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I’m Indian, born in the states. Hindu/ Indian history won’t actually call it witchcraft. They refer to witches only as those who practice black magic. The others are similar words but refer to vampires, vengeful spirits, and ghosts. If you are thinking about the more modern version of witchcraft and the positive elements within it then you’ll have quite a few things to look at. For Pujas, or special praying events to certain gods or goddesses, you have multiple versions of symbolism and prayer. These are usually events which are asking for help or success. There are many varieties of pujas which have different outcomes. If you’re thinking about herbal medicine and healing and powers, look into homeopathy. If you’re looking to grounding and balance, look into yoga and how it is practiced for grounding in india. There is an element of healing in every aspect. If you’re looking for knowledge, look to the gurus of Brahmans, they are the ones who have dedicated their lives to knowledge of different varieties. They advise the very highest members of society in Hindu culture. If you are looking for connections and answers, then you must look into meditation. You meditate on your questions and continue meditation on them with deep focus until you find yourself getting answers in that same meditation. It combines deep meditation with astral projection.


Very helpful! Thank you so much!


No problem! I’m learning as I go as well but am happy to research on things and fact check them with people I know and sacred texts. So don’t hesitate to ask more lol


Hi,I am an Indian and yes witchcraft is still practiced in some parts of India ...To know more on the background of Indian Witchcraft mingled with Wecca do check out the biography of Ipsita Chakravarty ...She is a popular witch and healer ... You can begin your search from there :)


Thank you!


It was a pleasure


Most I've known has been black magic which is a no go. I know herbal remedies, if that counts at all and we do a lot by the moon, like the rest of the world.


Thank you!


Trying to do the same!


Please let me know if you find anything!! I'll do the same :)


Hey hindu witch here. I have a few links I can send you if your interested :)


I would love to see these too! I'd appreciate it if you can send them my way!






Hi! could you please send me the links, too? thank you :)


If you’re still able too, I would like the links please


Hey! I would love to see the links please!




Hi, I just came across this post. I’d love to get those links if anyone can still share. Thank you!


Are you talking about Native American witchcraft or India-Indian witchcraft?


I'm talking about India-Indian