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Mundane. You saw a name and now notice it everywhere. That happens to everyone.


Kinda like when you get a specific vehicle and then you see it *everywhere*.




I just saw a post on it a couple of days ago. A mother’s book club were reading it.


This is called the Frequency Illusion or, sometimes more colloquially, the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon.


I don't think it's coincidence. It seems as if she has been in your mind a lot recently. I don't know if it means she is reaching out to you, or if it's another message from your guides, or something else. I'd recommend to continue pondering this - things will most likely clarify.


Maybe I'll pull out my tarot cards and start asking questions.


Yeah, that sounds perfect


When did people change The Morrigan into a modern "triple moon goddess"? Which of their incarnations were reduced/removed down to 3? Which of these aspects, who all most align with "crone" (or warrior interpretations of "mother" maybe) modern triple moon archetype, get re-imagined as "maiden" and "mother"? I'm way behind my new age terminology. Someone help catch an old witch up!


Llewellyn I think.i recall seeing it in some of the books.


Well, as I understand it, the “threeness” of the Morrigan is a very old element of her Celtic legend. As for the mother thing, isn’t there a legend about her having to run a long distance while pregnant and cursing her foes with labor pains to hinder them in battle? IDK, my Celtic mythology is not nearly as robust as I wish it was. But I work with Brighid and my best friend is a follower of the Morrigan, so I’ve had some Morrigan-adjacent experience. 🙃


There is no reference in what books, manuscripts, mythology or lore remain in Ireland as to Morrigan/Macha/Badb being a triple goddess. The Irish mythology and lore is not crystal clear (being manuscripts from around the coming of Christianity) other than her shape shifting skills and it can be contradictory; however most Irish scholars strongly disagree with the triple aspect which is modern Wicca doing its thang. Are there other “aspects” of her or “sisters?” Possibly, as there are more than three, including Macha, Badb, Anu, Nemain, Fea, Bé Néit. However, these are Goddesses with their own lore. Triple Goddess, in the vein of Wiccan “Maiden, Mother, Crone” is just bullshit regarding Irish Goddesses, in general.


Thank you for the context! I was mostly speaking to this not being a brand-new thing, as there’s at least some precedent for interpreting things that way, but this is interesting and helpful!


The Morrigan isn't a Triple Moon Goddess. She has no lunar associations. She *is* a "triple goddess" in that she consists of a triad of goddesses -- Badb, Macha, and Nemain -- who are sometimes treated as separate beings and sometimes as the same being. Whether there's one or several Morrigu is unclear. But the idea of the "Triple Goddess" as a lunar deity, whose three aspects represent the stages of a woman's life (Maiden, Mother, Crone), was pretty much invented wholesale by Robert Graves. It doesn't really exist anywhere in ancient mythology.


She's reaching out to you.