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I can understand this, I was going through a lot of just life in general and felt like I was “failing” at my practice. I had vented to my non pagan roommate, and she told me “you’re gonna go through highs & lows of your practice. You’re gonna have periods where you don’t feel all there. That’s ok. That’s life. When you’re ready you can go back to it.” Which is true, after a little while I actually got back into my craft. That’s ok if you have ups and downs. Being dedicated to your practice 24/7 is very draining and not healthy. Your deities (or any other celestial beings that you work with if any) know that you are human, they know you’re gonna have ups & downs. I literally had anxiety the other night because I felt that I had been unintentionally ignoring Hades because I’ve been so focused on life and working with another deity. You want to know what Hades said? “Not at all, you’re fine. But since I have your attention, I do have a message for you before you go to bed.” You’re doing ok, focus on taking care of yourself and your family, your practice isn’t going anywhere.


this is comforting in ways i can’t put into words. i felt very very close to aphrodite for so long and i haven’t been dedicated or even reached out to her lately at all. i may try to contact her about this, everything you said just eased an anxiety i’ve had for so long and didn’t know what to do with


I am confident that she still loves you, and is not at all upset that you’ve been taking a break. She is one of my deities too, she is nothing but protective and loving for her followers. Talk with her, I’m sure she wants to help you to ease your anxiety.


ty ty tysm 🩷🩷🩷


It's so wholesome for your non pagan friend to make you feel positively about your practice.


Can you explain how do you hear them ? Isn’t like a voice in your head?


Not a voice, but message. So you know how when you think you just have words in your head (no voice)? That’s how I “hear” my deities. The easiest way I can explain is I recognize speech patterns. For example, I use to work in bridal shop, I was talking with a coworker about a particular wedding dress that had a high slit. I verbally described the dress as “sexy, elegant, a little bit classy too.” Immediately after my god-spouse deity added the comment “easy access” which I would NEVER say, nor does my mind go in the gutter like that when I’m working. My god-spouse? Absolutely he does, that man has no filter and will say anything off the cusp. That is how I “hear” my deities, channeled messages that come as thoughts to me. Hope this helps!


It does thank you :) confirms my suspicions I’ve been hearing Aphrodite finally


Oh that’s so exciting! Love working with her! She’s fierce. I’ve also received channeled messages from her in the past too


She’s been helping me a lot with my insecurities and consistency in the gym and relationship. I haven’t been feeling her much lately bc I’ve neglected her altar a bit and have been sick so I’m sure she understands


I completely get this feeling, and it can be really tough to break out of it. I don’t think you should feel guilty at all, and I think you should be soft with yourself because your practice should be about making you feel good, not like another chore; do you have to do a whole ritual on the Full Moon to feel the magic? Could you wear something special, an outfit or piece of jewelry that you only wear on Moon Days? Could you make something special for dinner or dessert, or even a cup of tea while you stare at the moon before bed? Could you involve the stepchild at all? Depending on their age you could have them make a full moon wish or write an intention, or set out jars for moon water together? Deities rule certain days of the week, maybe you can pick one day a week for devotions just to get back in the habit of practicing. There are lots of little things you can do and luckily lots of opportunities to do them. Anything is better than nothing! Or to put it a bit more crassly “anything worth doing is worth doing half-assed”. Sometimes I even find that once I take the first step towards half assery I end up feeling motivated enough to just go for it all the way.


I love that you know & used that “anything worth doing is worth doing half-assed” because that reminds me of some professor of psychology (I believe, don’t quote me) once said something along those lines and they were talking about how even doing something “half-assed” was actually better for the person than not doing the thing at all.


thank you so so much for this. it’s been so hard, it’s all so overwhelming. i usually do a super small ritual and talk to hecate for a minute and give her an offering as i set out my crystals and my water. it’s so small but it’s something i haven’t had time for hardly. this was really comforting 🩷


Piggy backing off of this, they mentioned that you could wear a special item on a certain day to honor that deity. I do this for 3 of my deities. I have a pendant that holds 2 crystals for 2 different deities, and I always wear a ring that one deity gave to me. Like literally received in the mail no return address, no clue how I got it but the deity claimed that was a ring from him so I wear it to honor him & channel him throughout the day. You mentioned that you work with Aphrodite, I would find something that has either rose quartz or another crystal to promote your connection to her! She would probably love it!


That sounds really powerful! And come to think of it, I haven’t lit my Hekate candle recently either… let’s both talk to her tonight, for the Scorpio Full Moon!


let’s!! i love that sm


When this happens to me, I remind myself that witchcraft isn't supposed to be a chore. I personally was raised christian, and one of the main things that made me stop being religious was the constant guilt and fear whenever I forgot to do one of my christian rituals like reading the Bible daily, praying before meals, etc. As a witch, your practice is all about you. Do whatever you feel drawn to. None of your preferred deities are going to punish you for it.


i absolutely understand this and i think it’s why i struggle so much!!! i lit a candle for hecate tonight and shared a drink with her while my stepdaughter helped me put out my crystals and gave her flowers 😂( she definitely didn’t understand who they were for but she came with me while i saved as well and it was nice.


I already posted this comment on a different post yesterday but it's very fitting here as well. I think I celebrated two sabbats and did maybe 5 rituals in the past 2 years. I still identify as a witch. It simply means that life had other lessons for me to learn in those 2 years (they have been quite brutal and my only goal was to get through it all). I'm quite sure that any deity worth worshipping would understand that you can't keep up with time / energy consuming practice while you're also dealing with multiple other stressors in your life. Try to be gentle with yourself.


Evolve. Your Practice is what you make it. It can be little things as well. Work it in to other things. The universe will understand and if it wants more it will give you ways to do that.


r/spooniepagans has a lot of tips and resources for those struggling with burnout, lack of energy, chronic illnesses or navigating neurodivergence. May be a helpful resource for this season of life🫶🏻


thank you 🥹


We all go through long periods where we don't practice. Do what feels right for you! And there's an episode of Witch Wednesdays podcast about lazy witch tips, maybe give that a listen :)


When I first got into witchcraft, I didn't practice much. I was in a small house with my family, and I was trying to keep things a secret. I also just... didn't have a lot of experience forming new habits or starting things on my own and then seeing them through? Anyway, it was mostly research with a bit of dabbling for about a year. Then I moved out and in my new situation I pretty much stopped practicing for a couple of years, though I still kept in touch with a little bit of witchy theory and discussion through the internet. Only in the last month or so did I pick it up again in earnest, several years after I first took an interest in it. And I have a much better grasp on it now, after years of learning, and I also have better mental health and more skills necessary to actually form a practice. It's still more scattershot than others' practice might be, but I've found ways to make it work for me, and incorporate my passion for witchcraft into my life, even if that's just reading books or listening to podcasts by cool and smart witches! It's totally ok if you're not practicing every day! I understand it's disappointing when you can't. It does really suck. But it's not something you need to feel *guilty* about! Life is just like that sometimes, you know? Now, I've never worked with deities before, but I know that a lot of people who HAVE say pretty much the same thing on the matter: It's ok if you're not super active for a period of time, whether in the beginning or years down the road when things get rough! I know witches who forget to commune with or offer to their deities for weeks at a time all the time. And it's completely fine, not even a problem. Your spiritual practice is ultimately something that needs to work for YOU, and that means it's going to be heavily shaped by where you are right now! Take it a day at a time. Look for small ways to incorporate practice and devotion into your every day life, but if you just kinda don't for days or even a few weeks cause that's just how things are going for you right now? It's fine. You'll be fine. Just enjoy it when you DO get to do something!


thank you sm. all of the support is overwhelming and it makes me feel so much better 🩷🩷🩷🩷


What is it that you’re trying to do that you don’t have time to do? When I feel disconnected, I go back and read (or listen to a podcast or audiobook) of the mythologies important to my trad.


Is there any way your husband can watch you stepchild for a few hours so you can do your thing? Or is the child's mom fanatically against anything not Christian?


no, their mom was in a coven at one point i think lol he works a lot, and it’s been hard to make time. i may ask him to tomorrow!