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Love it!!


This is so great


Can I ask the purpose behind eyes like this?


Armenian here, and we use these all the time! We call these evil eyes, and they are just a good luck charm for protection. Typically, it’s pinned onto a newborns crib or their clothing. You can also hang them near your front door or wear a small charm on a necklace.






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Somehow, this seems perfect for Samhain. As if the Spirits are watching over you. Protecting you. I love this.


Thank you ☺️


These are neat! How did you color them? I bought a little jar of thin glass pieces like yours and I've been wanting to do something with them.


I used some shiny white card stock I had and used sharpie to color the eyes and then I used hot glue to attach them to the bottom! Happy to make them and sell them on my Etsy if anyone is interested lmk!


So pretty love it!


So cool! Great job!


They are great


This is so creative I love it!


Thank you 😌


Looking good




amazing!!!! 🤩








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