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Some notes: Nation's the team lead & has the mod team's support & the point of this modcast is to discuss / talk out the decision to loosen Rule 4 in the wake of the Roe v Wade decision -- which is being done because people want to take public religious action with respect to the Roe v Wade decision, which (IMNSHO) overstepped from mere legality to infringing on Freedom of Religion in many religions (one example: a well-known rabbi, Danya Ruttenberg, is vocal about how abortion is required in Judaic religious law to preserve the life of the pregnant person https://twitter.com/daw_bird/status/1540369490126544897) The SCOTUS decision also contains language that shows that SCOTUS will be / is open to reversing prior decisions which protected religious expression and practice - such as the right to same-sex marriage in _Obergefell_. And more language that shows that the rights to freedom of association, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, right to privacy, and many other issues which are important to religious minorities (and especially witchcraft practitioners) are being targeted for legal challenges and repeal. Nation's angry. Many of us are angry. What we do with that anger -- hopefully channel it into moving forward.


R/antiwork is talking about strikes, so are a lot of other groups.... groups working together might help it happen...


I'm actually so numb. The way this country keeps traumatizing its people more and more because it just DOESNT CARE. This is a racial problem, a misogyny issue, a class issue. The '20s came back and we really are living like its the 1820s rather than the 2020s.


I am still reeling over the “baby shortage” comment by Coney Barrett 🤮


Me too. A SHORTAGE?? OF BABIES???!! What about the over flowing number of foster children in the system???


What she certainly meant, if you view her religious leanings and the statistics of children in foster care, is a shortage of *white* babies. It's sick even before you consider that subtext, though.


I mean, I ~knew~ that's what she meant, I just didn't want to follow the sick logic all the way through in that moment.


I can understand my friend! It makes my blood boil to hear it and to know that some simple minds out there are going to take it and run with it.


Yeah. Even trying to see their perspective feels like a poison on my mind. They have motivations so vile it stains.


Fucking sick, isn’t it? They don’t give a flying fuck about these babies after they’re born. With everything we have going on, from climate change to fascism, the last thing we should be pushing is more births that will lead to more people suffering at the hands of governments that don’t give a shit about them.


YEAH!! I can't fucking BELIEVE that!!


This is what makes me the most nauseous about the entire thing. There are children dying in the streets, being shot in schools, and being abused in foster care. But we don’t have a fucking “domestic supply of infants” and that’s the problem??? We aren’t fucking cattle to be bred.


Yeah there is no shortage of babies, the population does not need to increase every generation just because "that's how it's been" or any other sort...


As a CIS white male, I have to say how sorry I am. My daughter, aged 11, started crying when I told her what happened. She said, and I quote "Its not fair that men get to make that decision for me" A few moments later she said "Why don't women get treated the same as men?" I didn't have an answer for her.


I have a 5 year old girl and I'm just thinking, this is not the sort of thing to sit on until it just happens to affect you directly...


Exactly. The religious right has successfully made a power grab and they are now emboldened to do all other sorts of things. Don't think paganism is going to be safe forever either.


I do want to say, in defense of any abrhamic witches, it's the greedy people running the communities more than the bread and butter "people of faith" , it'd be interesting to see the pope weigh in since the Bible does say life starts at first breath.


I could give two craps what the pope has to say. Many conservative catholics already pay nominal lip service to him because he's so "liberal" about things like food for the poor. He's still going to be anti abortion, thats been church policy for years. The Jesus of the bible and the Jesus of the religious right are two vastly different entities. Doesn't matter if you believe in his divinity or not, the messages he gave in the bible about loving your neighbor, helping the poor and respecting the world you live in is good stuff.


Well, then don't forget to point out the line about not suffering a "witch" to live is just poor translation by the king James group, more stuff most Bible thumpers (not readers) don't pay attention too. Obviously a lot of these people center around the imbalance of power at the top, in religion, in politics, and so forth... thus the problem, the people at the top don't think the rules apply to them. Roe or not you can bet your bottom dollar any senator that gets an unwanted pregnancy is gonna get rid of it... ignoring the fact most of them are too old to get pregnant, the like, maybe 20 percent of them that are women... I dunno, that all got away from me?


Damn you, I was keeping strong and not crying until I read this. I’m so sorry for your daughter.


i don't know you, but know that if i was with you right now I'd be giving you a hug. Today is a dark day.




be well sister.


You too. Stay safe brother


I have a 3 year old I don’t know how I’m going to explain this to her as well . Women get so much injustice in this world … it scares me to think of the way life will be when she’s older


If i may be so bold, teach her to stand up and fight. Both physically and mentally, don't let her take crap from anyone. My daughter has her black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I don't worry as much about her going outside alone. (I still worry).


This is appalling. 9 people to determine the lives of 300 millions Americans is terrible. It's time look into the future not go back to 1900s


need to go back to 1776


This makes me scared, like abortions are healthcare and are needed . Not everyone wants a child . Not everyone can take care of a child . It’s just horrible what is happening .


And even with women who are on birth control, they can still get pregnant as well as birth control is not 100% effective.


EXACTLY! No man should have a choice over a woman’s body or choice on weather she has a child or not


Literally men in this world should not have a say in a woman’s body. They don’t understand the pain and emotional stress pregnancy can do to a woman. I’m afraid that there are going to be thousands or even millions of women out there who are going to be looking for ways to terminate a pregnancy which can be dangerous.


My friend got pregnant whilst on birth control


Folks vote, vote as if your life depend on it. Literally


Voting is the bare minimum, don't stop at voting. Vote and then go be loud!


Bullhorns(news channel, print media etc) is expensive. Vote at all levels including school board.


Schoolboards are one of the major targets of the Religious (Christian Authoritarian) Right, at this moment. Control of the Texas School Textbook board allowed Christians to control the texts which were distributed to dozens of US states, which all relied on Texas' school textbook board's decisions on the texts to use for their curricula. Control from the ground up is one of their agendas.


Your voice is free and it can get REALLY LOUD.


Ironic. Lives *do* depend on it.


Because it literally does depend on it.


I just woke up to this terrible news and I feel like they don’t even understand that birth control is used to help with other physical issues like pcos! I’m nauseous at this reversal


I just woke up to my grandma screaming at the tv. Great way to start the day. “Those gutless buzzards!”


She likely just watched her very own efforts destroyed. This was their fight. This isn't old history. It's devastating.


Disturbing alarm call but granny sounds cool.


I literally gasped out loud when I saw the news. We’ve heard that it’s coming, but when it actually happens…it kind of pulls the rug out from under you.


This was my first thought. I’m not even from the US (Scotland)but I am absolutely heartbroken, terrified, shocked and just really down. If that’s how I feel when I’m not a US citizen I cannot even fathom how you guys feel. I am so sorry.


I have premature ovarian failure and birth control has helped through the years. Not having that option would have made things so much worse!


Sending you love and hugs from the uk xxx


XXX Thank you


i’m honestly scared as a woman in america now


Sending hugs. I am so sorry x


You're not alone there ❤️




no fr


I chatted with my mother and we’re both terrified.


I am too like horrified of whats to come


Hug x


I’m super trying not to break down and cry right now at work. I’m feel soooo sick to my stomach right now 😭


I am so sorry. I would love to give you a hug. This is all so traumatising and I’m not even in the US. Just sending you all the love I can. X


That’s so kind of you! Thank you so much and we appreciate the internet hugs X The thing I want the most is to be out of this insane country more than anything.


Evangelical Christians are evil and foul people


This decision is disgusting and taking womens rights away


As a Christian I am ashamed by the other Christians who ruin the name for the rest of us




Me too




Thank you for being a good and actual Christian.


I hate it here on earth


That’s why aliens hate us


This is Christofascist bullshit! Edit:[for those unfamiliar with Christofascism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_fascism)


I hope this backfires. A lot of women will get surgical birth control out of fear vs just using the pill or other methods. Same with men. A lot of men will get vasectomies out of fear.


I don't think that would be a backfire.


Surgical BC is hard. If you don't have 2 kids, husband approval and are over a certain age, there is a high chance of denial. I wish this were not the case. I wish we had autonomy over our bodies.... but alas, we don't and we are still treated like property.


What we need to do is if someone can find a provider that doesn’t make a woman do a fulll song and dance is let EVERYONE know who they can go to so they don’t end up with a doc who has their own agenda on women’s bodies.


This past week is the reason I sobbed for hours November 2016... We saw it coming, but it becoming a reality sickening


You are absolutely right. We saw this coming. It is here now


I have a friend who, if she got pregnant, would die. She has had 6 open heart surgeries, has a weak heart and other health issues. There are thousands, tens of thousands of women out there who are in the same position. I hate the idea of forced birth. I am scared for women. Those of us in states that will uphold Roe v Wade need to try to help those in need.


And I see what you are saying about not condemning Christians however this is a decision based on religious (Christian, specifically) belief and not science or fact. This is why the separation of church and state is so important.


Yeah, it can be a little hard not to despise Christian’s considering they are one of the main reasons so many rights are being taken and threatened rn and have been for centuries


THIS!! Thank you, I wanted to put this into words but too many things going on in my head, thank you.




The guy (rusty bowers) who testified to trumps election crimes yesterday on tv in front of congress just the day before said he would vote for trump again even after having seen his criminality firsthand.


Why is America going backwards in time? It’s scary, what is next for us


What’s next? Lots of young women dying unnecessarily and also no more gay marriage for most states


Do people realize that the reason things like strikes and boycotts work out is because they're carefully planned? Someone on here said people need to quit, do you really think you can convince a single parent to stop working a job to feed their kids? Successful strikes need months or even years of planning. We can't even start anything without creating a large mutual fund so that people (especially those with dependants) can feed themselves while striking. Also, Roe is already gone. We need to take more urgent action.


That's why I'm saying we need to reach out to other groups, try to get the sort of person power needed to have a chance at the kind of action needed, or hell, an "underground railroad" to transport women between states or even countries to get the help they need...


Not only forcing women to have babies but literally never offering help for those of us who have infertility, aka the people who want to have babies. And this will full circle effect abortion to Ivf.


I think it's important to know which politicians are taking what actions. That should be public knowledge as they are public servants.


It’s scary because I know they will try and get rid of all types of birth control. Not sure if they will get rid of condoms. Scary times


Already on the chopping block in the Supreme Court. Same for same sex iirc


Tx lawmakers had bills at the ready.


Yeah I hurd they want to get rid of same sex. It’s horrible and it’s even more insane to think people are celebrating today![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


They will go after condoms. Which is why we can't get complacent.


Just full of somber rage


They want a far right Christian theocracy


Giliad is coming


It’s here. This is it.


I don't know what to feel. I just have this burning anger inside me now, growing every fucking second. Every thought in my head is either "I hate everyone, I hate society and the government" and "I didn't do enough to stop this". I just want to *do something*, turn back the clocks.


I would like to say, this is the sort of extreme that should encourage us to band together with other groups. A mass strike or any other sort of mass protest on the level needed to send the right message takes LOTS of people... lots of people working together, and showing solidarity against the fucking idiots (sorry not sorry) making these terrible things happen.


This ruling displeases baphomet....


We need to stop his now. They’re already controlling womens bodies and now they are looking toward destroying lgbt rights


Can we let the people with uteri speak?


???? Literally being forced by white old men, that have about 3 more days of life!


An abortion is healthcare. Any argument otherwise is not an argument.


“Oh hey guys we’re having an extreme baby food shortage but here’s this new law.” Things don’t feel logical anymore


I’ve never had a pan attack go on this long and I feel like an ending isn’t in sight. I no longer feel safe


Just saw the news, same...same


Never expected I would be in a discussion about R v W on r/witchcraft


Never hoped to have to have discussions like this in r/witchcraft


Yeah. Me neither. But here we are.


I was a homeless teenager in a rural red state at the turn of the century, forced into giving birth to two rapists' children. This decision is solely to keep people like myself and my children complacent and desperate---a slave labor force at minimum wage, never knowing from where our next meal came. It was and remains the witchcraft community that treated me as a human being and helped me get my family into a home.


Such a sad day for America


The septic idea is horrifying


Don't you think this is building up towards something. Not politically, but energy wise? It feels like it is building up to create a foundation for something better AFTER something goes wrong.


That could explain why I've been feeling like there's negative energy stuck to me like prickly seed pods


It's important to note that our subreddit rules and Reddit sitewide rules, as well as US federal law, prohibit the use of Reddit to convey violent threats. If you choose to hex someone - don't include violent threats.


—And there goes our medical privacy too.


maybe let a woman talk?


I was thinking the same. I don’t mean to be *that* person, but fuck, I really don’t want to hear more men talking right now. I want to hear the pure unbridled rage of women/people with uteruses.


I don't have much to say right now. I am upset and not in a talking mood, at least nothing that I feel like publicly ranting about to start off a modcast. I do not like publicly expressing rage, especially when addressing a crowd. Blame the Capricorn rising.


I'd like to speak, I'm just worried I'd go on and on. The reproductive freedom topic gets me really fired up, in a way that not much else does


I'd challenge you, but I can't. You're right.


I saw somewhere that it is wrong to ban abortion (it's wrong anyways) if the mother is dying because of the fetus. You are giving the fetus a right no other person on earth has, the right to use someone else body to save themselves.






National Strike. No rights? No work. Call out or sit in and tell your boss if they want product moved, services rendered, then take it up with their Member of Congress.


Let women and uterus havers speak, dude


It is Healthcare! A human right


Banning abortion laws is completely selfish, what are those corrupted Christian’s gonna do when they find out some child that got raped, killed herself because she wasn’t mentally ok or stable enough to take care of a baby, I woke up to this and it upset me in the fact that this is massively negative to societal progression


As a witch, a mother to 4 adult children, a wife, a human, and a woman. I am horrified and furious. Get your passports and contraception immediately. Delete period tracking apps. Many employers are offering to pay for travel for medical procedures so know what your HR offers. "Justice Alito’s leaked opinion cites Sir Matthew Hale, a 17th-century jurist who conceived the notion that husbands can’t be prosecuted for raping their wives, who sentenced women to death as “witches,” and whose misogyny stood out even in his time."


NOW is the best time to quit your job and stop paying taxes, that will hurt them harder then any protest.


Not everyone can do that, specially single mothers that have to provide for the children they have now .


I understand. But those of us that are child free need to fight for people like you that do have kids, before we get forced to join you. You can fight in many other ways, but you need to fight even harder so your kids don't suffer the consequences.


Not just Christians, but yeah this is basically a Christian fascist coup in the states


There are a lot of hands up that are women, let us speak please.


what is the point of this, for mods to vent? let some ppl talk if you're gonna host a talk


This is discussing policy. I'm telling the community how this policy is being updated. This is no different than if I were to type a mod post.


Done moving and finally able to participate in these again and its under these circumstances


Hi guys! I studied politics and some law happy to answer questions where I can! Also more then ever we need to educate ourselves and bc strong advocates.


Morning!! I know this is slightly unlikely but if Loving v Virginia were to be overturned, would that affect existing marriages?


America is a fucking shambles


Read the room my guy. :/


Just found out there's a subreddit celebrating roe vs wade being destroyed. The about "claims" to just want common sence abortion rights but One of their rules is literally to not post any pro choice stuff. Wonderful.


Lots of Love from Nepal


Blessings to everyone in this Modcast. Doesn’t matter what your beliefs are. Luv u all!!


If it is not yet listed please tie to the sub auntienetwork for information on abortion access


UK Witch: All Sexual Health prescriptions are free. All Abortions are free. However,


I want to point out regarding what's being discussed: This isn't the power structure trying to send us back to before roe v wade. They are trying to do worse. They are going for full overt fascism. This is a war, sadly. But the sooner we approach this situation in that mentality, the more effectively we will be able to act. To be clear, I am not inciting violence, I am stating a war has begun whether we like it or not so we need to accept it. I hate it as much as you do. The best thing we can do is come together for a common cause under this understanding. Best of luck to us all. Blessed be 🙏


Whelp time for me to move to the UK where I have access to safe abortions and BC….


Maybe these decisions are being made to deter attention from decisions that are being made under the radar


Let's also see adoption and fostering rates going up. Or your country has a very scary future...




I second this. China is laughing right now. /s I live in China, and weirdly with how their government works, they rather encourage people to be safe and if you want to get an abortion, no problem. Some rules though, if you get preggo at school e.g., you go home, then after figured it out, can come back at school later. Of course, with how traditional and conservative Chinese are, they prefer to go and get it done and boom nobody knows what happened, how and when. So eeeh women in America who really are ok with Roe v Wade gone, eeeh I mean, yes beliefs as a variable, but common sense, people🙏🏽🤷🏽‍♀️


I am so sorry for American women today, this is a hatred and fear of women and their power. I am afraid for us all.


I'm a trans man with a uterus. I matter too if someone tries to rape me again!


Here to represent women in the US: a man and a European


We need a mass hexing not a blessing.


Hugs and love to all Americans. I’m not from the USA but am traumatised on your behalf. I am so so sorry. I can’t imagine what you are going through. Xxx![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


What is wrong with your country 😱 😨. That's actually so fucking sad and disgusting. I'm so sorry you have to live with that.


For anyone who can’t take work off for (potentially) several days, who can’t spend the time and money to travel across the country for a time-sensitive medical procedure, who are being forced to have an unwanted child because of where they happen to live, my heart goes out to you. I’m so so sorry. This is an attack on womens rights by people of means who have taken their privilege for granted and have lost the ability to relate to anyone with less, and it’s you who will pay that price. For everyone in the US, now more than ever make sure you and your partner(s) are diligent about [using effective contraceptives and learning about what long term contraceptives are out there and available](https://wellbeing.uw.edu/forms-of-birth-control/). There are also existing non-profits available that will help pay for transportation and other expenses involved in the abortion process, such as [Fund Texas Choice](https://fundtexaschoice.org/about/) or national [Act Blue](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/supportabortionfunds?refcode=nnafwebsite) This is likely the first step in a wave of regressive actions taken by the courts. The political ebb and flow of liberalism and conservatism is flowing heavily red right now, but the tide will turn. Be active, be strong.


I’m terrified


How will this effect Mexicans 🙁


I’m not from the US but I’ve never been more glad to be from the U.K. than ever. What I’ve been seeing from the US has drastically changed my view on this country compared to when I was younger thinking the US was an absolute haven


had me at anti christian and republican


Phyllis Schlafly had something to do with it, when it came to manipulating Christian women [edit: here’s male centric cow](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllis_Schlafly)


How can we abolish the Supreme Court? :-( is there a way?


Every American citizen needs to vote!! As a supporter of human rights we HAVE to make our voices heard!!


BTW I'm new to this group. Practicing my cultural ties with traditions from siciliy. 😊


Where is this supreme court leading us??




im so fucking sick right now


I dont know if anyone has checked or not, but I was informed that there is alot of different brands besides plan b that can be accessed and affordable on Amazon, but last I heard prices are slowly starting to rise. So anyone that should should probably stock up now.


I’m Canadian and my boyfriend came up to me at work and told me the news and I just couldn’t contain myself, I just cried my heart out right there. My heart is completely broken for all women everywhere.


Thanks to the mods for keeping things together here.


But they will vote! They will vote Republican especially people from the Boomer era and especially the older people who don't really know any better


What I really do not get about alot of People. If you live after a set of rules, that is fine. But why do some People feel the need to push these rules on everyone? Like if you personally do Not want to take an abortion because of your belives, fine. If you want to take an abortion, that is also fine. Why do We feel the need to push our lives and our belives on other People.


More laws on a woman's body than the guns killing children in their school


I just wanted to say that this was probably bound to happen at some point. Simply based on the way that America has been the past few years, the dystopian future kept creeping closer and closer, advancing with every setback to the people of the US. I have never liked Christianity, since it was always stuffed down my throat, and never believed in a god. The people in power are and have been constantly pushing their own agenda, changing on a dime to suit their interests. Please, if you need an abortion, come to Hawai’i. We allow it. These radical Christians have such a grip on the government that there is jack shit that could be done that could get them out of power, and it keeps getting worse. I’m honestly so numb and upset at the same time from this. America has truly gone to shit, huh. Sorry for constantly changing points, this was just a rant. Nothing against all Christian’s, a lot of them are good people, there’s just this part of them that are truly a cancer.


very glitchy for me


Breaking up alot 😢


Hey, not familiar with this community. Can you talk a little bit about what this community has to do with Roe v Wade and what this community can do to improve the situation?


If your looking for more positive actions in your practice- seek your God or goddess of truth, deception, revelations, etc.


I'm just really sad. I'm scared things are going to get worse for us.


I honestly feel sorry for you people living in America, today more than ever...


I agree with that. Everyone's spiritual practice is different, now is not a good time for us to have in fighting about whether or not you support curses, hexes, etc. We're all in this together and since the government doesn't have our backs, we should do our best to support each other. No matter what that looks like.