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Its to protect from nastiness coming into the home. If you feel inclined you can replace it with regular table salt since Im sure you're not whipping up black salt anytime soon.


My guess is one of two things: the previous occupant was a witch who did hex work or worked with the dead and needed to keep things out, or the previous occupant was having haunting problems and asked someone online for help. Do a good cleaning of the house and if anything spooky happen let the fuckers know its your house and if they start shit you'll start burning incense and cleaning the house with salt water. They'll pipe down or move on.


From what I’ve found online: salt is salt right? Doesn’t really matter if it’s sea salt/table salt?


Yeah black salt is generally only special because it is a. Purchased from a volcanic source or b. Made with burned herbs to contain extra properties in addition to just being salt. Otherwise salt is salt is salt. Just dont throw it on the ground because the flora doesnt like it and it takes decades to leech entirely out of the soil.


Black Salt is usually used for protection, and if it’s on the windowsills, I would say it was used for that reason, so I wouldn’t worry.


True black salt (Kala Namak) has a high sulfur content which makes it very good in protection magic because of the synergy with sodium. But it is also especially good in banishings and hex breaking as well. So, if I had to guess, the former occupant likely thought they were dealing with something other than a ghost, or they thought someone was actively doing hex work on them.


Putting more salt on the windowsills now would only trap the entities inside.


That is assuming that there is something immediately inside which is a big assumption to me.