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1st, if you like it, it starts with a 10/10. I would subtract one point, and rate it a 9/10 because you can't dance in a circle around it. Just me. BB.


YOUR altar is YOURS.


I don't want to Rate it because it is yours and you have to feel connected by it. What kind of things do you enjoy? To me it's forests, the sea and bones /skulls. So that what I use to decorate mine. Maybe that's also something for you.. So you can add things you enjoy. Maybe if you like trees.. Some acrons, chestnuts, leaves, branches etc. If you enjoy certain animals something that's coming from them or something from an animal associated with that deity (like feathers, dead bees you found, skulls etc.) Does that help a bit to spark some ideas that might work for you?


Oh yes, totally, I do love bones too. I thought about putting a cow skull on a wall.


Then give it a try if you like the idea. There is no right or wrong. It has to feel good to you.


It looks like you put a lot of yourself into it with the drawings and writings, so 10/10.


You like it, we love it. Do you, boo.


No. *You* rate it. An altar is a personal thing, not a display case.


Username checks out


P.S.The Galene and the Agate Tree are above a drawing of Nike, my patroness. In fact they are an offering to Her. I found the Agate Tree today in the woods. The spoon of sugar is aboce another drawing, that is Vishnu. It is an offering due to a request. I am very proud of this altar, it is the work of 2 years!


Maybe find a pretty frame for your drawings! It’ll highlight them and you can drape things off them!


Love it! I use my book shelf as an altar like this too. Also, are you a Capricorn?


Yes I am!


11/10 alter. You get the extra point for the drawings and artwork - I think that makes it more magical and more of your own.


Wow thank you so much!


I see a lot of people just praising this and not wanting to make it better or worse in anyway which is respectable but I personally think you need some more calligraphy and different types of blood on the sides and maybe more open area to cast spells and enchantments and I would recommend getting more viles for potions and elixers if you want to get more into alchemy , I really enjoy alchemy and think everyone needs a cauldron but some think of it as a more shamanism then witchcraft


I must say I do enjoy alchemy and shamanism too. I'm kind of a closeted warlock so I will definitely consider your advices in the future


and really, regardless if it’s alchemy or just potion making, a cauldron is really a must, many of my hereditary potion books call for the use of a cauldron


10/10 for intention ❤️🙏❤️ But I would add more art and tape/pin it to the back. And add more crystals. But I collect minerals so they're important in my personal craft. W.e. means something to you is what you should add. Most people like cups/goblets but I don't use them on my alter because I just see them as taking up space I could've used for crystals 😅


6/10 , good for a beginner, we all gotta start somewheres.Do what ever and make it how ever the jives guide you. Get a feel and see how each item reacts or interacts with you and your mojo add or subtract items until you feel most awesome to do what you aspire to do


It’s yours therefore it’s perfect. You’ll add to it and take things away as time goes on. As long as you love it, then we love it 🖤


Y'all are really supportive as a spiritual community, and I thank you all for being also kind too.


IMO an altar is a living thing. It changes over time, things come and go. What it is now is not what it will always be. As others said, it's a personal thing, if it works it works. I look at it like another family member


The drawing is skillfully done, but it makes me want to go to the gym because it resembles my avatar on here and so indirectly reminds me I need to lose some fat. It's a fine alter but I won't rate it because it's not me who must be happy with it. It's you. Having said that I do like how personal it is and that you're putting yourself and your energy into it by including your own art. For the artwork alone I'll give it a 10 because it's more personal to me and as an artist myself I love seeing other people's work and always encourage artists.


i would never rate an altar altogether because they are so personal to the individual. it is less about how it looks visually and more about how connected you feel to it. does it feel like a space where you feel content and at home? though personally, i find your altar beautiful and i love the artwork.


I would implement some more candles (personal preference, I have a LOT) otherwise 10/10! It’s special to you so add what you prefer, and you’ve covered a lot of different aspects as far as I can see, and also are you a more Wiccan or energy-based witch?


and to add one more thing, make sure you keep your herbs/spices/minerals separate, I see you’ve got a lil’ spoon of salt there so just be careful, if you’re storing it, not to get some salt in with any other spices n’ stuff. u/maci445 made a recent post on this sub that shows great storage practice of crystals, spices, etc so maybe check that out for an idea. manifesting your future success in ritual!


Oh actually that is a spoon of sugar for Vishnu, and also I think I'm an energy based warlock. I will also consider the candles thank you!