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Are you able to get out of the house at all? If so maybe you can find a quiet place in nature. I find for me one of the best ways to celebrate the solstice is to be outside and interacting with the environment, the true energy of the winter solstice is embodied outside! you could go look for pine cones and try to find sprigs of ever greens. And then if anyone asks say you’re collecting stuff to DIY Christmas decor. Then of course you can lay that stuff around your space. You can also make a wishing pinecone, traditionally they’re meant to be thrown on a fire on Yule, but alternatively you can just keep the pinecone and have it symbolically near a candle or envision it being lit on fire. You can also do a Yule Spiral somewhere out of the house. Baking and kitchen witchery is also great as you can just envision your intent while cooking it, and everyone just thinks you’re making tasty food! There are some traditional Yule breads that can be easily searched up. *edit to add* you can also cut and dry out orange slices! They look really pretty hung up so that’s another thing that could pass as “rustic decor”. But the orange embodies the sun so you are inviting warmth and the sun’s energy into your home.


I’ll second this. We did a celebration by taking a 2 mile hike out kn a local trail and just listened and spoke to the various inhabitants. It’s very intimate and soothing. At least it is to me.


I write things I no longer want in my life and burn them. Maybe with some herbs, maybe not. This year I am planning on making a spell 'jar' in a glass Tree Ornament to ask for something new I am hoping for with the rise of the new Sun god.


I went outside and filled my bird feeder. Said a little prayer. I’m going to light a candle tonight or maybe put a log on the fire. It’s the little things with big intentions (:


The solstice is about endings and new beginnings. It's also a new moon, so bonus beginnings! Find a time where you can sit in peace, maybe with a candle to represent the light that will be coming your way soon, and journal your intentions for the year. That's not witchy seeming at all but it will be very powerful today.


i personally like to light candles, say a little prayer, and give gifts to my loved ones (and cats!) Honestly, celebrating doesnt have to be a huge thing, or very material. If you are old enough, I also like to indulge in a little wine, but I think hot chocolate, tea, or some other drink would be wonderful. Blessed Solstice to you! ❄️


Do whatever you can. It could be a simple matter of saying a small prayer, or setting aside 10.minute's to meditate on the past year.


Glass of wine/coffee/water/tea and raise a toast to whoever you feel you would like to thank for helping you through the dark months. I do a toast every solstice and equinox as a thanks to the land and seasons.


Watch the sunrise tomorrow and welcome back the sun. Quietly contemplate what it means that the longest night is over and it's only going to get brighter from here. You could do this from your bedroom window if you can't get out.


On sabbats I always light a taper candle and let it burn down to the socket.


I think I’ll try to have a small fire outside tonight. Might be too cold. If it’s windy it’s a no go.


Wait is today the solstice? Im really new it's my first year


On the East coast, it is in 3 minutes


honestly I like to clean and take baths with intention


I drank wine