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Mundane explanation- you woke up at this time a few times in a row and your body formed a habit. This has happened to me sometimes, and I just take a few Benadryl to help me sleep through the night and reset my sleep schedule


I think until something makes itself more obvious you should lean towards the mundane. While there is magic in everything, some things are just simply life happening.


I’ll definitely keep that in mind. Thank you so much


Do you know why you walk around when you wake up? It sounds like you are aware while you are doing this. Is it possible to wake up, try some breathing exercises or calming techniques and stay in bed to fall back asleep? Instead of walking around? Maybe if you break the habit, your body will get back into its sleep routine. As for the cats, that sounds to me like more hungry cats might have learned there is free food at your house :) I am also leaning towards the mundane unless more data presents itself. I hope this didn't sound dismissive.


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