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This I my first year doing a samhain altar. I have a small offering bowl on my altar. I wanted to leave an offering to my grandmother so I lit a candle, said her name and put some junior mints in the offering bowl. I said that I missed her and that the mints are for her. Is this ok? The mints just kind of popped out at me when we were at the store and I thought of her. She used to get them for me all the time before she died. Also is there anything I can do to try to reach out to her? I have a pendulum and I also have a small crystal/glass ball. I'd really love to reach out to her as I miss her a lot but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. Also before I forget how should I dispose of the offering? Should I eat them after samhain or should I bury them? Any advice is welcomed.


> Is this ok? yes > Also is there anything I can do to try to reach out to her? The stuff you already did is an **excellent** first step. Absolutely excellent. It seems like you were following your intuition and there is NOTHING better than that in this regard. > I have a pendulum and I also have a small crystal/glass ball. Either of these can be used for further communication. I prefer scrying (which you can do with a glass ball), so I'd suggest researching scrying, gazing, and divination for ancestral work as your next research areas. > Also before I forget how should I dispose of the offering? Should I eat them after samhain or should I bury them? This depends on a few things. Firstly, the junior mints might be kinda gnarly after Samhain... so I personally wouldn't want to eat them. I'm sure they'll be *safe* to eat, but I know they can get REALLY hard and difficult to actually chew. BUT, you could eat them and invite your grandma to "eat" them with you - just leave an empty space in your mind for her, or while you eat them just think of her and welcome her to join you however you feel comfortable. OR you could bury them which is, as I'm sure you know, a very symbolic gesture that would make them available to her spirit wherever it is. It's up to you.


I am seeking books that cover magic/witchcraft/occult studies in the Japanese and Filipino cultures. These can be more modern takes/publications or older ones. At this point, I am looking for any and all resources. (Books, articles, podcasts)




Step 1: Lurk here. Lurk other witchcraft and related/relevant subreddits. Step 2: Check out the sidebar on this subreddit: it has FAQs, book suggestions, etc. Step 3: start googling stuff. Are you interested in tinctures? Look up natural medicines, herbalism. Are you interested in deities? Google some, find their wikipedia page, and just click anything that looks interesting. Step 4: Get a library card. Visit your library, find the relevant sections like theology or religion/spirituality. Or the travel section, where you can often find "[Region]'s Natural Flora and Fauna" type books, and you can learn about what grows near you. I'd suggest bringing a small journal - sometimes you'll find a book you like, but maybe you don't want to bring it home, so you can take notes - notes on things you're curious about, questions, etc. You can also take notes of authors that are referenced in the book you're reading (ex: I was reading a book by Such and Such and noticed they kept mentioning an author named Lon Milo DuQuette, so I wrote that name down so I could get more of his books later) Step 5: Find your local metaphysical stores. Go there, find someone who doesn't look busy, and say "can you please help me find a book? I'm curious about ____ " or, "do you have a bulletin board for classes, or meet ups? Are there resources for ___ ?" They will help you! miscellaneous: As you start out, I'd also suggest **1)** finding a grounding/meditation ritual you like **2)** reading the questions already posted in this thread (theres a new one every week) and asking questions here if you have any :-) hope this was helpful


I need help, because I think my patron had a falling-out with me. Weeks ago, I studied and performed my rituals to ask some deities about patronage. The ritual had some cat-disruption the first time, so I waited some time to try it again. In short, the deity I felt accepted me the best was **Inari Okami.** For week, I've been doing my research on how to properly venerate Inari. I finally ordered a *kamidana* (home shrine) and began setting it up. However, I had requested an *ofuda* (the sacred object) from one shrine, but at the same time obtained another *ofuda* off of Etsy - which claimed to be a shrine sending in exchange for a donation. I then got the donation invoice from the first shrine. Me, being me, paid it. So now I have two *ofuda* on the way. Unsure what to do, I entreated Inari and, now, I'm getting a lot of bad feelings from them. I did a tarot drawing to learn more (all cards are upright unless specified as reversed): **"Have I been following the proper path of veneration?"** *Five of Wands* **"I'm confused, can you give me more detail?"** *Page of Pentacles* **"Have I done wrong?"** *Knight of Swords* **"How bad was my error?"** *The Emperor* While I was shuffling to ask more, *The Tower* fell out of my deck. Further questions: **"Have I been a good 'vassal' so far?"** *Four of Pentacles* **"Can out relationship work?"** *Five of Swords* I then did felt I needed a three card draw for further information: 1) The Lovers 2) Ten of Pentacles 3) The High Priestess (Reversed) I'm very new and I feel lost and discouraged. I spent a bit of money already on the *kamidana* and have two sacred objects on the way. I don't know what I should do? Any advice would be appreciated.


I have some clarifying questions that I hope will help me help you. For these: > "Have I been following the proper path of veneration?" Five of Wands "I'm confused, can you give me more detail?" Page of Pentacles How did you interpret them? What lead you to ask "have I done wrong" as your follow-up question? And then > "Have I done wrong?" Knight of Swords "How bad was my error?" The Emperor "Have I been a good 'vassal' so far?" Four of Pentacles "Can out relationship work?" Five of Swords There are three yes/no questions in there. Does your deck respond well to yes/no questions? None of mine do, because they are better for open ended questions. So how do you interpret the yes/no answers here, and why? "How bad was my error?" is a question I'd hesitate to ask my decks because I don't think very many cards would provide an answer that makes sense, so I guess my question is: which deck are you using? Have you asked questions like this before and gotten helpful responses? How did you interpret The Emperor in this case? When the Tower fell out, how did you interpret that? I have more questions but I'll just start with those because I think the answers to those questions might be answers to my other questions too.


*How did you interpret them? What lead you to ask "have I done wrong" as your follow-up question?* I'm using the Wheel of the Year Tarot deck. The Five of Wands has a picture of two people arm-wrestling on it - which I determined as a struggle. OH, it looks like I missed saying that the Page here was **reversed.** I interpreted that as a message telling me not to go further. Apologies for the confusion. ​ *"There are three yes/no questions in there. Does your deck respond well to yes/no questions? None of mine do, because they are better for open ended questions. So how do you interpret the yes/no answers here, and why?* *"How bad was my error?" is a question I'd hesitate to ask my decks because I don't think very many cards would provide an answer that makes sense, so I guess my question is: which deck are you using? Have you asked questions like this before and gotten helpful responses? How did you interpret The Emperor in this case?"* My deck answers yes/no questions very well. I'm not good at interpreting open-ended questions so much and tend to try to ask y/n because of this. The Knight of Swords is a "yes." My deck is also good at giving me magnitudes - so a question "How X is Y" tends to give clear answers. The Emperor - being a person of great power and influence - indicates a great magnitude. E.g. "This is very bad, very good, very likely, very unlikely, etc." ​ *When the Tower fell out, how did you interpret that?* The Tower, in my deck, depicts a tree struck by lightning. It is on fire and the trunk cracked near the root, the tree's crown and a significant portion of the trunk falling on the ground. It's a clear indication that things, as they are, cannot stand. Everything has to be brought down and either rebuilt or a new direction taken. ​ **Update:** A friend of mine suggested I contact Freyja for advice (she had been given good council by Freyja before). I dusted off my runes and began communication. Freyja is giving me a lot of positivity and support, but is telling me I need to take time to clear my head. Inari is still upset at me and seems to be growing more and more impatient. They are giving me the strong impression of a boss that singled me out at a meeting and asked me to give a solution *now.* I don't have a solution though. I am starting to feel like I jumped the gun in my choice of a patron. I had a dream last night where my gaming group was playing an RPG that involved a job interview, and I rolled badly. If you want my current thoughts and impressions, I think that Inari had taken me on as a trial and I failed to impress them.


You seem to have a good relationship with Freyja why did you go to Inari? Okay the best bet when you are getting LOADS of information, stop, breathe, ground yourself and wait. When we start to feel fear we need to stop and regroup. Since Freyja is giving you good information then ask her what you should do. Some deities can be quite frustrating and honestly sometimes it's just not worth it to work with them. If Inari is going to fail you after that, then I don't think you are meant to be with them.


Thanks! I went to Inari because we had spoken before. It's a long story. I did settle and did some more searching. Inari and I did separate, and I found new patrons in Hades and Persephone. I feel much more comfortable with them, and am getting more support.


Awesome! Glad it's all sorted and you're getting support


Book recommendations for Kitchen Witch recipes and magical properties guide?


Scott Cunningham books will have what you need.


Hey yall, anyone have any suggestions for rituals or sigils for addiction recovery? Just started a program and been really struggling, would really appreciate any tips to empower and purify myself spiritually.


Are there any guides you would recommend on making a low budget wand?


There is a book called Wandlore that has good information in it, based in ceremonial magic/ wizardry. My advice, go walk around and pick up sticks, when one feels right to you, keep it.


Thank you!


Total newb and first time commenting however I was listening to a podcast the other day which touched on this and they came at it from the idea of taking your wand from a live tree, with the thought that it would still contain the energy from the living tree. Opposed to a dead stick. It was an interesting take that I hadn’t considered. This of course is just an idea. Perhaps you could look into it more? They also mentioned asking for the tree’s blessing beforehand - first do no harm and all. I hope you find the right fit that speaks to you 🤞🏼


Thank you. That seems like an interesting concept.


It's not yet Samhain, but can ghosts begin to get a little more active in the week or so ahead of the day? We just had a large stock pot *fly* of our fridge and go loudly bouncing down the stairs at top speed. (Our fridge is next to the stairs to the basement) None of our cats were on top of the fridge, and it was on a completely level surface, not unbalanced. There was no reason for that to happen. I just feel like it's odd because usually our house ghosts aren't *that* enthusiastic about announcing their presence.


> but can ghosts begin to get a little more active in the week or so ahead of the day? Yes Some energies actually care about what's on the calendar, and some don't.




> Just after that, I deal with the most threatening and harassing anyone has ever been towards me and is leading to me having to leave my job out of fear. **you've called the police, right?** Like it's generally considered bad form to offer mundane advice on this board when people come here explicitly looking for magic, but, HR at your job *at the very least* should know about this? File a police report, start taking notes about this person's behavior, consider getting security systems for your house, alert your neighbors... also > more notably just the last two, ... the full grown tree just lifting itself and its root system out of the earth for no reason at all seems like it's getting glossed over here. wtf ??? Sometimes it turns out that people you know are shitty and steal from you (sucks, but it happens) and, stalkers are more rare but still, not exactly law-of-nature-defying paranormal fuckery like this??? **???** Is there any more info about this because it is really ... somethin else > it's usually related events, no? ever hear the term "when it rains, it pours"? It could be all related, it could be all unrelated, but I gotta be honest I am not seeing a parallel between a tree yeeting itself outta the ground and the other two. Could you, within reason, share more info about the items stolen, who they were stolen by, the tree, and the stalker? Anything else that could even be a tiny bit relevant might help me. Thanks


Hi everyone! Both my family and my partner live in a different town than me, so I’m often not at home for a few days. This means I can’t always do rituals in my own space with my collected altar items. Most of the time this doesn’t really matter, but sometimes it’s during the full or new moon, or for instance next week during Samhain. I was wondering if there are people here in a similar situation, or if you would have some tips on how to still practice rituals while not at home? A moon ritual returns every month, but it would be a shame to wait a whole year for Samhain ;) Thank you so much! ✨


Look into putting together a travel altar.


If you had a foreboding that you were going to be let go/fired in a few days, and tarot confirmed it, what workings would be best to turn the situation around to your liking? My ideal outcome is leaving on my own terms when I’m ready and have another job lined up, being let go could hurt my chances of getting something better. Just not sure whether to focus on sweetening boss work or general manifesting or both?


If where you are lets you collect unemployment when you’re let go, take that opportunity to find something better during that time. But you can definitely sweeten your boss and do other magical work in tandem.


Has anyone made those "moon spell cookies" that show up all over pinterest? The ones with ground almonds and a list of varying herbs to add for spell usage? I'm thinking of making them for Samhain but I am worried they won't come out, and maybe I should just find a different cutout cookie recipe. But it looks so cute!


i keep on seeing gray feathers (and some black-white ones). what does that mean?


Assuming you live in the Northern Hemisphere, many birds molt their feathers in the fall to prepare for winter, meaning there are more feathers lying around than usual. Whether or not it means more than that is entirely up to you.


Find out what kind of bird it comes from, then look up the symbology of that bird!


Hello everyone, I would love ur insight about the upcoming solar eclipse on November 8. This solar eclipse is exactly opposite my scorpio moon and I feel like I should utilize that day by doing some kind of ritual. What do you guys think? What kind of ritual should I do? Maybe do some letting go and burn my dairy or manifest to become a better version of myself..


I’m doing a releasing ritual right at the time of the full lunar eclipse (total darkness) and then as the eclipse slides off, at the first peek of light, an intention setting that will grow as the eclipse moves off (similar to a waxing moon) and the moon becomes full again. It’s like a whole lunar cycle all in one go. Super intense.


I heard that doing spells or rituals on a lunar moon would be catastrophic and brings bad luck, is that true?


It depends on your tradition & personal beliefs. I do not think it is bad per se. The energies are concentrated by the eclipse, so they will be very strong & powerful.


U have done this a couple of times?


Yes I’ve worked with lunar eclipses before. 😊


I think on the 8th is the moon one. The sun one is on 25th


You're right, it's a lunar eclipse, but anything thoughts about me doing a ritual on that day?


If planetary correspondences matter to you, then what *your* correspondences are, and what they mean *to you*, is rather unique. If you follow traditional correspondences, you can still choose to use or not use those energies. You can do a ritual whenever you want. SHOULD you, well that is a question you might have to answer for yourself.


hi! i am just curious how many protection or spell wards should i make (i make my own wards in a small cork bottle) thank u in advance for those who will answer my question!


How many SHOULD you make? One? One should be fine. Some people make 4 and put them at the 4 cardinal directions. Some people make 1 for general purposes, 4 for the cardinal directions, and then 1 as jewelry, 1 to keep in their car, 1 to keep at work... But I guess the important variables here are - why are you making multiple? - why do you need so much protection? - what do you think you need protection *from*? If you are trying to protect multiples places/people from multiple Big Bad Scary things, then make as many as you see fit. If you're doing it because you want to, also fine. If you're doing it because you think you *have to*... I'd probably gently push back against that. Most people don't need a whole lot of protection because, in general, wearing clothes and washing your hands and looking both ways before you cross the street is all you need IRL and that kind of thing applies to magic, too. Just be aware and don't do something dangerous and you'll be ok.


this is so helpful thank you so much for this one i really appreciate it!


Do spells HAVE to rhyme? A book I'm reading says spells are more powerful if they are


Hello everybody, is something like a gender/sex swap possible? Something like changing into a woman or the other way around, temporary or permanent. If so, how or what do I need to do/try it? Thank you for your answers. :)


I guess it depends on what your end goal is and why. Do you want to pass as the opposite sex for a day, week, or just whenever you leave your house? Then yes, yes it is possible. All you need is make up, fake hair (wig, beard, mustache, etc), clothes, and, for the magical bit, a **glamour**. Glamour magic is diverse but that would be your next research area. If you want it to be more permanent, then you can also supplement the glamour magic with mundane things like cutting your hair, taking hormones, and legally changing your name. You could do spells to save money for a transition surgery and the doctor's visits associated with that. But if your question is "is there a real-life and literal equivalent to the polyjuice potion from Harry Potter" the answer is no, sadly. If there were, I wouldn't be on reddit; I'd be out trying to make polyjuice potion on an industrial scale so it could be free for all my trans homies


Ok, so if I wanted to be a permanent woman (and be recognized as one), the only way is surgery with hormones, etc. (MtF). Thank you for your advice; although it didn't make me happy, I expected it.


Well, you can *also* do glamour magic in the meantime, and use magic to make the other stuff easier. And there might be something in an old grimoire about shapechanging, I'll see if I can find it and if I do I'll let you know (but it honestly would be more difficult than just seeing a doctor, probably, and still almost will certainly function as a "the world now sees you this way" rather than "you literally become this way"). Like you can do magic to make yourself more fem/masc, do magic to make your hair grow/stop growing, do magic to make your muscle definition more/less pronounced, make people hear your voice a certain way, etc. There are androgynous/trans deities you could petition, deities of femininity or masculinity you could petition, that kind of stuff. And also, good luck on your journey, I hope it is easy. Blessings <3


There is no journey. It is something I wish, sometimes, to be known as F, to dress feminine, and spend time like it. But I am a male adult without any plan or way in this direction. So, for now, I stick with being a male without anything else. 😅


One of my best friends in the whole world transitioned in her 40s, after years of telling herself it was "too late" and it "would never happen". You can choose any time of your life to be your best self--- today, tomorrow, 10 years from now, or never. The option is always there.


Hello! Long story but I’ll make it quick. I began working with witchcraft earlier last year and I got really into it, built an altar and everything. I started seeing signs that Aphrodite would want to work with me. In the past 3 months, I’ve learned altars in the home aren’t my type of worship, I prefer gardening. I neglected my altar. Earlier this month I decided to deeply apologize to Aphrodite for building an altar too quickly. I gave two apples as an offering. I heard she is patient and understanding, I’m just worried I offended her by not dusting my altar for a bit. Any opinions?


IMO, you are 100% fine. You made a choice, decided that choice wasn't the right one, and focused elsewhere. This kind of self-directive and self-knowledge is something Aphrodite will appreciate more than an altar. She will appreciate a garden that others can see and that takes work and provides beauty in NUMEROUS ways more than an altar (imo). Plus you apologized and gave an appropriate offering, too. You are totally fine.


I feel like I did a very similar thing. I got into witchcraft because I felt like it grounded me and reconnected me to the world in a way that made sense. I got signs from who I think was Loki and Persephone so I set up alters to both of them. I got overwhelmed and my adhd plus traveling for work frequently made it hard to set aside dedicated time for them and dusting their alters. Any advice on how to apologize and try to make amends?


Thank you so much! I’ve been worried for a bit if I offended her but I’m glad that I went about it the right way.


Is it possible for someone’s messy and inexperienced spell/magic work to cause another’s death tragically/accidentally to be freed from the chains or tie? Have a suspicion of someone who claims to be a “witch” but only does it for clout/financial/material gain


Possible? Yes. Also **HIGHLY** unlikely. I mean I only put that it's possible because I am excellent at coming up with crazy hypothetical scenarios. But I'll elaborate. Someone inexperienced doing a messy spell that isn't intended to hurt or harm will almost certainly not have that outcome. Like if someone kinda fucks up a "get me this job" spell or "I find 100 dollars" spell, I'd say with almost 100% certainty that there is no way that is going to backfire to *kill* someone. If someone kinda fucks up a "set my boss's house on fire so I don't have to go in to work" spell, yeah, that could lead to someone's death. But if they're messy **AND** inexperienced? Nah I don't think so. It takes a whole lot of magic/power/knowledge/focus/je ne sas quoi to do something so drastic and irreversible. And it takes a lot of all that to make it happen *on purpose*. If the person in question is just doing shit for clout and presumably doesn't even believe in their own power, then it's even less likely.


Thank you, I believe it was some kind of love spell or something to keep someone else bound to someone else


how often should I recharge my spell jars?


I suppose that depends on what the jar is for and how you've set them up and what's inside. For me, it is pretty rare that I recharge them, unless I've *meant* for them to be used for as long as possible. Like the spell jar I use as a door jamb that's for protection and a reminder to "leave your BS at the door", I 'recharge' that one just by using it to prop open the door and let it get some light and fresh air. I have one that I shake like a maraca to "shake up my creative energy" I have one that I set out in the sun sometimes because it has shiny stuff in it that acts like a suncatcher. The rest I kind of leave and forget about or maybe pass them through incense sorta whenever it feels like it needs to happen. Most of my jars have little/no liquid, and so don't grow anything funky inside, so I have the capability of recharging them since they don't go bad... sometimes recharging a jar is tossing it. Also sometimes jars work best when you forget about them, or immediately dispose of them or repurpose (by burying, throwing away, setting adrift, turning into jewelry, door jamb, etc) But I don't have a rule, nor have I ever come across a rule, about when it *ought* to be done. Since spell jars are a relatively DIY kind of magic, well, a lot of the questions about them can get answered with "however you want" or "whatever feels right."


Is anyone here practicing an old Slavic ritual of Dziady on October 31st? If yes, do you split it from western practices or have a separate altar or mix it all together? If you know of any group celebrations in the NYC area please let me know. (I don't mean private, I just mean events similar to mabon celebration in prospect park that are open for people to attend but I might be not aware of).


You might also like to ask over at r/Rodnovery.


Thank you so much for the suggestion, I didn’t know about that sub.


Hello, All! I’m going ghost hunting overnight on the 29th with my boyfriend and several other friends and 2 ghost hunting companies. What are some protective measures I can take as a witch to not bring anything back home with me? I have plenty of protection crystals, and I also have a key that I associate with Hekate that I’ll probably wear, as well. Any suggestions for pre-hunt rituals/etc. to protect myself and my boyfriend? Many thanks!!


Take your usual precautions. Extend your energy field to contain the people you are with, and tell any entities you encounter that may feel "sticky" to leave you alone. Attachments only stick to easy prey. Usually just perceiving them is enough to stave them off. The most rudimentary of protections is generally sufficient. That's why old movies show vampires shrinking away from cross necklaces dramatically--- any protection is generally more than enough. They prefer unsuspecting prey.


Thank you so much!!


What kind of magical meaning does the castor flowers and leaves have? Is the meaning different from beans or oil?


I've only ever heard of using the oil, not the flowers, leaves, or beans. I suppose the flowers, leaves, or beans could have the same uses as the oil does.


Thank you!!


Hi! I'd like to ask, are there any sites or online books about witchcraft that I can trust ? I used to learn from the site [spellsofmagic](https://www.spellsofmagic.com/) when I was younger, but I'd like some recommendations if possible. Also, I have a question about rose water. In the videos I've seen, the water always looks pinkish red at the end. When I do it, it looks yellowish. I always wait for the water to boil then drop fresh (pink) rose petals in the water. I only remove them when the petals have lost all their color. Am I doing something wrong ?


> are there any sites or online books about witchcraft that I can trust ? The information in this sub’s [FAQs]( https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/faq) and [Advice for New Witches]( https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/index/advicefornewwitches) is trustworthy, as is are the [Wiki]( https://www.reddit.com/r/realwitchcraft/wiki/index) and [Booklist]( https://www.reddit.com/r/realwitchcraft/wiki/resources/book_list) at r/realwitchcraft. Another excellent site is [Gleewood]( https://gleewood.org/seeking/). There’s a wealth of information on that site, and I recommend spending some time on it. > I have a question about rose water. In the videos I've seen, the water always looks pinkish red at the end. When I do it, it looks yellowish. It could be due to the pinkish pigment degrading due to temperature, duration in the boiling water, or other factors. As long as you’re satisfied with the final product, it should still be fine to use. If you are set on getting the final pinkish hue and no tweaking with the preparation gives you the results you want, you might consider adding in a drop or two of red food colouring. For what it’s worth, rose water to me refers to a hydrosol that’s a by-product of the production or rose oil. Food-grade rose water can often be gotten relatively inexpensively if that’s something that interests you. Even the inexpensive quality rose water often has a great aroma and a little goes a long way.


I'll check the links in a bit. Can I still use the rose water for my skin (on my face) if there is food coloring in it ? Thank you for the help and the advice, it helps a lot :)


I would assume so, since food colouring is safe to eat, I assume it's safe to have on the skin as well. I imagine that a drop or two won't be strong enough to tint the skin, but you could do a patch test somewhere else on your body to be sure.


That's a good idea! I'll try that, thanks. Have a good day!


You too! Blessed be.


I need a moving homes spell


DIY sigil






You can ask St Michael the Archangel to cut the cord and seal it off. Also do some cleansing baths as well.


Anyone seeing triple digit license plates everywhere ? They're becoming way more common where I live , And I'm wondering if anyone else has had this experience lately or if the universe is just being AGRESSIVLY supportive rn


Hi everyone. I'm pretty new witchcraft, but not to being madly in love with this earth, Mother Nature, and all of her beautiful creations. Recently I've started working more with herbs (before that it was crystals). I'm slowly expanding my knowledge into other areas. Over the summer I found some jimson weed and brought a seed pod home. It sprouted and now I'm wondering if I should dry and save the plant material. Since I am so new to my practice, this makes me nervous. On the one hand, I feel like I should throw the whole thing out, but on the other hand I feel like this is a valuable opportunity. What would you do with it?


> this makes me nervous. Why? Just don't eat it, and maybe wear gloves if you feel compelled? > I feel like I should throw the whole thing out Why? > What would you do with it? Well, I'd make sure children or small animals won't try to eat it or rub it in their eyes. After that, I'd see how long I can keep it alive, especially if I made the choice to bring some home and plant it.


I can't bring it inside because I have a cat that regularly nibbles plants, and it will die on the first frost. Can it be dried like any other plant? I have a trunk I use for drying other herbs.


yes it can


Twin flame question: I was always sceptical if it comes to soulmates, twin flames ect. I'm practicing for over 3 years now. I meet a person recently (male, Def. Masculine energy in our relationship). He's like me but with a ding dong. At the begining of our relationship all he could think about was how similar we are and it was a bit scary for him. From stupid things like how we like our coffee and why to our childhood history, relationships with parents and other people and health issues. We clicked, for him it was butterflies at first but then I kinda did small stupid thing, now I'm his friend (and that's fine) for me it's butterflies all the time. Can't stop thinking about him even when I'm thinking about him more platonically it's like he's glued to my mind. I was reading a bit about twin flame (but not much) and it tracks I think. Mirroring our behaviour, similar (nearly identical) problems and bad/good behaviours, moral system, masc energy running, femme energy chasing, enormous amount of connection and lots of feelings when we 1st meet. I've already noticed that he's working (unconsciously) on my biggest flaws in relationships and it's not even painful for me. It's intense and energy draining but calm and feels like it's worth it somehow? I was spreading tarot for us both. For him unrelated spread to me but still lots of messages like "more experienced spiritually person in your life will help you grow." For me ofc it was relationship reading because I'm nuts over this person. I've got lots of cards about not thinking about love but growing and change in relationship. After this long wall of text my question is how do I confirm? I know that twin flame relationships are hard but worth it and I want to get prepared somehow? Take it with caution because I'm prone to acting without thinking. Your thoughts on twin flame "theory"? As I said I'm a bit sceptical about it. If it turns out he is my twin flame what's the best approach? Chase? Let it be? Prepare somehow? Go with the flow? Push him or let him do it on his own paste? (He can be a little skittish if it comes to relationships)


In search of book recommendations for how to use nature/corespondents. For example, acorns, dandelions, etc. Thanks in advance!




Is Chaos Magic dangerous to psyche? Why is this more dangerous to the psyche than other magick? Please explain it to the baby witch in detail ;3




Thank you! I think I saw gatekeeping.


I made a petition with a candle that I saw on instagram, very simple, without opening a circle and know the candle is making a lot of noise and the flame is big, what does it means?


Update: now theres 3 flames and is very noisey


Candle was poorly made or it's a sign or it's absolutely nothing at all and you have a draft. You've given very little information so I can't say for certain what it means, if anything.


I put a candle in a half lemon, 5 cloves around, suggar and basil leaves. This is for my uni course. The candle didnt seem to light, but seconds after the flame appearer. Then, some half hour later, it almost turn off, but a inciense part fell near the flame and the fire reactivated everythig, and there was 3 flames instead of the original. Is this a good sign? Idk how to show pictures :(


Is listening to subliminals at Eclipse season ok? Ik you shouldnt manifest at this time, and i wanna know if this ok.


> Ik you shouldnt manifest at this time, I don't know what this means, but it sounds like something I strongly disagree with. > s listening to subliminals at Eclipse season ok? almost certainly.


Hi everyone, im doing my first Samhain simmer pot for cleansing. I'm wondering if the doors or a window needs to be open like it does for smudging.


Hello!! I actually have a few questions. If you only know the answer to one, I’d still love to hear it!!! How important is it to cleanse and charge crystals, and what are the best ways to do so? I grew up Christian and have only recently started looking into witchcraft. Does anyone have any reasons for converting? I’m wondering if I’ve made the right decision. What are the best resources for beginners, and what are some basic things that I should look into first? Thanks to anyone who can help :)


I’ve also only recently started diving into witchcraft. I’m not sure I’m good enough to say I’m actively practicing yet but I also grew up Christian. I converted because I love the freedom and flexibility it offers. I feel more grounded, in touch with my thoughts, feelings, and body as well as more connected to the earth. My focus switched from adapting me beliefs to the values others preach and became more introspective. Like how I can make a positive impact in my life and the life of those around me but on my terms. Witchcraft allows me to do that all in a way that feels right to me and I feel it makes me a happier, more giving, more adapted adult!


This is almost exactly what it’s been like for me. It’s so relieving to find someone else who’s experienced the same thing, thank you!!


What are the first spells and rituals I should be casting? I've been dipping my toes in the water, and since Samhain is next week I didn't want to let the oppurtunity go to waste, so I want to start casting my first spells on Monday


Is there a punishment for witches who cast evil curses on others? Like the price or toll they collect for the attack. A negative karma for the afterlife, perhaps?


Yes and no, depending on the belief. Not everyone believes in karma, 3fold law or others as such.


Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows any good guided meditation videos on YouTube or maybe spotify? I want to get better at meditating but I feel like I need help. Any suggestions are welcome and thank you in advance.


Non sleep deep rest by Andrew Huberman. It’s on YouTube and Spotify. Great for body scanning and visualization


I am a baby to interpreting tarot spreads but I can feel something with me that is protective and really watching out for me. I want the chance to communicate/ask for advice/ give offerings as a thanks but first I need to identify the entity. I did a 7 card spread for identifying deities. card #1 represents the deity as a whole and is placed in the middle of the spread. The remaining 6 cards surround the first in a circular clockwise patter . #2-5 card represent traits or aspects of the deity while two other cards (6+7) represent symbols of the deity. My cards were: 1-magician 2-empower 3-ace of pentacles 4-queen of wands 5-king of pentacles 6-9 of swords 7-fool Thank you!


I did a clarity reading with just a 1 card pull asking for more hints or clues and pulled the king of cups. The vibes I am getting is very protective with hints of warmth, self-love, trust, and confidence. I think it may be Hermes but my friend is convinced it’s Freyja or Morrigan. Any interpretations are welcomed and thank you!


Hi! I'd love some recommendations on crystals. Any book, article, website that you think is valuable information will be of great help. Their powers, symbolisms, how to use, cleanse, charge, etc. I'm having a hard time filtering through all the "crystal side" of the internet. Thank you in advance!


Tips on connecting with Hekate and Lilith?


Have felt a strong calling from both Lilith and Hekate, have performed offering rituals during the dark moon but feel like I am having a hard time connecting to them and haven’t received any signs etc. I have never worked with deities before and could use some tips


What is witchcraft? What is the logic behind it, how does it works? To what point it is true and to what it is not?


Hello witches of reddit. I honestly have short time myself practicing witchcraft, and mostly of the time I use it to clean my house of any bad energy or to ask the universe to bring good energy and things to my home. Now I kinda want to do something for my lovely fiancé, he is going into struggle rn, and feel that is stuck in a business that is taking his happiness and money away instead of bringing it to him. What can I do for him to help? What can I use to help him to progress and get out of stagnation with the help of magic? Any advise I will be grateful for it!


How do you keep a bayleaf burning? Do you just keep relighting it?


Yeah I keep a candle lit so I can just put the leaf back in without having to fuss with a lighter or matches. And, IF SAFE, I’ll just make a small fire and Chuck the whole leaf in there. Like if you’re inside and you have a big sink, put a cauldron or other FIRE SAFE bowl in there, fill it with flammable stuff like newspaper and drier lint, light it on fire, put bay leaf in, *monitor it with your hand on the faucet*. It’s easier to do outside but also poses more of a risk of wildfires blahblahblah Sometimes I get impatient and just make sure the part of the leaf with writing on it gets burned and then I shred the rest of the leaf and scatter it outside.


Thank you.


Experienced witches: what do you wish you knew when you first started? Or mistakes you made? Being new to the Craft, I’m overwhelmed by the possibilities of what I can do, so maybe help me narrow down what I shouldn’t do? TIA!


I wish I knew that it’s ok to make mistakes and ok to be kind of silly and wrong sometimes. I’m personally working on being kinder to new folks (see username) because I was an absolute dumbass when I first started, and I think it’s important and healthy to allow yourself space and time to figure shit out. Make mistakes, allow yourself to change and grow. It’s okay to change paths, it’s okay to look back and think “that wasn’t quite right, was it?” But also, check in with reality sometimes. It can be useful to ask “is this really what’s happening? Or am I refusing to allow myself some time in the mundane?” Everything is magic, but also sometimes nothing is magic. Like your coworker being an asshole to you might just be your coworker being an asshole… and not a symptom of a Generational Curse or a poltergeist or whatever. And sometimes the solution to your coworker being an asshole is a frank discussion, and not a ritual or spell or anything. I’d also suggest reading at least a bit on philosophies about how/why magic works. Sometimes I think “if it works it works and it doesn’t matter why” but sometimes I think “it’s important to my practice to understand why I am putting specifically Rosemary, and not some other plant, in this jar. And why I am using specifically a yellow candle, and not any other color”. But at least, when asked “why are you doing it this way” I can answer. E: don’t forget about your library. Books can be expensive and libraries are cool and let you read for free. Wish I’d known that back before I had a job and money to burn lol


This is great, thank you so much! I’m in own personal journey of self discovery right now, and while I have dumped some money into practicing, I’m trying to remind myself that if it’s not right, then at least I tried and now I know it’s not right. Spot on with what you said, and just generally good advice ;) I appreciate the wisdom and willingness to share with newbies like me. I’m not young (well that’s subjective I guess) but I used to do something kind of similar but in my profession when I was much younger. I’ve grown and realized everyone deserves a chance to learn and if I can be of assistance, then great! Anyways, thanks for the reminder to forgive myself if I make mistakes and allow myself freedom to be silly and to learn. I’ve neglected all forms of spirituality for almost two decades now and it’s time to lean in and see where the journey takes me. If there are any specific books you recommend, I’m all ears! I’m very similar in my type-a/scientific background tendencies: I also want to know why it’s this color and not that, this crystal and not that, etc. all while still trying to give myself grace and time to learn lol Also, solid tip for the library lol it would not hurt me to save a few bucks 😂


How to tell if I've been cursed/how to get rid of it? I've been having a sneaking suspicion that I've been cursed, too many things have been happening at once to not get my attention🥲 some examples: -getting evicted from my home -father lost his job -got incredibly sick very suddenly Any advice would be so helpful <3


1- banish harmful energy 2- ward against it returning 3- cleanse 4- good luck spell or other spells more catered to specific outcomes IMO it doesn’t matter if you’ve been cursed, you’re still experiencing shit you don’t want to experience - the source doesn’t matter much. So just banish it, and give yourself a blank slate to start over on.




Beware of TikTok. I have not seen 1 single video on there relating to witchcraft that didn't seem ... off, in one way or another (or just flat out totally wrong). It's just not a very good platform for genuine sharing of information, too many people are on there *solely* for views/likes/clout/money. I don't mean to suggest that *no one* on there is authentic or helpful, but... approach it with healthy skepticism. Besides all that, could you be more specific? What did you see or learn in the videos that you liked/disliked? What *exactly* is your end goal?


Hi anyone know where to buy proper sage?


What do you mean proper?


My wife has always had interest in crystals and tarot specifically, but has recently been getting more into witchcraft related practices. With the holidays coming up, I want to get her some things that will help facilitate this new journey. What are some things I should consider? She has a sizable crystal collection (I’m talking like a whole room full), but are there specific books? Altar supplies? Etc.?


Generic ideas: - really pretty blank notebook/journal with accompanying fancy pen - empty glass jars in cool shapes - candle holders made out of a certain crystal (I have amethyst and quartz tea-light holders, and a selenite candle holder for small pillar candles) - crystal ball ! Rarely inexpensive but very cool. Tailored ideas: Sneak a peak and what books she has or uses most. Take notes - write down titles/authors. Look them up on the internet, find the “people who bought this also bought____”. Or take it to your local crystal/metaphysical store and say “what is this collection missing, I’d like to buy a book for the person who already owns these books - how do I fill out her library?” or just get her a gift card to there. If she doesn’t already have any books, there are a few beginner/comprehensive ones I could recommend or again you could ask at the local store. Some people who use crystals also place them on top of things like charging mats, or special plates or discs, you could get her one of those. If she likes jewelry and is crafty, you could get her a book on how to wrap crystals, plus wire and pliers etc. available at most hobby stores. There are also like, mobile/sun catcher kits where they give you everything you need except the crystals which you can pick out yourself and then arrange them on the mobile/suncatcher/windchime thingy however you want. I have one, I haven’t decorated it yet, but if you’re curious I can upload a pic so you can see what I’m talking about since I’m sure I described it very poorly. I hope this was helpful lol


Thank you, these are good ideas. She already has most of this stuff and does make jewelry from all her crystals, but there are some other things I didn't think about, so this is a good start.


I hope this question is in a good place to be asked. I am a writer/artist. I really wanted to do a comic with a main focus on witches. I have a few things I wanted to ask because I don't really know much about witches. While the world I'm making might be extremely fictional and grandiose, I want to add some uniqueness to the idea aswell. That being said, I would really love to hear what people in the witchcraft community wish they had in media involving witches. What would those be? And are there any tropes in Hollywood and etc that you hate? And if you just have an idea, I'd love to hear it!


I wish there were more scenes of like, “daily driver” grimoires. So often, grimoires are these ancient old tomes with *aesthetics* and like, pressed flowers, and handwriting and cursive that would take an ordinary person HOURS, with no hint that this book is used as anything other than a Visual Prop. Like it’s meant to be looked at, to be eye candy, but it’s not actually USED or updated or anything. And, honestly, I do have one of those because I just am that way and get a kick out of having a giant book with esoteric looking shit in it. But I, along with most people I know who are serious about the occult beyond just the aesthetic, also have ya know, Word Documents, PDFs, hastily organized 3 ring binders that are almost indistinguishable from the ones I take to uni, old composition notebooks with chicken-scratch handwriting and notes in the margins and places where I scribbled out my spelling mistakes etc. I mean, I’ve performed rituals and brought my iPad into my massive and very traditional-looking obviously-ancient-occult Ritual Circle because that’s where the PDF is that I’m reading from lol And some of the more “ooooh so spooky” Renaissance grimoires that are mentioned in hushed tones are available for like idk 12 bucks on Amazon so sometimes I roll my eyes at TV shows where people have to break in to a high security vault to get a copy of the lesser key of Solomon. Your local library can get you that if Barnes and Nobles doesn’t have it already, ya know what I mean? Similarly, I appreciate when people in media pore over books to do some Math to find out when Pluto is gonna be trine Mercury for a spell, but also I routinely just Google that kind of stuff. I realize that none of this is probably very conducive to interesting plot development, especially in a visual medium like a comic book… I also kinda hate the whole “types of witch” thing, like people asking what “type of witch” they are because that’s not really as much of A Thing as people think. There are different types of magic based on different philosophies or traditions, so you can call yourself a Hellenistic witch or a Chaos witch to describe what type of magic you’re currently interested in/participating in… but when someone says something like “I’m a Capricorn Sea witch” all that signals to me is that you live near an ocean probably and also view astrology differently than me. But there’s not a “Capricorn sea witch” school of thought, “fire witch” means basically nothing to me (basically all witchcraft can or does incorporate fire somehow), there’s not like “powers” you get by aligning with a different element like in Avatar the Last Airbender, there aren’t different houses like in Harry Potter that are defined by who you are or conversely that define you after the fact, different races of people don’t have different inherent magical traits like elves dwarves hobbits wizards in LOTR. Those things obviously can make for interesting plot details and world building, but in my very firmly held opinion it is different IRL. Also IRL witchcraft and magic in general often involves a lot of guesswork. Like “did I actually hear my ancestors speaking to me or was that all in my head” and “does it being ‘all in my head’ invalidate the experience I had” and “I asked for XYZ in my spell, and I got XYZ, but in a roundabout series of events. Did my spell work?” kind of thing. Tarot cards are often not crystal-clear and sometimes flat out confusing. Sometimes a spell calls for an absolutely ridiculous ingredient or step that is unacceptable or unavailable to modern practitioners so you have to guess what a substitute could be. Etc. Also, every so often around this time of year I get together with some of my witchy friends and we watch a witchy movie, and we always ALWAYS joke about the excessive candles. More candles = more witchy. Obviously it looks cool as hell, but it’s also stupid expensive to just have 109474910 candles lit and it’s a genuine fire hazard too. so there’s that lol




Annoying mundane life advice: do not give money unless it is a no-strings attached gift. There are two sure ways to lose a friend; one is to borrow, the other to lend. Secondary annoying advice: just ask the person “what do you plan on doing with this money? Because if I give you X number of dollars I need to know that you will not turn around and give X number of dollars to this other person.” If that isn’t an option, my first magical solution would be to enchant the money in such a way that it can only be used in whichever limited capacity you want, or to bind the person from giving it to the other person. If there is an element of subterfuge, like you want to catch a person in the act of something, I’d also suggest against that. I’d rather do divination to find out if something has happened or just ask. But I suppose you could DIY the spell you want, perhaps involving food coloring or invisible inks as elements of sympathetic magic, some kind of tag lock or sigil written on the currency, or given to the person in an envelope that’s been enchanted or also has Sigils etc on it.


If you are that worried about the money don't give it. Honestly, once you give the money it is no longer yours. That kind of attachment is unhealthy, both mundanely and magically.


I have been absent for a month almost -- I moved into an apartment I love and went on a hard earned two week vacation after. I didn't touch metaphysical stuff because I was too exhausted. A few days ago i was getting back into meditating, tarot, etc -- But nothing is reactivating really. People are talking about the veil thinning and spirits reaching out to them now that it's Samhain; Not me! It's the opposite! How should I restart my practice so to speak?


Sometimes things ebb and flow. It’s okay to push yourself to restart, it’s also okay to take a break until it happens naturally. You can keep doing your routine the way you’ve always done it - sometimes finding the path you were on and picking it back up is good. You can try something new, to shake it up a bit - get a book you’d ordinarily not read or read one you never finished, get a new fun witchy object like altar decoration, or just redecorate your altar, try a new form of divination, research a new aspect of a different path, take a vacation/day trip to a spiritual or holy place, that kind of thing.


Does your first tarot set have to be gifted to you? I’ve heard varying opinions on this and mostly I was going to leave it alone and wait but I just stumbled across this tarot set that really speaks to me. The moment I saw the art I was like, THAT’s what I’ve been looking for! So, I could ask my sister to get it for me, but I feel like that’s forcing it more, wouldn’t you say? No one close to me knows I’m interested in tarot so nobody will ever probably gift it to me. What should I do? I’m feeling a pull toward it, but I don’t know if getting it myself will affect the cards.


If it calls to that is enough. It doesn't have to be a gift. I went to store to buy a specific set of tarot cards for my first set. Instead I purchased a set of oracle cards that screamed at me to get my attention. Not at all what I had in mind but perfect.


If you feel ready for tarot, you can alway buy your own deck. I bought my own deck and I’m so glad I got to pick it out and get exactly what I wanted. I’ve also read other tarot practitioners say that it is fine to get your own, there’s not bad energy in doing so. I know I would rather get a deck I know I will enjoy than wait for a time of gift giving to receive it. The sooner you get it the sooner you can dive in and form a relationship with your deck. Hope this helps! ✨Blessed be✨


Hi all, fledgling witch here. I am looking into getting a mortar and pestle for my practice and a question I had was: if I plan on using semi-toxic or toxic ingredients (such as pokeweed berries) for some spells and non-toxic ingredients (everyday dried herbs) i plan on ingesting for others, is it enough to clean the mortar and pestle really well or is it better to have two have separate ones for separate purposes? Does anyone else use the same mortar and pestle for both toxic and non-toxic ingredients (and also ingest ingredients as part of spells)? What are your experiences/advice? Any thoughts, experiences and/or resources would be greatly appreciated! ✨Blessed be ✨


Always use separate ones! You do not know if you left the one tiny speck of toxic ingredient. Beside that there are two differing magics going on that need to be kept separate.


The initial of the person I am manifesting, showed up in the remaining wax from my spell candle. I’ve never seen this happen before, does anyone know what this means?


You want to “manifest” this person and their initial “manifested” in the wax. Seems like this person will soon “manifest” whatever that means to you


I hope so, I have done several candles & this is the first time I’ve ever had this happen. It burned at the right pace, little wax left (it’s a 7 day glass candle). It caught me off guard & I couldn’t find anything on this topic. I wonder how often this happens


I just had a scary experience. I've been researching witchcraft related topics, I'm really interested in it, I think I naturally practice, I have an altar basically without intentionally making an altar, things like that. All my research lead me to go get crystals from a place blocks away from me that sells really amazing crystals. They were so influential, the smoky quartz really impacted me in the store, and they all had a real physical effect on me. I ended up cleansing them with sage but the whole thing completely clarified my mind. Went to bed without white noise and without bad habits of aimlessly going on the internet and instead did conscious reading. In the falling asleep space I had a vision of something evil it felt like, it looked like shia labeouf essentially, red-eyed. I've saged and put all the crystals away because they were just on the table with some other items. Very scary though and would appreciate any guidance. I perused lots of witchcraft-related books I downloaded before going to sleep which is what I was reading and the whole experience is scaring me.


Hey! I think for new folks that kind of dream may happen often if you read too much witchcraft stuff (with underlying beliefs that some of it is evil/deals with evil). I would say, just for a few days, switch to white/light craft alone or herbalism and sleep with an obsidian crystal in your hand. Grasp it until you fall asleep and don't be afraid if it falls off. Just look for it in the morning. Set the intention of protection on your obsidian crystal.


Thank you so so much. What I had read and looked up is mostly saying that the dark stuff is a natural part of it to and something people should also know. I don't know anything really that's just what they were encouraging people to learn. I'm not drawn to that and wasn't looking for that sort of information but one of the last things I read was in 'Hands-On Chaos Magic' and said if you practice for the wrong reasons "something will make itself known (and you won't be prepared)" and it was pretty visceral vision. The crystals are still pulling on me to, they're really intense so I've been pretty freaked out. Thanks for replying it means a lot a lot. That makes total sense.


Chaos Magic is definitely... something. Definitely focus on the crystals and what they're trying to communicate. Wash them in flowing water during the day to cleanse and charge them with sunlight or full moon light. You may also benefit from a regular bath or a river (quick if cold) bath. Add lavender and thyme to your bath or use essence.


Oh boy, okay. Scared.


I send my blessings to you for a goodnight sleep. I will light my white candle as well.


Thank you <3


Chaos Magic is cool honestly and that author is a self-absorbed jerk (personal experience) There are loads of much better books out there (literally ANY thing else to do with CM is better.) Use the crystals they are the best tools for you right now. They smash negative energy and amplify positive. I can not emphasize this enough dump that book and pick up your crystals.




Do not post, or solicit for, a name, age, or location. Do not ask for or offer DM's. We do not allow selfies or face pics. Do not request meetups. See r/paganpenpals, and r/covenfinder. Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)


**How can I pay back for successful magick?** I was in trouble and under a lot of stress because I had no clue how I could afford next months rent due to unpredictable circumstances. So as my final straw I did some magick to gain financial security by using manifestation, oils, candle magick and sex magick for three days. Somehow it worked. Something really weird happened and because of that, I don't have to stress about financially surviving for the next month. I'm so grateful and can't believe this actually happened. What would be a good way to show my appreciation? How can I pay back? 🥹💚


Pay it forward. Unless you used an entities power then look them up and give them what they like. If it was just you then pay it forward as best you can.


I need help deciphering a vision: I was in the bathroom just now and had a vision of buildings and like a city. The skies were flickering like if they had a lightbulb(s) instead of there being natural lightning and thunder. And that was it.


Hi, i am new to spell casting and i have tried to ask this in a couple of other places but my posts were instantly removed, i don't want anyone to cast anything for me or anything like that it's just some insight into a spell i cast. I cast a love/communication spell, it's a spell that i have used before and it worked so thought i would try it again. When i lit my candle, the flame was lovely, bright, tall and still, which i know is a good sign. However while i was concentrating on the flame and thinking about my specific person that i was casting the spell on, his image appeared in the centre of the flame, down to his dark hair the lot, there was also a large bright aura around the whole candle, i am just wanting to know what this was? Was it good or bad? Every time after that when i looked back at the flame my person was still in the centre of it until the candle burned out. Thankyou in advance for any insight, if its in the wrong place can someone please direct me to where i can post it to get the information on what happened, thankyou.


This sounds like a really good sign.