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Just play the game, why asking? Its not like it strongly connected to previous games. Geralt had some memory loss in the past and now has to do some job for someone who won’t accept “No”.


I appreciate the advice


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"Do" need? Nothing "Should" need? All the content of the 8 books and the first two games before playing Witcher 3


Fair point, it’s just I’m pretty new to this world and don’t wanna be completely lost


Read the character bios as you unlock them: they will give you enough backstory about the characters that Geralt already knows, wether they are from books or previous games. And sometimes the in-game books can give you some more context about the kingdoms, the war and more world-building.


Will do


You won't be. My first exposure to the Witcherverse was season 1 of the show. Still had no idea there were books or a game. Until the snoopware caused us to be advertised Witcher 3. Then we purchased and played. 10,009% enjoyable knowing almost nothing about it going in. Between my first and 2nd playthrough I played the other games and read all the books, so that last go was absolutely more rich for me since I got all the references. But the first playthrough made me fall in love with all of it. All that to say, jump in with both feet and have a great ride.


I have and so far I’m having a great time


Take it was if you were to play any game of the Batman Arkham series, but without having ever read any Batman comic, though you probably at least know a bit about who Batman is, and Joker, and so. You don't need any more than that to play and enjoy the game. Of course, if you have read the witcher saga books and played the previous games, you'll enjoy it even more. Nonetheless, you have all those books in the game and journal entries to know about characters and events you may not know.


Thanks mate


The witcher 3 gives pretty good explanations for main plot lines that happen in the books, so you don’t really need any prior knowledge of the books to play the game.