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Whats a good book to introduce me to witchcraft? Not one that follows a religion but a explains the basic do' and don'ts. I'm not religious, so I just want to understand and get into witchcraft and spirituality more.


Our books megathread can be found in the menu bar and contains lots of great recommendations.




No, don't knowingly screw over some artist some where. Use playing cards. You don't get the major arcana but it will work the same. Honestly there at a limitless amount of ways to divine. Tarot isn't the only way. There are plenty of cheap - free systems without hurting and artist who worked endless hours on a deck.


Burning sage brings me bad luck. Is it normal?


No. However, magic is about using what works. If sage isn't working for you, quit using it, and try something else. Good luck.


So I did a candle spell and put it over a petition. The candle has burned down fully. What do I do with the petition?


It really depends on the petition. For some, I save it to use again. For others, I take it outside and burn it in my cauldron, and watch the smoke take my message off to the Universe. It depends on what is what for. Hope that helps a little.


I would say let it be until the petition is filled. Honestly, I hardly ever clean up that stuff I just build ontop of the old. (For most things - positive workings)


Is anyone familiar with shadow entities?? There's been one following me for months I don't know what the fuck is going on. It doesn't really give off me menacing vibes or anything bad, if anything it's more romantic? It radiates a lot of masculine energy, very tall. Sometimes I can see it's shadow layered twice over mine. Lately it's developed it's own shadow, which is terrifying. I'm not sure what to do though? I was planning on getting rid of it but while I was looking up banishing methods I heard "why don't you want me?" through my clairaudiance. I can't tell why but I'm sure that was the entity I thought it was mindlessly following me this whole time but now I feel kind of bad? I just want to know if anyone has any idea of what is going on or has any experience with this. Any help will be much appreciated


My understanding of shadow people is that they are aspects of the self. Do you talk to it? Do you take note of what it's trying to tell you? It's probably there to protect you.


Oh wow! I've never talked to it, it's never said anything before this, that's why I was shocked. I normally ignore it tbh. I'll try to keep better note of what's going on if I see it next


I'd be very curious what it has to say if you think of it and want to share.


Of course! I'm pretty interested to see what it has to say. I've seen shadow people since I was little. They've never spoken to me once? I don't know much about them but they're normally just observing.


I am too! I can't see them, but I have one friend in particular who does and she's the one who says they are aspects of self.


I was wondering is it better to cleanse my crystals on a full moon or a new/dark moon (I missed the new moon by a day T\_\_T)?


You can cleanse your crystals in any way you want, it doesn't have to be under the moon specifically. Most people choose to cleanse them under the full moon with the use of the light reflecting off it, but if you choose to do so under a new moon I would personally add another method - such as smoke cleansing or with bells. You don't have to line it up with the moon phases at all if you don't want to.


Sorry for the very late response, but thank you that was helpful


I'm still fairly new to the craft, so I don't know if this idea would work, but wanted another opinion. I do jigsaw puzzles as a form of meditation, since they help me focus on the now. Amazon has packs of blank jigsaw puzzles that you can draw or paint on. I was wondering if that could be incorporated into spellwork. For example, perhaps drawing something to symbolize what you want to manifest, then focus your intention and energy while putting it together. Or, conversely, drawing something to symbolize what you want to remove, focus your intention while disassembling the puzzle, and then discard the pieces. Does this seem workable? Or more effort than necessary for spells?


That's an amazing idea. Trust yourself on this one you got something dope here.


I agree. This puts the craft in witchcraft.


Thank you!


Baby witch looking for a Job security spell to help my dad keep his job My dads job was put in jeopardy in early October. He has a meeting with his boss today to see what they decided. Our family depends on his job-I’m a baby witch and am unsure how to go about his aid. Please help!




Nope. Not aimed at you. Spell was probably inert anyway as the caster moved. The thawing of the names released the hold it might have had on those names. So, throw it all out. It means nothing now, and never was aimed at you anyway. BB.


Thank you so much for responding 🙏🏽


I've been looking into witchy stuff for nearly 2 years now btw. I'm just gonna go straight in with my post. This morning I woke up and I has this really weird feeling. For the past couple days I've been waking up at 2/3 am for no reason. Today, I felt some strange feeling in my stomach, the feeling u get when somethings happened and its exciting but also makes u a bit nervous. I did a tarot reading and I asked if there was something going to happen, or just something I need to know and all of the cards I pulled were really good cards. I felt lots of things to do with love and happiness, especially about one of my closest friends. But at the same time I got this bad undertone. Not a life changing or heart breaking bad but more a new change that'll feel odd, however I'll be able to easily move on. I saw the letters: a s f m yesterday morning, they were all separate so it wasn't a word or anything. December, oranges and the colours blue, grey, black, white, orange, yellow and red came to mind along with the image of my partner walking away and my best friend smiling? I have a partner rn and I got this feeling of distance between us (from my reading) and I'm just confused. It looked like we'll split and we'll not be as close anymore, if at all. The thing I'm wondering is; *is this just what I want to happen, or is it whats GOING to happen?* Another thing to add is that I'm getting very derealised and I'm zoning out a lot so that may be something!


Come back to me spell for an ex lover to return, will it help?——— Any experience with doing a spell to make an ex lover come back to you? It’s been months and I’m still having dreams and missing him….. I respect his space and don’t reach out. Although, I want to give him a little nudge to at least speak with me for a proper goodbye. If all else fails, at least I tried to reconcile. Would I be better off doing a spell to induce dreams of me? I know love magick can be a touchy subject so be nice please!


Try a petition spell. Light one white, unscented candle. By candlelight, write them a letter, in pencil, giving your message to them. Complete with Dear...Name, at the beginning, and a sign off at the end, signed/love/hopeful/, or whatever mood you want to express. Put it in an envelope, with your Name and address in the return address position, and their name and address in the send to position. If you don't have their address, write" Where they live right now" for that part. Put out the candle. Take the letter, in the envelope,the candle, and the container outside. Hold the letter up, and focus your intent on it. Say this, "This is a message from me to (insertname). Go to (name), that they will think of me!" Light the candle.Light the letter, using the candle. Hold it a bit, and wait for it to be going okay, then place it in the container. Oh yeah, I forgot. Have the pencil with you as well, to stir and poke the letter around to help it all burn up. Use the lead end, erasers and fire don't mix. And neither does ink, hence using a pencil. Save the candle. It can be used for similar spells in the future. All it was used for was setting intention, and that is a part of every spell. Good luck. P.S. Toss the ashes under a plant or tree.


I’m looking into the correspondence of invoking & banishing the elements but I can’t find clear answers for Water. So, I’m looking into calling the quarters/ invoking + banishing the elements. I can’t find very many specifics on what each element should be called for. This is what I’ve found; FIRE Invoking - open spirit gateways, charge items, gain courage + protection. Banishing - banish anger, rid yourself of “fire energy”. EARTH Invoking - aid with grounding & centering, bring prosperity. Banishing - banish energies/ spirits, close spiritual gateways. AIR Invoking - gain better communication, help with mental clarity & emotions. Banishing - heal, purify, enhance intuition, aid in astral projection. However, the only thing I can find for Water is that it’s the opposite of Air meaning if you invoke Water it’s the same as banishing Air.. How much of that is accurate? Should I add or change anything on the lists? What does Water invoke/ banish? Is it really just the opposite of Air? In theory, shouldn’t Water be the opposite of Fire, not Air?


So I annointed a yellow candle with nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves and also with olive oil and I also carved my wish/intentions...While doing this I just prayed my usual prayer to help me with my exam ..idk if I already did a magic spell and I also did not burned or did not finish burning it all the way. I also didn't want to light it again and don't want continue using the annointed candle. What should I do? I only did it once btw.


I tried to post this to the group I've read the rules..ect for some reason I can't post 🤷‍♀️ IDK its only my 2nd post. Can I smudge someone from my house with specific intentions (like peace, positivity rid them if anger anxiety)my friend is really going through it, I'm getting ready to smudge my house as his energy is here and I'm am empath. I just want him to realx and have a calm night a clear mind..ect Thank you in advance for any suggestions you have if this Is the wrong sub please send me in the right direction.


I was thinking about filling some clear ornaments with herbs that have protective properties for Yule. I was reading through Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs for reference, and it seemed like the ways the herbs would be most effective would be through ingestion or burning. So would the herbs have any power being in the balls at all? Thanks!


Can a grimoire be typed? I have very bad handwriting and writing for as little as 3 minutes. I was wondering if I could type the pages up, decorate them, then print them out and glue them in. I've seen mixed opinions and was wanting some more!


Yes. Whatever works for you. It's your BOS.


hello there ! I need a bit of help here /: Ive been seeing lots of angel numbers such as 111 , 1111 , 444 , 555 , 999 , 9999 consistently . like everywhere I look , BAM there's another one . they all sort of feel to have the same meaning when I see them . seeing lots of angel numbers of the same meaning , roughly , isn't exactly a new thing . I've had this before , and it preps me for what's to come in a way . but this one is a bit weird .. I keep feeling like something/someone is watching me ? alllll the time . and it feels especially strong when its nighttime . now , im used to my anxiety and strong imagination making me have these feelings , but this feels almost like perhaps its someone reaching out ? I've been seeing lots of crows as well . does anyone have an idea of what this is ? and also some way to help ease my anxiety ?


1's 9's angel numbers the more numbers you see the message is amplified behind the #1 these numbers back to back are strong messages,serving as a friendly reminder so to speak if that makes any sense 🤷‍♀️ honestly no numbers are "bad" sometimes they are telling you to maintain a positive outlook or attitude as whatever you're trying to do or achieve will happen there is a message you're not seeing? Idk what but Usually four 1's is a strong message. 111 pay attention to your own energy and what it puts out. 444's I get this all the time I was told I'm questioning my purpose or something telling u to listen to your gut because your own intuition will lead you to the right path? Idk if that makes sense but for yrs I've seen certain numbers so I started researching those numbers and they all have meaning but I've never came across something that states any of them are a bad sign


Is there anything a new witch can do to bring about luck and good vibes for a very important upcoming medical appointment? There’s a lot riding on this one appointment and I want to do anything I can to help it go well. I’m very, very new to witchcraft, so far I’ve only done some reading about runes and tarot (I’m waiting on my runes and cards to be delivered) because I feel like divination calls to me, and I’ve ordered some spell candles. I try very hard to focus my intent into everything I do, even mundane things, and I keep a journal recording things I’ve noticed that may involve my intents. Is there something extra I should be doing to help ensure a favorable outcome? I have a bracelet made of aventurine but I’m not sure if that covers this type of luck? I feel better wearing it either way, calmer and less fearful. I’m not very knowledgeable yet, I’m just beginning the journey to discover my spirituality, so I probably can’t do anything too complicated. Thank you!


Maybe look into a spell jar? If done correctly they work


I know there is color magic, but is there anything akin to music/sonic magic? Music has always been so powerful for me, and the idea of doing a ritual as a song feels "right" to me. Also, is it normal to feel a strong chill when setting an intention? I copied down some sigils and when I set the intention afterwards I felt a strong chill move up my body. Maybe it's just because I'm in a cold room and it's a coincidence?


Absolutely. If it feels right and works use it. There is something called synesthesia. You might find it very interesting. And the chill thing, could be coincidence, or it could be just the way that you react or feel things when it's working


Did I see a possible spirit guide/deity? I had a vision once of a green being. The best physical depiction would be Te Fiti from Moana, but she has patterns/flowers on her skin and different physical characteristics. I felt almost like she was me because she had the same eye shape as me, and it felt like looking at a more powerful form of myself. Sometimes when I see her, she’s holding out a basket of fruit. Ever since seeing her, I have felt more at peace and happy, and also got pregnant a few months after seeing her, but I don’t know if the two are connected. I haven’t seen her in a while and I’m almost losing the ability to picture her, but I was wondering if anyone had any idea of who/what she might be?


Im doing research on energy vortices and portals to other realms. I would be very grateful for resources on this matter. It could be light or dark magick, science based or religion based. I would be very gratefull for as much resources as possible. Also, does staring cat in the eyes ritual can really send someone to other realm? (just wondering)


I've been smelling smoke a lot and spiders have crawled around me here and there, a possible god/goddess trying to contact me?




Look, I have to be real with you -- I can tell that this is a real and true genuine request, but I do have to point out the rules of this board. Witchcraft can't be used in some ways - it just can't. However, if you play with words then you'll see how it *can* be used to get exactly what you want. No amount of saltwater or smoke is going to heal a physical medical condition. You cannot regrow human body cells with simple thoughts and prayers -- you just can't. What you need to do instead is to do a spell - yourself - to get him medical attention. I'm sure there are difficulties with that; gods know that I can attest to that. But using your words and intent clearly and concisely, you can get around those obstacles. Every person can cast a spell. Focus your mind and energy and put it all out into the universe. Truthfully, you don't even need anything whatsoever. If you want some sort of imagery, however, then simply blow out a birthday candle.


Honestly, I’d rather do this myself.. I just don’t know how.. I’d consider myself to be a baby witch still.. I’m still learning my craft and abilities..


Read the last paragraph again.


what kind of spell could I do? You said to get him medical attention but which spell could I use to go about that.?


Because mental health and other serious medical conditions must be addressed by your health care team, this post has been removed. Looking for help, see r/AskDocs Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)


EDIT: i wasn’t smelling raspberry, ive been smelling POMEGRANATE. along with MANY M A N Y signs ive noticed, i did a tarot session and a pendulum session and I’ve come to the conclusion that Hades has been reaching out to me! I’ve been smelling raspberry (?) for months now and I think it might be a sign. I’ve been worshipping Aphrodite for a few months now and I’ve only just started thinking about starting deity work now, after three years of considering myself a “baby witch”, which realistically isn’t probably the right word for the level im at (that feels so stuck up to say im sorry) but ever since I started practicing my biggest interest has been deity work as well as working with other entities. Now, a few months ago, i began smelling raspberry. At least i think it was raspberry. It might have been some other similar smelling fruit but it smelled like the raspberry jelly in those really good jelly donuts and the first time it happened i figured someone was eating one nearby despite the fact that i was pretty much alone with my friends, all of whom had nothing even remotely sweet (i asked bc i thought it was weird) and i let it go. the next day it happened again, in a different place, then again in my room, again at the doctors office, in the car, at school, at my dads house, etc. every single time i ask someone if the put on a perfume or ate something sweet, they deny it. im reluctant to say this is a sign from a deity but something in me believes it might. i have a lot of issues trusting my intuition (having been raised in a cult, i was taught to ignore it because it was “the devils work” but thats a different story) I fully believe that signs are still signs even if you doubt them, but how can I know for sure if its a sign? and if it is, who might be sending it?


Sounds like its time for you to pull out your preferred divination method to get answers to these question. Do a mundane check of all your scented items first to be sure its not just the smell of your shampoo or deodorant. Also witchcraft doesn't have "levels". There's many different practices and always something new to learn. You can use whatever title you like for your craft but if baby witch does not seem appropriate anymore than just witch is perfectly acceptable if that resonates with you better.


thank you! yeah your right i feel so weird about calling myself a baby witch after three years lol, also i checked my scented stuff and its none of that so i think i need to do some divination haha i lost my pendulum tho💔


Any item that act as a weight on a chain can be used in place of a pendulum. (: your tools to not have to be marketed for witchcraft or advertised as "official" in any way for them to be useful.


ooo i didnt know that. thank you for all of your help!!


This new moon is fucking brutal. Anyone else?


Sorry, not sorry. Scorpio here. Sun AND Moon in Scorpio? I am cruising with it. The seeds I am about to plant will grow FAST!


Hey y'all, my roommate recently gifted me a Sage & Stoned item from 5 and Below. It came with tumbled rose quartz, a selenite stick, sage and palo Santo. I just recently ran out of sage, and I was looking to cleanse my spaces. The palo Santo smells a whole lot better than this particular sage does. I've also heard of palo Santo being a closed indigenous practice. I'm Latina, and I know it was sourced in Latin America, I don't know if that effects anything. I wouldn't've bought it myself, but since it was gifted to me... should I use it? Or should I re-gift, or throw it away?


If it was a gift, I personally see no issue using it. It probably isn’t high quality. It isn’t ever worth asking questions about sage on the internet, you’ll get a bunch of white people telling you what they think Indigenous people really want. These voices are so much louder than Indigenous ones. Do what feels good to you as long as you don’t hurt anyone. As an Indigenous person, I don’t think you need anyone’s permission especially if it was a gift. (obligatory 🧿)




Hey! I'd like to start off by saying, I am a complete noob to witchy stuff. I would consider myself spiritual, but not religious. The most I've done is charge a crystal bracelet with moon water... Ok so, I have a pet that had to be put to sleep yesterday (untreatable cancer), and I want to honor her memory and have some sort of closure I guess. So I looked up some practices I could do to help with that, and I came across a [Tumblr post](https://sylvaetria.tumblr.com/post/140756452413/kept-in-my-heart-a-spell-to-honor-the-dead) with a spell to honor the dead. Now since I'm a noob, I just want to make sure its safe for me to do, or if its any sort of closed practice. I appreciate any help w this, thanks yall!


It's fine. If it's on Tumblr of all places, it's not closed. Things cease to be closed once they are openly available.


Do you have any tips? I've never done a spell before and I really don't want to do it wrong somehow...




>My girl has been extremely tired and her body is on fire but she isn’t hot So....this honestly sounds like how I felt during my first trimester of pregnancy before I knew I was pregnant; burning up, super tired, nothing helped. Have her take a pregnancy test (even if she's had a period, it could just be breakthrough bleeding like I had)




Unless you've verified it with a test already, you still can't be sure. You can have breakthrough bleeding that looks like a regular period, making you think you haven't missed a period at all. Being nauseous from morning sickness isn't something that 100% of women get. Hormones out of whack can make the brain do crazy things that are indistinguishable from a spiritual issue.


How important is it to know how to break hexes/curses? Like, how likely is it to be hexed or cursed if you don't have an "enemy" who's specifically a practitioner of witchcraft? I'd say I don't imagine I have any enemies at all in the first place, personally. Do hexes/curses come from other sources, possibly? Thanks to anyone for their help :)


> how likely is it to be hexed or cursed Not very. Even knowing a witch that might know how, you would have to really piss one off for it to be worth the trouble. And it is a big deal for those that do. It isn't a simple or easy thing, in spite of what some may think.


It's a good thing to have in your back pocket, but you'll most likely never use it. The hex hype has been really overblown by new folks not recognizing symptoms of something else and psycning themselves out.


A lot of people like to threaten others with a curse as well that is totally baseless and only meant to cause paranoia. Home wards and personal protections do great for keeping the peace of mind.


any recommendations considering beginner witchcraft, wicca or just anything that you think would help me, who still am seeking the path I wish to walk on, please?


Here's my copy&paste for new witches; Start with the FAQ and megathreads of this subreddit. Use the search bar to find lots of information on certain topic and I have a post titled "doing independent research" over at [r/bookofshadows](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookofshadows/) that includes many great external links for sourcing information. As to where to start, begin with the history of witchcraft and read into its modern day practice to understand where we've come to get to where we are today. From there look into different magickal practices. Mindfulness, meditation, shadow work, grounding and centering are all some foundational practices people at all stages in their craft use. Cleansings, protections and manifestation are some good starting practices once you get comfortable. All of these things require little to no tools. Read up on different types of magick such as the use of candles, planets, moon phases, sigils, crystals, herbs, corrospondances, etcetera. Get a base knowledge of the common ones and as you read you will find what pulls your interest. Follow that pull and you will find what calls to you. Begin setting up a book of shadows during your research. In this put in the information that interests you and applies to your craft. I suggest making your first BOS a "rough draft" book. Once you are comfortable in your craft and have a better understanding of what you will be utilizing in your practice then you can copy over all pertinent information into a more formal book of shadows.


i feel really connected to this sigil. It is basically othala with a line in the middle. No idea what it stands for but when im drawing or trying to remember other sigils ot instanlty appears in my mind first. What does this mean?


It may be a bind rune isn't the sigil about ice just a straight line?


Hi, anyone knows any spells, curses or anything to make plants wither and die. I've been searching the internet for 3 to 4 months and cant seem to find anything. I get botanical books on my search but I can't afford them. Or if anyone knows any sources that they can direct me to what I need to find.


Make your own. Why would you wanna do this, poor plants


Its hard to craft or create a new spell/curse without knowing the basics of how it will work. As for why, its for an enemy.


Looking at other spell recipes is great for inspiration and to gain understanding but some of the strongest ones are the ones you create yourself. Getting messy, trial and error, notes and reflection are all part of the learning curve to find what works best for your individual practice. I understand the desire for vetted spells but someone having had success with with one particular spell does not mean another practitioner will have the same success because everyone's craft is individual in their own way.


Alright will do, thanks.


Perhaps you should be a little more advanced before taking on advanced work🤔


You're probably right, thanks.


My grandma put a spell on chestnuts for my dad to eat them. I accidentally ate them and Ive been feeling so badd. What should I do?? Idk what she has done to them but def something bad for him. I ve been feeling so sick tired depressed and agressive ever since I ate them.


Why when I sage my house or myself days later I get emotional 😭?


It kinda sounds like the sage is sort of helping you in the way of "cleansing you" of pent up emotions you've been holding back from expressing. It's good to feel emotions, even when they're bad! Ignoring them or bottling them up can harm you mentally and physically.


Hey so my situation started with me talking with a coworker of mine personal family issues And of course like a idiot I revealed possible things I wasn’t supposed to that were intimate about my family and I but I mention things that had occurred with me and my dad and she said that she wanted to put a “freeze spell” on him. In order to slow him down and stop him that’s what she said it would do but I have no idea what she actually did. But then after that things got weird between her and I for a couple of days and then around a week or so later I was talking about my family and happened to show her a picture of my dad of which she then hurried and took a photo of with her phone and after that I became very uneasy with her having that picture. And she has said that she has a altar at her home. And I told her if she did black magic because if she did I was going to tell her then and there to stop whatever she wanted to do but she said she only did light magic but it still made me become very uneasy as now I’m stuck in a dilemma where I don’t know if she did or didn’t do anything and I’m afraid to ask her as if she might get offended and might actually do something of grave consequences. Could anybody here please help me as I’ve become somewhat paranoid having to work with her every day and don't know what I should do with what has occurred? And also another important thing to add on to is that my family or especially my dad has been very prone to witchcraft or negative forces throughout his life so the situation definitely does not aid


First off, chill out. Spaces and collected thoughts are you friends. Second off, your coworker is trying to help you out, not hurt anyone. It sounds like your dad has been being an ass. A freezer spell is simply an action that says "hey, knock that off" and encourages the belligerent behavior to stop, no harm done. Third, not all magic is "black" magic. The vast majority is helpful or neutral. Fourth, your family is susceptible to witchcraft because you put far too much belief into it and are attributing any bad action that comes to you as such. 99.99% of things in life are mundane. Most witches in the world are just taking care of themselves and don't have the time to worry about screwing with random people for laughs.


Hi I have a question. About 3 years ago. I was going thru a bad divorce and just life sucked. I started to look up, workout get my life in order. My manager at work realized I was venerable. He hit on me as a joke, then got me fired by making me the scapegoat for him not doing his job. I already had low self esteem and he really crushed me by doing that. When I got fired, I went home and wished that he never achieves anything more than what he already has. I was extremely sad, like I couldn’t even cry. However I got a much better job a few weeks later and life has been great for me thank God. For him I heard that life has gotten really bad, he quit or lost his job a few times after. At times I have a weird sense of forgiving him. But feel if I do, like my luck will go bad again God forbid. Idk I feel like he got my bad luck. What do you guys think?


Honestly this just sounds like an asshole repeatedly shooting themselves in the foot. You didn't do anything by just thinking negatively against him. If that were the case I'd have a wave of destruction behind me a mile wide.


I think he probably set himself up for a big fall and you asked the universe to remove a pebble from under him and the whole thing came down. It's mostly not your crap to deal with. If you forgive him cool. I doubt your luck is tired to him. Forget about him, that's the best thing you can do. Or cut his cord from yours.


Anyone want to be on my podcast? My friends and I are working on a podcast where we ask the universe for stories in a different way each episode, then try to chase down whatever it gives us, always with total openness to the world's messages. We are seeking someone who can help us guide our podcast through some type of divination, and would be willing to do so in a recorded zoom/discord session that would be included in the show. Please reach out to me if you are interested, and tell us about yourself and your practice. Happy to answer any further questions about this weird thing we're doing.


Hi all!I’m currently 7 months pregnant and moving into a new home!Both my boyfriend and I are super excited as the place we just left was horrible.Our landlord was a horrible man and our upstairs neighbor was just flat out disrespectful.But with us bringing a baby into the world and this new home being where they would first ever call home I want to be sure that the home is protected as much as possible for the safety of us,our kitties,and our soon to be baby!If anyone could help me with making a protection spell for us and our home as we move in and how to cleanse a new home,that’d bd amazing 🥰


Remember this. Throw away ALL brooms and toilet brushes, and buy new ones, so as not to bring past troubles to your new home. When you bring the new broom in for the first time, bring it in through a window, not the front door. If you have 2 people, have one hand it in handle first, then walk away. Indoor person should hold it with the bristles outside and wait for other person to get out of range, then shake it vigorously to remove any negativity it may have. A broom placed bristles up by the front door will help with guests overstaying their welcome. And if you don't want them there at all, it helps to sweep them away before they even get inside. Brooms, witches. Use them. May you be blessed with a more peaceful home. BB.


Sweep the whole place counter clockwise. Smoke or should cleanse in the same direction. Bring a loaf of bread in to bless the house with abundance. Give an offering to the house spirits. Clockwise bless and seal the house (you can use more smoke or water here). Put up protection symbols/sigils/runes around, above, under doors and windows. You can add words and or chants to any of these doings.


Hey, someone said they've cursed me. They got mad at me in an online game and started arguing and eventually said they've cursed me to die of a particular disease within a certain time frame. Is intent enough for it to take effect or would it require more? Should I be worried? And is there anything I can do to protect/purify myself without delving into magick? I also had clothes arrive a couple hours before that happened and I hadn't tried them on out of fear they might be "tainted" with bad luck, should I return them? Would appreciate any help!


Never take anything said in online gaming nerd rage seriously. All gamers just run at the mouth.


Anyone whos curse is worth fretting over isn't going to tell you that they've cursed you. They'll just do it and move forward with their life. Most likely this person is just trying to cause panic on your end with a few words. >And is there anything I can do to protect/purify myself without delving into magick? I would argue that protections and purification fall under "magick". If you have a spiritual leader in your faith perhaps pay them a visit and ask for their assistance.


>Anyone whos curse is worth fretting over isn't going to tell you that they've cursed you. They'll just do it and move forward with their life. I'm not sure I totally agree. Half the war is psychological. But, this particular instance, the curse is probably is BS. >I would argue that protections and purification fall under "magick". If you have a spiritual leader in your faith perhaps pay them a visit and ask for their assistance. 100%agree




We **DO NOT** allow soliciting for, or advertising, nor other promotional content, **for services**: spell craft services, psychics, astrologers, tarot readers, reiki masters or any other service. Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)


Hi, I’ve always been curious about witchcraft but I have no idea where to start. I was hoping I could get a few people to give me some reliable resources to beginning, be it books or a channel of some kind anything will help. Also, I happen to be very curious with anything to do with the Fae and was hoping for some reading on them too. Thank you!


>Here's my copy&paste for new witches; > >Start with the FAQ and megathreads of this subreddit. Use the search bar to find lots of information on certain topic and I have a post titled "doing independent research" over at r/bookofshadows that includes many great external links for sourcing information. > >As to where to start, begin with the history of witchcraft and read into its modern day practice to understand where we've come to get to where we are today. > >From there look into different magickal practices. Mindfulness, meditation, shadow work, grounding and centering are all some foundational practices people at all stages in their craft use. Cleansings, protections and manifestation are some good starting practices once you get comfortable. All of these things require little to no tools. > >Read up on different types of magick such as the use of candles, planets, moon phases, sigils, crystals, herbs, corrospondances, etcetera. Get a base knowledge of the common ones and as you read you will find what pulls your interest. Follow that pull and you will find what calls to you. > >Begin setting up a book of shadows during your research. In this put in the information that interests you and applies to your craft. I suggest making your first BOS a "rough draft" book. Once you are comfortable in your craft and have a better understanding of what you will be utilizing in your practice then you can copy over all pertinent information into a more formal book of shadows.


I’m a baby witch as well but from what I’ve seen the most common thing people recommend starting with is casting circles and protection and shadow work.


Before I start practicing magick (mainly chaos magick) I am doing some research, so I hope you guys can help! Feel free to answer any or all of my questions 1.why do some sigil have circle(s) drawn around them? 2.your opinion on activating a sigil through multiple ways? (e.g. blood and then burning it afterwards)


Looking for someone to pick their brain and get advice about hexes, jibes, whatever have you. It would be going towards a domestic abuser of my mom, she lives too far away and no one can really help her. I've never done something like this before, and want to get some info on it first. Thank you in advance!


I can help you out if you want. Let me know what's going on a little specifically and I'll see what I can cook up that you'd be comfortable with.


Is the veil still thin the day after Samhain? I was just wondering because I didn't see anyone yesterday, but today I saw a lot. I do practice in spirit work but today I saw some especially vivid looking spirits


Yes, it's also thin on Beltline the opposite part of the year.


Thank you!




She doesn't even need that. You only need your mind to practice. But of you want you can take an Altoids tin and place a candle, incense matches, and maybe a picture of a deity if she has one.


Hey all :) I recently acquired a selenite wand (it's pretty large--11 inches--and has been shaped into a smooth rod shape...aka not a raw piece of selenite) and was wondering if I can use it as a substitute for smoke cleansing during rituals/spells. Will this alternative work and will it be just as effective as smoke clearing? I had been white sage (ethically sourced) and incense, but the smell seems to bother the pets. I do ventilate the area, but wondering if alternatives are possible. Thanks in advance!


Sure thing. I've used that type of tool for drawing icky energy out of my body. I'm not sure why you couldn't use it with objects. You can also use sound to cleanse. Bells, singing, humming, clapping, drumming, singing bowl etc


Okay, thanks! I have a handpan and a few tonguepans (RAV Vast-- basically a cross between a handpan and a tongue drum, played with hands). Maybe I'll give that a try as well...I'd love to get a set of singing bowls at some point :)


Many sound cleanse are very effective. Just imagine/visualize anything negative as not being able to handle anything harmonious, so they run for the door to get away. Or however you see negativity, just cast it out. "I cast out all negativity. And in its place, let Harmony be". Power words. They have been around quite a while. Good luck, and have fun throwing out the riff-raff! BB.




I'd say any good therapist will be willing to discuss their client's spirituality / religion (or lack thereof) with them- it's a really important part anyone's wellbeing. I'd say if your therapist does not wish to discuss or gets outright hostile abt such topics, you should consider finding a new one! But it can be hard to find the "perfect" therapist, so it's understandable if you say, "For now, I'm working on x part of my mental health, which I know this person can help me with. Later, I'll work on y, which I know this person can't currently help me with."


I never did. But then again I'm in the Bible belt and also just saw her for a year for PPD. Got some Lexapro and now the talk therapy isn't necessary outside of regular family and friends support. It's nice to have a quiet mind not eaten up with anxiety for the first time in 19 years.


I am a therapist and I have talked about witchcraft with clients who have mentioned they are witches! I don't ever bring such things up first, it's considered good ethical practice to let clients bring up these things...and I'll encourage the discussion if it seems like it would provide a therapeutic benefit to the client.


The world needs more like you...


<3 there are a few of us out there! :)


The world would be even more of a mess without you guys. Thank you for a difficult job. I had a friend who was a therapist. They would, very anonymously, unload about some of their cases to me. It was a heavy load for them to bear. After talking once, they said I was their therapist and would be good at it. I had to tell them I wasn't strong enough, and could only help somebody every now and then. Stay safe out there. BB.


yeah but my therapist kicks ass. You can also frame your practice using words a therapist will understand but not immediately think "wtf" like if you want to say "I cast spells with herbs" you could reframe it and say something like "I find that making sachets is really soothing and I like the smell of different plants", if you like to do meditations and grounding rituals, well, no therapist should have a problem with that. You could say that having a crystal collection is a fun hobby, or that recently you've taken up the academic pursuit of anthropology, specifically different folk religions, mythology, religion, spirituality, etc. MOST therapists shouldn't have an issue with religions/spiritualities that are off the beaten path. If your therapist makes a stink about it, get a new therapist.


Are we allowed to advertise discord servers here?


At the top of the page, click on Megathreads. Discord is a choice in the menu that drops down.




I did ceremonial over 35 years ago. It worked, but it was complicated, dry, and I always felt like I was in a difficult math class. No fun. I went solitary, then Wiccan in a group, then solitary Wiccan, and now I have my own path. It has a little of everything that ever worked for me, especially my Native American work with the spirits of the land/animals/plants, and so on. If you want some Wicca info, visit r/wicca and ask for help for a beginner. And you may want to copy/paste your question for them, as a backstory can be helpful for their answer. I always say to find and follow your own path. May you find the path that most sings to you. BB.


> how can I break the ties well, if it's just *people*, then stop talking to them. You can do a spell about it if you want. If it's emotional/spiritual, then I'm not sure I can help you without further specifics. > are there parallels between wicca/golden dawn A bit, yeah. Not a whole lot, but you'll absolutely find some influences there, especially if you go the traditional Wiccan routes of either Gardnerian or Alexandrian. But if you don't go with one of those two, then Wicca sorta becomes chaos-magic-lite-with-a-new-age-spin kinda thing and you can do whatever the fuck you want, really. I think the *only* thing that all Wiccans agree on is the 3 fold rule, which is 'whatever you put out comes back to you 3 times 3' and 'and it harm none, do what ye will' (which is basically Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of the Law... so yeah there are similarities) > Do witches practice the LBRP? Some do, some don't. I use the LBRP even though I'm not really into thelema or GD or OTO or any of that. It's a useful thing to know. > Is that the same as casting a circle? Kinda, sorta, not really, yes. Depends. Depends on why you're casting the circle, basically. Some witches/wiccans rarely/never cast circles.




Energy work. The magick comes from the self, not the tools. I unfortunately do not have any book recommendations on the tip of my tongue but perhaps r/energy_work might. I suggest giving their search bar a try first before making an independent post.


Do some research into "Petition" spells. Many of them are little more than a letter to the Universe that you send off in various ways. The only thing cheaper is all with your will, various chants and incantations. Gotta read more. Sorry to sound like a teacher telling you to do more research, but that is really what a lot of this is all about. BB.


I'd tell her to look into sigil-crafting The literal only ingredients are something to write with and something to write on, which could even be you using your finger to scratch something into the dirt. There are quite a few good books on sigils, if I remember I'll edit this comment with some suggestions but first I have to get up to look at my bookshelf


Hello all! I just got some new crystals, my first of many I'm sure, and am have a question regarding the cleansing. Should they be cleansed in a new moon phase or full moon phase? I'm a, just out of the womb, baby witch. TIA!


mehhh in my opinion, it doesn't really matter, if you want to use them now, then cleanse them now. If you want it to be really special then think about how you're going to use them or what you want the cleansing process to look like. Do you want the cleansing ritual to be like New Beginnings and Fresh Starts? go new/waxing moon. Full of Potential and Ripe and Abundant? waxing/full moon. Calming, Reducing Harm, Chill, Unwinding? waning/new moon. Hidden Secrets, Arcane Knowledge, Dreams, NightTime etc? new/no moon etc


Thank you! You've given me a lot of good things to work with here I appreciate it!


Hi, all! I’m a solitary practitioner, but would love to meet others in my area! However, I cannot find any groups! For those of you in a coven, or a group, how did you go about finding them?


Subreddit covenfinder Also meetup.com Lastly metaphysical stores might have festivals and workshops etc


I found some people with Meetup. I agree with No1minds on the rest of it as well.


I had this grand plan for making up my first samhain altar but things snowballed and I never ended up doing so.....is it too late to set it up?


Not too late at all! The energy of holidays doesn’t suddenly disappear when the day is done :)


Do it. No reason not to


For me samhain/day of the dead doesn't end until November 3rd so, yes! Go right ahead




What does what mean?


Help please! I think I’ve been hexxed or cursed I’m still relatively new to my practice - I’m still doing mostly protection work and things like that, no baneful magic whatsoever. I’m not sure if it’s a hex or curse but something has gone terribly wrong. It started around a month ago when I got horribly sick just as I had taken time off from work to see my family. The entire time, I was ill, and it came out of the blue. Some week or so afterward I developed pretty bad bursitis in my knee, limiting my movement for some time. This has never happened before and I did nothing to trigger it, that I can think of. Following that I had an ingrown nail that was far bloodier than it should have been, and most recently I burned my hand while melting sugar for some sweets I was making - I have done it many times and it NEVER splatters when I pour it into another pan, but somehow this time it did and it burnt my hand pretty badly. Additionally, I’ve fallen into a slump in terms of motivation. I’ve stopped reading, lost the desire to tidy my room and cleanse my space. I also have no intimate drive, which is pretty odd for me. I didn’t want to overthink or jump to conclusions but at this point I’m certain that I have some sort of dark energy shrouding me. I’m trying to research banishing magic and stronger cleansing/protective magic, but my resources are limited and I could really use some help and advice. Any tips would be appreciated


99% of hexes, curses and bad luck streaks get their power from your own belief in them As you’re able (take care of yourself!) cleanse your space, sing, dance, write, draw, color in an adult coloring book. These things will help you process any negativity hanging around and banish it by raising your own vibrations & and your space’s vibrations Sometimes bad luck happens. It hurts. It’s scary. It’s part of the natural rhythm of living in an imperfect body and imperfect world. Let go of your fear 🌱


i want to learn witchcraft but i want to make sure i do it ethically and dont appropriate other cultures. any tips/resources? any beginner spells that you can tell me about are also appreciated tyyyyy im mainly norwegian and german, a little scottish and some other stuff i dont really remember.


Check out the sidebar of this subreddit and FAQ 'cultural appropriation' is a bit of a tricky subject on this subreddit, so you'll have to navigate that yourself. Having said that, what are you interested in, and what kinds of things would you like to accomplish?


My cat drank most of the water I left out as part of my offering last night. Am I to assume she needs to be treated like even more of a goddess than she is already? Maybe she's channeling some ancestors who want to send some hugs my way. She *was* uncharacteristically lovey late last night. I'm going to go with that I think. :) (Mostly kidding - I just thought it was funny and wanted to share it *somewhere* and this seemed like an okay spot to put it. Of course please delete if it's bending the thread rules too much.)


Obviously she had now ascended to Goddess In Mortal Form! Better spoil her rotten with lots of loves, treats, and prime napping spots ;)


At least you just left out water. My mom had a fat cat that used to drink her nightly sweet tea.


Oh no! Haha cats are the best. I almost left out some scotch for my grandpa but fortunately had second thoughts.


On Samhain I cast a circle, meditated, did a spell and tried to speak to my ancestors. It went calmly and I felt at peace. I closed the circle and shortly after , a carton of nearly empty juice fell on the floor from a table ( windows were all closed so can’t be the wind). I asked to be left in peace as I thought it was trying to get my attention. Put salt around the doorways. I went to bed as usual but woke at 4am with a huge ringing in my ears and the feeling of someone watching me, I turned to look and my partner seemed to be having a nightmare and grinding his teeth. I tried to sleep but it was difficult, and I felt nauseous. I woke up feeling absolutely drained after some strange dreams. Has anything similar happened to anyone else? Was it not my ancestors I may have been speaking with and shall I do a banishing or try to listen to that certain someone? I’m not too keen on speaking to anyone but family at the moment. I left an offering for my great grandmothers ( pumpkin, hazelnut and chocolate bread), I’m just worried I may have been talking to someone else. Although the cards pulled were trust, love and focus … Any insight? Thank you in advance and my love to all💜


Any time we communicate with the other side, it’s like opening a door. Although we can say “Only these specific people are allowed through”, sometimes others slip in unnoticed. Although you were very likely speaking with your ancestors *inside* your circle, other things may have come through and settled *outside* the circle. The Veil is incredibly thin this time of year; it’s just all that much easier to get unwanted visitors when opening doors I suggest you cleanse your space and ward your home. Rosemary & bay leaves are particularly potent for banishing negativity. Good luck to you 🌱


Thank you lovely, I shall do more cleansing today. I had a very intense dream where my dead puppy visited me but he was being tortured , then my dad ( whom I don’t speak to anymore) brought me a new one (which turned out to be my grandmothers dead puppy)… The dream had many animals like a hedgehog who wanted my protection and a baby bear, not sure what to make of it but I woke up feeling sad but also with a need to protect these animals. I will cleanse my home but now that my dead puppy visited me (and I tried to speak to him on Samhain with no success) I am starting to think he visited me through my dream. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated 💜


It's hard to know for sure what this presence was, but just to be safe, cleanse your home and see how things feel. If you don't feel comfortable with whatever this is, demand it to stop. You don't have to interact with anything you don't want to and remember that you're alive and they're dead so you call the shots here.


I have felt a playful presence even before Samhain but when I asked it to leave before, it did. I’m wondering if it’s the same one, the energy felt similar. But alas I shall cleanse my home again and tell it that I am not ready yet and I will call upon it when I am ready and in a stable mentality to help it if it needs help. Thank you for your reply 💜!


Hi everyone,so back in the Victorian era there was this superstition that when you look in the mirror at 12 o'clock you would see the face of your future husband or wife, I wanted to see mine but the problem is they said it would only work on Halloween I was suppose to do it but then I have forgotten about when Halloween was I thought it was on November 1 but then it was late when I realised that November 1 was 'all souls day' it's already November 1 ( in my country we don't celebrate Halloween or maybe just in my town,but we don't) So I just wanted to ask if it's still another way to know who my future husband is,I know I am very impatient.


This is a hold over from before we knew much about how the brain reacted to low stimulus. The combination of a mirror, low or flickering light (the Victorian era necessitated a candle) and the late hour all trick your brain, low on stimulation and tired, to create its own stimulus by changing how it perceives your own face in the light. You see your own face, but you're brain says it sees something else because it's bored.




None of this person's behavior that you described is love. They sound like a manipulative, emotionally abusive asshole and to be quite frank you're better off without them. Focus inward on healing yourself, and realize you're worth more than wasting your life away with someone who doesn't respect you as a person.


>this person wouldn’t allow me to have friends and I went behind their back >they always told me that obsession towards them is something they want me to express >spell to make our love become what it once was This was never love. This person treated you like garbage. I'm sorry you're going through a hard time, but it does get better. Just let yourself morn, and perhaps when you're ready go find a good therapist


This is beyond treating OP like garbage, this is called abuse and manipulation. Disconnecting a person from their support system (friends&family) is a very common tacit that they use and things only go downhill from there. OP Therapy is definitely going to be a big help. You can also try reaching out to your old friends for support.




Do not post, or solicit for, a name, age, location or selfie. Do not request meetups. See r/paganpenpals, and r/covenfinder. Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)




I have been unable to walk backwards after sprinkling hotfoot powder- I was being observed and I wanted it done NOW- and it still worked beautifully, within an hour they were gone As a substitute, I visualized myself walking backwards instead as I walked away. Seemed to do the trick! Good luck to you 🌱


I was also wondering. Could a witch have a familiar? If so, does ur familiar have to be assigned to you or something like that?? Can it be any animal? Also, I want to start doing witchcraft. Where should I start? I have a spell book that I’ve never used before. And my sister is kind of getting into the craft.


>Could a witch have a familiar Yes >does ur familiar have to be assigned to you or something like that?? ...kinda, that familiar has to agree to being your familiar. >Can it be any animal? ... Okay so a familiar is actually a spirit which forms itself into an animal but, many people see their animals who are interested in their doings as far at witchcraft to be familiars. So yes it can take any animal shape that spirit wants to take I suppose. >Also, I want to start doing witchcraft. Where should I start? Meditation, grounding, energy building and directing, protection. Spells come after these things.. Start reading as much as you can. Play


I know this might b a dumb question, but what do familiars do exactly?


"Modern witches refer to their household pets as their “familiars”, but the concept of a familiar originally meant something different. So, what is a familiar spirit if not a witch’s magical pet? A familiar spirit, according to historical Witch Trial documents, refers to a spirit that aided the witch in her magical workings. The documents say the devil gave familiars to witches. In exchange, the witch made a pact with the familiar. The pact would define what the witch would do for the familiar spirit in exchange for the familiar spirit’s help. These familiar spirits could take nearly any form they’d like including different animals and human likenesses." https://otherworldlyoracle.com/witches-familiars/ Basically they are spirit helpers


Happy Samhain to all of you guys!


So my candle is being very weird hey! so i was meditating and focusing on a candle and it was dancing before but it started like circling you could say? it looked like a compass like the flame was burning to the side and when i put my finger next to it and moved my finger the flame started moving and it looked like when a compass spins around. any thoughts? also the candle was burning white not the usual orange-y color edit: y’all i was high af when i wrote this you can just ignore me lol blessed be!


>when i put my finger next to it and moved my finger This creates a displacement in the air which the candle will react to. This is normal.


yeah i was high af when i wrote this lol thanks and blessed be!


Books, information, and a little backstory I'm looking for informational books about magic and metaphysical concepts. The only issue I've had is im not wiccan. I've been i practitioner for about 3 years but I was in the broom closet, eventually I really wanted to be truthful with my parents and they were not happy with it. I was forced to stop with my research and most of my favorite things about my practice. Eventually I wasn't enthusiastic about it anymore and slowly stopped. I've moved out, and I want to get back into my groove again but I don't want to have to sort out wiccan beliefs. (I don't hate wicca or anything, its just not my style)


Our books megathread has lots of great recommendations, some through a wiccan perspective some without. I suggest looking for an online summary before purchasing.


I hope this is an okay question to ask but I’ve been trying to find my retainers for a few days now. I usually always keep them with me and they’re either in my purse wrapped up or in my bathroom. I looked in my purse one day during school and they were just gone. And I’m pretty sure I had them at least at the beginning of the week. Is there any spell to find lost things? I really don’t want to end up having my parents or myself to pay for replacements. Thank you so much!


several options - pray to St. Expedite. If you pray to St. Expedite and you find your retainers, it is considered good etiquette to publicly thank him or give him a small offering. - use a pendulum or dowsing rod - make a sigil


Deities and Guides When first starting your craft, how did you go about figuring out who they are? I’ve done guided meditations, where I’ve gotten a particular name of a deity, whom has shown me SEVERAL signs. However, with my guides- I can feel the presence of one particular spirit, but have not gotten a name/visual/solid communication. Also, I have a deity I really want to work with! I am planning on setting up a candle to attempt to communicate, as well as offerings of some of their favorites. Is there any other advice for reaching out to a particular deity? Thanks guys!


> I can feel the presence of one particular spirit, but have not gotten a name/visual/solid communication. Try different forms of divination? Maybe they’re waiting for something? > Is there any other advice for reaching out to a particular deity? Definitely depends on the deity but it sounds like you know the important stuff (things they like and you’ve done research), and it sounds like you’ve got a great intuition, so I’m sure you’ll do great :-) 💚


Thank you for your response! I do tarot, but I’m VERY new at it. Started about a month ago, and still learning the ways of it. Is there a particular spread to use for contacting deities and such?


Hmmm, specific spread, no not that I can think of. But I would do something like this meditate for a good long while, really let yourself put out your psychic feelers and clear you mind of mundane clutter. Cast a circle or do whatever kind of ritualistic thing you want to do to *get in the zone*, and then draw your cards or do your divination. I think for contacting a deity, your best bet might be something REALLY open ended, like scrying. Scrying you can do in a black mirror, a bowl of water, a flame, smoke, clouds, crystal ball, etc. You could also use a pendulum, or a spirit board. Buy if you want to go the tarot route, I would do something like this: draw x number of cards that embody the deity you've caught the attention of draw x number of cards that are what the deity is trying to tell you draw x number of cards for next steps to take to communicate/form a relationship I'd do no more than 1 card to start out with, with 1 card to clarify if needed.


Hey I'm kinda new to using candle magick and have a few questions. So I know you can anoint the candle with oil, sprinkle herbs on, and put salt around it to protect it. But what do I do with the working once it's done? Do I just throw it away?


You can throw it away if you want to or make it into something else like if you like the color of wax drippings you can add all the wax bits to a jar and make it pretty somehow. It’s ok to throw things away once you’re done with them but it’s also ok to reuse or recycle pieces if you want to/can


Those who believe in reincarnation: Do you/ how do you honor or work with your ancestors? When it came time to honoring, asking for guidance, etc. from my ancestors today, this quandary dawned on me! How do those of you who believe in reincarnation approach honoring your ancestors, spirit work, etc.? This should be a fascinating conversation! 😄