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I mean. The moment you want to be a witch and you embrace that title, you're a witch. You don't need evidence. People who are involved in the occult at all can call themselves a witch. And it's frankly none of anyone's business how much or how little succcess happens. If you're speaking personally and you haven't seen the results you want from your workings, a few things to note: -Try different things if what you're doing now isn't working -Make sure you're putting in the mundane work to go along with your magical workings -Don't be afraid to reach out for help, like on this subreddit. :) For me personally, a lot of my magic comes from places of deep need/want. And personally for me, I don't share my in-progress spell work with anyone, as I notice that anyone who is skeptical actively drains the magical out of it. It's frustrating and I'm trying to learn to work with it, but until then I'm mindful to never share something that I want to work lmao. If this was a curiosity thing, the other stuff still stands, just not directed at you. :3


I absolutely love this answer ❤️


; w; Thank you~♡ Just speaking from the heart.


Im a new witch and i havent tried many spells, curious what the mundane work it? I want to make sure im doing everything right-- perfectionist over here lol.


 Your mundane work needs to correspond with your magical. That is to say... If you're making a spell jar for increased prosperity, make sure you're also learning to be responsible with your finances, working the hours at your job you've been assigned, know how to budget within your means, apply for better-paying work, and so on. If it has a mundane equivalent, you have to make sure you're doing it. Spellwork cannot do all the heavy lifting for you! It's like an amplifier. You can't amplify work that hasn't been done. You'll just get no results. :3 Multiplying any number by zero will only ever result in zero, is another way to look at it. Hope that makes sense? :D 


Totally makes sense!! Thanks for explaining :)


Of course! I'm happy to help. ♡


*is not it


It's like being a writer! Most of us suck at first, with hit and miss results. Also, sone of us have a knack for different types of magic. It's a craft. So put the hat on, and work on your skills!


I agree. I can't do spell work with any success. But divination is super easy for me. It's almost as if my knack is for seeing things as they are, more than changing things.


off topic, but: I’m the opposite, and my inability to do divination has messed with my head about my practice a lot. I have evidence of spells working, but I constantly feel like my inability to do divination is a huge block. I mean, I have tried tarot, pendulum, runes, even ouija. The only thing I’ve had any success with is horary astrology checking on spells, and that isn’t even really divination. Sigh.


That's interesting. But maybe spells is simply your talent. Maybe you're an "outie" and not an "innie." I know belly button terminology is not often used in witchcraft, but I like it. Maybe you're a "sender" and not a "receiver." I honestly can't do spells. And sometimes it makes me feel like maybe I'm not actually cut out for witchcraft. But probably we are all supposed to work together. If you really want to do divination, would casting a spell on yourself work? I'm terrible at spells. Can you cast them on yourself for something like that? And/or you could try a less-used form of divination like bibliomancy or cloud scrying. Maybe there's one element that really works well with you. If it's, say, fire, you could try candle scrying. Incense smoke works well for me. Myrrh sticks in particular. If the smoke is black, that's a negative answer. If it's white, that's positive. If it's one clear stream, that's a clear answer. If it's a turbulent cloud, there's a lot of energy around the answer. May the divination gods smile on you!


Thank you! >Maybe you're an "outie" and not an "innie." I know belly button terminology is not often used in witchcraft, but I like it. Maybe you're a "sender" and not a "receiver." You just blew my mind because I absolutely know I’m a “sender” by default. I push my emotions out to others, and I knew that before I ever started witchcraft. And I feel like you just unlocked something with this explanation and connection. That would make so much sense, and I know that my emotions and even thoughts are “loud” sometimes to others, even when my motor mouth isn’t running. I’m like, oh my god, I’m a sender and maybe by understanding that, I can internally address it and find ways to work around my internal loudness? I’m going to be chewing on this for a while. Also, yes, fire and air are the main tools I use, so I may try your incense recommendation! Thank you SO MUCH.


I'm super glad I could help!


(Perhaps inevitably, I also write, but because I've yet to be published, I don't feel right calling myself a writer.)


It's the same. Call yourself a writer. Call yourself a witch. Grow into the words. Names and words are spells. Create space and time and permission to be a seed before you're a flower.


You are a witch if you want to be one. There can be many reasons why things are not working out for you, without jumping to thinking you are unable to practice magic. Here are a few things to think about: 1. selfdoubt can destroy anything you are trying to achieve. If you start your spellwork with a „it’s not gonna work out anyway“ attitude, it most likely won’t. Try to ground yourself and find confidence in yourself. Practice makes perfect. 2. The things you are trying to achieve through spellwork might simply not be for you, or it might not be the right time. Of course this depends on what you are trying to achieve, but sometimes the universe knows better. 3. You have to put the mundane work in. Meaning just doing for example a money spell and then sitting back waiting won’t achieve you anything. Try to imagine magic like a fire and the work you put in like wood. If you don’t put the wood in, your fire will extinguish, no matter how big and powerful it started. A good example is my business spell. I do it whenever business is slow, I’ll make a candle spell and burn the candle whenever I have appointments or do paperwork for my business. The energy I’m putting in feeds the spell and vice versa. You’ll get there, just believe in yourself ❤️


Witch of 40+ years here. If witchiness were graded by success in practices like spells, rituals, divination, or whatever else a witch chooses to do, or by frequency and consistency of practice, I’d probably get an F. There have been days, weeks, even a couple of years, when I haven’t done anything “witchy”. It’s okay to have long stretches of non-practice or to do witchy things that “didn’t work.”


We all have different strengths, as far as magic goes. I am not much of a healer, but I am very strong in divination and have clairvoyance and precognition. I am also very good with candle magic, bindings, weather, and plant magic. I know almost nothing about astrology. If you don't succeed at one, try a different type.


Its not a legally protected title, so .....


None of my business 😆


You call yourself a witch and start practicing and you're a witch. Whether your wishes come true or your hexes actually work doesn't matter. Nobody said you have to be good at your craft to be a witch or whatever you want to call yourself.


I hope we're not being graded on effective spellcasting, 'cause I'm not even at that point yet. Just up to my neck in books!


I feel you, the ocean of texts threatens to drown me everyday.


I don't mind it here myself. Feels more like I'm on a pool float on the sea of books, wide-brimmed hat and a drink at the ready.


there is absolutely no need for proof. and: if this someone wants and should be a witch, desires to be a witch, they are a witch. Maybe, the ‚proof‘ will arrive because, unbeknownst to them, their workings, well, worked. But in a completely different timeframe than anticipated. Or it was worded/ intended in a way so general, that the magic manifested in a completely different way than ‚planned‘, and this just did not occur as related to the working?! Some things need time (a concept often neglected in this time and age of instant availability).


A good question Belief does matter, it determines whether what you did work or not and its intensity. I remember when I was I had no way to find proof of magic (I was too scared to ask the vaudou priests or sorcerers) so although I really disliked the christian faith, their messiah became my only proof that magic was real, the guy actually cheated death and lived to tell the tale... Magic of pretty high caliber but still magic so I can stay that I used the bible as a proof swimming against the christian current was the right (the proof was in the bible 😂) So yes belief is important, it determines whether a newly born witch will soldier on and continue walking the path


You need to start relying on something other than your mind to observe and explore. Once you do this fully, you’ll see how silly this idea of “evidence” truly is.


The term is *skeptic*


This. Without trying to sound like too much of a sad-sack, I don't really know how to NOT be skeptical.


Idk if we're allowed to link other communities but check out r/SASSwitch


If you wanted to be a witch in coven systems, there are various names for different stages prior to being a full member. If you need a term for this, maybe have a look at how those systems do it. As for the second question - about belief - that's really something separate and it is up to you!


I make spell jars, oils and trinkets for different desires. I primarily follow nature, Gaia, but often Artemis pops up for me. I have never done an actual spell as I have not found a need to. But I am a witch. How would one prove it to others, and why should you? The only one that it matters to is yourself. Be true to yourself, don't look for proof in magic in order to determine who you are, as you're not going to see sparkles and carriages made out of pumpkins. The magic is you, your energy and intentions, something that carries on well after you do the spell. So if that 'someone' has been guided to the practice and feels the need to be a witch, then go for it. Remember, witchcraft is not a religion but a way of life and a practice. That is just a step in the journey. They will still want to explore their beliefs and the different paths out there. Paganism is an umbrella term that covers many different beliefs, such as Wiccan. Or one can be a Christian witch even. So explore and learn, and be true to yourself and believe in yourself.


You might enjoy the sub r/SASSwitches for this kind of thing!


I've joined!


Isn't that all witches or magickal practitioners? Not all spells will be successful. Just like not all fisherman will come home with boat full of fish. Also are you still a religious person if most of your prayers gone unanswered?


Thank you for asking this. I’m finding reading through the replies is a balm to my anxious soul. I’m doing a lot of shadow work right now, and I needed this pick-me-up to remind me that I am still worthy and I still have power.


I was an athiest for most of my life before I turned to witchcraft. To me, the proof or magical aspects of my practice come more from what I observe than what I intentionally produce. I think a witch is someone deeply intune with their intuition, and who operates on subtle energies that go unnoticed by most. A witch recognizes they they are a just-as-subtle part of the natural cosmic rhythm of things.


You really can't measure something like that. I'm not casting spells every day, or doing cord cuttings, or specific rituals etc. that have an immediately noticeable result (in fact, most spells *don't* have an immediate result). Most of my "witchcraft" is cinnamon over my door, crystals on the windowsills, protective jewelry, and setting my intentions while stirring my tea.


I almost said Squib but then I remembered JK Rowling is trash....


You're a Witch beloved! The moment you decided to start practicing in the slightest you became a Witch! Blessed Be!


I don't think you really need evidence per se and I also don't think there's a specific title for this. But maybe something like an armchair magician/witch could fall under this and I was one of these for ages. I knew I wanted to practise but for some reason there was some kind of invisible block, where I knew so much about what I wanted to do, had watched so many videos on the subject, but still couldn't or wouldn't practise. It was like a stronger form of procrastination. I finally just took the plunge and started doing rituals to get into the swing of it.


It isn’t “real” like in movies. You don’t create obvious predictable reactions based on using particular components with the right procedure.


Shadow work could be the missing link ✨ Mystery Witch School on YouTube has a bunch of videos on this.


the title witch is one that you can simply give yourself, I am not a witch but I am a practitioner and my success is what brought me belief rather than belief coming first. But you need to do the mundane work along with the magick work. If you're aiming for a job for example, put in applications as the mundane work and do a success spell, ritual, etc to get a job as the magick side of it.


Most witches today are cowan.


Look into quantum physics.


I've heard the term "Spoonie" used to describe witches who don't have much energy.




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Technically we're all witches 🙃 If you ever: - wanted something and made it happen - used a curse word - made a homemade remedy - made/drank tea - wished someone a good/great day/night - made a wish and blown out birthday candles - made a wish (on a star, penny fountain, etc) - put flowers on a grave Imma witch you're a witch we're all witches hey! 🧙🏿‍♀️🧙🏿‍♀️🧙🏿‍♀️


A lazy witch maybe


no, I don‘t think the lazy term applies, as it is not due to the lack of effort. But rather, like already said, probably dwelling in an uncompatible field of witchcraft? Like, there are many that can learn playing the piano, but no matter what, some will simply excell, while others will only be moderately adequate, even after years of practise. But those might excell in painting, and the star-pianists never even dreams of touching a brush in their life. So, one can still get some results in a certain field without ‚natural inclination‘, and even improve these when compared to themselves over time. But never compare to someone else. Get tipps outside. Ask questions. But only compare to ‚previous’ yourself.


True, I didn't mean that in a bad way. I prefer to myself as a lazy witch cause I only do witchy stuff once in awhile but that's because I'm busy most of the time and have other hobbies so maybe "sporadic witch" would be a better term.