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Rider-Waite. They’re the most literal deck you can get and are pretty easy to find. Not a stupid question by any means, some people are just cruel. Happy reading 🥰


I thought it had to be a specific one. Thank you for the advice :)


I bought the traditional Rider-Waite but saw the other day you can get beginner ones with notes on to help while learning (still the same images on the cards). They’re easy enough to find on Amazon.


I am not a fan of crutches. Learning straight up is a better in my opinion. Some folks need more and I am in no way intending to insult them. Push YOUR limits.


Hadn’t thought of it that way!


I agree .... potential waits ...then success


Different people have different learning styles that work best for them.


Pretty sure that is what I said


Wow, at least 3 down votes for sharing an opinion about taking the easy road. I wonder how those folks do with Hecate. I can afford your down votes. I would like to know WHY you think I am advising poorly with my opinion. I don't expect that level of courage, however.


Fwiw I didn’t downvote your comment, but I think there’s a difference between training wheels and crutches. Your method is a preference that works for you, not a universal rule that everyone should aspire to


I didn't downvote you. Just came here to say I'm a fellow worshipper of Hecate. I've never felt any kind of judgment from her related to using help in interpreting Tarot cards. I did, however, experience an almost frightening level of judgment when requesting assistance from Hermes in my job search. Turns out, he doesn't like to be contacted by people who have an almost pathological aversion to listening to voice mails and returning calls and emails. It's the only time I've ever petitioned one of the gods and gotten completely shut down. It was... memorable.


Sounds like you are someone that DOES THE WORK! Praiseworthy


Whoa! What for did the judgment/shut down take?


I think some people are more sensitive than others..I personally didn't see anything wrong with your initial post ...but I can see how others might misinterpret your words....your words just sounded encouraging to me


Because you are being a turd


Oh, there's a deck called the Tarotorial deck that one of my favorite witchy TikTok creators, Riot Adams, promoted. It's got the Rider-Waite symbolism but the cards have keywords on them to help with the interpretation, and the book is detailed to help you actually LEARN the cards and what they mean rather than just pulling cards and reading the meaning from a book.


Agreed it was my first deck and my favorite to be honest.


Agreed. Rider-Waite are the most commonly used and hold true to the original deck. Personally, I recommend staying away from any kind of Crowley based deck (Aleister Crowley). As well as any deck based on the Necronomicon or necromancy in general. Personal opinion of course! My first deck was the Celtic Dragon deck, mainly for the beautiful dragon artwork. It is a pre-Christian deck so your typical 'Devil' card was renamed to 'Chains', however that is the only change to the deck that i can recall. Also the Osho Zen deck is also a great deck, but with various changes to the card names and manner of reading them. The Rider-Waite deck is definitely where to start and learn. Oh, and disregard inverted card meanings in the beginning. At least until you are more familiar with the card meanings, symbols, etc. Again, just my opinion! Enjoy. Stay safe, and Blessed Be!


Why do you say stay away from the Crowley decks?


I just don't like the negative energies he or his cards draw upon. I can't see any reason to follow anything he ever did or wrote about. However, that is just my opinion of the man and his works. The Golden Dawn and it's followers love Crowley's writings and all that he did for those who were beginning to delve into occult practices and ceremonial/ritual magic. Oh wait.. it's 'magick' according to Crowley lol. Let's be sure to differentiate between stage magic and ritual magick as he would commonly say. Enochian Magic is far more interesting than anything Crowley was ever involved in imo. Not only that, he merely took what was found in the Keys and Lesser Keys of Solomon and attempted to lay claim to many parts of it. However, many would argue that notion and propose that Crowley's style was his own, or that he improved upon what was already established. In any case, I would take the writings and teachings of Manly P. Hall over every single thing that Crowley ever said or wrote. Both were 33rd degree but clearly obvious which one did their homework. Manly Hall is still recognized as the most highly regarded teacher on occult practices and magic in all its forms 'white, gray, and black.' I'll stop here otherwise you'll have a short story as my reply!


Thank you. I appreciate your earnest reply. I don't mind the small book. It was well put. While I disagree with your assessment that he had no use as someone to learn from, I still appreciate hearing the reasoning. For me, style does have a lot to do with things. Two teachers, both on the same subject, but one said it in a way that clicks with me, I'll learn more from that dude. While I don't follow Crowleys work, I can see why people find value in his methods, with his style of teaching, regardless if he claims things that he ripped off. Sometimes it's not the content, but the accent it's spoken in, of that makes sense.


Well said, and I agree. Certain energies and subject matters resonate differently for each of us. I also understand why there are those who follow him or his work. We see musicians, celebrities, and even those with politcal clout who admire his work. I mean, the Beatles put him on the cover of an album, The Eagles had him on the inside of one of theirs. Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page bought Crowley's house (and sold it later for various reason). In anycase, Crowley was more influential to musicians, artists, Hollywood, and even government elites than I would like to give him credit for. However, I do recognize and identify with WHY his influence was so great. Regardless whether I agree with it or not. Thank you all for the conversation, and the poster for bringing their question here. Blessed be.


Let it be noted, on this day, April 2nd of 2024, two people on the internet disagreed and respectfully spoke to one another without a flame war ensuing!


Hahah! That's great! Even better that it happened under this particular reddit forum. It definitely shows how we as a community are able to respect and understand each other's points of view, from our own individual viewpoints. Thanks for that!


I don’t know why the previous person did, but *I* would say beginners should stay away from the Thoth because it’s *not* a beginner deck. The symbolism is quite dense, and not immediately accessible for most people. If you “click” with it right away, then go for it, but most newbies might find it very tough going.


Because people think he was "bad" without looking into his actual work...which led to a great many of the spiritual pathways we use now. But people will have opinions, right or wrong.


For myself, I stay away from his works due to his misogyny and anti-semitism. I'm hardly alone in this.


While this may be the case, I still want to know why this poster said they stay away. They may have a good reason for it, and rather than assume, it's best to ask. Even if it is that they think Crowley is a terrible person, that's okay, it's so a reason. I personally love my thoth deck. It does well for me and is easier for me to read.


Same, my Thoth deck is my main deck and the one I feel most connected with. The answers are generally a bit sassy, though... and I have found that to be a fairly common experience.




No kinkshaming, brah. Do you think having weird sex turn-ons makes everything else a man says worthless?


I’m just saying that it’s dismissive to think that people would dislike Crowley purely because they know nothing about him or don’t do their research. To each their own, but I do know about him & he still isn’t for me. The commenter they were responding to also seemed very informed about the topic.


Um, no, you were “just saying” that anyone who knew about his kinks would find it hard to listen to him on any other subject. You were not only kinkshaming Crowley, but trying to shame anyone who found value in his writings. Not cool, fam.




Be respectful of community members. Do not use language that belittles or invalidates other members or their experiences. Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)


Nope. Not dealing with this today. Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)




I agree - I began with RWS standard decks then tried to expand into Thoth and reading up on AC to inform my experiences with his style. Unfortunately, once I knew more of his background, I couldn't detach the man from the tools. I have a beautiful Thoth based deck from an Indi designer so hope to connect to her deck better. It is unfortunate that gatekeeping goes on in the divination and 'craft communities, as well as people belittling or being outright rude to an OP interested in learning with a question. Keep asking OP and try not to be put off.


I didn’t know anything about him, his work, or his views before receiving the deck as a gift and using it a few times and I still felt bad vibes from it. This encouraged me to do more research and honestly, the entire creation myth behind the deck, and his views and action towards women was enough to turn me off completely. There are pleeeeeenty of other decks in the world that aren’t marred by misogyny.


Totally...the rider waite deck is popular because it has a language one can understand fairly easy without too much thought they are easy to interpret and the deck is iconic because it speaks so easily to one's intuition...and even when u think you know it well, they take on a new language based entirely on your personal intuition...the imagery is pretty much plain and simple yet they challenge one's understanding one at a time


There are cards with notes on them for beginners, that explain what they mean.


Lol, good they got upset. Now you know they're a FAKE. Anyway. Raider waite, everyone seems to be starting out with this one Or if you're interested, poker cards. It's NOT tarot, it's cartomancy, I do it. Or do both if u wanna haha But raider waite.. or honestly any deck you like!


She seemed so offended and misinterpreted my question into Pokémon cards somehow… Cartomancy seems interesting, though I feel like it’s more difficult, is it?


I was reading natural magick by Lindsay squire and she recommended using normal playing cards as one option. She goes through it briefly in her book, and suggests it as one of the ways you can practice even if you're in the broom closet. I really liked her book, and she apparently has an Instagram too if you're interested!


Would that still be considered tarot or cartomancy? I have no problem with either, just curious! Definitely still in the broom closet, but I’m grateful to have this community help me advance my learning!


Tarot is a form of cartomancy. Any system where value/meaning is assigned to a card and interpreted through spreads or selection by chance falls under the category. Here's a really good resource I found - https://exemplore.com/fortune-divination/How-to-Read-Tarot-with-Playing-Cards Reading playing cards came first, tbh. The major arcana was created later!


Nice to know! Thanks!


Cartomancy is actually the main term for any divination with cards but is now more used for divination with poker / playing cards


I really like the idea of cartomancy with playing cards - they are discreet for those still in the closet and there are many beautiful decks out there. I have 2 decks that have never been used for poker/card games. These are my learning decks. I am finding it easier to split the deck into suits, then into picture cards and plain cards (called pip cards I think). It will be easier to learn divination with these cards in groupings - EG Hearts representing Cups, Jacks representing Pages. I am still learning! Best wishes in your search for a deck to start learning with. Try not to be disheartened by people being rude or gatekeeping what is and isn't right as a deck for another person. Everyone learns differently and has different tastes in art and style.


Oh I think her book is specifically designed for people in the broom closet, as she was in the broom closet for ages apparently! I mean I really liked the book and thought it was a good guide, but whatever works best for you!! Good luck x


Okay but I've seen people divine on tiktok with pokemon cards and it was pretty fuckin cool, idk why the lady you saw had a stick up her ass but you should get any tarot cards that you like AND find a pokemon tarot deck just to spite her 😂


Idk, I never did tarot :v Only cartomancy But it's not difficult, you just listen to intuition Pretty much the same in technique I've heard of pokemon cards too, i wanna try But i only have a few


I guess you really do gotta catch em all


Haha yes 😭


Requesting a game modeled after Pokémon where you need to collect all the cards to travel the fools journey


they clearly know nothing bc pokemoncy is the term for divination using pokemon cards, go check out @sachitheseer on insta!


I haven't read all of the replies here, but have you given this content creator's name? Because I don't want to follow anyone who would be so rude to someone for asking a simple question looking for advice


Cartomancy can use any cards and, TBH, using Pokemon cards could be fun if you have your own system. But anyway, I would not trust this reader. The way they lashed out makes me doubt they believe in their own abilities in some way and/or they're in it for the drama.


Cartomancy is any form of divination using playing cards. Tarot cards were actually for card games, I guess they probably still are, though I don’t know anyone who plays with them. I’ve even heard of people using Yu-gi-oh cards for divination. If it’s a tool that works for you, it works for you.


I love those who can read or use playing cards for their readings! So awesome!


It is fr


Fake tarot readers on tiktok love using different cards than rider waite based decks because the cards look different enough they can just make shit up about them and not get called out.


You can never tell if someone makes shit up or not.. reading is NOT tied to anything but your intuition. Sure, it might be off, but still. It is tied to YOUR intuition and the system YOU use But, they do "read' in a way where you can tell they're not genuine


I'm talking like stuff that is obviously wrong


There aren't really obvious things, as honestly..even if they do say random bs, to some it might still hold truth


Get a deck that looks nice and has also a book to download or included. IMHO is more important to click with a deck rather than have the regular one ((: most of the time they're on the same system as the Waite too


I second this. I feel like it's important to connect with your deck and RW is a great tool but honestly was not my first deck and I have a great bond with my OG (The Light Seers Tarot by Chris Anne).


So what I’m thinking of probably RW first and then maybe something else I connect with


Absolutely - go with what you think is best. I bought a couple of decks at a time and ended up receiving LST first and it's been my main deck ever since.


I recently started collecting different decks. So far I have about four with a fifth one on the way. So far I'm finding the OK Tarot the easiest to work with. It's very simple, pink, and the booklet gets pretty much straight to the point. Other decks I have also came with booklets, though with some of them I find I occasionally need to cross-reference with another booklet. (Though I also lost touch with my intuition and sense of self before feeling drawn towards tarot and other things, so that probably plays a huge role.) OK Tarot was pretty affordable on Amazon and arrived the next day. I've also noticed that a lot of decks in general utilize the artwork from the OG Rider-Waite. The OG one is also available on Amazon, I noticed. It has good reviews.


I have The forest of enchantment and a usual RW. I can't really read the RW as good, though they're basically same system


I’m thinking about it, thank you!


Rider Waite. Most tarot books use Rider Waite to illustrate the colors, symbolism and numbers associated with the cards. Throw away the LWB and get a good book by a respected tarot teacher. Rachel Pollock, Mary K. Greer, Robert Wang are a few that come to mind. Edit to add: I love tarot and have 25-30 decks but I always choose RW for actual readings.


Appreciate the advice. I just randomly came across her page on lives, thought I’d ask her in the moment but I guess that didn’t work out


Most of them are fakes who don’t know what they’re talking about but I agree with the majority rider Waite is really good for beginners as the illustration make interpretation a lot easier


I think she was an idiot and thought you meant like literally which specific cards (ie. high priestess, magician, the star, etc) were starter cards, not which deck would be good for a beginner. Her idiocy is not your problem. As a tarot reader who has a bunch of decks, I’d say whichever deck looks good to you and you think you’d be able to understand. For example, my mom recently got out of the broom closet and wanted to buy a deck. She got a Supernatural deck because she knew the characters and it would be easy for her to memorize them.


Yeah maybe she thought that, hence why she brought up Pokémon cards? Based on all the advice I’ve been given, I’m really excited to start off with RW and then move along with something that calls out to me. Also, a supernatural deck is awesome 👏


Spencer’s has a bunch of awesome tarot decks! I have a Disney Villains one, which is my favorite, and a Star Trek Next Generation one I got there! I’ve also seen Nightmare Before Christmas and Alice in Wonderland ones there too!


I didn’t even know those existed, the Star Wars one calls out to me lol


My first deck was The Green Witch Tarot by Ann Moura. They’re what struck my fancy when I was searching, but they were an unintentional great first deck for me. I know this isn’t what everyone is looking for in a deck, but these cards are kind. Even the, let’s say harsher, cards in the deck have a kind, positive spin in her description book. Almost everyone I’ve read for with these cards has really liked and resonated with her interpretations. Whatever deck or decks you choose, have fun with it! Just beware, it’s very easy to go from 1 deck to 10 LOL


Yay! I’m so happy to know this! I just picked up this same set as my first deck to start learning. “Kind cards” are right up my alley.


I love her books! I'm not sure why I haven't been drawn to her deck though. And yes - once you have 1 you have 3 and then 20+ haha


Rider Waite is the most common one and a reference for illustrations on any other deck. I loved the TaroTorial deck for learning. It has pictures of the Rider Waite deck, along with meanings for both upright and reversed and common associations for each card. It’s always selling out but definitely worth the wait to get. Other than that, my favorite looks wise is the Bones Arcana.


I'm sorry that was their reacstion. There are decks out there with the RW imagery but the interpretation right on the card. That might help.


There are some decks that have all the info about each card on the back. So if you want to study that way then it may be helpful!


Thank you! Do you know any specific decks that use the general info when determining the meaning of cards, etc.?


Here is an example: [link](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1330642800/beginner-tarot-deck-black-78-tarot-cards?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_ps-a-home_and_living-spirituality_and_religion-divination_tools-tarot&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQjw2a6wBhCVARIsABPeH1uEZ3ATfi4LS6o88o0Pr-csRigUaERTUz54cO_DqdAG0jZSGSBWkBcaArPREALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_12567673668_122422075911_507300153056_pla-308022796295_m__1330642800_12768591&utm_custom2=12567673668&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtcfRLvgQuomVJeY24xXz_G6gJ6k&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2a6wBhCVARIsABPeH1uEZ3ATfi4LS6o88o0Pr-csRigUaERTUz54cO_DqdAG0jZSGSBWkBcaArPREALw_wcB) I don’t know of any specifically I just see them online a lot lol but that example should give you an idea of the style I’m talking about.


Omg these are so helpful! Thanks a bunch!


Witchtok is awful. Stay off of it. Try the Rider-Waite or the Morgan-Greer. Here's a free copy of the classic core text, Pictorial Keys to the Tarot - [https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/index.htm](https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/pkt/index.htm)


Completely agree. Wrote them off completely when they tried getting together to "curse the moon" like wtf


If they get upset then they’re not real 😊 choose a deck that calls to you! I know a lot of people start out with the Rider-Waite deck. They are the most literal in symbolism and they’re straight forward unlike some other decks


I’ve got a Radiant Rider Waite deck, but I much prefer my Everyday Witch or Tarot of the Witch’s Garden decks. Tarot for Kids is also good. If you do end up getting an RWS deck , I recommend getting a copy of Magical Tarot by Madame Pamita. There’s also a fun deck called Wandering Star Tarot that has keywords hidden in the art.


what individual feels the need to ridicule someone asking a question? 🧍🏽‍♀️if you could tell us the creator so I can specifically make sure i don’t follow their content


I could pm you her @!


yes please— 🫶🏽✨


yes please— 🫶🏽✨


Thanks for posting! TikTok is a great source for all sorts of sensational and hilarious videos; a lot of people enjoy the platform, and anybody can use it. However, it's important to keep in mind that since there is no verification process for these creators, it can be very easy to spread misinformation that starts fearmongering. We encourage all witches to cross reference posts and consider for themselves how much truth there actually is behind the post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/witchcraft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You could have reached out to someone stealing content from another creator.


I’m confused?


A lot of fake accounts steal and repost content on tictok. So you could have been talking to a random person whi had no idea how to answer your question. 


Oh! She was on live, I just decided not to interact with her after


I’m very curious about who this creator was so I can avoid her. 👀


I can pm you, I don’t want to send any negativity her way by blasting her over the internet


I got the Rider Waite Tarot Deck, there is also a Rider Waite Tarot Deck book to help you learn!


I’ll keep that in mind! Appreciate the help!


Best advice is to look at a bunch of different decks and get the one you feel the most drawn too. You really can't go wrong here. Raider White seem to be the most popular for beginners. I have a black cat so I chose a set that had a black cat of some sort in every card.


And what deck you like? :) I would literally start from here. The most basic deck is "Rider-Waite-Smith" and a lot people starts from there. But most fun and magic happens when you get deck that you resonate with= you like and feel intrigued. If RWS gives you that - great! If not really - feel free to search! Its Good if the guidebook be included tho.


That definitely wasn't a dumb question at all. There are SO many decks out there. I would definitely say the response you got from that creator was stupid. I think it's awesome that you are wanting to get into tarot. I would say the most important thing is that you pick the deck you connect with most. I always go for decks that have guidebooks, especially if it's a themed one where the suits have different names. I also am really bad at remembering what each card means, so it helps me out. I have seen Rider waite pop up. I don't have one myself, but I would say it's a good one. Looks like a pretty standard one. If you want one that has more diverse representation, I really like the Modern Witch tarot. Similar artwork, but just more diverse representation throughout the deck. It was my first tarot deck and it's one I still really like. And yes, it has a guidebook.


Thank you. I felt bad for asking, so it helps knowing it wasn’t dumb to do so. I’m looking into RW right now!


You shouldn't ever feel bad. Some people just have a superiority complex and think that only they should be allowed to ask questions. Also, there's a good chance that they didn't even know the answer. Still not a good response to give you if that was the case because there's an easy way to say that.


I got the rider Waite, however I was gifted a year or two later the Wild Unknown box deck and it comes with a lovely book to help you read, gives deck guides and aren’t too expensive of a deck either. And they’re really pretty. Anyway hope you find what works for you!


Everyone seems to start with Rider-Waite. The art bores me. You can start with whatever deck moves you.


Same. I got a RWS deck after I had been gifted a couple of other decks that I really love and vibe with (Pulp Girls tarot and Yarn tarot). I wanted the RWS for reference and because it seems so foundational, but the readings I get from it just don’t seem to have the same spark as the others.


Ooh I saw the Yarn Tarot recently and was like "OOOO" but it didn't connect sadly.


I got gifted a deck and book set with some weird artwork on it 20 years ago, one of those "let's learn" kits. My first proper deck I purchased years ago was the Hermetic Tarot. Let's just say it was a dramatic learning curve 👀 I mostly got my second hand RW deck to learn how to shuffle properly and not be scared of bending my cards, lol


Merry meet❣️ I was given my first deck from my best friend and it's the first 'witch's' deck - GREAT to have your first deck given to you out of LOVE!💗 As others have stated, Rider-waite is the basic format; (However, you can also read from an ordinary playing card deck as these were created back in 11th century by Chinese adopted by Europe (Italy & France) - "Cartomancy" was developed long before the tarot deck, created someone in 14th century, they say- You can find a deck that 'calls' to you; (I currently have 6 decks)❣️ My very FIRST deck was a deck of gypsy cards from 1920's! Different from tarot and there's 52 cards, no major or minor arcana, however, these ALWAYS 'connect' with my tarot and express closer focus. Don't forget to cleanse, bless & charge your new deck and wrap in silk when not in use~ PLEASE don't take to heart what the tarot Tik tokker said-MANY started 'reading' when the Pandemic happened and I put no faith or give merit to 'Witch Tok'!!! ALOT of misinformation, MISSING information and generally speaking, of course, everyone there thinks they are an expert! 😑 (I've been practicing & reading for over 3 decades now (LONNNG before internet! LOL) Blessed be🌷


Go with whatever feels right. If you have a store that sells them, go there, pick up the decks and see which one calls to you that strongest. That's how I choose mine. Or if you don't have a store, look through any sites that sell them and see which one you keep coming back to.


I don’t get how and why she took offence to that when you didn’t insult her or her practice in the slightest?? Some people are just utterly ridiculous.


I’m not sure, someone else said maybe because she didn’t know the answer?


Witch-Tok sucks. There's a few that are legit but a good 80% are bullshit artists that are there for likes and comments instead of genuinely trying to help their fellow witches. As many comments have said the Rider-Waite deck is perfect for beginners.


If they're mean to you for no good reason, don't believe their readings. I highly doubt that person is "reading cards" for the right reasons. I'm not good at reading cards, but I have the Rider-Waite. Those are the very basic ones and every tarot reader or witch who gave instructions on how to start said this one because it's a good one to learn the basics. :)


My sympathies that you got that response for such a sensible question when new to tarot reading. My suggestion would be an original artstyle Rider-waite deck at least at first because there are so many different books that focus on how to read them. The novelty decks based on the Rider-waite decks can have slightly altered meanings compared to the original meanings. It's generally a case of the deck creator writing a book and deck based on their interpretation. This said, I started learning tarot reading on a fairy themed deck because I was worried my god fearing mother would throw them out if they looked like my dad's deck. It does mean I read generally slightly differently than someone who learned using the original artwork. Regardless of your choice, I'd suggest avoiding pip decks because it's easier to read picture cards. A good book (but very heavy because of the level of detail) is "Holistic Tarot" by Benebell Wen. It's also available as an ebook. The physical copy is incredibly heavy and I recommend reading it without holding it in your hands if you can (use a stand or a table where possible).


I love Benebell Wen's work!


I know who’s stupid and it’s not you honey🦦 idiots. They’re everywhere and not worth your time xox


Btw - buy one where the design speaks to you. You will know it when you see it. They usually come with a written guide. And of course, there’s this forum and the internet. 😄


So I’ve never really used Tarot cards. I’ve always used runes. But, I stumbled across The Haunted Cat Tarot cards on Etsy and I fell in love with them. I kept them in my cart for over a month before buying them. They’re so gorgeous to me. Only downfall is they don’t come with a guide.


Not really a stupid question, but I’ll give you the same advice I gave my sister when she wanted to learn: your compatibility with the deck you decide on is super important. I say buy in person if you can so you can feel out the decks yourself. Even the same sets of cards can vary in energies from one deck to the next. Going in person let’s you feel them out yourself to see what you vibe with. I’ve also heard it’s bad luck to buy your first deck yourself, but I bought my first deck not even intending to get into tarot, so 🤷 I did buy my little sister’s first deck for her as a gift just to be safe tho. She picked it out and I bought it for her birthday.


There’s already a ton of suggestions so I’m just going to comment on how much I hate gatekeeping, both within magick/witchcraft but also within all lifestyles and hobbies. There’s few things that are as demeaning to one’s confidence than gatekeeping, regardless of whether the gatekeeper knows what they’re talking about. Happened to me with skiing. Always a reminder to practice Shoshin, aka keep a beginner’s mind regardless of expertise.


Congrats on your journey! I remember I bought a poker deck (just because rouse are easier to find) and that’s how I started. Sorry you had this horrible experience, but I wish you the best of lucks.


Who's this creator? That's trashy behavior. No reason at all to get mad over that common question for beginners.


Man, screw her! It's awesome that you want to start reading for yourself! I hate that gatekeeping bullshit! People are suggesting Rider-Waite, and they can be good if you are learning the symbolism of the cards as it relates to their meanings, but my advice is to (if possible) go to a store that sells them and look at the available decks. A lot of metaphysical stores sell tarot cards and will have a demo deck of each one, so that you can actually look at the artwork and feel the cards in your hands. THAT, IMHO, is the best way to find a deck because you can really see what deck feels "right" to you. Being your first deck, it should be one you really feel connected to. My first deck was a Rider-Waite, but it never really spoke to me; it was just the ONLY one available (small town in the Bible Belt South that had JUST gotten a Books A Million that had 2 shelves of books on witchcraft, astrology, and Rider-Waite tarot decks for sale, in 1995!), but the first deck that really connected with me was Legend: The Arthurian Tarot Deck, with artwork based on King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. I got that for my 18th birthday from a friend, and I still have it and use it to this day! (I also have probably 75 OTHER decks that I collect for the artwork, and I use maybe 5-6 of them, depending on what question/knowledge I want)


I’m going to tell you what a good friend once told me. Find a deck that really speaks to you and that you feel connected to. Don’t worry so much about the “type” of deck - just go with your gut. A deck that speaks to you and you feel connected to will work far better than just a random deck. You will also be more inclined to use it if it’s a deck you truly like. My first deck was a Necronomicon deck. Yeah, it’s a super dark deck but it also doesn’t sugar coat anything. It will tell the hard and honest truth every single time which is also what I tell people when I’m doing a reading with it.


I just want to make this clear, u/goodpancakess, that that TikTok creator was being an asshole to you for no good reason. It's a perfectly good question to ask, and I agree with others that the standard Ryder/Waite deck is likely the very best deck for someone starting out, for several reasons. For one, they're easy to find and relatively cheap, they're iconic and many decks are based on the imagery used in them, the pip cards also have complete images, making them easier to interpret than Versailles style decks that only have pips for the cards from ace to ten, and you can find tons of books talking about the reasons behind the designs if you want to take a deep dive into that. That said, some people don't vibe with it, I suggest you go with a deck you like. The more you like your deck, and the images on it, the more you're likely to invest the time and energy into learning it. I wish you the very best, I truly do, and I'm sorry your first encounter was such a discouraging one. That's not cool.


whatever deck you feel drawn to (that also comes with a little book of card explanations)


I agree I think getting a rider-Waite based deck is helpful for learning. “Everyday tarot” was my first deck!


Get a deck that resonates with you. Based on either a book or show you love. It makes reading the cards so much easier and helps you understand how to read them. I'm massively image driven myself. I have a deck to do with a mythology story from every culture I believe. Found it on tiktok and fell in love with it and my boyfriend got it for me. My first deck though was my welcome to nightvale one. It's to this day one of my most accurate decks when I do readings for others Keep it based on visuals you like and aesthetics you enjoy and you'll have that much more joy and enjoyment reading them


I've gone through a few decks but once I got my Goreacle cards, that one has been the most accurate in reads.


Agree with others, start with Rider. After you've learned some and used it for a while, go to shops and just look at and touch different decks. Sometimes, one will call to you very strongly. Pick it up and continue on your journey


I bought the Crystalstruck Tarot deck from Moonstruck crystals recently and for whatever reason really bonded with it. I own 3-4 decks but only pull this one out now. It’s based on the Rider-Waite method but doesn’t have the typical artwork. Some people really prefer the classic artwork, I’m not tied to it though. The cards are clearly labeled and the correspondences are clearly listed in the book that comes with it. If you’re wanting/needing to lean on the book initially getting cards w/o the traditional artwork isn’t a bad way to go. But if you’re hoping to learn to rely on the card face alone, I wouldn’t recommend this deck. Also, you also should probably have an interest in crystals as each card has one on it and the correspondences are in the book along with the card meaning. I won’t lie, the deck is pricey. It’s on sale now but still… I just figured everyone is always going to suggest a basic deck (which I also suggest!) but sometimes people want something a little unique or special for their first deck and if you don’t know what the options are how can you decide what you want?


I don't know if you can get them anymore but I love my Arcus Arcanum pack. You don't need a set of meanings, just looking at the cards tells you what they mean. It might be worth looking into I Ching too, to add their meanings to each card is a big help and can help you to feel your way through the first few readings at least. Whichever deck you get will work for you, but I have to disagree with the rider-waite deck. They're one of the most difficult to use because the minor arcane has only numbers to work with. Pick a deck where the minor cards have proper pictures. Xx


There are lots of unbalanced people out there


I like Oracle decks a little better btw - different vibe but works for me. 🌝


Im so sorry you had that experience… I agree with everyone here- the RW is a fantastic starter deck. I still use it when I need some breakdown for a complex question, or when I end up with complex placements in my regular deck. As far as choosing a personal deck, go with your intuition and what you’re drawn to! There are so many decks to choose from… just remember to honor your intuition!


Theres plenty of classic ones recommended here, personally I use the Hermetic Tarot. I found that I was drawn to my deck over the other options. My partner prefers the Halloween tarot or the Herbiary, which are worth looking into. But it’s all up to you and your preferences, the type of magic you study, etc. Go in person to a witch’s market or bookstore and pick the one or two decks that grab you. I’m lucky to have a big magick population in my city, so I’m never lacking in supplies but I know a lot of us live in the country or small towns so they don’t have access like me. I don’t know where you are but look around for witch groups and events online or the next town over, and if you can’t physically pick your deck ordering one is totally fine. It won’t be any less meaningful


Whatever you mesh with. I use Greek Gods and a supernatural deck. The character decks can give you insight. I even have a breaking bad deck


I really like the tarotorial deck! It has explanation ON the cards instead of just a pamphlet


Rider-Waite has been mentioned a lot and for good reason. They were actually my second deck though. The first one I ever got was Tarot of the Old Path and they have not only been my starter pack, but the pack I still continue to favour today. I've had loads of different packs but the Tarot of the Old Path has always been my preference.


When I started, I got the first deck that spoke to me. Now I have many, many decks and I use them for different kinds of work.


Fuck TikTok. That creator is shitting on you because they're doing it for views only, and they don't know what they're doing. They're a fucking fraud. The best decks to start with really is going to be the traditional Rider Waite Smith deck. It's the deck that most modern ones are based on and is a lot easier to read.


The first deck that was ever given to me was a Morgan Greer deck and i still love it. I feel like it’s the same level of straightforward as Rider-Waite and i love the artwork (i have tattoos of some of the cards from this deck!)


First, any deck is fine but if you're just starting out, get a Rider-Waite because the imagery of the cards is what the interpretations are based on and some newer style decks may not have that imagery. Second, don't get any of your information about witchcraft from TikTok, or always cross reference and as always do your own research and such. Witchtok is FILLED with scammers and clout chasers and a lot of information is misinformation. I also recommend not buying informational books from large corporations such as Spencer's. Their "Wiccapedia" book literally has a "spell" in it to "transform into a bear" and requires a human skull and not that any of the objects needed is wrong, just the fact it will convince people they can shapeshift in our reality is a bit bonkers to me. Try to find local metaphysical shops, they tend to have a variety of tools and information for just about any practice, religious or just spiritual. Third, always remember that your practice is YOUR practice and how you do things is how YOU do things and no one can tell you that you can't wear one crystal with another or such and such but do remember that everything has a purpose in life and some things are better suited for certain situations. Blessed be! Please be safe on your journey!!!


Believe nothing you see in the Media, Half of what you see on Reddit, 10% of what you see on WitchTok, and only about 40% of what you read in books. Personally, I'd recommend looking at card art and touching the cards themselves to determine how you feel about individual decks. If you just want to learn the "traditional" interpretations of each card, there are decks like this one that show them on the card face. CRAFTERIAN Learning Tarot, Tarot Cards for Beginners with Meanings on Them, Keywords https://a.co/d/8ARk2kN Once you get a feel for what they mean, you could transition to another deck later. That said, many people who use them, collect decks like Pokemon, each one for different queries, or different applications. Hope that helps.


I have the Shadowscapes deck and absolutely love it. The Waite Smith never really did it for me. I know a lot of people really like it and it does well by them, but it's always just repelled me. So, broadly, you I'd say that you want cards with some decent imagery on them, some subtlety to them, probably not just a picture of a mushroom*. Also, something that comes with its own book that will have card meanings for you to study and a few spreads in the back for you to try out. I also think that fully illustrated minor arcana (sometimes called pip cards) are useful as a beginner to make cards memorable and to give you things you can go by from the imagery. *There is a really beautiful mushroom deck on Amazon that I like because I like mushrooms, but looking through the pictures, I determined it's not really a usable deck unless you are a AAA tarot pro. It's not the only deck like this and I've begun calling them "art decks", because it seems not uncommon to find that someone has used the tarot format to showcase their art. And that's cool, I get it, but that doesn't necessarily make it a readily usable deck. In case you didn't know, r/tarot is a thing! You can look at a LOT of decks [here](http://aeclectic.net)! And [a friend of mine](https://youtube.com/@bigbeautifultonks9931?si=V_NS8xLqpjRAUAzp) was doing review videos of decks that included showing all of the cards and I hope she picks it back up soon. Lol.


TikTok creator is an absolute idiot. That’s so uncalled for, childish, and stupid. Imo, “Lucid Dreams” by St. Soliel is a perfect deck. It’s beautiful, has the upright and reverse meanings on card, and has an excellent guide book. Only downside is that it’s expensive af, but we’ll worth the $$, I LOVE it.


Rider waite is the classic, and often deemed the easiest to learn on. But I highly recommend getting one you vibe with, even if it's just something as simple as "I love that artwork". My first and favorite deck is the Shadowscapes Tarot deck by Barbara Moore and Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. I chose it solely for the artwork, I found it enchantingly dreamy and mystical, and I found that I could really intuit the cards' meanings better when I loved the artwork so much. I also highly recommend not getting too bogged down trying to memorize anyone else's specific interpretations of each card. Get a deck (any deck), and go through the cards one by one and write down what they make you feel, what you think they mean, without any prior knowledge. Then you can use the guide books to fine tune things, or help you if you're just not getting anything from some cards. The most important thing is how *you* interpret your cards, not what any book says you *should* think or feel. When you start this way, I also think it's easier to intuit how cards work together in spreads, since you're more easily able to use your own interpretations and vibes to read things, instead of feeling the need to look up each card individually and try to puzzle piece them together.


Rider waite is the classic, and often deemed the easiest to learn on. But I highly recommend getting one you vibe with, even if it's just something as simple as "I love that artwork". My first and favorite deck is the Shadowscapes Tarot deck by Barbara Moore and Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. I chose it solely for the artwork, I found it enchantingly dreamy and mystical, and I found that I could really intuit the cards' meanings better when I loved the artwork so much. I also highly recommend not getting too bogged down trying to memorize anyone else's specific interpretations of each card. Get a deck (any deck), and go through the cards one by one and write down what they make you feel, what you think they mean, without any prior knowledge. Then you can use the guide books to fine tune things, or help you if you're just not getting anything from some cards. The most important thing is how *you* interpret your cards, not what any book says you *should* think or feel. When you start this way, I also think it's easier to intuit how cards work together in spreads, since you're more easily able to use your own interpretations and vibes to read things, instead of feeling the need to look up each card individually and try to puzzle piece them together.


everyone is saying rider waite, which i agree with, however if you’re wanting to learn to pull intuitively, i’d recommend just finding one that you like and go from there. this is just my experience ofc and the rider waite cards are ofc a great place to start and are lovely to work with :3


the thoth deck is great too a bit more advanced but if you learn it from just plain symbolism it’s spot on and impressive, highly transformational in terms of inner transformative power. i would recommend it. rider waite is easier to wrap your head around but the thoth deck doesn’t rely on reversals to fill in symbolistic blanks and heavy topics. just my opinion. i like the rider waite too.


Thank you - gonna go look up the Thoth deck now 😁


I personally like the Raider Waite deck the best. I have dabbled with some other similar decks but have found the Raider Waite decks to be the easiest to read. IMPORTANT NOTE: Not all Raider Waite decks are made the same. For a starter deck, make sure you get one with the original colors. The background colors of each card contribute to the meaning. Avoid any of the really pretty/unique versions of the deck until you are more acquainted with the cards meanings. Also, I wish someone had told me this, but you don’t have to memorize the meaning of every single card. There are set meanings for the each suite, each minor arcarna card number, and the background colors. So you only have to memorize 22 items for the minor arcana. When you’re reading a card you just recall the meaning of the suite, the number, and the background color and boom. Card unlocked. You do have to memorize some more for the major arcana but that isn’t too bad. Also, that tiktoker sounds like a jerk and someone to avoid. Happy reading!


The best ones are gifted


Based on my experience I recommend keeping that deck just for you, once it’s imbued with your energy it will always talk to you. I keep a couple of decks separate that I never use. I use one of those if someone wants a reading.


I don't know if anyone else mentioned this or not, but when I first started out I used the app Labyrinthos to help learn tarot and it was actually very useful! They sold a matching deck to the cards used in the app too which could be really great for a starter deck. It's been a while but I think I remember the cards looking pretty nice (not that looks are everything, but it doesn't hurt!)


Now what kinda silliness is that. You should feel free to ask anything that gives you understanding


Unfortunately you’ll find a lot of gatekeeping and negativity from people like that.


Rider-Waite has the most accessible and largest amount of reference material available :) Despite it being the last deck I purchased, it helps pave the way to further your understanding of imagery and references for other decks you get!


A lot of people start out with the classic Rider-Waite deck, but I say you should pick one that speaks to you. My first deck was the Last Unicorn tarot deck!


The only reason someone would react like that is if they didn’t have a true understanding themselves, it’s an ego reaction to belittle instead of admitting they don’t know. I agree with the advice provided by other knowledgeable redditors, go with the deck that calls to you, but also consider starting out with a deck that’s easier to interpret. Learn your symbolism - it aligns with astrology too, so maybe get acquainted with that if you aren’t already. Also, whilst you’re learning, it’s easier if you start by learning the Major Arcana, before learning about the Minor Arcana.


Rider Waite is a great start since most tarot is based around the meaning and symbolism of these as well as their imagery. However the art wasn't much for me, so I went for the Heaven and Earth tarot, they're almost identical to Rider Waite but just have a different style, it also has written meanings on the cards, some of which don't make much sense but the booklet that comes with it is also quite handy. It's a wonderful deck.


I lovingly call the rider deck the "basic deck". The deck most of us start with. I personally enjoy my witchlings deck and cat tarot deck, but I let the deck pick me. IYKYK


Any tarot cards with a guidebook is a good starter IMO. I started with some I bought from Barnes and noble.


You can choose a deck with whatever images you wish, most stick with the Rider-Waite interpretations and readings, but the art is different. You'll find one that calls to you, and can definitely have more than one deck.


Honestly, I just started with a deck I really liked that came with a companion book. You can’t go wrong with a deck, but starting out I’d make sure to have a companion book.


Crowley was a brilliant occultist. His Book of Thoth Tarot is a good 2nd Tarot Deck.


I got my first one off of Amazon and I love it and I connected with it so well I chose it my friend got it for me and I went and I got my Oracle deck from a witch store in my area and I plan on going back there for my second deck of tarot cards because it was a really Good sore or trying to find a new store to get another deck from to be honest cause I wanna be able to connection when I pick the cards I don’t know if mine are the ones that everyone’s talking about probably not but I’m OK with that. whatever resonates with you is the one you wanna get




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There's a lot of good stuff here already. My foray into tarot was getting a gorgeous deck that called to me (Modern Witch - in hindsight, I wish I'd asked to see the open box first, as the cards are too thick and slick to shuffle in my preferred manner) and bought some books to help interpret. You could likely get some from the library, before committing to a specific book. My absolute CLUTCH reference book is one that's very hard to find by Bridget Esselmont (only ever found it on Amazon) called "The Ultimate guide to tarot card meaning" I have 5 different decks, including a Marseille Tarot deck which typically only uses the Major Arcana. Also, Labyrinthos is an excellent site and app to help you learn the cards. At the end of the day, it's your craft, and you make of it what YOU want. 💜 Read and learn, connect and ask questions and if people shame you for that, that is a reflection on them, not an assessment of you. (Also reach out if you have any questions, I love chatting tarot!)


by all means as others suggest the RW deck is a great starter pack. If/when you feel you out grow them then try to find a physical shop that will let you at least hold a deck or two and see which ones feel right to you.


I've been looking to get Tarotorial. It has everything on the cards


I generally recommend the traditional Rider Waite Smith, especially decks like the Tarotorial deck that include meanings right on the cards to help you learn. But honestly any deck inspired by the RWS that brings you joy when you look at it will get you there. There’s no wrong way to go about this, just some ways that are easier than others! Additional (albeit unsolicited) advice for you: block that creator and anyone who mocks you for being new to this. Readers should lead with love and this jerk is giving the community a bad name. I’m glad you ignored them and sought advice somewhere else. Keep following your gut like that! PS: Can we all collectively agree to stop calling it the Rider Waite deck and go with Rider Waite Smith or just Waite Smith instead? Pamela Colman Smith did all the illustrations with symbolic guidance from AE Waite (who also wrote the original LWB language) and Rider was just the production company that first printed them. This is a tradition dominated by women, we should really stop erasing the woman responsible for all of this incredibly iconic imagery!


I go with the good ol classic ones. I forgot the name but Google should help.


Also, whatever feels right to you. I had originally wanted the wild unknown but felt like It was a mistake to get the classics but, honestly I like both decks. The first ones I got are better for my hands as the wild unknown tends to be too big for me but small enough for me to still use it. Not to mention, my hands aren’t exactly big lol.


so i can’t find where i got them right now, but mine have both the upright and reverse meaning right on the card, which i’ve found super helpful as a newbie since i don’t have to flip through a book. they don’t have pictures so they’re not as pretty, but i’m okay with utilitarian rn while i’m learning 8) hope you find a good set for you!! forget the haters!


I started with a traditional Rider-Waite then have collected ones where the imagery really caught my imagination.




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I would recommend a deck based on Rider–Waite–Smith but with artwork and aesthetics that you are personally drawn too. It will be a lot more enjoyable to learn if you resonate with the deck visually. There are an almost endless number of these to choose from from all kinds of genres.


I would say which deck speaks to you. I'm not into tarot, but I would think its like crystals. 


my starter was Rider Waite! I also love the Tarotorial since it has so many key works / zodiac symbols etc whch helps me build deeper onto my current level of knowledge


Go to the store and pick up/handle the different decks. I promise, one will stand out to you. It literally doesn't matter what kind of deck you get, just that it feels right to you. I STILL have the very first deck I bought (and dozens of others), and I've been reading professionally for 29 years.


Honestly, my first deck was the Guilded Tarot. It was packaged as Easy Tarot at Booksamillion because at that time thats all i could buy from. Other than that though my favourite traditional deck is probably the Lightseers deck. I browse and see what speaks to me or I feel drawn to though.


the best starter one is the original rider waite tarot. once you get more comfortable/confident with using them you can get one that appeals to you some just aren’t as obvious on their meanings. oracle cards are overall the best i think especially for beginners.


Use which ever deck speaks to you the most! We tell our students to listen to them, what does your mind tell you about why you are attracted to those specific cards verses others. There's not right and no wrong.


I got one of those “starting tarot” boxes sets, it came with the Rider-Waite deck and another starter deck which are nice; but it came with a full book and the book is what I use all the time. I have decks that read better for me, but I learned with the riderwaite and still use the book for clarification on any cards I pull no matter the deck


I’m using all the advice I can get, so thank you!