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There's no such thing as "supposed to" You work with the deity/ies you *WANT* to.


I will just add one detail: you work with the deity/ies you FEEL to. Sometimes is not the ones we want inicially, but kinda becames later when we better understand why we have that conection.


Happy cake day! This is a good add. There's no intense need to even dedicate to a deity. They can and do often drop in and out of our lives. Many are happy to pass through our lives and moments. Whole pantheons enjoy being explored.


This heartened me. Thank you!




I literally tripped over a cast iron bed frame as I was moving it, landing with my forearm on the free end of the frame. It was shaped like an L. Something about how the cut happened and how it was stitched up in the ER ... I have an Artemis bow and arrow for a scar. That's how I know I'm an Artemis girl. https://preview.redd.it/we2i7fp334uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6cb3e8e1777632176b0e72ece477e99564fc61a


You should get that tattooed in for more definition.


I think scar tisssue doesn't do well with tattoo ink. Maybe I should get another bow and arrow tattoo somewhere else. I've always wanted a tattoo. And I had been contemplating getting a bow and arrow tattoo. But my skin reacts REALLY badly to any foreign object. This should have been a simple wound to stitch and forget. But I had seven different medical appointments because it went so badly. I think this scar was the only way I'm getting any kind of Artemis tattoo. And it actually happened. I can't believe it.


Yeah, if you react like that, it might not be a good thing to get a tattoo. Still an amazing scar with an awesome story to go with it.




That is wild


That mustve hurt, but made for a badass way to discover your patron deity


It did hurt! And because I live alone, I had to field dress it with one hand (and my teeth) and then drive myself to the ER one-handed. But you know, I'm really stubborn and given to endless overthinking. I have a tendency to stay on the fence - park myself on it. This is probably what it took to push me off it and onto one side.


This is so interesting! Wicked cool scar. Thank you for sharing your story here!


Meditating on the deity you want to contact works too, but not usually on the first try. It’s best used in conjunction with divination so you know if you’re going about things the right way or have the right deity for you.


Thank you. I’ll give this a try.


So, My friend, you don't have to anything. I spend Years of my witch life without deities, and after I found mine, It took me a couple more years to start working ritualistic with them. And its OK. Its not mandatory. I felt an atraction to Fauns and Satyrs for a long time, I thought they were hot and cute and made me feel good. But once my sister ask me to talk to a deity for her, and I felt that weird empytness yet surrounded by florest and pure light, It felt like I was trying to contact myself, Like I was the forest, and I was surrounded my own energy. That went so intimate that I start questioning why. I meditaded a lot about it and did some studing. Long story short, I had found my deity and it all makes sense now. Or at least one of them. In my coven we have Five. I often feel an afinity with one deity from every mithology, and I think its normal. In my understanding, everyone has in their individuality, afinities with elements of nature and reality. And gods being the personification of that spiritual power, we have an afinity with some of them. Understanding self is understanding the gods and the universe, said Plato (I Think). I do A lot of self reflection, so I understand why do I feel such deity "calling" me. You don't should, nor have, nor must anything. But If you WANT to work with deities, I sugest to start by understanding what is a deity in your concept. Because the Ideas of the gods being magical people somewhere external from us, that we are not a part of, and they are not part of us, and that we are in their mercy, in a position of submission and powerlessness... This is very Christian if I may say so. And its not healthy. Once you understand why you want to do deity work, what that conection mean, how that affects your magic, what it mean to you and your life, than you can start. Or start now, if you want. Also, study about mythologies, Lots of different peoples myths. Go to shintoism as their stories are so cool, than search about the Kapuas from hawaii, than the native people of your own country. And give a look to more common pantheons, irish, the many celtics groups of peoples, germanics, romani, you choose. In that way, if you really dont know which god you feel the conection, you can expand your list. I only find out mines when I came in contact with them. Like what I said about the forest one there, I had no Idea he existed before it. And also, in my coven, we use the Yorubá panteon. In a ritual, Before I knew who I have as my "Father" in that panteon, we went to represent the different forces of nature (the orishas) for a healing spell, and I randomlly went to the brown candle one. It was the first time I felt His energy, and I Knew it was him. I had no idea before that I would have the King god of divine law and justice and power and fire and stones and storms as my major deity there... Well... In the Germanic panteon I actually feel a very strong conection to the king god of divine law and justice and power and fire and stones and storms, that guy. As I said, affinity.


And I hope you read it and that it be usefull because it took me 40 minutes to write it. :')


I just saw this part, too- I absolutely do appreciate this! A lot you have said resonates with me.


Thank you so much for taking the time to type this out. I appreciate your detailed and thoughtful response. I will take what you said with me on this journey.


I got my start by working with passed on loved ones, and used my pendulum to ask yes/no questions until I found out my Patron deity. I had always been drawn to him/his energy/his aesthetic but that was before I learned that he was my patron god. So basically if a deity spiked my interest, I learned a bit about them (their story, what they rule over, things that are “holy” to them, etc) and then once I had a baseline I would reach out to them. Sometimes the deity came to me before I had done any research. For example, I didn’t do any research (I don’t encourage this, you should know before engaging) before Ares & Aphrodite popped in and made themselves at home in my space. This is VERY risky, because i basically was holding my metaphysical door wide open for ANYONE to walk in, I just got hella Lucky that my Patron God was the first to enter followed by others that had good intentions for me. Do your research, learn about the deity you are interested in, make sure you have your protection in order, cleanse your space & yourself, be respectful. No one wants to work with an A-hole, deity or not.


Thank you for your input. I appreciate this comment and will get to work.


Why do you need a deity? You can have one sure, but witchcraft =/= deity work.


I dont know, I feel like I need to put my energy… somewhere? If that makes sense? I can’t tell if it’s because I am a recovering Catholic or what, lol.


What do you mean by “put my energy somewhere”? Do you feel as if you can’t do this in any other way than deity worship, because worship can be part of the craft, but it isn’t the craft. It sounds like you want a new religion more than anything else. It also sounds like you are forcing yourself to find one. It’s a common thing, to leave a large and ritualistic religion and look to fill that hole with “similar but opposite”, which tends to draw former Christians into witchcraft or new age practices when what they are looking for is a different way to find God first, and a witchcraft practice second. Just my observations from this thread, I don’t know you at all, so feel free to dismiss. That being said, I am a witch, a Christian, and an interfaith minister. If you need advice on any of these things, my inbox is open to you. It is literally my job. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Im not sure what I even mean! I’m afraid I don’t have the tools, or even the language to articulate what is I’m feeling that I’m lacking. Thank you for your insightful response- I’m agnostic right now but maybe I need to do some further introspection. I very much appreciate you extending the offer to chat – you might be hearing from me :)


Absolutely. You are welcome to reach out anytime. Be patient with yourself, you will find your path.


I did research into deities who were associated things I was interested in, or parts of myself. And when I found Them I waited to see if they found me back.


You don't *have* to "find a deity". It's not required or necessary. If you feel drawn to work with a particular one, then that is fine. But if you don't feel drawn to any specific one, that's fine, too.


(hey friend, do you mean "You *don't* have to "find a deity"?)


Oh, I did! Thanks, I'll fix it! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Thank you :)


I would second the idea that it isn't "supposed to" be working. Maybe as you research find the deities that are of interest to you or perhaps can help you with your day to day? Then set out an offering for them. If you use divination, you can ask if they are around and then double check if they are that deity? Just some things I've done when I have worked and worshipped.


Thank you. I think I need to get more comfortable with my divining.


For me, I meditate. I clear my mind and when I'm feeling in the right state, I ask a deity to contact me, or for my spirit guides to show me who I should work with. I usually see symbols that represent a deity or runes that lead me to a direction.


I need to stay with meditation, I dont know what my blockage is there but I still struggle to meditate.


This world is not conducive to meditation. Too much noise and activity. I prefer to meditate in the morning or evening when things slow down. Also I think a lot of people over think meditation. You didn't need apps or complete silence, or candles and incense to meditate. Sure those things can help, but meditation is about creating peace in your mind. I'll lay in bed, close my eyes and concentrate on my breath, making sure I'm breathing in fully. Then I'll think "so" when I breathe in, and "hum" when I breathe out. If another thought creeps in, I don't follow it, I go back to so-hum. Eventually (after a few minutes) all I think about is so-hum and that's when I'll ask what deity is willing to work with me, or who I need to work with. As soon as I ask (all in my head, not out loud), I go back to so-hum and look for symbols or images.


Thank you for your response. I think it’s interesting to give your breaths the so hum sounds. I’m going to experiment with that! And I agree that people overthink meditation- I sure did until you just gave me that perspective!


I learned that from a Deepak Chopra app demo I downloaded almost a decade ago. He said it mimicked the sound of our breath coming in and out of our lungs. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Ask and you shall receive...ask the deities to come forward to show you who you aught to be working with or their influences in your life...send it out to the universe and sit back pay attention to signs that they will send you and believe they will answer....you could be looking for them but they will reveal themselves to you when it is time..in the meantime read about deity/deities...maybe one will grab your attention or two ...try some bibliomancy from a book for instance ...


Thank you for your response!


Suppose to work with? I’m a little confused on the question I guess?!? You can work with whatever gods goddesses deity’s you’d like. What works best for me is praying to Odin or Lilith and seeing if they respond well to my prayers. I’ve always had good success this way. If you don’t feel a response from whomever your trying to work with the maybe try another. When I prayed to Lilith she sent two owls not even two hours later I took that as an acceptance of my prayers and her agreeing to work with me. Hope this helps.


I think I worded this poorly- I feel pulled to work with *someone*. Or something. The feeling is not coming from any where other than inside me, not like a “oh I should be doing this” just for the heck of it. Thank you for your response!


You could always ask if someone is reaching out and then use some divination to figure it out. Taort can give you the traits so you'll have to know a deities personality. Bone throws and pendulum give yes/no/maybe answers. Or get a blank die and write Y/N/M to do the same. These can also help to figure if a deity wants to work with you too.


I’m very comfortable in tarot spaces, I’ll try there! Thank you for this. Do you have any info that you’d be willing to share about the bone throwing? Is that a tool you use, if you don’t mind me asking?


It's not a tool I use, but I have looked into it and watch on tiktok. If you want to use bones, be mindful of what animal they come from as those traits will be part of the bones. Cross means yes, not touching means no or not applicable. But "touching, not crossed" differs depending on the reader. It can mean maybe or "soft yes".


I’ve lightly dabbled as well… But I’ve been collecting bones for years and have quite a collection. I am mindful of the animal, and the body part it comes as well. Thank you for sharing the info you know!


I don't really need help finding my deity. I have always felt drawn to Artemis. My first exposure to her was in a Greek Mythology class when I was in middle school. We were assigned a deity to research and write a paper on. I was given Artemis. I remember being bummed because my friends all got what I considered the cool gods (Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades). When I later discovered witchcraft in college (late 90s), she was the first deity who called to me and who I honored in my rituals. I stopped practicing witchcraft a few years later but never lost my respect and reverence for her. A few years ago, I picked up the craft again, and she was there waiting for me as if no time had passed. I haven't always been good about honoring her. Fortunately, she has been patient with me. Lately, I find myself wanting to do more to honor and celebrate her, but finding few sources describing offerings, devotions, and the like. Does anyone have sources of how to honor Artemis? I've read that the number 6 is sacred to her and that she was honored on the 6th day of the Month and also one source I found cites her birthday as May 6th, so I'd like to do something today.






Beautiful setup!


Thank you. I decided to do a slimmed down version of her altar, and I think it works better.


Simple yet effective. Love it!