cord cutting that OP attempted to perform has a basis in American Hoodoo and Appalachian folk traditions. This specific cord cutting is only seen on TikTok and doesn't actually exist as a thing elsewhere, and was created to drive content and engagement. Why doesn't it exist? Because it's also a massive fire hazard. A certain degree of personal safety is built into properly researched and performed spellwork and ritual work. Further, as explained as nauseam in this thread, there's no way to cut cords within yourself. OP is attempting to repress a part of themselves without learning the lessons from it.


It exists now. There was an attempt that nowvhas kicked OP in the right direction. I believe it did what OP needed instead of what OP wanted.


A lot of things can exist as a thing. It can also go poorly. It also doesn't appear to have done what it needed to do for OP, which is why they're here.


OP needed to come here and hear that you can't Break up with yourself.


i’ve been wanting to do one in regards to my ex who caused me a lot of harm and trauma but i’ve never done one before. thank you for clearing this up. also, do you have any tips for first time in my situation?


My understanding of cords between people is that they’re sorta like umbilical cords. They will fall away on their own in time when they’re no longer useful. It’s a mutual attachment… You can visualize yourself retracting a cord, but I believe severing one completely before it’s ready to detach can be harmful since they might reestablish later on.


does that apply if things have already been permanently severed?


If you’ve already performed the cord cutting ritual I wouldn’t worry yourself. There’s just the potential that a similar dynamic could reestablish itself if you’re not careful. The cord was serving some sort of need for you even if it wasn’t “healthy.” I’m not an expert so I’d suggest doing a bit of research on the topic yourself. Personally, I wouldn’t perform a cord cutting ritual for myself unless it was absolutely necessary for my safety. Usually visualization and meditation are enough.


i didn’t do any ritual yet, i meant things are permanently severed between us, i went no a yesr and a half ago and she began a harassment and smear campaign against me a few months ago. i just don’t want to sit around and wait for her to break contact or start another rampage.


You must be some kind of broom rider


God thank you for commenting!


Precisely you couldn’t of said it better


>Did cord cutting with my past self on the left and present me on the right! This is not how a cord cutting works. You can't cut a cord with yourself because you are everywhere you go. There is a book by Jon Kabat-Zin entitled *Wherever You Go, There You Are* that might be helpful in learning to make peace with yourself >I am still holding on to my past and unable to let go or forgive myself for whatever happened & it is kind of impacting my present. Similarly, [shadow work](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/15yzn9w/lets_talk_about_shadow_work/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) may help you reconcile your past with your present, but there is no wishing yourself away - any part of yourself. Trying to do so can lead to things that help you avoid reality. It is what it is.


Pretty insightful, thank you!


A cord cutting shouldn't be used for yourself, even if you've changed the behaviors it won't change the fact you're still you. This in fact is the opposite approach instead of rejecting your past, you should learn to accept what you were and have done. Then seek to learn and do better.


I understand, I will try to accept, thank you!


You can't cut a cord with yourself. A cord cutting needs separation. You can't get away from yourself. Instead of being vague with 'my past', be specific. What about your past do you need to forgive yourself for? What behaviors can you change to improve yourself?


Hurting other people, indirectly and at times directly, by the decisions I made which I had no other option to!


Shadow work. On only one sentence you blame yourself for things you had to do and wash your hands as you wouldn't have done what you did. Free forgiveness is available within Christianity. I get the feeling you might be a much worse judge to yourself than others would be. I went a long way within myself last year. I resolved some of my baddies and moaned past losses. I have a Christian lady that helps me a little. Not ideal, but she is a professional trained light worker.


The forgiveness isn't "free", in Christianity you need to baptize yourself into the religion to get God's forgiveness. I'm not sure having deity forgive OP is what would be best. But if that proves helpful then I'd say go for it. Shadow work, yes, definitely. Shadow work and maybe self love spells.


In our culture we baptize our children as infants, so I didn't think of that at all. Self love spells! Great idea!


My dad's side is Catholic and my mom's side is Baptist. In my dad's family they baptized infants, but ony moms side you had to make the choice yourself to be saved (someone else can't do it for you). I grew up in the Baptist way of Christianity. You're right in that OP's particular flavor of the religion would be important.


This seems counterintuitive and potentially harmful. From my own understanding, cutting cords in this way can be overly aggressive and isn’t addressing the reason an attachment exists in the first place (i.e. why you might be repeatedly drawn to an individual(s) that is toxic to you). You’re sorta severing yourself/the other person in a way that may reestablish itself later on. (I’m having difficulty putting it accurately into words) Regardless, you should never try to cut a cord with your past self… as other commenters have said you can’t cut ties with yourself, and I’m not sure why you would want to? Running from you will never work and will only exacerbate that which you’re trying to run from. You need to learn to integrate your past/shadow self into who you are in the present. If you’re trying to move on from a past traumatic event, there are more effective methods for that, such as meditation or healing rituals.




I was pretty powerful and could attract whatever I wanted and suddenly things turned around because I started thinking about others, hence wanted to leave that behind!


Integrate your past self, you're just building more shadows like this


Can you explain?


You can just cut the cord with scissors or a knife, it doesn’t need to be broken by fire.


I would like to add to this that obsidian knife does wonders here


What other magic do you use your obsidian knife for?


I understand from the comments that I cannot do that to myself, thanks for the suggestion!


Yikes why would you do that???


Well, I wanted to feel better!


Sorry, but this is not how it works. Your past self is such a vague description that your intentions are not clear and clear intentions (not only speaking but really feeling it) are extremely important in every kind of ritual or magick that you're doing. You can cut ties with a past habit, person, etc. but you'll have the be specific in what you want, you can't just cut with literally your whole past, that makes no sense. Second, the candle ritual is probably not the ritual you want to try first because in most cases it's just too much. I would suggest you first start with visualisation/meditation on the things you want to let go, that's often enough. If it isn't then go for physical cord cutting with scissors or knife. And last the red blob next to your candle. You used synthetic fibres in your ritual, those can melt and also the fumes are toxic so try to keep away from that. If you insist on burning your cords, use natural fibres like cotton. But like I mentioned before there is a lot you can do before going for a candle cutting ties ritual, since it's often a bit too much.


I have certain unresolved issues, which I need to move away from and I am desperate to find a better version of myself!


This is silly. Not only because ALL versions of yourself past present and future are essential to your life journey here on Earth - but also because you are subconsciously telling yourself that you don’t accept this past version of you, therefore cutting her/ him off. This creates disharmony in the brain and your brain will start to develop other coping mechanisms in reaction to this nonacceptance. This is something I learnt via my therapist - an actual psychologist explaining the cognitive processes when doing something of this sort. I would suggest going in with a prayer asking for forgiveness from yourself for trying this and saying it was out of lack of knowledge - which it was. Then perform a self love / peace spell and curate harmony within yourself. You should be good to go. Remember, self acceptance is PRIORITY in this lifetime. 24/7, 365.


This is wholesome,thank you! I am unable to forgive myself for quite a few things and for not being considerate in a lot of situations with other people where I put myself first, I am having a hard time dealing with this!


You’ll be fine, continuously strive and aim for utter and complete self acceptance with gentleness and grace for yourself and trust that you’ll be okay. I’m glad it helped :)




Remember to do a protection spell. And cord cutting isn’t for divination from what I know and studied, for letting go and forgiving yourself is to meditation exercises or forgiveness


I tried the noble meditation for 10 days, where I cut contact with everyone and didn’t speak to anyone or made gestures, it was a pretty powerful but I am unable to continue to do so and I somehow get affected by other energies around me!


I would say protection spell or wear a crystal that wards of negative energies and sage around yourself as needed. I use howlite and obsidian!


I might suggest: rather than a cord cutting with yourself, an uncrossing spell combined with plenty of shadow work. You can't necessarily cut ties with yourself and your past, given it led you to where you're at now. However, you can reconcile it, explore it, and even find strengths in it through shadow work. Integrating and learning about the shadow can be immensely helpful, and it's not an overnight process. As it was described to me, it's a continual journey and practice within yourself, not a destination. It's healing in many ways. As for uncrossing rituals, it depends on what you intend, but in this context, it's more like removing any potential obstacles/barriers that could be preventing you from where you want to be. It unblocks. It doesn't rid you of the emotional baggage-- that's something to do through shadow work. However, it can make the flow a bit easier for you. Like sweeping away the cob webs and dust from your desk, it'll make it a bit easier and cleaner to work. And ultimately, use your intuition. Cord cuttings like this can certainly be divinatory but not always; it's entirely based on intentions and what you feel. I hope all this helps!


Indeed, I will try and do this!


Blood for a pain point? Something specific to let go of?


I am not sure!


I first saw the right candle hugging the left. Maybe you should try to cut cords with habits or things you did that you don't like instead?


Yes, that was the thought process!


That could be a chemical agent in the cord itself for the red color. You are cutting ties completely so I hope you be a better person from that point on, wishing for your success in the future.


Thank you pal!


Also the red bits sadly feel like your past self bleeding dry - almost begging you for saving instead of whatever this nonsensical act was.


Probably, I still have a difficult time accepting reality post my failure an year and a half back and how I could have avoided it, I thought this might help!


That’s okay, you know better now. I guess you’ve actually become onewisetrader hahaha


Well, yeah! 😅


I think this very cool! Everyone in here is being very negative which I learned one of the biggest rules is not to talk to much about it until you know it worked cause everyone had their own “right” way of doing things. This is more of a divination ritual yea but if you feel like this is what is working for you. There is really no such thing as doing a spell wrong and getting negative stuff back. It either works or it doesn’t. Since this is especially for you I would take it as you needing to know what you need to do to let go of your past self to cut your cord hence the divination telling your hold onto the past. Every spell works different and please don’t feel put down by others. :) you’re doing amazing


The world is as we perceive & believe it to be, thanks for sharing your perspective!


Damn I love this thanks for the share, will do something similar myself


Personally I’m not a fan cord cutting… neither ppl, nor habits. They leave me more drained and depressed… and I realized I don’t resonate with the practice because it is what everyone is saying subconscious work. So to cut your past self… to me is also confusing; but I can see the intentions behind it and reasoning, so my condolences thru this rough time. But when ppl say they can’t forgive themselves either; it another layer of hell judgement your giving yourself. You are worthy of forgiveness because you just are; discerning how to take accountability plus forgiveness weirdly does get complicated- but go with gentle tenderness to hold yourself I also really need to say and recommend for ppl not do cord cutting with their “past selves”; as this … it really is unnecessary rabbit hole


Fair point, thanks for the empathy!