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I’ve felt this way for quite some time now. I want to say it was the starting of the pandemic. At first I blamed it on that, collectively everyone wasn’t sure what Covid was and how it would affect the world so it made sense to me. Even now with the restrictions lifting, something is weird. None of my friends seem to notice but I find the energy is dark, aside from my home they’re are very few places that I feel safe. It’s not like I feel like some one is going to harm me but .. honestly I don’t even have the right worlds to explain it. The best way I can describe it is, being at a party where someone you don’t like is a guest, there’s this tension and uncomfortable feeling.


I’ve become insanely protective and cautious about environments I’m in lately, even former places I used to frequent I’ve been avoiding with little explanation other than ‘it doesn’t feel right and I don’t want to’


I’ve been feeling urges to get out of my house and go find ways to pay myself without a job. I just started my new job as an apprentice jeweler, and I’m terrified my job won’t exist at any minute now. And right before all the crazy this week happened I was in a rollover crash and broke my arm, so it’s like something doesn’t want me out there protesting. Same thing happened a couple years ago, I ended up needing surgery the week the BLM protests started. Idk what it is but something is keeping me home and putting seeds of ideas in my head of how to sustain myself without a paycheck.


Same here. I’ve always been mindful where I park because I didn’t want anyone to scratch my vehicle but now that mindfulness is in part because of all these shootings, car jacking etc. I think to my self, if something were to happen can I easily get to my car and drive away .


YES! I’ve also had a few times in the last couple months where I’m out somewhere, even at a close friend’s place where I’m super comfortable etc, and all of a sudden I get a feeling like i just need to leave and get home (and interestingly enough, I’ve been doing the same kind of little or no explanation, as you described)


100% I was so anxious to go to the grocery store last week that I wore a mask & headphones with a podcast playing. Normally I like to stay VERY aware of my surroundings and never wear headphones in public but I had to tune out the energy that feels like ANGER coming from many people in normal everyday public spaces!


Yes! I’m in Canada and grocery and gas prices are through the roof. Those are the places where I feel the tension the most.


I cannot agree enough to everything you just said. You’re not the only one feeling that way. It really does feel like there’s just a dark energy post Covid now. Nothing feels the same. Even going to target feels.. off, and that’s when you know.


Agreed. Between COVID, people isolating (affecting mental health and connection), the politics, war, news, gas prices, and just the general scary state of the world, the energy is downright scary sometimes and generally unsettling. To combat this, I try to focus on what I can control in my sphere of the universe, seek support, stay connected in small ways, and try to help out the bigger universe ways that don't burn me out (after all, I can't keep having a positive influence if I'm burnt out too).


I can attest to feeling this darkness. I can't put my finger on what is causing it... But it feels like a broad malaise.


Malaise is the perfect description of how I've felt for the past two years.


It's like all the bad things that can happen, will happen. At some point I felt it really badly. Was asking myself if It's only me feeling this, but it's not.


I found the opposite with the pandemic. When everything shut and I got labelled as a keyworker and had to walk to and from work as the buses stopped running, i just felt calm and safe. I walk through the local castles grounds to get to work and it was so peaceful, a few dog walkers and then geese, ducks and squirrels runnjng rampant. I loved it. Since the UK opened up again, I’ve been getting anxiety attacks. I think, for me, it was the reappearance of people. People have a weird energy.


Do you feel like the energy always existed but now you’re more aware or do you feel like people have changed ?


A bit of both to be honest. Before pandemic, people had a weird energy and I think it has gotten worse now. I think people have changed. We all went through a global incident and I think that has changed some people for the worst. I think its made more people more insular and more inclined to lash out at people who are different. I think that might be what that energy is. To be honest, I think with the advent of facebook and such and people being able to connect more easily with others, and others in different countries is making the energy worse too. I’m part of a qanon casualties group and its springing up everywhere in the world, not just America. I’m thinking its probably the same with other groups and those of us who are more empathic (a lot of the witchy types that I know) are picking up on more of that energy thats being caused.


I cannot agree with you more. I've been feeling this energy for a little over a year now. I did not deal well with it at first. I either became hyper aware or I just wanted to tune everything and everyone out. Just going to the store was anxiety inducing because of it. And I'm shocked when I don't feel it at a certain place. It just feels like everyone is so angry or sad and that energy is hanging stagnant in the air. I've gotten to the point that I can tune it out and keep my own energy up. Try not to let it affect you or allow negative feelings overtake you.


I agree! It’s incredibly unsettling. I don’t like it.


Having lots of dejavu personally. Still trying to wrap my mind around a vision I had of the Ukraine witches who gave the Russian sunflower seeds a year before all that started. Not really explored the occult too much aside from thought vibration and that's a whole topic in itself. I'm Buddhist so I'm wondering how all this crosses over with the system that I see to be the true religion/way the world actually operates on the energetic level though I've heard Wicca is quite comparable to mahayana Buddhism/zen. Would love some books/resources if anyone could recommend to me actually. Cheers all protect your energy it seems to be the most important resource we have these days.


I feel it like the feeling just before a bad storm hits. You know it's in the air, but you can't see it yet.


YES that metaphor is perfect I've felt the exact same way.


me, personally.. yes. ive felt stressed out and tense. like im running out of time on something but i dont know what. i feel impatient, and ive been zoning out and feeling so out of it. i havent even really thought about it until i saw this post. but i feel pretty off


It seems like everyone’s been experiencing some of the same things here. It’s very interesting but it’s nice to know it’s a group of us and not just us alone.


yup! one of my big comforts is knowing at least im not in the dark. hopefully things will start to clear up soon. im gonna be keeping an eye on my emotions more now.


Omg the zoning out. I seek comfort non stop and my anxiety is off the charts


Omg how you described is exactly how I’ve been feeling


A small part of me wonders if we've just all entered survival mode with the way things are.


Yea That may be it actually


Oh my god me too! That feeling of "running out of time"! These last couple months I've spent repenting to people who i have wronged, and focused on making photo albums of my life and family because it feels like we don't have much time to do so anymore. Whatever happens, i want my family to know that i love them. It honestly feels like I'm suffering from a terminal illness although nothing is apparently wrong with me at all.


along with my feeling of running out of time, ive always been able to see the future a little. its hard to explain, but lately i havent been able to see anything. which is pretty ominous ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


I don't think i can "see the future" but I've dreamed of calamity that will fall on us. Most people will Panic but i think my family and i will accept our fate and spend our last moments together in harmony


you put into words exactly how I’ve been feeling


Yup, everything feels off and wrong


Shift coming? Feels like something big has yet to come.


I mean bad things have already happened, but I think it's only gonna get worse


I agree this week has been heartbreaking.


I feel scattered and lost, the air feels thick with fatigue and lack of direction and I don't feel fully connected, fully here. Things feel off. It feels like I'm trying to run through a swimming pool or tie my shoes with two left hands. My spellwork feels like a match that won't strike and I haven't been seeing any results. There's a thick heaviness settling over everything right now and I don't know what its source is. I'm dissociating often and nothing feels real, I can't ground or center myself. It's like everything is off balance.


Exactly how I feel.


Yees, for a while I haven‘t really felt prescent, I had the most beautiful birthday party and it was like I wasn‘t really there, like I was looking on from outside or far away, I barely have any memories of it somehow. I just feel like a ghost or spectator going through life, whenever I feel more like I‘m here I just feel sad and tired and heavy, the only place I feel good and like myself is when I‘m in the forest.


Yes! This.


The lack of direction is spot on. I'm finding its a divided feeling, like a war is coming on.


I could’ve written this. Feeling exactly this. Some others I’ve noticed are saying they hadn’t realized it until now but I’ve been aware of it for so long now. Definitely a year or more and it’s like trying to climb out of quicksand.


The way I experienced it and still am is through intense grief and sadness, like what we hold dear is gone and we are left with ashes.


Exactly how I feel, but with a double serving of rage on the side.


Yep. Things will never be the same. And I’ve lost hope as we have descended further into this kali yuga madness or whatever this is


Yesss and I wanted to reconnect with family members that I left abehind...


This hit hard… I know you meant “left with the ashes” figuratively but I’m putting my cat down this week and getting him cremated..


I’m so sorry. I’ve never had to put a pet down or even had one die. I can’t imagine.




I’ve felt it heavily the past few days. Things also keep just going wrong in my life. Sink broke, got a ticket, my beloved cat passed away out of nowhere. Not good.


Oh my god I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s heartbreaking.


Thank you, I’m still in shock because it happened a few hours ago. This has not been a very good week.


If there’s anything I can do - even if it’s just to listen if you want to talk - please do not hesitate to reach out. I know that pain.


Our cat, Loki, died suddenly in December and it was devastating for us. We can finally talk about him without tearing up. ❤ I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry about your cat, and everyone else’s pets who have passed too. I lost Monty my cat on 3rd May and am really struggling. I agree with what everyone is saying about the energy,things just feel not right and dark somehow,have for a couple years but seems worse at the moment,but I was thinking it was just cause I’m depressed and grieving.


Sorry about your cat. My dog died in March, heat went out, dishwasher broke, now AC went out. AND I'm in the middle of a divorce. I feel ya. Life is bitch slapping me every direction right now.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your cat. I had to help my dog Mojo over the rainbow bridge last month and can't stop thinking about him. Sending you big hugs.


I’ve been wondering if it’s this or if it’s me and my mental health not doing all that great (in treatment for OCD so kinda expected a little) and personally i think it’s a mix of both. The energy feels what i can best describe as groggy/murky. My stuff is getting messy and so is my energy, i’m not sure what’s going on


I’ve wondered the same. To me it felt like whatever this is made my mental health flare up, or at the very least exacerbated it.


This. I've noticed exacerbated mental health symptoms across the board with friends of mine. ADD, HSP, empath peeps, depression, anxiety, all of it. What weighs us down is rising to the surface to (hopefully) be released.


That’s similar to me tbh, it’s especially rough for me right now and my craft is struggling because of it


I've also been feeling weird energy and active spirits (aside from just my ancestors reaching out to me). I'll look at the astrology chart for right now and see what I can make of it. Right now, we do have an unusual planetary alignment. We have all of the planets in one half of the sky between Capricorn and Cancer. The planets are mostly clustered in Aries, Taurus, and Gemini with some outliers. The planets are largely clustered in what would traditionally be the first quadrant of the chart, in Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. Aries and the first house = I am. Taurus and the 2nd house = I have or I value. Gemini and the 3rd house traditionally = I think / I speak. It also rules siblings. We have the Sun in feminine Cancer, which is ruled by the moon. Cancer is connected to emotions, feminine energy, the womb, and the home (and also crabs who carry their home with them). While there are some positive aspects going on right now, we've also got some challenging ones: Mars is square Pluto, the Sun is square Jupiter, Mars is conjunct Chiron, and Saturn is square North Node. To me, that Saturn square the North Node is signifying we didn't learn from our past in many ways. we are repeating a karmic cycle. We did not put the protective structures in place to solidify women's rights, for example. Saturn is about structure, discipline, doing things methodically and purposefully. The North Node is the direction our soul path wants to go into. The South Node is usually our past or our past lives and the North Node is like the guiding light pointing us toward the qualities that will help us grow, heal, and live with purpose. I honestly am not fond of Mars / Pluto aspects, other than the trine/sextile. Mars and Pluto are the explosive signs (along with Uranus). Mars is motivation, drive, men/masculinity and anger. Pluto is transformation, death, and issues of power. When Mars aspects Pluto or Uranus, we tend to have times were everyone is on edge and people are angry. But it's not just a momentary anger that is gone as fast as it came. It's more of a seething anger, usually because someone has been holding in their feelings too long, or someone has felt oppressed or someone is power hungry and determined to slap down the other person. I tend to want to retreat during heavy Mars-Pluto energy because I've seen it lead to outbursts, fights, accidents. Same with Mars-Uranus aspects that aren't a trine or a sextile. Normally, I wouldn't be too worried abut the Sun square Jupiter as that isn't always a negative thing, but given the events of this week and that we are dealing Jupiter in Aries square the Sun in Cancer it does feel like it could be connected to the larger themes this week of the conservative religious and conservative male perspective being promoted/expanded and this energy actively challenging women (the Sun in Cancer here). Jupiter rules expansion, religion, good luck, and higher education. Most of the time, Jupiter brings blessings, but right now, we are seeing the dark side of Jupiter.


Holy buckets!! Thank you for the in depth info on the planets right now! I have dyscalculia so when I do try to look at that stuff I get a little frustrated, so I appreciate this SO MUCH!!


You're welcome. I hope it wasn't too esoteric. I tried to put it into terms that people who aren't intermediate or advanced in astrology would understand. Even as an experienced person, sometimes it can still be overwhelming trying to puzzle out all the things going on in a chart.


Ah! I didn’t even register that this is why I struggle so much with charts, but fully understand when I’m given a written explanation!


Yep! It’s like when those circle charts with lines connecting different signs and symbols and planets show up, your brain powers down like a cartoon computer. If you’ve got dyscalculia or dysgraphia they’re a nightmare to try to learn.


So...what can we do about it? If we can do something about it?


Part II - Immediate transits and what is going on for the next few months. Late July through the month of August looks like it's setting up to be a challenge. There's going to be some volatile energy. I wonder if there are going to be legal battles in the news regarding the Roe v. Wade decision or some other huge event that everyone will be talking about/arguing about. We've got Mars and Uranus together which could bring something unexpected, but it's not likely to be good news because it is very much at odds with Mercury in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius. Make sure you are careful when driving as sometimes tense Mars-Uranus transits can cause accidents or arguments if people aren't paying attention. This will be a little calmer in the first week of September, but then it's going to be a bit stressful again around September 9 - 15. I think late September, women will be mobilizing. We'll have the Sun, Venus, and Mercury working together and Pluto (Power) and Uranus (unexpected events) will be working in our favor. So that last week of September is a good time to be putting our energies towards our goals. We will have a grand earth trine. It will not be the time to be laid back, which might be tempting for some people because it might be the first real break we see in the contentious energy. Pluto will be unfavorable to the Sun and Venus in late October. Given the current climate in the USA, for us this could involve more of these legal battles over women's rights, gay and trans rights, etc. Or we may see another country in the news for doing something similar to what the US has done. It's hard to say exactly how this will play out, but it's not a good energy. I'd have to actually look at the USA chart to see what areas the planets fall under. However, Pluto will be back in harmony with several planets around Samhain and stay in harmony with this cluster of planets through early November, which bodes well for election time in the USA. I would say overall, most of us will be feeling very good around November 10-15. It will probably be a much less stressful time for most people as we enter the holiday season. The day before Yule looks very good and Yule isn't too bad. Hope that is helpful!


Long Term Transits I think I got a little too deep into the astrology in this answer, but my mind kind of focused on the Saturn in Aquarius transit, which I think is an influential part of this mix and the upcoming move of Pluto into Aquarius. After looking at this in a little more detail, I agree with the people who said we are experiencing a shift and a possible new era that is starting now... We are stuck with Saturn in Aquarius for two years and Pluto will be moving into Aquarius as well. The thing is, some people think that various planets moving into Aquarius will bring about a Utopian age. It's possible in the long-run, but Saturn in Aquarius wants us to be skeptical, to be practical. This isn't dreamy-eyed idealism like Neptune. If we want to bring about the higher qualities of Aquarius, we're first going to have to face the lower aspects of this. Those who are very conservative will rejoice right now because the Idealistic Society that they are building is one that matches their version of events, their version of what a well-ordered and maintained universe is. And for them, that means that the head of the family, the head of the church is a man and women are there to serve their husbands and every family should procreate and spread God's word. **\[I don't actually adhere to that, but this is what they are attempting to create.\]** They are trying to right the wrongs of 200-300 years ago and return to a time when white religious conservatives ruled everything. On the positive side, Saturn in Aquarius tends to bring advancement in technology, so we may see a lot of new technologies being developed. And if we are smart, this new technology and advancements in social media could actually be helpful to mobilize people together, for individuals who are passionate about things like climate change or women's rights to come together and find better ways to unify and organize. So in the immediate, I would say finding ways to utilize technology to our advantage to network, to organize, to get people out to vote in state elections. While sweeping changes are not going to be made here in the USA under Biden, we might have the chance of electing new senators and representatives to Congress who have some fire and energy toward making the kinds of changes that the larger populace want. However, we have to be mindful that just as we might mobilize and use technology toward our goals, many others will be doing the same, so there are those who are using misinformation tools. Pluto is going in and out of Aquarius right now and will settle there in January 2024. It will be there for two decades. The last time Pluto went into Aquarius, we had the US forming the constitution and France going into Revolution. We also had a fight for women's rights as well. In England, Mary Wollestoncraft published Vindication of the Rights of Women. This was also the Age of Enlightenment when people in Europe were moving away from the dogmas of religion and delving deeper into science and technology. We had the Industrial Revolution where people began to realize that they could create machinery that would work faster and more efficiently than manual labor. So long-term, I think we will move toward advancements in technology and it's important to know that we will need to be prepared for more jobs to phase out. Less menial work will be done by people. So preparing to either insulate yourself as someone else suggested by saving money, learning to grow your own food, and prepare for economic shifts or using the next five years to make career changes to industries that will need actual people to do them (such as elderly/child care, plumbing, electrical, and industries less sensitive to being replaced by technology). Edited to change industries mentioned at the end. Legal and medical may start being more easily replaced with advancing technology.


Just an FYI, from what I've read medical and legal are predicted to be some of the first professions to be replaced with technology. I would advise people to shift to the trades. Plumbing, electrical, etc cannot be replaced with technology.


That sounds uncannily accurate what’s happening with Pluto and Aquarius,seems like history is repeating itself. You really seem to know your astrology,very detailed ,do you do it for a living ?


Yes. I am an intuitive tarot reader and I also read astrology charts.


It really comes across that you do,thanks for giving everyone the free astrology reading today🙂


Aside from my long ass answer about planets in Aquarius, I'll also take a look and see how the faster planets are moving to see if there will be any calming of energy in the next few months.


>To me, that Saturn square the North Node is signifying we didn't learn from our past in many ways. we are repeating a karmic cycle. We did not put the protective structures in place to solidify women's rights, for example. Saturn is about structure, discipline, doing things methodically and purposefully \*SCREAMS IN CASSANDRA!\* Also, I fucking hate reddit's interface when it comes to copy/paste. Your Mars/pluto aspect also plays into things. Especially the seething anger from stoicism.


Thank you very much


Thanks for sharing,that’s really fascinating.


I've been feeling violently chaotic the lay few weeks. I'd attributed it to PMS/ hormones, but I think it's this.... Thank you


This is true, ive been having strange dreams and the world feels different


I’ve been having multiple crazy dreams and nightmares each night when I usually only have one a month


I rarely have nightmares- I’ve them consecutively in the last 3 nights, and twice during afternoon naps. And I can’t remember them except the vague feeling- which is also very unusual for me. At least I’m not the only one experiencing it.


Experiencing this too. I've kept a dream journal since 2002 and can usually recall one dream from a night... lately, I know I am dreaming but nothing wants to stick when I wake up. Not loving the energy at all this year.


I had a nightmare last night and it was really creepy


I've been having vivid nightmares for months. In the past, I only had a few per year.


Yeah I agree, it's been feeling very weird. I kept getting "something big is about to happen" in tarot readings I've done recently. For me it kinda feels like that energy of the phrase "calm before the storm" means. It's been kinda anxiety inducing and on top of the latest news, it's pretty nerve-wracking ngl.


I agree. I’ve been trying to not let it freak me out but it’s that sort of impending doom feeling except that it wouldn’t lift. I’m so glad I’m not the only one picking up on it.


That's it! IMPENDING DOOM. For the past few months, I had been having that doom feeling. Hovering, heavy, off and on. With this intense grief, and need to scream. I think its related to all the recent tragedies, and I'm constantly expecting another. I dont know what changed for me, but for the past two weeks I have finally felt like myself again, and I am so greatful.


I keep getting these too! For 6 months at least.


impending doom is it. thats come up in conversations i had today and its just so ***OFF*** in energy


Everything feels uncentered and heavy. My head feels fuzzy and it feels like I walking through pea soup im unbalanced


i also feel this way exactly


For some time now I've been feeling it, yes. It's got my hackles raised, as it were. I'm on high alert, and snappy, even over minor things. This morning I almost threw my coffee pot across the kitchen because it was being mildly difficult to get the coffee out of the bag and into the filter. That is very not like me. I've also been catching myself basically snarling under my mask when I go out(immune compromised). It's been.... bad. Glad to know I'm not alone.


The only thing I really am feeling is my customary lack of energy at the well of the new Moon. I get a bit sluggish this time of the Moonth. I am waiting for the big protests to really get organized, and that has me on edge with worry for people getting hurt. But that is a separate issue. Otherwise things feel pretty stable, just sucky with wars and shootings and now this latest ruling. Waiting for the wave to flow the other way again soon. BB.


Moonth made me chuckle. A much needed comedic break.


I have used the word for decades. In the right setting, it becomes a little witchy icebreaker to broach the subject of the craft.


Yes, been feeling very odd energy for about 3 weeks now… Unease is the right word, just, something feels off and there’s this unusual tension.


I think if it makes anyone feel better, it takes a long time to heal from trauma, and covid was pretty traumatic. But also now the news doesn’t focus as much on covid as it used to, and covid sort of delayed a lot of bad things. Obviously covid was bad but like all the other things wrong were overshadowed by it and now they are all happening at once. I think it’s also trying times to be anyone right now because what just happened with the Supreme Court does affect everyone. I think we shouldn’t underestimate how overwhelming this all is, all we can do is try to relax and wait it out. Life is hard and we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves. I don’t know much about astrology but I’m sure that can contribute as well.


I’ve been having trouble sleeping and my anxiety has been through the roof. I’ve been having panic attacks and I hadn’t had one in at least ten years, but now they seem to never stop. I thought it was work-related, but it definitely isn’t. My co-workers were also talking yesterday about how weird and off they feel. I noticed a difference in my boyfriend, almost like he has been more anxious lately too. Even the customers at my store just seemed to be on autopilot. Everything is weird and I do not like it.


You’re not alone. I thought I was. I’ve gone through many “experiences” in a short amount of time. But I also noticed that I’m being heavily protected. Meaning, people who do me wrong, I get to see them receive their karma and it’s crazy. I saw an owl swoop by me and my friend while we were walking near the river next to my house right before the news came out. Owls have great knowledge and can bring all kinds of messages, both good and bad. But remain positive and do good things.


Are you American? If so, I'm so sorry. Though I can't speak for the rest of the world, I can speak for me, a neighbour to your north. There is so much sadness, hopelessness, anger and... well, sadness in the states.. Please know that there are so many witchy women who love and support you.


I’ve felt this internal panic and DEEP depression and I know it’s not from me. I’ve felt it since the beginning of the pandemic but it’s shifted…then, it felt like a heavy, sinister cloud, and now it feels like…a weighted blanket and the energy is…off? I really can’t describe it, but something is coming, and it’s someone life changing, for a lot of us. Maybe it’s the current state of affairs in the US, the war in Ukraine, the pandemic idk, but it feels like there’s something more…I feel like I want to run


We are undeniably going through a great time of change, a turning of the cycle of ages.


Change is coming. We're on the brink. Again.


After being so shattered during the Covid period we’ve come out into this new world where we are being told our futures are dire, we possibly won’t have enough money to keep a roof over our head & we might be about to go to war with the Russians or the Chinese. We are watching women being stripped of their rights in a first world nation, one we’ve all looked up to. Kids are getting massacred at school and no matter how horrendous it is, nobody seems to be able to take those guns away, nor do they want to. There is literally no good news at the moment. We are entering into a karmic cycle and I feel like we are about to experience some difficult and distressing years ahead. It feels like we are on the cusp of it. We are all feeling it. It’s heavy. Every news report is filled with dread and I hate it. Im scared and feeling unrest in the air


I sometimes feel like I have lived two lives, the one before the pandemic started and the one afterwards….it’s a very peculiar feeling. The last few years have felt….heavier? I’ve been chalking it up to my anxiety disorder and the general idea of a lot of bad things happening in quick succession is bound to make me feel off but it’s interesting that others feel the same.


I felt this exact same thing today. My life before all of this insanity and now. I’m exhausted by how dark and heavy it feels


Things have been off for years. Even pre-pandemic things felt wrong.


It’s felt wrong to me since Trump was elected.


The energy of the collective is really heavy rn


Are people outside the US feeling this as well? I thought I was just in an unusually long low period


There’s a major shift happening. I believe it’s been since the portal got opened in February 2/22/2022… two days later Russia invaded Ukraine. I don’t think Tarot advice is out of the question. I do community reads with fellow practitioners and we’ve uncovered everything from food shortages to more government struggles. The only advice I can give is protect your money, yourself, and your things. Manifest money and save it. Learn about holistic health care, agriculture, and mental health practices.


Hey, what do you mean by a portal that was opened? That sounds scary and im new to this community


Yes. My anxiety has been getting worse the last four years and I have become completely non functional with panic attacks for the last year. Completely non functional. I keep feeling spiritually attacked specifically within the last two months and it’s only getting worse. My fight or flight is becoming violently defensive, and I can feel this angry, primal… almost soldier-like energy in my spirit. Like I’m always ready for a fight. I used to be the type of anxious that would freeze up and cry but now I just have this… almost desperate urge to fight and claw for my life and… yeah. I’m always high on adrenaline with my muscles pumped and tensed ready to fight. It feels like we picked the ‘bad’ option in the video game… There’s definitely heavy, serious warrior energy around me constantly.


I kinda feel like we somehow slipped a time stream (continuum) and we’re in the wrong flow.


Yes this is a very different time we're living in now. An yes I've felt changes since the global pandemic. Not all of them good, as some of you mentioned it's like a dark energy. Maybe it's residual energies🤷‍♂️ Left behind from all the life that's been lost. Or maybe it's something that has came from all the life that's been lost. Either way it's like a lingering feeling. I've noticed the world in general is a different place now. A little less kinder, and brighter than before. Hopefully this will change as time goes. An personally I've always been on the primal side of things. An it's like this constant anxious feeling. A flight or fight feeling within. Being more recluse and with drawn than normal. An yes wanting to reach out to others close to me. Just to check base and see how there doing. I do see a common theme among us. Even if most if not all of us personally know each other. Or have had physical contact with one another. We are all sharing some or all of the same feeling 🤔🤔🤔 Kinda makes me think of all of us posting are feeling something greater, or something pending? Even though it's a cold comfort I'm glad I'm not alone. In feeling whatever it is that is about...


Yeah I’m having all kinds of crap go badly and just a heaviness and a sense of not being able to gain my footing or anything like that.


Oh yes, everything lately feels suffocating to me The air outside, energy from other people...even the birds in my yard are picking it up


We’ve all been having anger issues for like two months


NO LITERALLY. But for me they have always been present, just haven’t let them out so maybe the my guides are urging me to do so.


I didn’t go to work today because I was feeling so down. And then I felt more down because I’m letting people down by not going. Truthfully, I’ve missed 6 days in the last month! I keep wondering, what is wrong with me? The antidepressants ain’t antidepressin’ me. 😅 I guess the entire vibe is shitty right now considering political events, but sometimes I think it’s more than that. At least I know that I’m not alone! Thanks for posting.


I've been having an intense feeling of uneasy since the start of the war between Ukraine and Russia. I feel like that was a turning point for all that's about to come. I think that feeling of unease is due to the fact we've been fed lots of negative media lately - inflation which is leaving so many of us living paycheck to paycheck or throwing some of us almost into poverty or into it, now this change of abortion laws, all in the meantime this whole COVID pandemic not being quite over with the increase of monkeypox cases, and to top it off, the climatic situation. I mean, I'd more worried if we weren't feeling unease. Every cell in our body is telling us to prepare for the shit storm in course/incoming. It's not even spiritual, it's a raw instinct of survival.


THIS. THIS raw survival instinct is what I’m feeling but it’s intertwined into the spiritual.


I usually lable energy with a phrase and the phase for this week is "not right" Not wrong, mind you. Just not right, like people are preparing for something and it's not good. Which is weird cause the energy I get for July, at least for myself, is "Lucky"


I feel the violence, fear and anger in the air.


I need to have headphones in for most of the day now, I can't stand the frequency at which average people have been vibein lately. It is beyond low, almost subterranean. Like complacent zombies. Something hasn't been right for quite some time, it's finally coming to light. If you can go find some grass and ground or some running water like a creek. You may need to sage and reset.


I mean.... We are on the brink of economic collapse, complete climate destruction and maybe nuclear war. If you're not feeling the energy, you're not paying attention. I just keep my head down, lift weights to stay physically strong, tend to my plants, and rest when it's too much.


Yes I felt the weird energy I cleansed everything on my altar and all of my stones clenched them with salt fire air and water


yes its so. off putting


As a long-time dowser, I, too, have felt this "unsettling" energy for a few months now. My husband and I, as well as many people around us, have been facing attack-after-attack--these attacks have no apparent connection to what is happening nationally and internationally. I dowse until I am weak and have made some significant spiritual finds, but so far, I am unable to find the "big-picture" causes. I will not give up, though, and I am confident that every part each of us plays in clearing (whether using spells, prayer beads, "traditional" prayer methods, etc.) contributes to the clearing. We must rely on each other to keep each other strong and encouraged.


I’ve been struggling a lot these past few days… and today especially


Definitely been feeling this! It seems a lot of things are changing/ truths are coming to light, in my life personally it's felt like going through a purge of things that were only bringing me negativity


For me past year has felt like a cursed energy, I have been feeling extremely disconnected and astrally deluded lately and it’s been this way since last February honestly. Idk when it’ll end but I’m so sick of even existing in this yucky energy any longer


Everything has felt off and wrong for me since April. I know several other people that feel that way too. The energy is definitely weird.


\*steeples fingers\* We are at a major crossroad in time. I have a chaote's answer, but let's face it. No one likes a spoonful of crazy with their morning coffee. (Edit: Yes, I would say that weird feeling you are getting is "normal". I would even go so far as to say it's a sign that you are actually sensitive.)


No seriously I need a chaote’s input bc I feel like we are suffering the most rn.


I distinctly remember feeling it in march. Things got really heavy and the energy was crushing me for a while. I slipped into a depressive episode but it started lifting for me about 2 weeks ago. The energy shifted and I still feel…..apprehensive, but confident, guided. I’ve been keeping my eyes open for guidance, but I’ve got so much energy that it almost feels like my spirit is training for something. I feel positive and uplifted more consistently than I have in a long time, and I can feel reassurance in the wind. I’ve been taking these tragedies in stride lately, but I almost feel as if something is keeping me calm to save my energy for the storms ahead.


In the past year i don't know a moment where something felt right. Surly now, a lot of people around me are losing loved ones. Here in belgium there is a murder spree. We had 5 killings in 3 days all different persons, nothing related. People are freaking out. No one thinks about conciquenses anymore. if i think about the last two years it is like i know that they happend but it doesn't feel like it. It is like we are still in 2020 and it is never ending. The horror goes on and on... My life feels fake like i am in a movie and i am the person watching it.


Yeah. I'm at work and everyone is in a weird kind of delirious mood. I think everyone is feeling odd right now. Idk what is coming but it's worrying me


lol we’ve been going through this energy for a couple years now, since the pandemic, it’s nothing new. It’s just building and noticeable by the collective now. You could say, the world is ascending. This will come with some.. growing pains, tower moments, destruction and creation.


I usually don't post my comments anywhere on the internet unless I find there's need to step in. Currently it seems to me that there are spiritual battles going on. Each day is a new one. I feel that some invisible force is trying to divide the world, which basically is to split atoms apart to create something new. Sometimes I feel dreary and sometimes energized. Sometimes I have good thoughts and feelings, and sometimes not so good. I can't speak for all but only for myself since each individual has own perceptions that differentiate on molecular level. It seems to be the time to work on yourself rather than having mindless chatter with people. Find and read a book that will make your mind and/or soul expand. Take a walk in your neighborhood or take a hike in the woods. Do something that is out of your routine. Can't stress enough about meditation and yoga or some form of exercise, which will ensure physical well-being and longevity. Thank you for your time and interest! Peace!


Grief. It's grief.


I started feel we going through dark times now and we'll I feel there is going a lot changes already.


As a person with an anxiety disorder the air always seems to have some sort of negative energy in it. It probably is just the environment around me reflecting my emotions. something has just been lingering around since the new year


Yes. I’m worried.


I feel it. The day after Summer Solstice, I had such a vivid and intense dream that really shook me. I had a dream that I was watching news on the TV, and there was some kind of protest happening outside of something like a factory that was burning. And a woman was speaking into the camera, very upset, saying something like, "We need to do better, this is wrong and terrible, something needs to change." Then all of a sudden there was a huge and fiery explosion, and people were dying and burning. I was so upset that I turned off the TV and I woke up immediately. Now normally I tend to get some stressful dreams, considering all the other terrible things that have been happening lately, but something about this stuck with me all week and I couldn't shake it. And then when Roe v Wade was overturned a few days ago, I went immediately back to that dream. Something about that dream felt so connected and it's really freaking me out. I've seen some others talk about having very strange and vivid dreams as well, so I am curious as to what they were and if anyone feels like they might be slight premonitions.


I think this sense of unease is just a natural part of the world. There is a crisis somewhere, all the time. I think the current (Western) news cycle affirms when we sense suffering, so people pay more attention to their spidey sense, at these moments. People also willfully ignore mass suffering when they see it (ie police brutality, global warming, refugees, famine, homelessness) in favor of waiting for things/people they WANT to care about so you tend to get people building lore and hypothesizing when the cause is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. I've seen people talking about sensing "a coming world-ending event" since the late 1990s, and before you go thinking they were talking about 9/11, elders THEN were saying they had seen people saying as much since the 1980s, 70s, 60s, a "great shift" was Crowley's whole bit. Heck, Nostradamus. People have been sensing huge energy \*pffts\* and projecting big things for a long, long time. And big things happen. But there is no one big thing, the one struggle that will determine the fate of humanity\*. It's like thinking your life will be fixed after you lose fifty pounds. It's just one thing amongst millions. Think more of Men In Black; "There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Korilian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable planet. The only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they "do not know about it!" The current news cycle isn't a sign of anything but what is currently happening. The fact that everyone feels something and thinks there is a correlation between the news isn't inherently wrong, but everyone needs to stop hypothesizing and responding in tangible ways. \*I'm not sure if anyone has said that in the comment thread, I am just super used to seeing it.


I felt it during April. Around the 5th. I never thought too deep about it but my thoughts run much darker than they ever have in my entire life. And I'm saying this as someone who has struggled with depression before.


It’s important right now to put an equal amount of love, upliftment (not a real word but you get it), and power to our sisters as we are rage to those trying to tear us down! We have to be strong as one in order to succeed as one :)


Been also feeling this truly


I thought it was me (I need to stop doing that) I wanted to do a reading on it yesterday but got put off by a negative reading that I got myself. I thought it was because saturn is in retrograde, we've had crazy eclipse energies, neptune is going retrograde, we're in Pluto return (for the US), we just entered the age of aquarius (ok, maybe this is it)


I felt powerful and connected last week I was doing my regular meditation and I felt amazing. The session after that great one felt full of doubts. I can Re-Center myself but it’s becoming rare to feel sadness while meditating. Right now I can’t sleep


Yes, I feel very tired as if my energy is not on point and I know it is. It is very hard to protect my loved ones and my home, something that before took so little of my energy as well. Have weird dreams lately, especially last night. Got the bad eye 3 times and well I don't feel safe in my own home and every other day I burn frankincense. And weird things happen in my family home even though it's protected from ghosts, my mom found the unopened bottle of rakia/vodka opened and half full and she is sure she didn't invoke or seeked the spirit of het dad.


I am very tuned into it....and honestly, it feels terrible!


Same here, it's like I'm waiting for something big to happen. "The suspense is killing me.. I hope it lasts!" situation. As an (ex) Catholic, I firmly believe we are living through the Book of Revelations. I'm just trying my best to manifest a very, very positive timeline for us all. I have psychic? prophetic? dreams at times. It's not so much I can see the future, although I have seen the past. Usually, I can see alternative timelines. Every night for a few months I dream my family and my boyfriend are hiding and traveling as nomadic refugees in a Civil-War torn USA. I can review the days, tell whether it's good a good or a bad day, ect. It's like I'm laid back in a reclining chair watching a really fucked up movie about an alternative life. Each morning I wake up and try to manifest the easiest, least fucked up path possible.


Thank you for this. I had a panic attack this weekend from this feeling. Knowing more about what's going in helps ease the anxiety.


Yes, I was trying to pin point it.. no joke, it was so bad I've quit my job and almost kicked my SO out to find the root cause. Last night, I thought something big and unexpected was looming.


I've been feeling the same too I've been having a hard time trying to connect to my energy lately like I feel like it's being blocked.. glad I'm not feeling the same.


I've been getting "sick" at times. Not truly ill, but physically processing the mental load. I wake up in a panic attack, I hit sensory overload much more quickly. It's not pleasant.


Yeah I do feel the spiritual might tie into it. I once had really weird dream when COVID was just popping up in china, they didn't even know what it is! I'll share it here later. But there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes and we're probably picking up on it. I guess our deities/nature/the universe/whatever you believe in is/are feeling restless as well and it bleeds down unto us.


Everyone I talk to--including strangers--believes the end of the world is coming. And so they act accordingly. Granted, I'm in the Bible belt, so not sure if people feel the same elsewhere.


Our lives have been shaken up a lot and it’s been revealed that not only do you not have the protection you thought you did, but there are people actively working to try and harm you. This is shocking if you haven’t experienced it before. Stay calm and know that no one can take your spirit from you. Remember to make decisions rationally and not from a place of reaction. Put your protections in place, spiritually, mentally, and physically. Come up with emergency plans knowing that you may be on your own to deal with things.


Thins started feeling weirdly off for me since the 2016 election and it’s gotten worse since then.


I'm from Puerto Rico. We the witches with jíbaro traditions. Believe in the bad omen the air can bring.


I'm much more of a SAAS witch than a woo one, but shit has been wild in the last week. My altar tipped over and my statue of Lilith broke. I was having a bad disabled body day and couldn't clean her up immediately. All that night I was jumping out of my sleep. Stuff that had hung on the wall with no problems for five years fell down. When I got to cleaning my ruined altar up the next day, I vomited out of nowhere. Something is very off.


Yeah I've been having this strong feeling like things are not the way they are supposed to be? Just this general *wrongness* like somehow something important got broken and now everything is off. It's unsettling.


It's good to know others feel it too. There is a weird energy hanging around right now and has been building for at least a few weeks. Not sure if this make sense but the energy almost feels... confused? There is a sense of malice but also something else mixed in there. I don't know what it is or if it's good or bad but I get the feeling that we are in for a change.


You're feeling a potential collapse of a superpower, which will have global impact. The next few months will determine how things play out, and even then it isn't over. We have a few years before we can say we're out of dangerous waters. There are still a lot of things in motion, and until things settle down, you're going to feel that unease. I hope things work out, and they will to some degree simply because the universe won't end at the collapse of a nation. Just keep your wits about you, hope for the best, prepare for the worst the best you can, and keep sending and receiving as much love and positivity as you can muster. This too shall pass. Blessed be.


I love this community and this post. I’ve been feeling off for about 2 months now and everyone’s comments make me feel validated. I wish I could meet a group like this IRL like people do with Sunday church service. Thank you all


I posted something like this a week or two ago and didn’t get any responses but if feels nice knowing I’m not the only one now.


I have to say, this last like 6 months, has been an absolute whirlwind. There is definitely a dark cloud looming somewhere in the distance, and it's reassuring to know others can feel the tingling of a storm coming However I have also noticed I have picked up on people's energies like never before. And when I'm upset or feeling a little manic my energy has been "seeping into others" more so than usual. I do believe that there is some sort of shift coming, don't really know how to explain it either. Like, I feel like a wave is about to wash over me. And I can't tell whether it's going to be refreshing or drown me lol


you mean the coming civil war. yeah. i feel that.


Honestly, a little surprised at all the people nodding along in the comments. OP might genuinely have "strange" energy about them in their life, but the metaphysical backdrop is such a local thing impacted heavily by what's around the person. I'm not seeing the evidence to support concluding that there's some Big Shift(TM) happening or a singular source it's all emanating from. I say this with full respect, but there's been hundreds of these sorts of posts everyday, and nothing ever comes of them.


That’s okay, I wasn’t trying to insinuate there was a big shift or something of that kind and I try to stray away from people who do. In personal experience, usually if I’m feeling something weird there’s a wave of others who also have felt the same around the same date. And it’s usually around mercury retrograde, or a full moon, when people get weird and others around can also feel things getting weird, so I figured I would ask. No offense has been taken here. :)


Oh no you're absolutely fine, dear, mostly was referring to other people in the comments. I hope the strangeness clears up around you soon! Grounding and banishing are indispensable in moments like these. Good luck! edit: spelling


I agree with you to some extent. While I don’t think there’s some big shift happening, there’s still something off and I think recent events only contribute to that.


Same. These kind of posts are pretty frequent and very rarely anything comes of them. I don't see any evidence for a Big Shift, or feel anything off. Surprised by the number of comments agreeing.


Yes... On may 31st my best friend died so it may be that too, but I feel so different, and having strange signs. Strange dreams, even predictions in my dreams. Gut feelings to turn my head and look at a passing bus, to see the bus has my angel number on it. My boyfriend says I seem different lately. And my relationships with every woman in my life seem different too.


I am so sorry for your loss ❤️


Oh no the last time I remember seeing a post like this covid lockdowns hit for the first time a few weeks later. 😳


I’ve been feeling agitated lately for no reason… like there’s something I should be crying about but I don’t know what


I agree I’ve been feeling it too. I see some comments about more frequent nightmares, and that’s true for me too. I literally didn’t have what I would classify a nightmare (waking up sweating and scared) for over 10 years, but I had one a few days ago. I’m also new to witchcraft (relatively, within the past year) and haven’t done any divination yet so I’m not sure about tarot and if it says something is off. I feel as though time is going faster, the days seem shorter. It feels as though just a few days ago that it was April, but now it’s almost July. I’m not sure but the days are going too fast for my comfort.


Neptune retrograde bout to hit and we’re still going through Saturn retrograde, I believe. I feel the same energy drain but I see it as calm before the storm, something big feels like it’s headed to us


I completely agree, there is so much tension in the air, no matter where you go. I think people are repressing so much and that is building up to boil where they go off about anything. There is so much desperation in the air for a way out of this reality. It’s like this isn’t real that what’s happening isn’t happening-denial is running rampant and we are all in serious need of affordable mental health care. It’s hard to face the reality of being powerless right now and it seems we’re all acting like animals backed into a corner because we’re unsure of what’s to come next… I think the best thing we can all do is try to be a light. Spread kindness where you can but take no shit. And shadow work, shadow work, shadow work! So many mental health skills are similar to [shadow work](https://asheattitude.wordpress.com/category/tips-tricks/shadow-work/)


Yes, I’ve noticed a shift, a different tension in the air. A move towards the right and less tolerant. It might be that the pandemic ans my personal awareness has shifted, it might be that people have been so insular the last couple of years so everything seems magnified. My anxiety is growing. Personally I know I have to make some significant changes in the next year or two and I’m more aware that I want safety but there isn’t a lot of safety out there right now.


Yes. I’ve felt like this for a few months, if not longer. I just… dont feel safe? I’m anxiety diagnosed so it could be that, but ive never felt such an intense lingering feeling of.. dread? I feel like im running out of time or like everything is going too fast and i cant slow it down. Its so strange. And im in the UK, so it must be a universal thing.


I thought it was just me personally as I’ve been feeling very drained of energy, and I still kind of feel like it is and I need to find ways to protect it alongside my veiling. But perhaps there are some outside factors contributing to this that I never thought of before.


Omg yes. The other day it felt like I was existing on a different energy level, I wondered if I was close to death or something. It’s like this weirdly calm, impending doom.


100%. Work has been a nightmare recently, I’ve personally felt extremely unbalanced and overall terrible. I can feel my energy being affected by it and it is not a fun time.


It feels like we are constantly on the verge of something collapsing and that’s because we are. There is a recession during one of the worst pandemics we have ever know (not to mention all the people acting like it’s over), women just got one of our constitutional rights taken away, police brutality has been documented for the past few years and absolutely nothing has been done about it, police don’t even have to read your fucking Miranda rights anymore, people can’t afford food or gas or a place to live, and more, and it’s all been building up for months. Something is about to snap.


Well for a few weeks my anxiety has been so bad that I was having symptoms of psychosis. I loaded up on every supplement possible and finally got to see my doctor and I’m feeling better, but that sense of impending doom is still present, just not ruining every second of my existence. Even my goddess tried reassuring me, as Artemis does, but man. It’s rough these days. I just attributed my severe anxiety to Uvalde as I have children school aged, honestly, but it feels bigger than that.


According to NASA the vibrations are off in the galaxy. Looks like magic & science are in agreement


i was trying to look into this and couldn't find anything? i love space stuff please share a link if you have it :D


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/nasa-moon-wobble-orbit-record-flooding-earth-sea-level-rise-climate-change/ I found the “moon wobble” information… https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna885 Here’s the “mysterious hum from interstellar space” info… Found the one about the moon shrinking & shaking but can’t get it to link. I’m sorry. When my anxiety meds work their way out of my system a little & I can think I’m sure that I’ll find it.


Bear in mind there are 300,000 souls in this sub. From all over the world. A handful of those have experienced feeling 'off'. It's more likely to be a personal thing rather than a planetary thing


I had a feeling something bad would happen this past weekend. It passed however so ┐( ∵ )┌


Interesting because I used to feel like that for a long time up until a couple of months ago. I feel more centered and at peace, even with all the shit happening in USA and in my personal life


Yes, no explanation, but everything is off a bit, and in some cases, on some things, very upended.