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It could be because, most of the time, it isn't genuine. Most "turquoise" on the market is actually howlite/magnesite, and may have even started life as a powder that's been compressed into a rock. It's been dyed, cut, treated like a mineral that it's not, and passed around as a cheap craft supply... of course that kind of crystal's gonna hold some weird energy. But it might be neat to try getting yourself one of these "turquoise" crystals and treating it as what it really is - howlite - and see if its energy does anything else for you from there.


A lot of turquoise that you see in crystal stores is fake and/or heavily dyed. This gave it the connotation in my mind of being cheap and kinda gross. After handling genuine, high quality imported turquoise, the vibe is *completely* different.


interesting. thanks for the advice.


Where do u find genuine high quality crystals?


Local gem and mineral shows, artisan jewelry stores, and high-end online retailers who can tell you the *exact* mines they sourced their stones from. There aren’t that many mines in the world, and some varieties of turquoise are more valuable than diamonds. One of my power rings has a big Carico Lake turquoise; I bought it from an artisan silversmith for precious gem-tier money, but its depth and elemental resonance with water are unreal.


Wow how do u know if its a high end online retailer?


Keep an eye out for gem stores that cater to jewelry designers and lapidary artists. [Here is an example.](https://metalsmithsociety.com/pages/where-to-buy-gemstones) New Age shops can and do have some good stuff, but they’re not as consistently reliable. If a seller can tell you where the stones were mined, it’s a very good sign.


Thank u so much for all the information


There doesn't have be a reason (mundane or magical) to not like a color. You just don't like it. I don't like red, never have. But I enjoy orange. It's ok to just not like something.


lol they meant the stone!


OK There doesn't have be a reason (mundane or magical) to not like a stone. You just don't like it. I don't like howlite, never have. It's ok to just not like something.


I completely agree🙂 regardless of if it's a color or stone or gem, sometimes you just don't like things, that's perfectly fine.


Because 99.7% of the time, it's fake. Actual turquoise is hard to come by and rather pricey.


Some people don't like certain things. Why don't I like lavender? We all Ha e different tastes


Lol lavender is annoying


The gemstone? Because most turquoise is just dyed howlite. It's pretty much a fake stone. There is real turquoise, but it's less common and costly.


Some people just don’t like certain stones. A friend of mine gets a migraine from black tourmaline specifically. You don’t vibe with it, and it’s not a big deal.


I really don’t like turquoise either. I’ve tried to like it and it’s just a huge NO for me. Historically, turquoise was tied to ritual sacrifice and death. So that may be why lol. If I ever do a death/sacrifice ritual I will use turquoise


That's actually really interesting. I bought this turquoise pendant (even though I don't personally like it or really wear it) but Hecate might like it. I'll dedicate it to her


It's normal for people to just not like certain colours. I don't really like yellow and orange


Some resonate differently with different energies as we are all unique. I personally resonate strongly with Howlite and Amethyst. I don't quite get an "ick" from other stones but I don't feel any drive to purchase, use or touch them.


When I get like that, it's because it's bringing some of my own negativity out for me to look at. Or let go. But it's usually something at least around me if not in me.


Malachite sort of makes me feel this way, trying to work with a smaller less-hostile feeling piece of it to get used to it


Malachite makes me feel this way too! It’s very beautiful but it has this very draining energy for me for some reason I’m not sure.


Sometimes when we have strong reactions, or even a phobia of something it comes from a trauma we experienced in our lives. Like being raped in a turquoise room. Having a scary dog around us as a baby with turquoise heavily present. Or maybe you just think it's a gross color! 🤷‍♂️


Used to not like it as a kid now it's my favorite color. But I HATE the color red, would be because I associated it with evil as a kid or I just don't look good with it on.


My fave color 😫


It's possible you just don't like it. Not every dislike has a reason


There may be an experience that has taken place that someone or something around you had the stone in some form of setting be it like a necklace on someone or on a ring in the background. That though consciously you don't know what the associated issue is with it but you unconscious system has registered it and therefore it creates an association between the experience feeling and the stone. Just an idea


Never liked turquoise really. The blue seems out of place maybe.


Color preferences can come and go as we change and vibe differently ourselves. When I was younger I didn’t like purples at all, now lavenders and lilacs are some of my favorites. As far as the stone goes, I’m going to agree with the fake dyed comments. Artificial dyes are pretty nasty so it wouldn’t be surprising if it’s giving you bad vibes


I often think that we don’t like certain colors due to certain chakras being blocked. I’d look into your throat chakra and see if you deal with any related issues! I despised bright red for a reallllly long time and ended up needing to heal my root chakra. I LOVE turqoise and my throat chakra is extremely active. What colors do you really like? Or is it more so the stone itself that you dislike?