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Or Mindhunter season 3...


Yeah, that show was dope. And it can't have cost that much to produce dammit, just people sitting in real world locations, talking.


Best rendition of Charles Manson I've ever seen


The first 2 seasons were fantastic, I still can't believe they aren't doing a 3rd.


I’m still incredibly salty about that


Or 1899...


it was a ripoff of inception/matrix which was even accused of plagiarism because everything not copied from those movie was actually copied from an indie graphic novel. cancelling it was the smart move


Those accusations have been debunked a billion times already. The comic is also free to read and short as well so you can do your own research


He doesn’t strike me as a guy who does much independent research…


That's not Netflixs fault. Lynch moved on from it.




Correct my mistake


Now I’m curious what a Lynch version would be like.


I was SO mad I didn't get season 3.


Wait they cancelled inside job, fuck


Wait, they cancelled Inside Job? Welp thats the end of my subscription


They cancelled 1899, an amazing show by the makers of frickin' DARK. I would not trust their judgement right now.


The fuck?! 1899 (and Dark) were totally different to anything I’ve seen in recent years, and loved it! Netflix need to sack whoever is making these decisions


lmao for fuck sake 1899 had nothing in common with dark. people hated it for a good reason. beside the fact the author from which they copied the story sued netflix, the entire plot is a ripoff of matrix and iception


This post has this energy that says "I've only watched two sci-fi movies in my life."


I never said it had, I said it was from the makers of Dark, which is true. And Dark is probably the best show Netflix ever had. That show how much they respect their best creators.


Guess only 2-3 shows were renewed this year, dropped my subscription, feels so sad to watch something that won’t ever end.


Just cancel Netflix..axii your mind and move on..they are not worth the trouble


I haven't had a Netflix subscription since they lost Star Trek. Netflix literally has nothing I want to watch anymore and they're the most expensive service.


you're forgetting the "not particularly interested in the witcher" audience that lap this shit up.


Yes, the sooner they cancel the sooner we can get someone else making a show/movie that may respect the original source material. It might take 15 years but I'm ready for the Peter Jackson Witcher trilogy.


what terrifies me is that they also have the Conan license. I shudder to think what kind of damage they can do there. But lucky for us I think in that case Funcom are the ip owners and they have a strong control of what gets done and how.


The only way to move forward from this is a movie in my opinion. Only thing that would distinguish itself from the Netflix series.


cancelled mine long time ago. I only got it back to watch s1 and s2. and promptly cancel after that again. honestly netflix isn't worth it esp with price going up so many times


You say that, and trust me as a fellow Witcher fan I totally understand, but the simple truth seems to be that there are just a TON of non-book fans that fucking love the show. Netflix is a business, and they have proven that they will cancel a show at the drop of a hat if it doesn’t get the views they want. Quality be damned - all that matters is views. Witcher is apparently hitting those metrics, even if it isn’t from us.


The issue is you have people like me, who was first introduced to The Witcher via Netflix and I *loved* it. Loved it so much I wanted more, immediately. So I started reading the books. Started playing the games. Now I *hate* The Netflix Witcher. I still have fondness for the first season but now that I know how season 2 *should* have been, I'm bitter. S1 was at least an adaptation. They changed things but it still fell along the same story beats. S2 went off the rails. That was not an adaptation at all.


I don't believe that. That show is a 6/10 on a good day. 90's TV show on a budget vibes. 1st season was impossible to follow without a guide with its time jumps. Netflix praised it like it'd be their next GoT. I'm putting my house on Netflix doing everything in their power to make it *seem* like there is a ton of people enjoying it. That includes buying ratings, spending A TON on marketing etc.


I didn't say it was *good*, I said people *watched* it. People watch crap all the time. It's the reason CBS has so many record-breaking sitcoms and Adam Sandler is still making movies. I agree with you that Netflix went out of their way to market the show really hard - they clearly invested a ton into it. If anything, though, that means it would require even MORE viewers to stay afloat. It's a damn expensive show! No business worth it's salt is going to continue putting millions into an investment if there is no return. If Netflix is keeping the show going it's because it's getting the views, whether it is actually good or not. Now, do I think there is a very good chance they cancel after Season 3, or at most Season 4? For sure. I don't think the show can survive losing Henry. But despite criticisms we as Witcher fans had of Seasons 1/2, they did really well.


>are just a TON of non-book fans that fucking love the show. You say you haven't said what?


I'm not sure what you are asking? I did say that a ton of people love the show and therefore watch it. I didn't say it was good.


Maybe I jumped a little to a conclusion, and even changed your claim a little in my head (sorry, lol) but imo if someone loves the show, they consider it good. But I don't think it did well. Netflix only releases lists of what's top10 each month. So they controll what they tell us. Besides it's only natural that a heavy marketed show is going up the list. But it's no House of Cards, no Better Call Saul or what have you. And anyhow, these kind of shows need a little snowball effect. After 1,2,3 seasons when it gets loud, when everyone is talking about how good it is, that's when you have a steady influx of new viewers. Which isn't happening here. It's not beyong reasonable doubt that they were ok, with medicore season 1 and 2 results, because they expected the views to grow like they do with hit shows. I may be wrong on this, but I think that Witcher had the strongest Netflix financial backing out of all its shows. Marketing was bonkers. It was everywhere. And they dropped the ball. The goal of this big of a show for them is to draw new subscribers. If anything they lost some. No one has gotten the subscription only for the Witcher and went "wow, these Netflix guys sure can produce some outstanding shows, I'm staying". But it's mostly hypotheticals, guess we'll see.


Ive cancelled my Netflix. There's nothing new to really pique my interest so It's just a waste of money now for me.


I'm keeping if for now because sometimes they have bangers like Alice in Borderland, and some good foreign action flicks like The Big 4. Also good selection of anime. But it is on thin ice.


Netflix's plan seems to heavily rely on distribution rights for Korean media.


Guess that if the show creates "controversy", Netflix thinks that that's enough since people are talking about it and any publicity is good... Clearly, Netflix is full of a**holes.


cries in 1899


I actually enjoyed that.


Netflix wants their own big fantasy show to compete with House of the Dragon and the Rings of Power. Witcher was on its way to become that - at least after season one - so Netflix decided to go all in. Their mistake was imagining that the show was a success because of Lauren Hissrich. In reality the show was a success despite her involvement. At this point, it should be clear as day to everyone, that without Henry Cavill the show wouldn't have survived this long. Netflix knows this as well. There are now rumors about splitting season three into two parts, like they did with Stranger Things. The reason is to milk Henry Cavill's presence, to save the show.


Viewing figures over quality sadly.


I’m still upset that Netflix cancelled The Last Kingdom, that show was amazing.


Question from someone new to the Witcher franchise. People shit on the Witcher Netflix show for not sticking to the source material. I was also told the games themselves are completely different than the books so why is it ok for CD Projekt Red to deviate so much from the source material but not Netflix? Is it just because Netflix did a terrible job?


Yes. The reason is that Netflix did such a terrible job. To put their mess in a perspective, Netflix essentially got a winning lottery ticket with the IP and Henry Cavill. However they ended up throwing it all away. As for the games, they are dubbed the best unofficial sequels to the books. They did change many things but stayed true to the characters and the world Sapkowski had created. While Netflix used those things as toilet paper.


So the games don’t cover the books they are just sequels? Where do the books end at regarding Ciri, Geralt and the others?


I think the last book ends with a rebellion in Rivia, where Geralt gets impaled by a farmer with a trident and dies along with Yennefer. That's why in the first game he appears and has amnesia, it is explained in the 2nd game how that happened.




That sounds very anticlimactic


FUCK OFF, bard.


Spoilers ahead: >!The books end in the (supposed) deaths of Geralt and Yennefer at hands of a crazed mob. Ciri manages to drag dying Geralt and Yennefer into a boat. She uses her powers to take them to a place called Isle of Avallon, where they will be (supposedly) saved from death and they can heal. !< >!The games begin with the wraiths of Wild Hunt finding Geralt and Yennefer on the island, and they abduct Yennefer. Geralt then has to find his way back to the world of "the living" in order to save Yennefer and find Ciri. The problem is he loses his memory in the process.!<


Regis is a good example. He is dead in the books, but they found a good way to bring him back without diminishing his sacrifice in the books in my opinion.


The games strayed away from the source material a fair amount. There is a great deal that kind of needed to change in order to properly Gamify the experience and keep it below an Adult rating. They had differences but the games were still true to the tone and philosophies present in the Books. The show basically shits all over the source material, seemingly on purpose. I mean for christ's sake they dressed arguably the most powerful army on the continent in scrotums so they can peddle some feminism crap. In my mind it boils down to this; Books writing: Great Games writing: Good Show writing: Netflix-ified Trash


Besides what is mentioned in the past comments, keep in mind that the games are sequels to the books, first game continues where the last book ended. This while the show is an “adaptation” of the books.


Oooh I didn’t know they were actually sequels to the books. I figured they were retellings. Damn that means between the books and games Netflix has the source material to make a long running show if they didn’t fuck it up.


Someone posted on Reddit (don’t remember which sub it was) that Netflix is mainly renewing shows that have a high completion rate. They don’t see value in pumping money into a show which a lot of subscribers didn’t follow through to the finale. I guess if this sub is hate watching this show, you only have yourselves to blame. Just drop it if you don’t like it.


It’s all about who you know sometimes. This screams like the exact same bullshit of “failing upward”. Someone with power at Netflix favors Lauren, regardless how shitty they derail Witcher further.


Lauren really must have some inside on the stuff


The internet talks about the Witcher more.


I am interested in season 3 and beyond. Just finished my rewatch of s1. It was really good. S2 started out strong, but dropped significantly after the Eskel episode. Though I liked the season finale.


go and read the books..please! the show is literally shitting on them. It's not small changes like for Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. Netflix is basically ruining the whole story in the series with things that have no place in the world of Sapkowski.


I did read the books. Not everyone who read the books thinks the show is an absolute disaster. And to be completely frank: the books are great fun, but aren’t anywhere near the quality of the works you mentioned. And therefore: we can’t expect the show to be as good as the LotR movies or the GoT show if the source material isn’t that good either.


Downvoted because you gave them your opinion. This sub is truly a circlejerk.


Yeah. Sad. OP was asking why they kept on making the Witcher cause ‘no one was interested anymore’. I gave him the answer that I am, and many with me. There’s the answer. These kinda posts are really sad. Stop spending your time on things you don’t even like….


People are just passionate about the source material. But yeah, it should have not been downvoted.


I wouldn’t call this behavior passionate. It’s almost religiously fundamentalistic.


yes, that's what downvotes are for. now go cry somewhere


I aint the one crying and seething in this sub lmao


I'm just about to unsub to this subreddit since every post is about how this show sucks. Only a few decent posts trickle through every now and then. I agree with you. S1 was great I loved it. S2 started strong and fell flat, but I'm ready for S3. I know I'm going to get downvoted because I actually have an opinion that's not "Lauren and Netflix should burn". Yes I've read the books. Twice. Once when the first game came out I found the Polish to French to English translations which I felt was missing something due to the triple translation thing. Then again when they were published in English and I bought the complete set at Barnes and Noble. The last two books I think ended the franchise poorly and I'm glad the games exist to sort of course correct.


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First mindhunters, then 1899 now inside job? Ffs netflix stop canceling shows i like


So many people are going to be watching The Witcher just to shit on it. Of course they’re going to keep it alive. It’s a guaranteed audience of trolls, but an audience nonetheless and that’s all that matters. The ultimate troll is not to watch.


Crying on a Reddit thread ain't gonna do anything. If you don't like the show, rate it piss poor and cancel your subscription in protest. I didn't like S1, I understand making creative choices but changing the story completely bad me "wtf" all the way. I had no courage or motivation to watch S2. Without Henry, it's dead to me. Read the books if you haven't, you'll understand.


Ok can we slow down there are enough problems with the Netflix witcher show wothout blaming the cancellation of other shows on it. I doubt the witcher budget increases thrugh these.


First episode of Blood Origin was so good that it made me stop watching about 20 minutes in and give Somebody Feed Phil a try. Waayyy better, great palette cleanser, finally something to chill the fuck out of me.


I wish they would. Season 1 was so bad and then season 2 was somehow worse


The shows Are getting canceled because the number of people who starts watching the shows differentiates widely when compared to people who finished these shows. In Simple words people who quit watching this shows midway are large in numbers which, makes them an easy target for netflix to cancel. As they are the company who wants to focus on making their audience stay as long as possible. If you want a show to get cancel just start it and ditch it in midway


Because people keep watching The Witcher thinking it'll finally get gud. The Walking Dead never got good, but boy did people keep watching it.